Well, does it?
I can hold my own on Monarchy and expand just as fast as the computer (usually faster). However, when I crank it up to diety I resign after a few turns only to find that the computer has created three or four settlers in an EXTREAMLY short period of time.
Does the AI have some unfair advantage over the player on diety? Or am I overlooking some vital expansion strategy?
I could understand if one civ expands a little faster, or in one game an AI civ races way ahead due to luck...but I'm seeing that EVERY game, EVERY civ expands REALLY fast. How are they doing it?
I can hold my own on Monarchy and expand just as fast as the computer (usually faster). However, when I crank it up to diety I resign after a few turns only to find that the computer has created three or four settlers in an EXTREAMLY short period of time.
Does the AI have some unfair advantage over the player on diety? Or am I overlooking some vital expansion strategy?
I could understand if one civ expands a little faster, or in one game an AI civ races way ahead due to luck...but I'm seeing that EVERY game, EVERY civ expands REALLY fast. How are they doing it?
