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Let me give some of you newbies some advice

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  • Let me give some of you newbies some advice

    I am a newbie since I lose all the time but I got EXPERIENCE!!!

    Republic = BIG NO NO

    I hope there someone that oduld prove me wrong, but I have gone with this govn many times and have realized it is the worst. you will eventaully lose by military take over becaues you cannot police your citys (meaning the more troops u pit int hem = civil Dis.)

    Monarchy = someone who is good player..give me a reason

    Depotism = best givn in tell democ or commn(if u make tnat far)

    ---I can could of made it that far..knowing i was gonna lose, so I quit, just like the past 5-12 games

    gl all!

  • #2
    Monarchy: Just look its abilities in MANUAL!
    Republic: yes, war warrines & no Martial low are bad things but anything else is even better than Monarchy

    P.S. How do you think to wait for democracy if you don't like Republic?, Democracy has EVEN WORSE PROBLEMS?


    • #3
      Depotism, anoyther player told me about this strategy. you build up your fund while your science still decently grows. In republic it I have yet to see it grow to much, most thing are 32 turns or I am not researching sceince at all caues I am in debt. That is cause I over expanded like the computer does. But somehow they manage.


      • #4

        Just like in Civ2 and Civ1, Republics and Democracies require a certain amount of skill to run.

        First, set your luxury rate to 30-40%.

        Set your tax rate to just enough to break even with costs, with the rest going into science.

        Second, build in all cities temple, marketplace, and any other happiness improvements.

        Third, do not, I repeat, do not attempt to fight any wars. Republic and Democracies are best used as trade-hogging peacetime governments.

        Fourth, watch We Love the King and trade bonuses make your life a happy and scientifically enlightened one.

        Repeat, rinse.

        -KhanMan, Lord of the Greeks
        "You have risen to power among the Apolytoners, they are Warlike Expansionist Scientific Hacking Fiends"

        PS. And, yes, any newbee who thinks that Republics should be used in the middle of a war deserves their fate.
        Odin, Thor, and Loki walk into a bar together...


        • #5
          Re: Let me give some of you newbies some advice

          Originally posted by MonarchyMajor
          I am a newbie since I lose all the time but I got EXPERIENCE!!!

          Republic = BIG NO NO

          I hope there someone that oduld prove me wrong, but I have gone with this govn many times and have realized it is the worst. you will eventaully lose by military take over becaues you cannot police your citys (meaning the more troops u pit int hem = civil Dis.)

          Monarchy = someone who is good player..give me a reason

          Depotism = best givn in tell democ or commn(if u make tnat far)

          ---I can could of made it that far..knowing i was gonna lose, so I quit, just like the past 5-12 games

          gl all!
          Dude, you don't know jack, you keep jumping from forum to forum making off the wall comments and not providing any useful(not already known) info. Play the game(to completion) a few hundred times, then come back and share your worthy experiences. Till then, shut the hell up!


          • #6
            Why is Monarchy better then Despotism:
            -Less corruption
            -Better Military Polite
            -Has no production penalities like despotism (MAJOR BONUS)
            -Rushes by Gold (MAJOR BONUS) insted by Pop.

            Unit free support:
            2 for 1-6 pop cities,
            4 for 7-12,
            8 for 12+

            Despotisam gives free support for 4 units for evry type of cities
            (it is the only think better in Despotism then in Monarchy, and only for smaller cities)

            Anyway for you type of play, you should have chased Monarchy from start, and ignore Republic at all)


            • #7
              In my current game I use Republic, and have no problem whatsoever. I don't remember how many cities I have, probably between 15-20.

              50% reserach, 10 % luxury rate. I get about 110 gold per turn and gets an advance every 15 turn or so.

              Might be because I play on chieftain
              We are the apt, you will be packaged.


              • #8
                Hmm....I play on Warlord (this shiat is hard!) and get 600+ gold per turn and discoveries every 4 turns. Is that bad? That's with a democracy, but I started by going to Republic (go straight for democracy though if that's the kind of gov't you want!) and staying peaceful for a while.


                • #9

                  Well, it's just my second game yet. I'm not fully comfortable with all the new stuff yet.
                  We are the apt, you will be packaged.


                  • #10
                    I have only played a coupl eof times to get used to the new game play. I have to admit that i loved using democracy in civ2 i ruled with it. This is what i did:

                    Get democracy build up money and science
                    have a coup and become fundamentalist (by my army and kick a$$)
                    when low on money swap back to democracy.

                    I have not gotten very far in civ3 yet but that is how i did it in civ2


                    • #11
                      Republic rulez! And if you disagree, then I am not going to even be bothered to explain to why Republic is so good.

                      congogrey- this is a very good way of doing things. But I always try to make sure that whatever government type I am revolutionizing into, I will be staying there for a while. This is because of the anarchy waste.


