Over the years I have come to be one of the most vocal defamers of the Expansionist trait. It always just seemed to be a rather silly trait to me, after all, where would you be if the huts didn't turn out your way?
However, after playing a game as Iroqouis and a game as Zulu, I have taken a new appreciation for Expansionist. In fact, I would actually go as far as putting it in the same tier as scientific/militaristic.
One thing that I have always failed to appreciate about expansionist, is just how much having a map of your entire continent so early on can help your city-placement strategies. This is something that just can't be quantified in the same way as a free tech every age or cheap temples. Having knowledge of your map just opens so many new strategic options to you in the early game. And it is hard to describe them here, because often times they are very subtle. But I wouldn't doubt if many of them are gamebreaking.
Another thing I have noticed is that the huts really *DO* help you *much* more than they do non-expansion civs. In two games on continents maps, I recieved about three or four really good techs (writing and literature even among them!) and even got a settler on the fourth or fifth turn of my last game (talk about a boost!). In my last two non-expansionist game, I got a whole lot of barbarians, a map or two, maybe a warrior and a little bit of gold. I didn't get a SINGLE tech, much less a settler.
Most of all though, I have finally found expansionist to be a lot of FUN! Moving three or four scouts around the continent, hoping for one last goodie hut to show itself, not having to beg the other civs out of their maps. I would even go as far as saying it is probably the most purely *fun* trait around
I am quite shocked that I have been such a vocal opponent of expansionist all these years, I have certainly come to take an appreciation of sorts for it these days. I ask anyone here who still doubts expansionist to try two games as an Exp. civ, and then try two games as a non-exp civ and see if your feelings change.
However, after playing a game as Iroqouis and a game as Zulu, I have taken a new appreciation for Expansionist. In fact, I would actually go as far as putting it in the same tier as scientific/militaristic.
One thing that I have always failed to appreciate about expansionist, is just how much having a map of your entire continent so early on can help your city-placement strategies. This is something that just can't be quantified in the same way as a free tech every age or cheap temples. Having knowledge of your map just opens so many new strategic options to you in the early game. And it is hard to describe them here, because often times they are very subtle. But I wouldn't doubt if many of them are gamebreaking.
Another thing I have noticed is that the huts really *DO* help you *much* more than they do non-expansion civs. In two games on continents maps, I recieved about three or four really good techs (writing and literature even among them!) and even got a settler on the fourth or fifth turn of my last game (talk about a boost!). In my last two non-expansionist game, I got a whole lot of barbarians, a map or two, maybe a warrior and a little bit of gold. I didn't get a SINGLE tech, much less a settler.
Most of all though, I have finally found expansionist to be a lot of FUN! Moving three or four scouts around the continent, hoping for one last goodie hut to show itself, not having to beg the other civs out of their maps. I would even go as far as saying it is probably the most purely *fun* trait around
I am quite shocked that I have been such a vocal opponent of expansionist all these years, I have certainly come to take an appreciation of sorts for it these days. I ask anyone here who still doubts expansionist to try two games as an Exp. civ, and then try two games as a non-exp civ and see if your feelings change.