Easthaven was pleased Latentus responded and was going to attend the meeting. It was a step in the right direction. He only hoped the others would do the same. The meeting can not be successful without having ALL Apolytonian views and groups partake in the discussions.
No announcement yet.
Apolyton Empire: Story Part II
While Mellian returned to the Inn, she wondered what that priest ment...and what Peace Summit???
Once there, she quickly found out about Easthaven's announcement and started having tingly feelings. Oh how she loves coincidencesJust to bad that it didn' say where it would be...
The following extremelly early morning, she packed up and left the Inn and Vegeimon City, but not before leaving a note to Clark, titled Sorry...
Just to bad that it didn' say where it would be...
The Summit will be held in Apolyton City. It says so at the bottom of the announcement. Now why would there be a posting of this without letting the people know where it would be held? Come on. Let me be more exact then, its in Apolyton City, Apolyton...1224 Apolyton Avenue...Room 14 labeled "Peace Summit in here". Signs will be put up pointing at the exact location. Nice big arrows...
Easthaven had returned once more, and Apep II felt the need to ask,
"So what are you going to do to me after this summit? I have a feeling I'll find myself in a cemetry beside my father."
* * *
Apep I was busily making plans as to what he would do when he found out that Melian had left for the 'Peace Summit,' he smirked,
"Well, in that case I guess I'll be dropping in on my in-laws!"I am your God Apophis- Stargate SG1 (Brilliant line)
"So what are you going to do to me after this summit? I have a feeling I'll find myself in a cemetry beside my father."
And after the Peace Summit....we hunt.
The Arachbishop, sick for quiet some time, has died of a deadly unknown sickness. The plague that has claimed him is spreading throughout the empire. The man of the cloth that worled to see the Moderatorship continue then a Republic, at last seeing that the Consuls were best has died at 73.
He is remembered for his last stance in giving away the whereabouts of the Apolyton Council members and Melian the rebel Chief of Staff, and first dicatoress of Apolyton. How now heads the church in Apolyton is a mystery. The Peace Summit, the culmination of his efforts to re-unify the fractions of the Empire will soon be held, The Archbishop unfortuantley will not be there, but in spirit.Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.