I like toplea OCC games every now and then, but Civ3 has proven to make them...unfun (is that a word)...to play.
If you only have one city or so, you will NOT get the resources neccesary to win the game.
Now, I know that trading resources is what is needed, but, alot of games and maps end up giving only one of the strategic resources per civ.
Now, you can't trade if a civ doesn't have more than one, right?
So, if you are in a game where every civ only has one strat. res., then you are done...tell me where i'm wrong.
The strategic resource requirements keep me from even wanting to start a OCC game.
I like toplea OCC games every now and then, but Civ3 has proven to make them...unfun (is that a word)...to play.
If you only have one city or so, you will NOT get the resources neccesary to win the game.
Now, I know that trading resources is what is needed, but, alot of games and maps end up giving only one of the strategic resources per civ.
Now, you can't trade if a civ doesn't have more than one, right?
So, if you are in a game where every civ only has one strat. res., then you are done...tell me where i'm wrong.
The strategic resource requirements keep me from even wanting to start a OCC game.
