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Can Someone Explain Victory by Domination to me?

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  • Can Someone Explain Victory by Domination to me?

    I believe the definition is that 2/3 of the world's population must be within your borders. If this is so, wouldn't it negate victory through conquest as you'll have easiuly more than 2/3 world population before you conquer everyone? DOes it have to be specifically your ethnic group (i.e. your playing as Rome and 2/3 of the world's population is Roman)?
    If you are unable to read this you are illiterate.

  • #2
    You need 2/3rds of the Coastal/Land tiles within your cultural borders as well. Usually it's the tile count which determines when Domination is triggered, as population is usually past 2/3rds before then.


    • #3
      I thought it was 2/3 of total land tiles. I still have the first version though so I could be wrong. I also don't have the manual because my friend lost it .

      It sounds like a good option to use, especially if subduing your last opponent is getting to be a drag through military conquest.



      • #4
        Is A Population Requirement Present for a Domination Win?

        Q: There is a little confusion about whether there is a population requirement for domination as well as land area requirement. Both the manual and MapStat
        seem to say there is a pop requirement. But the info available during the game does not mention it. We had a tourney result that was a close call and would just like to know for future reverence. Thanks

        A: Yes, you have to have percentage domination in both land area and population to win a domination victory. It didn't make it into the manual because it was a late addition. I thought it was listed in the Civilopedia,
        though....I'll have to look into that.


        Barry Caudill
        QA Manager
        Firaxis Games
        Illegitimi Non Carborundum


        • #5
          Originally posted by jshelr
          ... and would just like to know for future reverence.
          Some people are going way too far with the Sid/Firaxis hero worship thing...


          • #6
            Statistical anomaly.
            The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

