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So very cold (of the map generator)

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  • What was the question leading to your sig quote alva848? Whatever the question was, gotta hand it to Mike, that's hillarious!


    The thing about this type of game is it wouldn't really work on smaller maps, at least not with any regularity. The AI's really falter at managing huge empires, and huge maps give the player enough warning time to prepare for comming AI attacks as well.

    Because of that, a game like this takes quite a few hours to play through, win or lose. I think I put close to 75 hours into this one. That long of a game is something that I've only been able to find time for 3 or 4 times in the 10 months I've been playing. A challenge of this nature wouldn't get much participation in all likelyhood, as there just isn't time for most people.

    And anyways, with MP coming out shortly, most people will probably look to it to provide challenges.


    • Originally posted by Aeson
      Because of that, a game like this takes quite a few hours to play through, win or lose. I think I put close to 75 hours into this one.
      *Groans* You got that right, Jack. I've been playing on a huge map as well, and it just takes forever. It's not that the computer is taking so long (it's only a minute or two of AI thinking and moving, once you turn their animation off), it's me! I've got what seem like millions of units and thousands of cities all begging for attention. It takes at least 10-20 minutes a turn to take care of everything, and that's at peace. War turns take longer. It's a challenge all right, and I whole-heartedly agree that it's something you can only do once in a great while. I find myself longing to play a nice small-map game that can be all over in a few hours, but I also just want to finish this freakin' epic and move on. So I put in a few hours here and there and watch the progress slowly roll along.

      As an aside, huge maps tend to run through the city name list pretty quickly. It doesn't take long before you start getting the creative "New Delhi" naming convention, followed by the highly innovative "New Delhi 2" convention. I don't know if it then goes to "New New Delhi 2" or "New Delhi 3" but I expect I'll find out sooner or later....


      • Just take over their cities more frequently and you can avoid the naming humor.


        • it's new delhi 3


          • for Aeson:

            the bigger the better

            Have a nice day

            EDIT: just had to ad this, afterall ................
            Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
            Then why call him God? - Epicurus


            • Aeson im sort of a new comes to the game and ive seen some pretty amazing **** but what u did i consider impossible whats your secret?
              I stand alone



              • Originally posted by Gangerolf
                it's new delhi 3
                Thanks, I wouldn't have been able to find that out myself as my dreams of global conquest in that game were dashed because I won an unanticipated cultural victory. I guess if you're playing huge maps *and* want to win by conquest or domination, you've got to turn cultural victory off or, by simple virtue of having so many cities producing culture, you'll win that way first more often than not....


                • Yup, you need to disable all the victory types except dominate or bettter yet Conquest to get that deep into the game on huge maps. I was playing conquest only for awhile, but the end got too painful, even on std maps.


                  • Think I might try this...


                    • Thanks for the link alva, that's a great thread!


                      Cultural victory is somewhat easy to avoid. You have to keep track of the increase in culture each turn (F5), and then make sure it stays below a level that would bring you to 100k in the remaining turns till 2050AD. If your per turn culture is going to exceed 100k, you just have to sell off enough of your cultural improvements until your rate is low enough. Keeping the AI from hitting 100k is more dicey, as the estimate you can get from the F8 screen is very rough. A 100k culture victory needs 2 times the culture of the next most cultured civ, so keeping close will always avoid it for you and them.

                      Lovro's Apollo utility will do the math for you and can show the AI's culture values as well now.


                      Not sure if you were commenting on the iceberg game or one of the others mentioned here.. but all victory conditions were enabled in this game. Normally I would expect the spaceship to be launched in a Deity game sometime around 1500AD, give or take a century. There was just so much warfare that no one ever got around to even building the Apollo Program in this game though. Everyone had been relying on the Indians (or rather I was relying on them, and everyone else relying on me) for techs, and when I attacked them, there just wasn't a tech powerhouse left. If a spacerace had developed, I would have had to forgo the conquest (or gone capital hunting) of course.

                      Rushing the UN was a must too. I don't know if anyone could have gotten the votes to win, because of how much warfare there was, but it's not a chance I wanted to take.


                      If you do try it, I would be very interested in seeing how the game developes in 1.29f. I'm pretty sure I played this in 1.21f, so the game should progress much differently now. I would expect a slower tech rate, and a more gold intensive trading scheme. Techs are more costly to trade for, but it might even out because they will sell for more as well. Be interesting to find out.


                      • Originally posted by |2ain
                        Aeson im sort of a new comes to the game and ive seen some pretty amazing **** but what u did i consider impossible whats your secret?
                        That's mostly what this thread was about, trying to show how *most any game against the AI can be played to a victory. This is just one path of course, and every game will offer different opportunities to take advantage of. It just happened to be the conquest of the Zulu's by some of the AI civs which game me a chance in this game.

                        The common theme is that as long as you can survive, there are enough turns that eventually something good will happen. The player just needs to be able to identify and take advantage of those opportunities when they arise.

                        *Disclaimer: Occassionally Bismark will march his 5 Archers and 5 Spearmen into your capitol on turn 10, which is truely impossible to stop, or you get stuck on a small island with no galley crossings, putting you hopelessly behind by the time contact is made.


                        • I don't know how long you've been gone Aeson because I left 'Poly for a while myself, but it's nice to see you back! Just in time for Play the World, I suppose!

                          And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                          • It might be christmas before I get PtW though... Still haven't been able to get Wizardry 8

                            /me looks at his last bank statement which notes he has -$0.04 to his name, just thankful that they didn't impose the $25 overdraft fee.


                            • Heh, you might have to choose one or the other. Tough call: in Wizardry 8 you get a whole new game to explore, but Play the World promises to be excellent. Maybe Santa will free you from your dilemma...

                              And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                              • both should be worth it putting the bank account into the red numbers ...

                                just eat less for a few days
                                - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
                                - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.

