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Apolyton Empire: Story Part II

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  • #31
    I accept all your suggestions. I have amny monka and priests willing to serve as chaplains in the army like our forefathers have.
    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • #32
      OOC: story is slowing down....

      May 1403

      Mellian is about, doing her job as a Barmaid at the 'Where Everyone Knows Your Name' Inn.

      Once the pressure of that flyer from Consul Jack started to fade, she recontinue her contacts with Roger Wilco. Some of the republican flyers being distributed were written by her, when she had the time occasionally to do so, but rest are written by other organizers and supporters of ARM. (OOC: authors are not identified).

      Everything seem okay until one day, she received a simple Lois of course. It said "Someone is watching you, so be careful" signed by Honor. Of course, she started being concerned and she may have go back to extreme cautious mode again, but what really surprised here that the message came from Honor...Honor Harrington that is. She hasn't heard anything from her since she was transfered to England during the war, despite her protest. Did she ment that she is watching her, or stating someone else is...probably the latter. Well, until she sends more messages, she won't be able to reply exactly... and she as to be careful again.

      The world is never safe with her...sighs

      "Lois!!! wheres my Ale???" screamed one man from a table at towards the center of the Inn.

      "Its coming Dingo, don't you fret about it..."

      The fun she as meanwhile...


      • #33
        To all those involved in the republic movement:
        We the Consuls of Apolyton have seen that now the outside threats to the security and existence of Apolyton are all but gone. We will be froming a consitutional convention and will invite all the oppostion parties to come and speak their minds freely. We are also directing the mayors and governers to start elections so that each state of Apolyton may send representives to the convenction. This offer does not extend to those who have taken up arms against Apolyton or have tried to get people not to pay their taxes. Any such persons seen there will be taken into custody and tried for the crimes they have commited. To the rest, we will not do anything to you and I will be there as well. We wish to from a government that everyone is happy with and give freedom and security to the people.
        Donate to the American Red Cross.
        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


        • #34
          May 1403
          Apep I was sitting in the pub... again. He did like his beer and he was unsure as to what he should do now, taking Apolyton was a lost cause.
          It amazed him that Melian managed to hold down a job as a barmaid, but then stranger things had happened, his life for example. Maybe he could go to Iroquois after all there was the possibility of stirring up trouble there, maybe he should retire... from life.
          But he had to do it dramatically, after all how else. And what better way than by exposing Melian in the process. Apep I began to laugh.
          (OOC: Apep II being locked up is cool with me, I would have locked him up if I'd been Easthaven)
          Last edited by Apep; December 12, 2002, 02:25.
          I am your God Apophis- Stargate SG1 (Brilliant line)


          • #35
            May 1403

            What is he doing here again? Mellian seriously not into the idea of being stared at, especially the kind that one as whn trying to figure out what kind of trouble they can do.

            She mentioned the weird old guy to Clark, that she doesn't feel all that comfortable being stared at like that while doing her work. Clark promise her i'll keep an eye on him, and will inform the bouncers as well.


            • #36
              May 1403
              It was marketday and thus Amrina found herself in town with a chook under one arm and a basket of potatoes in the other, she quickly sold them, fetching quite a high price as potatoes had only just arrived in Apolyton and no one was quite sure of how to grow them.
              She popped into her favourite pub for a bite to eat (Yes, pubs generally do that to) and was pleased to find her favourite barmaid on duty, Lois(OOC: That is Melian, right?). She looked around. When Lois came over Amrina stopped her,
              "What is he doing here," she whispered, pointing at Apep I. Lois replied,
              "Dunno, why?"
              "Because that is Apep I!"
              "Really? What makes you say that?"
              "Because he's my bloody father-in-law, come on Lois you know that's Apep I,"
              "Isn't he that traitor?"
              "Traitor? he's a mad-man!"
              "There's a sum on his head."
              "You wouldn't?"
              "He's a traitor to my family, I want my revenge!"
              I am your God Apophis- Stargate SG1 (Brilliant line)


              • #37
                Originally posted by Apep
                May 1403
                It was marketday and thus Amrina found herself in town with a chook under one arm and a basket of potatoes in the other, she quickly sold them, fetching quite a high price as potatoes had only just arrived in Apolyton and no one was quite sure of how to grow them.
                She popped into her favourite pub for a bite to eat (Yes, pubs generally do that to) and was pleased to find her favourite barmaid on duty, Lois(OOC: That is Melian, right?). She looked around. When Lois came over Amrina stopped her,
                "What is he doing here," she whispered, pointing at Apep I. Lois replied,
                "Dunno, why?"
                "Because that is Apep I!"
                "Really? What makes you say that?"
                "Because he's my bloody father-in-law, come on Lois you know that's Apep I,"
                "Isn't he that traitor?"
                "Traitor? he's a mad-man!"
                "There's a sum on his head."
                "You wouldn't?"
                "He's a traitor to my family, I want my revenge!"
                "Do as you wish Amrina, but I rather not be told of your plans. All I can say, revenge isn't all it cracks up to be, trust me" and then walks off.


