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Favourite civs to play against

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  • Favourite civs to play against

    There's another thread devoted to "most annoying civs", so why not have another thread devoted to your favourite AI opponents?

    For me, my favourite opponents are the Greeks. I rarely go to war with them, if ever. The Greeks also do a fair bit of my scientific research for me, since they are the civ I seem to trade tech with the most.

    The Chinese are another favourite civ, although I haven't played against them as much.
    None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?

  • #2
    The French seem to be the best neighbors in my games. I don't think Joan is as good looking as a lot of people in the general forums seem to, but certainly easier on the eyes than any of the other leaders. Plus the French don't have any real advantages from a UU standpoint, they aren't Militaristic so their units are less experienced, and they don't eat up all the huts as they aren't Expansionist. The Babylonians and Chinese also make decent neighbors. Nice and friendly most of the time, and usually somewhat weak from a military standpoint.


    • #3
      I have no good neighbors. Unless my continent is mega huge- I push everyone off.


      • #4
        Well, I almost always do the same, but that just makes "good" neighbors the ones that are easiest to push off right?


        • #5
          im rarely allies witht eh same nation through several games but i both despise and like germany for the fact that they are always one of, if not the, strongest in the game when im not playing as them and havent taken them out early

          as im usually russia or germany its usually greece and rome that are friendly through cultural links i suppose....


          • #6
            I like having the French and Germans so i can destroy them and enslave thier people.

            I also like having the Greeks, to laugh at Alexander 'Please Remove them and give them a bath or something'
            Up The Millers


            • #7
              The Romans are cute and furry
              In almost every game they manage to get themselves on the endangered species list, and most of the time I dont manage to save them.
              I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


              • #8
                I like having the jerks right close and handy in the early game so I can kill them quick. I don't like having my allies the French or the Babs on my continent because that means I have to kill them. Expansionists are nice to have for neighbors because their tech lead = my tech lead. Those without early special units are better, of course, but the really good specials require resources and that takes the AI a while.

                I'm turning into a harshass. If you catch me quoting Conan you know I've lost it.
                Above all, avoid zeal. --Tallyrand.


                • #9
                  in that case it is the americans. They are always easy for some reason. But that is because I wage early war. The ancient civs provide more challenge to me.


                  • #10
                    dissident is right on

                    I've yet to play a game where the americans weren't piddly-ass.

                    Clearly a design flaw.


                    • #11
                      I generally like having the Greeks or the Egyptians as neighbors!
                      They are always freindly to me, and it happened more than once that after I attack a civ they do the same without me asking anything to them!

                      I love them

                      A man who has not been in Italy, is always conscious of an inferiority. -Samuel Johnson- (1709-84), English author
                      I love the language, that soft bastard Latin,/Which melts like kisses from a female mouth,/And sounds as if it should be writ on satin/With syllables which breathe of the sweet South.-Lord Byron- (1788-1824), English poet.
                      Lump the whole thing! Say that the Creator made Italy from designs by Michael Angelo! -Mark Twain- (1835-1910), U.S. author.


                      • #12
                        I like to have the French as neighbors if playing with Germans, and almost always have, because I play with culturally linked start positions. Joan is usually friendly and reliable, not untrustworthy like Elizabeth and Catherine. They make a great ally when cleaning the world from English and Russians. I enjoy this alliance till the moment, when Joan decides to shave her head clean. At this point, I let the Panzers roll.

                        If playing Greeks, Egypts or Babylonians, I like Gandhi as neighbor. Mao too, but only if he's weak. A powerful China can be a real pain in the butt. Seldom happens though.


                        • #13
                          I like the Aztecs, when they are not right on top of me. They send those lame Jag warriors for me to chew up and upgraded to elite or get a GL.


                          • #14
                            Any civ that lacks iron or horses

                            Seriously, China is generally a good neighbor. I kinda like having the Zulu around too, because you are guaranteed to end up fighting them, and they are usually pushovers (normal maps, monarch, they're weak on those settings) for my Babylonians.
                            The Indians are ok to have next door as well.

                            grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                            The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                            • #15
                              IMO, the Greek is the most annoying civ. They often like to fight dirty. Whenever I'm at war with the Greek, it tends to last forever. It has been very hard for me to force the Greek into signing peace treaties.