                      • #12
                        Re: Sigh...newbees.

                        Originally posted by KhanMan
                        Just like in Civ2 and Civ1, Republics and Democracies require a certain amount of skill to run.

                        First, set your luxury rate to 30-40%.

                        Set your tax rate to just enough to break even with costs, with the rest going into science.

                        Second, build in all cities temple, marketplace, and any other happiness improvements.

                        Third, do not, I repeat, do not attempt to fight any wars. Republic and Democracies are best used as trade-hogging peacetime governments.

                        Fourth, watch We Love the King and trade bonuses make your life a happy and scientifically enlightened one.

                        Repeat, rinse.

                        -KhanMan, Lord of the Greeks
                        "You have risen to power among the Apolytoners, they are Warlike Expansionist Scientific Hacking Fiends"

                        PS. And, yes, any newbee who thinks that Republics should be used in the middle of a war deserves their fate.
                        You are exactly right - Republic and Democracy are excellent government types but only if played correctly. They don't work very well for war (although you can sometimes fight defensive wars with them). I agree with all 4 of your recommendations, but let me add a 5th: build roads on every square you work. Rep. and Demo. give you +1 trade on every square alredy producing at least one trade. So without a road you get zero commerce (barring a bonus resource or river), but with a road your +1 commerce is doubled. Then watch your science and income shoot up.
                        Firaxis - please make an updated version of Colonization! That game was the best, even if it was a little un-PC.


                        • #13
                          Re: Let me give some of you newbies some advice

                          Originally posted by MonarchyMajor
                          I am a newbie since I lose all the time but I got EXPERIENCE!!!

                          Republic = BIG NO NO

                          I hope there someone that oduld prove me wrong, but I have gone with this govn many times and have realized it is the worst. you will eventaully lose by military take over becaues you cannot police your citys
                          Come on, now. If the Republic choice was a bad one, the developers never would have included it. Each government option in the game has been designed to fit a specific playing strategy. Personally, I've always gone quickly for Republic in all the Civ games, since they've let me expand quickly and get a tech spurt. I'm perfectly willing to pay tribute and fend off militaristic regimes while I get the fancier, hi-tech weapons that will eventually command respect, or reign death.

                          Next time, please don't give advice until you've played a great deal--and even then, couch your advice in terms of an opinion, rather than a bald statement of fact. Thanks.


                          • #14
                            Hey Barry, That has to be one of the best pieces of advice I've seen on these boards so far! Relax, play the game, and when you voice your opinions remember that they are exactly that... YOUR OPINIONS! Not everyone plays with the same style and tactics.


                            • #15
                              listen to this

                              Just woke up! not to long ago

                              First thing I'd like to get streight bigfree1. You ****ing *****, that pisses me off. I have probably played more agmes then, and not on chieften, maybe you have!!! butr heck you go play with republicanism on regent my friend, well see how much you know.

                              anyways... Some god points and soem decent points)no such thing as a bad point really).

                              1) I am convinced to give monarchy a go.
                              2) I don't see how you guys have gotten republicism to work well, if you plan on winning the game, that is. WHY so i say this
                              a) if your culture or military captures citys, or you have many policed units and wokers. Chances are you will not beable to pay for all this, therefore, your sience rate being at maybe 10-20% and happyness prob 10-20 also(ussualy have to down the road, correct me if I am wrong)

                              Ok, I might of left out somethings, but I want to give you a short summery of the game I played last night, and tell me what you think,.

                              Settings: Regent
                              standered map (8 civs)
                              land: 5 billion maybe it was 4 years old; randomized the land layout. Got 2 big contnants

                              OK!, here we go... I was put next to romans russian my other side = ocean. Get off to a good start, have about 8 citys and highest score in the game, culture takes over some roman citys that were near my strategic resources. NO wars yet, jus building, have a solid defense, 3-4 units in every city(spearment and horse charoits, later I get spearmen w/iron) SO the game progresses, I am doing well, I got the great library, keeping up with tech. I pass republicanism, stay with dep. and I have about 750 gold.

                              HERE IS THE KICKER! Romans start moving a load of legions and warroirs(mostly legions) keep in mind (i found this out end of game) romans got about 2 more citys then me. all the sudden there pouring into my terriotory. By the time there attacking I have seen literally maybe military 30-40 units. Yes, they take over me, I never make it to democracy.

                              here the things I want to point out(this i my 5 long game I think). How do you make a defensive stand against that??
                              How do they have more citys, crap lod more workers, crap load more military units and have the money to do this? I am, if I tried to build my own army, to possibly defend, I'd go broke. which is why republic is bad, your gonna go broke if you get into a war. they cut of all your trade etc.
                              Basically I could say by the set up. sometimes it is good to be in the middle, cause you controll everyones trade. But heck, this was amazing how much military they had! Just wanted to share this with you.

