It doesn't matter what the title is. As for immortality; if someone wants to keep their character let them. it doesn't effect much, a few immortals out of millions of people.
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Apolyton Empire - Discussion
Originally posted by Sheep
Yeah I feel its unreralists and unbalancing if people are immortal and our rulers are called Moderators. What are the Moderating, it isn;t ther drinks, thats for sure.
As i understand it, sheep isgoing to be absent for another week or so, so i reccomend we just throw together a timeline now and get started. It doesn't have to be much, just enough of a framework to allow us to actally start posting story events. We can always fix it laterThose walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.
also Xmas, so of course expect a slow down
I have problems in several areas with the timeline Sheep posted... hence, i'll be tweaking it.... but won't do so until i get back home from my mothers, one city away.
Another point i forgot to say, this is a story, not a game to don't know why the word "unbalancing" was used...
Well wouldn't it help the story by not having these superhuman immortals? Surely immortals are going to be more powerful than any regular person. Its more interesting having a variety of characters instead of having the same ones who just live through different time periods. So instead of fighting each other with swords, we start fighting the exact same person with an m16 then later on we start fighting the still exact same person for probably the same reason with freakin light sabers. I agree, its a story, not a game to win, so what's the point in having your character never see the weakness of age or time? And since everybody else's characters die off, doesn't that show they aren't trying to win?
And could you run by us what kind of tweaks your going to do with Sheep's timeline, some might disagree with certain tweaks...
Merry Christmas!
I never said immortals were superhuman, or even invincible. Only difference with normal human beings is that, for some reason, their body won't age... it is theoriticly possible you know ....especially after reading all the medical stuff. Only thing that wasn't achieved is make it happen artificially... but if the body is well balanced, it is possible for the body to live forever, as well they don't get themselves killed, infected by disease, and so on.
If no one else will use their same character, would it really matter? they wouldn't know about Mellian at all. Hey, i played her with her being immortal in mind since the beginning...did i abuse that fact? no! and have no intention of doing so.... So stop making it a big deal, cause it won't ruin the story.
as for tweaks....some historical details and so on that i would like to see happen, mainly to set pace for the time warp era write about. Others, to be consistent with the past story, cause we are starting anew in a different story. Then, simply make sure it continues following the concept i set out for AE.
Anyway, Merry Christmas!
Another to think about...if a person can live a long time, then they have plenty of time to change, no? Time still effects the mind, despite the body not aging....
Oh, Mellian was born about a century before Apolyton reunited into a Monarchy, in the late Ancient age or early medieval age.
Alright fine fine fine. But still, immortality is not possible. Theoretically...well...everything is theoretically possible. Pigs flying can be considered theoretically possible but it isn't possible. The homeless guy I saw at borders is Jesus reborn!...theoretically possible. Having a well-balanced system might give you a life of a 100 years or so but forever? Time destroys all. You've been reading too much Lord of the Rings, dude. But I'll drop it, since it seems you won't compromise.
Well, good luck with the tweaks.
and Merry Christmas, again!
The Giovanni Gynasty (start of constituinal Monarchy)
Eh eh eh, I had to leave the Empire for about a month, and when I'm back I discover that there was a Giovanni Dynasty
Anyway, now I'm back, and once I'll be finished reading what happened in my absence I will be ready to join back in.
Saluti"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio
Originally posted by Easthaven I
Alright fine fine fine. But still, immortality is not possible. Theoretically...well...everything is theoretically possible. Pigs flying can be considered theoretically possible but it isn't possible. The homeless guy I saw at borders is Jesus reborn!...theoretically possible. Having a well-balanced system might give you a life of a 100 years or so but forever? Time destroys all. You've been reading too much Lord of the Rings, dude. But I'll drop it, since it seems you won't compromise.
It as already been discovered that a peticular protein, which is important to fight cancer by ordering the cancerus cells to stop producing....but at some point, the protein becomes way to paranoid and starts cancelling out cells left and right, slowling down the regeneration process to replace the old cells, in turn creating the aging process. That usually happens once the body stops, or simply slows down the growth process. Medical professionals looking for the 'cure' to aging could stop the protein by making it less 'paranoid' or its natural programming, but doing so may result an increase risk of cancer. So now, after reading the article about that, it would be possible to have quite an balancing in that protein....a long with other biological factors to improve the odds....protect the body from cancer while not going overboard to point of cancelling out the 'innocent' cells' ability to reproduce.
Anything is possible and only impossible to those not willing to understand, believe, see it and so on.
Anyway, it is my character, and i intend to continue using her in the story. There is nothing wrong about it, and sorry if i seem not compromiseble, but why should i be if the points you make can so easilly be shot down?
Besides, it is FICTION, and is impossible for EVERYONE to agree in every single little REALITY details, because, you know why? Everyone perceives reality differently, have different life experiences to base on and so on.
Pig can fly, just fire them from a catapult, or put them on a cesna and fly them around. Jesus is of God, and God is in all of us, so the homeless could well be Jesus, as well as anyone else. I never read the lord of the rings hun.
So you're saying by some miracle of God that this character, Mellian, is the perfect human being? That somehow her "particular protein" stopped and said 'hey, I'm getting to paranoid here, I gotta watch what I shoot at"? The thing is, is that what you say is a theory, an unlikely one at that. ANd for you to stop that protein from getting 'paranoid' naturally just ain't gonna happen, maybe if modern science got a hold of it then it might be more probable.
And if what I read is correct, then that would mean that if you gain immortality then you would be unprotected from cancer which means you'll probably die of cancer. Now if you protect cancer, even just alittle, then you will age because the proteins battling cancer cells will most definately hit a few other cells, slowing down the regeneration, either a little or alot, thus your old cells die without any replacements. So then, you either have to protect yourself of cancer and die of age, or leave yourself defenseless from cancer...never age...but die of cancer anyways.
Either way I still think what you say is impossible to occur naturally unless by the hand of God.
You say you shoot down all my points, well I don't exactly see that. I think my points are quite obvious and realistic, yours is much harder to prove and is getting more and more 'sci-fi'. But hey, maybe it's because we 'percieve reality differently', eh?
Still, why must you always have the last word? I said I would drop it but then you continue. Do you percieve the phrase 'drop it' differently maybe? Or do you just love debating? I can see you'll never give up your immortal character so then keep her. I was only asking...geez.
Happy Christmas.