Fairly new monarch player, been playing regent alot before. Right now I am on a 8 game losing streak! Some were really short, I am talking under 30 minutes. My setups have been standard map with all settings on random. Which I think all settings on random seems to make the game harder thats for sure.
Its the wars that are making me lose here and costing me my games. For example, just finished (and lost) a game which lasted under an hour. I was down to 3 cities so decided to retire and end it. I was dead last and losing in every catagory. I used to keep playing on when I get that small, even down to one city. Not this time though.
Problem in my last game I got greedy. I was doing really good at first, built 5 cities quickly in excellent locations. I ended up with Babylon as my civ and Zulu was my neighbor. I built up about 6 bowmen and fortified outside a neaby zulu city. Established an embassy and performed espionage on the city. Seeing it was weak, I decided to move into position and attack. Captured it within two turns. Then they managed to sneak a boat around and capture a weak city of mine.
I attacked their capitol and came very close to capturing it. I was doing pretty good and was even laughing and thinking how weak they were. Where I messed up was I had two cities building wonders, one the colossus and the other piramids. I hated to stop production and lose a TON of shields. So I continued to let my other cities (which was 3) produce the military units for my war.
Zulu started massing more and more units, eventually outnumbering me. I was forced to settle for peace by giving a size 7 city over
Then as you can guess, things just went straight downhill from there. Thing is I had an upper hand and was winning this war at start. Was just doing so well to lose it all. I then just wanted to beat the zulu and get them back. This became like a new goal in the game for me. It did not work and I had to retire. Oh well, trying another one...
Its the wars that are making me lose here and costing me my games. For example, just finished (and lost) a game which lasted under an hour. I was down to 3 cities so decided to retire and end it. I was dead last and losing in every catagory. I used to keep playing on when I get that small, even down to one city. Not this time though.
Problem in my last game I got greedy. I was doing really good at first, built 5 cities quickly in excellent locations. I ended up with Babylon as my civ and Zulu was my neighbor. I built up about 6 bowmen and fortified outside a neaby zulu city. Established an embassy and performed espionage on the city. Seeing it was weak, I decided to move into position and attack. Captured it within two turns. Then they managed to sneak a boat around and capture a weak city of mine.
I attacked their capitol and came very close to capturing it. I was doing pretty good and was even laughing and thinking how weak they were. Where I messed up was I had two cities building wonders, one the colossus and the other piramids. I hated to stop production and lose a TON of shields. So I continued to let my other cities (which was 3) produce the military units for my war.
Zulu started massing more and more units, eventually outnumbering me. I was forced to settle for peace by giving a size 7 city over
