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The Final War

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  • The Final War

    Note: This was played on a real map of the earth, with the proper starting locations. With the exception of capitals, cities are not in their correct locations. I will try to get a few screen shots for you.

    The messenger slid from the horse with one quicky motion and raced frantically towards the gates of the Great Hall of the Feathered Serpent. He clutched to his heart the leather bound document he had been intrusted with, a document that bore a terrible revelation.
    The guards on the gate initially barred his entrance, but parted their rifles when they saw that he was on official business for War Chief Xacala, a man of much respect and in charge of the north-western borders with the Iroquois.
    The messenger ran through the corridors, desperate to find the room he wa slooking for. Not easy in a building a slarge as this. It had been built over five hundred years previously when the first government of the people had come to power. Finaly he saw his target and managed to compose himself enough to knock on the door. The voice inside beckone dhim to enter. He slipped into the room, a hazy smoke covered the entire room and he could make out several glasses and bottles of the nation's leading spirit adorning the tables. This was a room of desperation, they knew bad news was coming.
    Azcapan, the Minister for Defence spoke first, "What news do you bring from the border?"
    Messenger: "War Chief Xacala sends bad tidings sir. The Iroquois have indeed invaded, our spies say they are amassing a huge army of horsemen to attack St Louis."
    The Great Chief of the People spoke, "We knew this day would come. The Cold War is over, for more than a hundred years we have faced each other across the old American lands, now it has come to war."
    The messenger was dismissed and the men in the room sat down at the table again, notes and charts spread everywhere. "What are we to do, the Iroquois have already launched a raid near San Francisco in the north-east and carried off several thousand prisoners," Great Chief of the People Huzatil said, "what are your recomendations? The Iroquois are much more powerful militarily than we are."
    "Sir, the Iroquois may have a larger army, but we are richer and we are more technologicaly advanced, they don't even have machine guns or modern rifles. They still use those old bolt action guns. We also have the advantage of superior artillery, again they rely upon old cannons and horsemen." said Azcapan.
    The Minister for the Homeland spoke next, "Remember thought hat those horsemen have done us a lot of damage, thousands of our people have bene carted off to slavery in their Communist work camps."
    The Colonial Minister pitche din, "We must fight sir, we have to. The very nature of our democracy depend son it. The Iroquois are a godless people, they talk about socialism and freedom, but they seek only slavery."
    "Very well, we will fight. We must, if we are to survive and not be enslaved," was the Great Chief of the People's decision.

    War Chief Xacala surveyed the scene before him, he had strengthened the city's defences and evacuated the women and children from the city, only essential workers and soldiers had been kept. St Louis he thought would be able to stand against the Iroquois, but it wouldn't be easy. As he wa sinspecting a defence line a scout approached him. "Yes, what news?" the War Chief asked.
    "Sir, the Iroquois approach, they are only a few hours ride from here."
    "What?!! A few hours! But we had information they would not attack for another week."
    "I have seen this with my own eyes sir, and I do not decieve you. The Iroquois do approach."
    The War Chief stormed past the messenger calling orders out to those around him. Doubts flashed in his mind, he had expected another week in which to prepare the city's defences, although they had been strengthened they weren't at maximum. The next few hours were chaos, soldiers took their positions and checked their ammunition, civilians bustled in the factories and secured their homes. Gas maskes were issued to all, just in case the Iroquois should make use of such primitive weaponry.
    Finally at noon, just when the the Feathered Serpent had raised the sun to its hieghest point a thin line appeare don the horizon. The War Chief wa sin the Most Holy Temple of St Louis of the Feathered Serpent making a sacrafice to the Quetzacoatl, the Great Feathered Serpent and protector of the Aztecs, when he was summoned. He stood on the old walls of the city, and gazed out at the Iroquois army. It was truely massive, numbering in the thousands. As far as the eye could see Iroquois mounted braves were marching towards the city. He knew of course that hey would be under the command of Bear's Claw, the greatest commander of the Iroquois forces, and a formidable opponent.
    The Iroquois assembled their lines for most of the rets of the afternoon, more and more troops arriving, filling the landscape with their presence. Xacala ordered the St Louis Artillery to open fire on the Iroquois, he reasoned that striking them beofre thye were fully ready would buy him some time at least for reinforcements to arrive.
    The battle was joined, artillery shells arced through the clear desert sky towards the enemy lines. The gunners were experienced men and most shots found their targets. The Iroquois fled from their positions as the Aztec shells struck them. Men were blown apart, limbs flying everywhere as the shells did their work. The Iroquois brought up their own cannon and set them on the city. Xacala watche din mild amusement as the Iroquois cannon balls fell short, the Aztecs clearly had the technical advantage here.
    Over the next week more Iroquois troops arrived, the War Chief couldn't believe how many there were, his scouts indicated that at least five hundred thousand Iroquois braves had been sent to St Louis. The War Chief had barely a hundred thousand men under his command. The Iroquois launched themselves time after time against the city. Their rifles were no match for the Aztec machinegun fire which cut them to ribbons as they charged across the desert. The battle raged for the next month, both sides taking masisve casulaties. Finally an Aztec army managed to break through the Iroquois lines and reached the city to reinforce it. The Iroquois didn't care, however, and over the next four years many millions were to die.

