I've actually built a defensive navy that stays by my coastlines and attacks anyone that approaches, and a strike force that goes out towards whatever victims I'm attacking. The defensive navy is all destroyers, since the idea is that my bombers will decimate any approaching ships down to 1 hit point and the destroyers just need to finish them off. I suppose subs would work for this purpose also, but I like the faster movement of destroyers. My offensive navy contains carriers, transports, and a ton of destroyers. The transports are carrying marines or other land units. Marines are pereferable since it saves a turn (you don't have to land first and expose yourself to a counterattack), but it's best to use your carrier-based bombers and naval bombardment to knock all the defenders down before launching the marine attack. Losing marines is a pain since typically you're fighting pretty far from home and reinforcements take a long time to arrive.

Can't wait!
