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Apolyton Empire - Discussion

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  • Apolyton Empire - Discussion

    Sorry for creating another thread, but couldn't locate the old discussion thread....

    Anyway, wanted to say to the AE writers and those intrested to join, we may have a time warp, possibly after the Peace Summit or whatever.

    Thinking to timewarp to a Late-Industrial era/ 1940s RT, before a great war in the AE universe...

    Would be like WW1 with WW2 the WW1/WW2 concept of massive warfare will be new to the world once GW in AE begins....where we can work ourselves towards it like we did with the English War.

    As for the most advance nations, despite having flight and tanks for 10-20 years, their full potential and use is still haven't been properlly explored... or the proper doctrines of their use. Hence, Fighters/Bombers and Tanks haven;t been built in numbers yet. Would new in use like WW1 planes and tanks, but with WW2 tech.... this is mainly to avoid primitive planes and tanks sillyness.

    I have an idea of how the world diplomaric relations will be like, and the status of the other civs....

    but we need to figure out the general history of Apolyton and so on in the last 300-400 years

    any thought or discussion?


  • #2
    Here is a proposed timeline

    1405 Peace Summit finalised is put into practice, The Counsuls retire into old age, and the new Republican form begins

    1410 Printing Presses become more widespread, and the average man in the street begins to become more educated.

    1420s England and America go to war again. Apolyton loses its English territories to England. Mass anti-war riots cause quick Apolyton exit from the war. Begiining of the Apolyton Decline.
    England finally wins the war re-emeging as a great power in 1448 : Treaty of York.

    1450's the Apolyton Republic continues to be beset with problems, as the loss of trade to America is a major issue. The Apolyton Republic begins to slip into recessionary economics.

    1470's The Apolyton Republic is overthrown by the decedant of the Iriqouis line of Moderator's brief civil war is begun.

    1480's The English Republic is overthrown by Monarchists. England gives American cities back to America and ends the restrictive Treaty of York.

    1495 A Republican Gaurd lands in Apolyton, from America. The force is lead by the son of former hero Giovanni Vodka. Giovanni Beer continues to advance and sets himself up as Consul.

    1510 Second Peace Summit occurs after Consul Giovanni Beer dies of poisoning. The Moderatists and the Republicans come to an agrrement averting a fourth Apolytoner Civil War. The Moderator reigns, but most of his power is in the hands of the Apolyton Congress. (much like RL present day England)

    1515 The rise of the Kingdom of Apolyton begins. War with the Americans sees New Orleans given to Apolyton. Apolyton's first overseas colony since the loss of York.

    1520 Apolyton goes to war against France. Northern France is devestated by the Knights raids. Paris is sacked, and the French King sues for peace. Apolyton gains Rouen as a trading post, and the French art of Sanitaiton.

    1535 As sewer systems are built throughout Apolytoner cities there is a population explosion. The population of Apolyton will double before the end of the century.

    1547 the first factory opens in Easthaven City, formally Vegemon City. The Industrial Revolution begins.

    1560 The English armada is defeated crossing to Apolyton, without a loss. The English sue for peace, and York passes back to the Apolyton Empire. This marks the start of the Colonial period of the Empire and the end of English supremacy.

    1575 Apolyton explorer discovers the Aztect Nations, India, China, Japan and Korea. The Aztects are quickly invaded six months later, and are made into vassals of Apolyton.

    1580 The Indian Wars begin with Apolyton, france, Russia and Iriquious fighting over India, as the state begins to crumble. By the 1620's Russia is the sole colonial power in India. Apolyton prestige sufferes

    1590 Apolyton discovers uninhabited islnds in the south with large slatpeter and oil reserves. Although oil has little use, Saltpeter is needed and the Apolyton settlers claim the islands.

    1600 The Indian War continues Delhi captured by Apolyton Army, Iriqouis abandon their attempts of colonisation

    1615 Japanese leader makes contact. trade agreement established.

    1620 France and Apolyton surrender in the Indian Wars. Russia recognised as the sole power in India.

    more to follow
    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • #3
      occ: By the way I am happy to amend this at will, I got these events from my Big Book of dates and adapted them to Apolyton.
      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


      • #4
        1630 1st Sino-Apoly war. China surrenders after 4 months. Shanghai occupied by Apolyton.

        1650 Korean leader dies without heir. Korea is fought over by Russia, England and Apolyton. Apolyton manages to win. England becomes isolationist and Russia and Apolyton begin to form new alliances.

        1655 First Railroads built in Apolyton.

        1655 - 1700 There is widespread plague in Apolyton, and Apolyton plays little role in world affairs becomming isloationist. 1/3 of all Apolytoners die, including the Modrator Civaman XV and his wife Naomi, the Japanese princess.

        1720-3 Brief Skirmish between Russia and Apolyton over Japnese trading rights. Apolyton loses and Shanghai is taken from us. This is the first use of machine guns and mustard gas (ww1 style warfare) Russia becomes a world power.

        1738 Present day (ww2 style technology)

        Possible alliances

        Russian Alliance: Russia, France, America, Russian India, Mongolia, Ottomans
        Apolytoner Alliance: Apolyton, England, Rome, Greece, Japan, Apolyton Korea

        Neutral Nations: China, Vikingland, Zululand, Germany, Spain.....
        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


        • #5
          I would prefer early industrial technology, at a date that conforms more to actual technological levels, perhaps mid to late 18th century
          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


          • #6
            Hey, thats a pretty good timeline, ya got my vote.

            I especially like that Easthaven City part...