    Xacala was on his way to the Central Command Post early that summer morning in 1820. He had bene in charge here in St Louis for four years now. For all that tim he had managed to hold the city against overwhelming numbers, reinforcements did arrive, but the Iroquois just had too many braves. The Central Government in Tenochtitlan had implemented conscription, but it was causing mass riots in the cities as people felt they were being used for cannon fodder. The shortages were also causing problems as production halted consumer goods and focused on munitions.
    Reaching the command post he found a messenger from the capital waiting for him, "This must be important," he thought to himself, "or else they would just telegraph it to me."
    The messenger stepped forwards and handed the War Chief a piece of paper. The War Chief's eyes nearly lept out of his head when he saw what the mesage contained. The War Chief raced past the messenger into the command post. He called for his second in command, Lesser War Chief Hixza.
    "Hixza there has been a coup in the capital," the War Chief said.
    "A coup?"
    "Yes, a group of War Chiefs have siezed power, they have declared an end to civilian rule, and have declared a Communist state."
    "What is the situation?"
    "They have gathered the support of the army in the homeland and several naval units have pledged support, but there are opposition forces in the colonies in the south and across the Great Ocean in the southern lands. We have been asked to join them."
    "What should we do. We do have command of the single largest military force in the whole Aztec nation."
    "Exactly, and they know that,. They need our support. I think we have to support them, for the good of the entire nation. If a civil war results then the Iroquois will have easy pickings here, and all our sacrafices will have been in vain. The old government has few supporters with power, we must do what is best for the nation."

    The truce had been in place for more than a year now, the Iroquois had called off their attacks in the hope that a civil war would break out and allow them to invade the Aztec nation without the mass casualties they had already sufferred. It was common knowledge amongst the Aztecs that the communist war chiefs were being supported by the communist Iroquois.
    Xacala still controoled the north-western forces at St Louis in 1822 and he had fought tenaciously to kepe his command. He was sitting at his desk looking over some maps of the Iroquois troop movements. the war chiefs in Tenochtitlan had just announced that the last resisting war chief, Qozal in the southern continent, had been executed. Victory was theres and the word on the street was that they were goign to make a deal with their Iroquois brothers, communist brothers that is. Xacala had other ideas, he hadn't watched millions of Aztecs suffer and die so thata deal could be made. He wanted revenge and he was going to get it. The Iroquois had maintained an army justa cross the border from St Louis, about a hundred miles away. Xacala was determined to engage that force.
    He mounted his war horse, many still didn't trust the beasts, imported from across the Eastern Sea from the Egyptians, but he had grown fond of the beast. Riding through the ruined streets of St Louis he was further determined to caryr out his plan. Everywhere he looked all he could see was ruin and destruction. Four years of Iroquois attacks had destroyed the walls and many of the outlying suburbs had been swept away. Streets and houses lay empty and crumbling. The bodies had been remove din the period of peace, but he knew they would soon return too.
    Finally he stopped in front of the men he ould lead. They were amassed in the city square, ten thousand of them. H eknew that they were no match for the Iroquois in numbers, but they were brave and had superior weaponry, they would win through. The men before him trusted Xacala with their lives as thye had done time and time again. Xacala gazed at his loyal troops and uttered the battle cry, "We will not stumble and falter in the face of fear, we will not fall beneath terror, we will not be trampled by tyranny ... we will stand, we will fight, and WE WILL WIN!"
    A great cry went up from the troops and the march towards the Iroquois border began.
    "I have taken far more out of drink than drink has taken out of me."
    Sir Winston Spencer Churchill

