MPP can be exploited easily
In this Emperor game, China had an MPP with India. China sent hordes of Riders to my Japanese borders. I demanded that they get off my land, China declared war and captured one city. I spoke to Gandhi and bought 8 techs for 200 gold/turn. I then immediately attacked my former city. India is forced by MPP to declare war on me and therefore I got 8 techs without paying a single cent. Not that this helps me at all: my Japanese empire was crushed soon after.
In this Emperor game, China had an MPP with India. China sent hordes of Riders to my Japanese borders. I demanded that they get off my land, China declared war and captured one city. I spoke to Gandhi and bought 8 techs for 200 gold/turn. I then immediately attacked my former city. India is forced by MPP to declare war on me and therefore I got 8 techs without paying a single cent. Not that this helps me at all: my Japanese empire was crushed soon after.