            • #7
              The thing is that we are already slightly more advanced than what we were in RL in the story.
              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


              • #8
                If you can wait for a day, i can post a new timeline close tyo that of RL based on the Apolyton Universe with people ane everything..... Should take us through to 1900
                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                • #9
                  AE years isn't base on Real Life years, so don't base it on historical events. We can have Early-Industrial era if the majority wants....where we'll have better cannons, Riflemans, and Cavalry.

                  Majority of AE universe leaders are immortals, as well some others behind the scenes, like Mellian. So if civman wishs, his Iroquois mod could be one

                  Apolyton already knows about the Aztecs and Zulus...maybe not about the Incas...who get conquered by the Aztecs anyway. Actually, Aztecs was part of the APOLYTON ALLIANCE to help fight the English, and in exchange got some techs like Gunpowder, Metallurgy and so on. So no one they become vassals

                  England became Republic, well, with a parliamentary type gov, first lead by Cromwell. It as been mentioned in the story. After that, relations with America was improving, hinted by mmtt. So quite odd to see America and England go to war again, so soon too.......

                  France is a republic, and should stay that way. Joan of Arc could have been voted out, or retired... and at some point, Napoleon appeared and turn france into a Military Oligarchy....which could explain bit as to why Apolyton went at war with France. Apolyton starts using Easthaven's Foxes, not Knights.... they are like the proto-Cavalry. Anyway, could have eventually adopted a Democracy gov afterwards, the first to do so....

                  The Russia-Mongul war goes on and on, but after the arrival of Apolyton troops sent by Easthaven, it slowly halted into a stalemate, and fighting as stop for a few to several years. Apolyton Republic gov decides to call back the troops from Mongolia....and afterwards, Russia resume their invasion. Relations with Monguls went down the hole...which didn't matter, as Russia eventually conquers them....but would still have mongolian rebels, resistant fighters and so on for many centuries to come.

                  There should be a reason why there would be a war with America...and shouldn't just be over lost of trade. Maybe Apolyton intervene when America finally declared war on the Iroquois and tried to take them over... Apolyton came in to help the Iroquois and defeated the Americans.

                  SPanish-Aztec war ended, with no serious from neither side... France cancelled the Right of Passage with Aztec, preventing them a direct land route to war stalled after some failed Aztec beach head attacks.

                  Aztec looses Manchester to England year or so after Cromwell and the Parliament took power. Zulus left the city before that, as they have no interest in keeping it,so let Aztec have it...which didn't help.

                  several decades after the spanish-aztec war ended, the Aztec conquered the inferior Incas...who have previously split off way back when...with techs orginally given by Apolyton....

                  Carthage as been conquered by the Romans and Babylons, while Greece decided to stay back. While Rome asorbed their share quite well, it sort of destabilizes Babylon, who they had to stretch their forces later in the war to take Carthage, as they took a lot of losses.... nearly collapse into anarchy, corruption went rampent and a lot of resistant by the Carthagians populace.... didn't help that Persia decided to go in and cause trouble...which in turn later hurt them when Ottomans started causing trouble with their superior forces, tech and training wise....

                  Zulus started causing trouble for the Arabs and the persians as well, taking advantage of the tech gained from the Apolyton Alliance deal... In general, south western to central west of the Alligator continent, were pretty mest up in the next several centuries....

                  Orientals (Korea, China, and Japan) were pretty stable throughout the years...with very few conflicts and so on.... but the price to keep stability sorta effected research. India have quite an goldan time as well....having few problems with Persia in comparison to before....

                  China was discovered way back when, and full contact and embassy was established by the diplo team sent by Mellian before Generals took over.

                  No invasion or whatever of the Indians, or Aztec and so on...... Vast colonial empire like the British had in real life is cool, but AE isn't base on RL history....

                  Last edited by Mellian; December 18, 2002, 04:29.


                  • #10
                    oh and i want Vegeimon City to be renamed to Mingapulco!!!



                    • #11
                      would like to see Russia become communist while germany becomes fascist (doesn't nescessarally mean a nazi one).

                      colonial stuff could happen, mainly by the European types from the Monkey continent....a long with the Americans maybe.

                      Candidates for colonial invasions: Whats left of Carthage, Celts, Arabs, Persia, Babylon (as they eventually collapse after the invasion of Carthage and the deep attacks by Persia) and India. Zulus and Aztecs would be tought, and seriously no point as, now that they are generally up to par tech wise with Apolyton and Europe since the english war....but up to par infrastructurally is a different matter....

                      Ottomans is up to par, due to a lot of contact and trade with the Monkey continent...... there is Egypt, which is pretty quiet....... greece and rome are up to par, with a different style. Viking are not up to par, but they are to much trouble to bother...... China and Japan are to vast and to big a military force. Can say the same for Korea, but they are quiet and peaceful as well...... with few skirmish and conflicts with Japan and Rome.... Rome/Korea controls the channel, or whatever, leading to the inland Sea in middle of Alligator.

                      Russia gets Mongolia....while America tried getting Iroquois......

                      Last edited by Mellian; December 18, 2002, 04:44.


                      • #12
                        I'm a little bit more inclined with Sheep's timeline. With a few tweaks from Mellian's...


                        • #13
                          Hey I have written up a huge timeling bringing us to 1939. It shows people gying to give it that authenticity, of people not being immortal. I will write it up tommorrow. After then anyone is able to pick at it and we work it out. As it is there is only 50 years in 500 that don't really have soimething happen in them......
                          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                          • #14
                            I guess thats the plan then

                            you do the timeline, and i tweak



                            • #15
                              Lets get the show on the road, folks...