  • #2
    Xacala was in the fore front of the battle, barking orders and firing at the nemy. The Iroquois were taken by surprise, they had been told by their superiors that they were to return home, peace was at hand after the communists had taken control of the Aztecs.
    The Aztecs took position on a hillside and opened fire, their artillery causing untold damage to the Iroquois. When the Iroquois braves did finally manage to rally they charged the Aztec lines. Swathes of machine gun fire sent them to the ground. Thousands of braves lay dead in front of the Aztec lines. The Iroquois commander was caught in a stampede as his men retreated from the hillside, he desperately tried to rally his forces, but a bullet in the back of his head from an Aztec rifle put a stop to that. The Iroqouis went into full scale retreat, desperately trying to get away from the machine gun nests and mortar fire that were decimating them.

    Xacala expected the men who arrived, they had bene sent from Tenochtitlan, they were members of the new Aztec People's Security Agency (APSA). They had brough soldiers with them and were demanding that Xacala come without a fight.
    Xacala emerged from his command post, dressed in the uniform he had worn in battle, still covered in Iroquois blood. The APSA commander stared at him, "Traitor, you have started a war which we cannot win. You are a disgrace, you should be ashamed at the destruction you have brought upon your people. We have orders to take you back to Tenochtitlan."
    "I will go with you, but I am no traitor, I have defended my country against an aggressor, and we can win, by th will of Quezacoatl."
    Xacala was bundled into a carriage and taken to the train station, armed guards stood prrof that he would not escape on the long journey southwards to the capital.

    People's Chief Atiozlax presided over Xacala himself. He was furious at the War Chief's actions, "You utter fool, do you know what you have done? You have doomed us all!"
    "I have only stood up for the rights of the millions who have been murdered by the Iroqouis in the past six years."
    "We are now in a war we cannot win, we already have reports that the Iroquois have amassed troops on our north eastern borders, we have just come out of fighting the rebels in the south, we are not ready for a war."
    "People's Chief, we are ready. We have superior technology and we have Quetzacoatl on our side, he will protect us."
    "Your Feathered God is no more, we have banned worship at the temples. It is exactly this kind of false hope that we are trying to stamp out, people must realise that there is no divine intervention that will save them."
    "You cannot ban worship, the people will not let you. The peopel will do whatever they are told, or they will learn to in a labour camp. Take this fool away"
    Xacal was grabbed by the two burly guards behind him and led to the Hall of Justice, he noted that the emblem of the Feathered Serpent had bene torn down and replaced with the yellow disc on red background that was the new Aztec symbol of communist unity.

    The trial was a show trial, open to the public. Xacala never had aproper chance to defend himself. He was sentenced to death by firing squad for high treason against the Aztec People.
    Shots rang out across Tenochtitlan at five the nect morning, Xacala maintained silence to the end.

