What was the question leading to your sig quote alva848? Whatever the question was, gotta hand it to Mike, that's hillarious!
The thing about this type of game is it wouldn't really work on smaller maps, at least not with any regularity. The AI's really falter at managing huge empires, and huge maps give the player enough warning time to prepare for comming AI attacks as well.
Because of that, a game like this takes quite a few hours to play through, win or lose. I think I put close to 75 hours into this one. That long of a game is something that I've only been able to find time for 3 or 4 times in the 10 months I've been playing. A challenge of this nature wouldn't get much participation in all likelyhood, as there just isn't time for most people.
And anyways, with MP coming out shortly, most people will probably look to it to provide challenges.
The thing about this type of game is it wouldn't really work on smaller maps, at least not with any regularity. The AI's really falter at managing huge empires, and huge maps give the player enough warning time to prepare for comming AI attacks as well.
Because of that, a game like this takes quite a few hours to play through, win or lose. I think I put close to 75 hours into this one. That long of a game is something that I've only been able to find time for 3 or 4 times in the 10 months I've been playing. A challenge of this nature wouldn't get much participation in all likelyhood, as there just isn't time for most people.
And anyways, with MP coming out shortly, most people will probably look to it to provide challenges.