Ok, so I read some tactics about the Great Library a while ago and decided to use them. Well, they didn't work for me. Every game I played, I manage to beat to AI to it, then switch to 90% taxes, and expect my neighbours to keep up with their insane research rate I was already used to. Not. By the time I build the GL, my non-scientific neighbours are 3-4 techs behind me, while my scientific ones research at about the same rate as me. I switched back to the normal research rate when someone from another continent built Leonardo's Workshop, while I was still waiting for my neighbours to develop monarchy.
Those ignorant bums didn't start researching even after I gave them all my techs.
What happened? Did I miss something? What else can I do?
Can someone explain this or at least point to a relevant thread? All the threads I found on the subject focused on how your neighbours are happily researching away while you get stuff from the GL.
Those ignorant bums didn't start researching even after I gave them all my techs.
What happened? Did I miss something? What else can I do?
Can someone explain this or at least point to a relevant thread? All the threads I found on the subject focused on how your neighbours are happily researching away while you get stuff from the GL.