    Lesser Battle Chief Hixalz was leading his men through the hills hills of the Miami region, it was a dry dusty desert region in the centre of the northern Aztec continent. They had been tasked with infiltrating the city a spart of the latest attack plan for the city. Over the past twenty five years there had been many attacks on the city, and it had vene been captured, but always the Iroquois managed to rest control of it from the Aztecs. Well things were different know, Aztec scientists had developed a way to travel through the air, and it had just been developed enough to allow bombs to be carried and ropped from the air, out of the reach of the Iroquois weapons. This was to be the new attack on the city, one that couldn't be defended against.
    Hixalz led his men through the passes and it was lamost night fall when they reached the city's oitskirts. Quietly they crept towards the city walls, years of artillery bombardment had forced the Iroquois to abandon the outer city and defend the inner city. Without anyone seeing the Aztec platoon scaled the walls, these men had been picked because thye were the best.
    Stealing into the city they found their way to the central square, they had brought disguises so as to attract less attention. Quickly the disguises were abandoned and they produced another miracle of Aztec science, spheres of light that produced no heat. They set up there equipment, this was so the Aztec bombers could identify the city from the nightime sky. Quickly the gathered their belongings and fled. Iroquois troops were hot on their heels, machine gun fire rang out as they fought back, knowing that soon the Iroquouis would be too worried about the bombers to bother witht hem.
    Sure enough they soon heard the drone of the bomber's engine soverhead. Within minutes deafening explosions rocked the city. Fires sprang up all over the place. Buildings collapsed and people were running for their lives. Hixalz led his men to the city gates, people were pouring out of the gates, he ordered his men to fire at them, many were killed, including women and children, but these were orders from the Central Command. All Iroquois were to be treated as targets. The crowds panicked and scattered,s till the bombs fell. Hixalz decide that it was time to leave and with his men they forced their way out of the city gates and into the ruined suburbs.
    It wa sonly two weeks later, and after numerous other bombing missions that an Aztec army launched ana ssault on Miami. No one was spared, as per the Central Command directives. The Iroquois were seena s scum, not wothy of the title of communists. This was the notion ebing taught in Aztec schools, that the Iroquois were evil. The assault succeeded in spectacular fashion and mnay Iroquois were carted of to the south to begin lives of slavery in labour camps.
    Hixalz was pleased with his work, he had been born just as the war had started and it wa sll he had ever known, this was natural to him. He was visited by his commanding officer, Battle Chief Ixaol, the Battle Chief strode into Hixalz's quarters, "Lesser Battle Chief, I have a new assignment for you. This is top secret and is not to be repeated to anyone."
    "Yes of course sir, I understand completely"
    "We are shortly beginning an offensive against the Iroquois in the north-eats, we are goignt o take their American colonies and hopefully push on into their homeland."
    "Its about time, sir"
    "We want you to lead the attack against Washington, it won't be easy, it is heavily fortified and will require a lot of pressure to crack, but we believe you can do it."
    "I would be honoured sir, but I am only a Lesser Battle Chief ..."
    He was cut off, "That's why you are here by promoted to Battle Chief, by order of the People's Central Army Command."
    "Thankyou very much sir, I won't let you down."
    "I know you won't and you don't have to call em sir anymore."

    Hixalz smiled to himself as he rode out before his men, wearing his new uniform and rank insignia. He was in command of the 10th Jaguar Regiment, a very illustrious unit that had seen many battles over the years and had a good reputation. They were to lead the assualt against the Iroquois held city of Washington. Donned in their distinctive Jaguar pelts and each adorned with the Jaguar's Tooth, the symbol of the regiment, they marche doff towards the city.
    The battle itself was fierce indeed, the Iroquois might be technologicaly inferior, but they could certainly fight. Hixalz found himself leading a small company of men on the outskirts of the city, cut off from the rest of the battle. Iroquois warriors were swarming around them, brandishing their machine guns, the Aztec troops let ,loose ahail of bullets, killing many of the Iroquois immediately. The rest fled towards some houses nearby, the terrified civilians still inside. "Burn them out!" commanded Hixalz.
    His men throw their grenades at the houses, which collapsed like doll's houses. People cam running out screaming, Hixalz ordered his men to shoot anyone coming out of the building. With all the commotion he didn't notice a group of Iroquois braves creeping up behind his men until it was too late. The braves sunk a tomohawk into the back of one soldier's kull, the others Aztec troops opened fire, but the braves were on them. The fighting lasted only a few minutes, but Hixalz suddenly found himself outnumberd and alone. He was ready to die, for the People's Republic, he thought. He felt a blow to the back of the head, and then blackness.
    On awakening he found himself in a small room, there was an iroquous man sitting in one corner, he looke dlike a doctor. Hixalz made ana ttempt to egt up, but found that he was strapped to the bed. He called out to the doctor, but the doctor obviously didn't speak Aztec. The man fetched someone else who did though.
    The Iroquois man the doctor fetched introduce dhimself as Small Chief Running Brook, he was there to interogate Hixalz. Hixalz refused, but the doctor injecte dhim with soemthing and suddenly he found himself answering any question put to him.
    When they had finished with him, the Iroquois dragge dhim out of the room and into a small courtyard, they lined him up against the wall and soldiers formed aline and took aim. The Iroquois commander shouted something in Iroquois, which Hixalz took to mean 'aim'. Suddenly the courtyard wall exploded in a torrent of debris, pepperring everyone with shards of masonry. Aztec troops began pouring in through the hole, firing at the Iroquois. The battle was oon over and the Iroqious were defeated. The Aztec troops untied Hixalz and took him to their commander, Battle Chief Toalix. Hixalz found out that he had been missing for nearly three weeks, kept a prisoner by the Iroquois. He was debriefed and asked what he had told them. Of course he lied to save his own skin, so he was allowed back to his command. The city still hadn't fallen and casualties were rapidly mounting. It was rumoured that the Iroquois were preparing amajor offensive to the west, already people had been evacuated from St Louis and Denver on the west coast.
    Hixalz sat and seethed at the news, he would get revenge for his humiliation, or he would die trying.
    "I have taken far more out of drink than drink has taken out of me."
    Sir Winston Spencer Churchill


