During the Industrial, and in paricular, modern ages, it becomes quite feasible to expand overseas, conquering already developed empires. During the ancient or early medival eras, it is easy to colonize overseas, building cities in whatever location is availible to use as bases for conquests of already-established civs.
But what do you do if you've no place left to expand at the end of the Middle Ages? I refer to the time post-astronomy but pre-magnetism, perhaps right before MT.
Attached I have a saved game of India. Nearby is Babylon, which I covet much, not only for their incense, but also as a "super base" from which to invade Arabia. I want to take Babylon before Arabia is too well developed for cavalry to be of much use. I am 4 turns from MT and another 4 from Magnetism. Still, I have no ships whatsoever, and only about 15 War Elephants, waiting to be upgraded.
How should I handle this situation? Should I build cavs galore, and then some galleons, and invade? Or will this lead to disaster?
Please, if you can, take a look at this saved game and tell me what you think the best option is. And NO, giving peace a chance is NOT an option, thank you.
But what do you do if you've no place left to expand at the end of the Middle Ages? I refer to the time post-astronomy but pre-magnetism, perhaps right before MT.
Attached I have a saved game of India. Nearby is Babylon, which I covet much, not only for their incense, but also as a "super base" from which to invade Arabia. I want to take Babylon before Arabia is too well developed for cavalry to be of much use. I am 4 turns from MT and another 4 from Magnetism. Still, I have no ships whatsoever, and only about 15 War Elephants, waiting to be upgraded.
How should I handle this situation? Should I build cavs galore, and then some galleons, and invade? Or will this lead to disaster?
Please, if you can, take a look at this saved game and tell me what you think the best option is. And NO, giving peace a chance is NOT an option, thank you.