                • #38
                  "Revenge isn't all it is cracked up to be"
                  Amrina sat and thought for about an hour before without making up her mind, Apep II was dead, and Apep I should be, but she was no murderer.
                  Then again horror and death followed in the wake or Apep I. Lois came over,
                  "Excuse me Amrina, but the pub's closing now."
                  Amrina looked up,
                  "Well, in that case I've only got one place to go," she paused, "Hey do you need to do anything, I've got an errand to run and I was wondering if you could help?"
                  I am your God Apophis- Stargate SG1 (Brilliant line)


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Apep

                    Amrina sat and thought for about an hour before without making up her mind, Apep II was dead, and Apep I should be, but she was no murderer.
                    Then again horror and death followed in the wake or Apep I. Lois came over,
                    "Excuse me Amrina, but the pub's closing now."
                    Amrina looked up,
                    "Well, in that case I've only got one place to go," she paused, "Hey do you need to do anything, I've got an errand to run and I was wondering if you could help?"
                    (OOC: Inn closes pretty late)

                    "Not really, and will help, depending on the errand. Some fresh air would be nice, as i haven't left the Inn in a week..."


                    • #40
                      Amrina sighed and thanked Lois. Lois continued,
                      "So what do you need help with?"
                      "Well, I need to pick up the butter churn and, go to the Seeing Pool,"
                      "The what?"
                      "The Seeing Pool, Its a calm spot and there is an Oracle there,"
                      "An Oracle, really I wouldn't have thought you'd get into that sort of thing,"
                      "No, really it's a good one, out in the forest"(OOC: Most towns in Apolyton would have forests nearby, regardless of how small they might be)
                      Melian sighed, oracles and that sort of thing sounded like rubbish to her, but it was out in the forest which was apparently a very nice place to go, and Amrina seemed to take it seriously,
                      "Oh, alright!"

                      (OOC: Not THE Oracle, a minor Oracle. I would have assumed that they would still be in use in 1402, if only slightly, and after all as a peasant Amrina would want to seek its advice)
                      I am your God Apophis- Stargate SG1 (Brilliant line)


                      • #41
                        the unkown cell...

                        Footsteps could be heard from down the hall. Finally, the door opened and in came Consul Easthaven... The door shut behind him.

                        "Ok Apep II, you've been getting free food and housing for too long. It is time you start working for it. We've called for a peace summit, a meeting of all organizations of Apolyton and of the people themselves. Except for the Council of Apolyton, they are no longer citizens of Apolyton, they are traitors who terrorize the people. You're father...leads them. You probably know. Anyways, you are to come to the meeting to share your views. You still aren't completely free, my best men will be gaurding you, escape will be futile. I want you to help me hunt down your father and...well to put it simply... decapitate him. I want him dead. I want him to be nonexistant. He deserves to pay for the thousands of people he murdered with his plague. If you don't think so well then you are blind, and I don't want a blind man aiding in a hunt... So what say you?"


                        • #42
                          To Apolyton:

                          The Peace Summit will take place soon. The representatives chosen by the people from among the people must be known to the government so that arrangements may be made in bringing them safely to the summit. All runaways and such are granted temporary amnesty (until further notice) to appear at the summit and share their views. Total amnesty is definately possible. The only group exempted from this meeting are the barbaric people-terrorizers of the Council of Apolyton. Apep I is a criminal/murderer who infected many civilians with the plague resulting in thousands of innocent people's deaths. When he is found, he will be shot. A reward for anyone who captures him...dead or alive. But as for Mellian and Latentus and the others, this is your chance to aid in the protection of Apolyton and the prevention of civil war. This meeting is to decide another safe and secure government that will ensure the rights and safety of the people. The Triamvirat will not live forever, so we must decide on a government that will prevent tyrants from taking over, especially after our departure from this world. Protection for the people is the main priority. Contribute to the cause...


                          • #43
                            The Oracle was a very small wooden building by a small waterfall, and the area had a very magical feel to it. Amrina went inside and Lois followed cautiously. Amrina gave the single priest two gold coins,
                            "One for me and one for Lois," she said. The preist went out to the pond and Lois began badgering Amrina about paying for her, after all she didn't believe... After half an hour the preist returned,
                            "The pool has told me much of you two, Amrina, your revenge is futile, justice will come to pass of its own accord," Amrina sighed and the priest continued, "Lois, You should get out of this city as soon as you can, return to the countryside, or go to the Peace summit," The preist paused again, "This may sound like a load of baloni, but it may help both of you."
                            * * *
                            Apep II thought about the proposition, "I'll do it, Easthaven, but I won't watch him die. I would bet that he has gone home, to Porkton, he's probably headed for the Cemetary"
                            I am your God Apophis- Stargate SG1 (Brilliant line)


                            • #44
                              To Easthaven from Latentus:

                              Either i or a representative for myself will attend the summit. I hope it will be successful.
                              Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                              • #45
                                Apep II thought about the proposition, "I'll do it, Easthaven, but I won't watch him die. I would bet that he has gone home, to Porkton, he's probably headed for the Cemetary"
                                "Very good. After the summit, we shall begin the hunt."