    • #3
      Lycurgus Ive just read the story so far, you seem to be doing a good job with this. The characters names and other details are good and the story flows nicely.

      One point is that I think you may be rushing a little, trust me I know what I am talking about, been there myself. Once you get an idea in your head and go for it and its easy to be carried away with flow.

      Why do I think you may be rushing? well youre first two posts are very long and I know youve done them quickly cause I check here regulary for new stuff. You have typed a lot of errors, this happens when your in top typing gear. Ironically your spelling is for the most part correct your most common mistake is to type the last letter of a word at the beginning of the next. and it happens consistently through both your posts.

      IMHO what you should do is take breaks between posts and give yourself more time, all good things come to he who waits. I can speak from experience as I made shed loads of errors when typing "Mikes Story."

      Any ways Lycurgus its really good to see another (Im assuming) new writer here and I like what youve done so far so keep delivering the goods,
      A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


      • #4
        Axactapla knew that his mission wa simportnat, he was fighting not only for the People's Republic, but also he fought for the secret police the dreaded APSA. He had been sent to the front lines at Washington to investigate reports of a rogue Battle Chief,, his orders were to find the culprit and terminate him. Of course no one knew who this was, but reports had been coming of someone who was terrorising the local populace, including the Americans. The government back in Tenochtitlan was on a charm offensive with the small American nation in the far south of southern Aztec continent. Killing Americans here in their old capital wasn't exactly the best policy to persue.
        Axactapla was assigned to a normal unit of infantry, the 21st Brigade of the Regiment of the Boa. The unit had been sent to the heart of the battle in the ruined city centre. Iroquois forces had held onto the city for the past seven years, despite massive bombing raids and almost constant artillery fire. The destruction actually made it easier for them to hold on, as there wasn't anything left for the Aztecs to bomb or shell.
        Axactapla's unit was fighting a band of Iroquois braves on the morning of the 23rd, it was a bitter winter's morning and the snow had already begun falling, making the fighting all the harder.
        Suddenly an Iroquois charge appeared, several braves leapt from behind their barricades and charged at the Aztec lines. Machine guns opened up and soon the braves were lying in pools of congealing blood. Axactapla saw from the corner of his eye the figure of an Aztec commander in the distance. He thought it odd that a commander should be so far behind enemy lines, especially here in the very thick of the battle. Creeping closer to the figure he had spotted he recognised the man, it was Battle Chief Hixalz the hero of the Miami siege more than eight years before. He saw that Hixalz was commanding a small group of Aztec soldiers, they were from the Jaguar Regiment, the finest regiment in the army. They had lined up a group of braves and were shooting them in the back of the head. Axactapla asn't sickened by what he saw, he had been taught that the Iroquois were scum, but also he had performed many vile acts himself, yet he saw that this was wrong. He knew that military men deserved military deaths, not to be shot like dogs. He managed to slip away from his unit and hid himself behind the ruins of a building. Pulling out his machine gun he let loose with a torrent of bullets. The Aztec soldiers under Hixalz's command fell to the ground screwaming in pain as the bullets thundered through their flesh. Hixalz himself was quick on his feet, he scanned the surroundings and seeing no one decided on retreat. He was about to dive for cover behind a small pile of rubble when Axactapla managed to wound him in the leg. Hixalz fell to the ground with a thud, screaming and clutching his leg. He managed to turn himself around to see who had shot him and saw the figure of Axactapla coming towards him, pistol drawn. Hixalz reached for the knife he had kept hidden in the back of his belt and serruptitiously removed it. Just as Axactapla was close enough, Hixalz threw the knife and embedded it squarely in Axactapla's chest, blood spraying out as Axactapla pulled it back out, the look of horror on his face was complete a she hit the dirt.

