Alright, I abandoned another story, big deal, that thread is jinxed, by typing Yuute's last name, for some reason, I always get crashed, so I'm declaring Yuute's story cursed and beginning anew.
This story is dedicated to Raven.
The little boy hopped on his scooter, he was running away from home, little did this little boy know, it would not be for two decades before he saw it again.
20 Years Later:
"We have done it!! The clone has been perfected!!"
"Our genetic research is complete!! This is an historic day for the world!!"
As the scientists wandered slowly into their back room, two identical men stood, staring into each others' face. Neither had seen his own reflection in 20 years, so they just viewed the other as a new person.
"What is your name?"
"Michael, and you?"
"Why... Michael is my name!"
"But that is my name!"
"I guess we both have the same name then."
"Well, what do you want to do?"
"I dunno, what do you want to do?"
"Lets punch the red button and see if we get fed."
"Sounds cool to me."
Four months have passed....
"What do you mean?? WHO's escaped?"
"They are all called Michael!!"
"They all escaped you idiot!!"
"But the world isn't ready to deal with 600 identical naked men!!"
"They're not naked, in fact, they're quite well armed."
"Armed?!! How did they learn to use guns?"
"Michael was very bright, however, I'm sorry to say that there are no longer 600..."
"What do you mean?"
"Aww hell."
Michael the army tromped up the street barefooted. Left, Right, Left, Right, they marched in unison by habit alone. People gave them weird looks, but silently followed, unsure as to why or how these men came to be.
Soon the numbers swelled to well over a thousand, and the destination of the Michaels became apparent... One, two, then all of them stopped and formed a circle around a rusty old scooter, and almost instantaneously, they wept in unison...
This story is dedicated to Raven.
The little boy hopped on his scooter, he was running away from home, little did this little boy know, it would not be for two decades before he saw it again.
20 Years Later:
"We have done it!! The clone has been perfected!!"
"Our genetic research is complete!! This is an historic day for the world!!"
As the scientists wandered slowly into their back room, two identical men stood, staring into each others' face. Neither had seen his own reflection in 20 years, so they just viewed the other as a new person.
"What is your name?"
"Michael, and you?"
"Why... Michael is my name!"
"But that is my name!"
"I guess we both have the same name then."
"Well, what do you want to do?"
"I dunno, what do you want to do?"
"Lets punch the red button and see if we get fed."
"Sounds cool to me."
Four months have passed....
"What do you mean?? WHO's escaped?"
"They are all called Michael!!"
"They all escaped you idiot!!"
"But the world isn't ready to deal with 600 identical naked men!!"
"They're not naked, in fact, they're quite well armed."
"Armed?!! How did they learn to use guns?"
"Michael was very bright, however, I'm sorry to say that there are no longer 600..."
"What do you mean?"
"Aww hell."
Michael the army tromped up the street barefooted. Left, Right, Left, Right, they marched in unison by habit alone. People gave them weird looks, but silently followed, unsure as to why or how these men came to be.
Soon the numbers swelled to well over a thousand, and the destination of the Michaels became apparent... One, two, then all of them stopped and formed a circle around a rusty old scooter, and almost instantaneously, they wept in unison...