Ok, kissass
just kiddin', of course.
I generally pop-rush in the ancient era for temples, and occasionally libraries or granaries. It usually works out to 1 or 2 poprushes per city (more 1's than 2's). I beeline for republic, so it's only fairly early that I use it. For some reason, I just can't accept poprushing units. My mind can deal with working my people to death in order to complete a structure, but not a military unit. *Shrug* As for the strategy element... well, I always use it. Always. Even though my use of it is rather limited, I can honestly say I have never played a game totally without it. Then again, given the way corruption works (I do not have the patch yet, but I doubt they changed it THAT much) early on under despotism, how else are you going to get those outlying cities to build their temples?

I generally pop-rush in the ancient era for temples, and occasionally libraries or granaries. It usually works out to 1 or 2 poprushes per city (more 1's than 2's). I beeline for republic, so it's only fairly early that I use it. For some reason, I just can't accept poprushing units. My mind can deal with working my people to death in order to complete a structure, but not a military unit. *Shrug* As for the strategy element... well, I always use it. Always. Even though my use of it is rather limited, I can honestly say I have never played a game totally without it. Then again, given the way corruption works (I do not have the patch yet, but I doubt they changed it THAT much) early on under despotism, how else are you going to get those outlying cities to build their temples?