        Central Command was buzzing with activity, reports had reached them that an Iroquois raiding party had been seen in the Carribean, a small flotilla of ships had been seen making approaches towards the colonies there. Telgrams were relayed to the cities to strengthen their defences and prepare for invasion. Just as the War Minister was issuing the orders another telegram arrived. The War Minister let out a jubliant cry as he read it over. The rest of the room stopped in their tracks to see what the news was,
        "Washington has fallen, its fallen! We've broken their lines, the Iroquois are retreating!" came the reply.
        The news was quickly issued to the state newspapers and broadcast over loudspeakers in the squares of the towns and villages of the antion. Parties were organised by the authorities, afterforty four years of war the people had something to cheer about at last.

        The troops on the front were also celebrating, thousands of Iroqouis slaves had been captured during the last push and many were sent to the southern labour camps. Aztec refugees who had fled to Washington to escape the harsh religious persecution also found thmselves the target of the slave gangs.
        The war had finally turned in the Aztec's favour, at last they were on the move towards the Iroquois homeland. Bomber fleets were dispatched that night from newly acquired airfields, and tonne sof bombs rained down upon Iroquois towns, killing people by the dozens.

        In Tenochtitlan the War Council met to discuss the next target, it was almost unanimous that Oil Springs to the west should be the next target. It was one of the largest Iroquois cities and was a major economic centre. It was decided not to capture the city, but rather to destroy it. The Iroquois were already sufferring from a masisve trade embargo imposed against them by the Aztecs, who had bribed and cajoled the other nations of the worldinto refusing trade with them. Destruction of Oil Springs would cause major damage to the Iroquois cause and mean that thier armies would have go on the defensive. New directives were ordered, expanding the war effort to new levels. A general call up was announced for all men aged between 18 - 45, new economic measures were introduced to provide for the war effort and war production was rapidly expanded. The Central Planning Comittee was determined to make the People's Republic the strongest nation on earth ...
        "I have taken far more out of drink than drink has taken out of me."
        Sir Winston Spencer Churchill


        • #5
          Good stuff, interesting story but still some mistakes though not as bad.

          Looking forward to the attack on Oil Springs,
          A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


          • #6
            Oil Springs stretched away before Air Warrior Hizaloax as he stared out through the sights of his machine gun cradle. The aircraft was vibrating as its engines strained to keep the machine in the air laden with tonnes of bombs. Finally the aircraft and the rest of the squadron were above their target, suddenly the command was given and the bomb bay doors were opened. The Air Warrior in charge of munitions on board, Air Warrior Izanlix pressed the button and the bombs were soon falling from the aircraft.
            Down below they reaped their terrible price. Houses and factories splintered apart as the high explosive and incendiary bombs exploded across the city. Firestorms leapt up and sucked people in. The cobbled streets were torn up as the bombs rained death upon the city. The terrified inhabitants were running through the streets, many were on fire despertaely running towards the river for release.
            Hizaloax smiled, he had been taught since birth that the Iroquois were a race of barbarians, they were savages bent on world conquest who wanted to enslave the Aztec people, they had already tainted the American cities under their control with their false socialism. He smiled when he thought of the glorious work he and his comrades were doing, they were doing the People's work.

            Hixalz strode out from the command tent, "We're attacking," he told his men, assembled outside.
            "What the mission sir?" his second in command, Lesser Battle Chief Axaloz, asked him.
            "We are to spearhead the attack against the city. As you all know the bombing runs have been going strong now for over a month. We are to enter the city in front of the main body of troops, and we are to root out their political leaders and commisars and eliminate them."

            The sun's first rays had just come over the eastern horizon and illuminated the long line of troops spiralling towards the city of Oil Springs. Artillery pieces were being drawn by horses alongside the troops and the 3rd Llama Lancers were riding along behind the men.
            Battle Chief Hixalz and his platoon of fifty men crept through the ruined suburbs of the city, these suburbs had once housed hundreds of thousand of people, now they lay empty. Oil Springs had been home to more than three and a half million people. After a month of incessant bombing and artillery barrages the population now numbered under little over thirty thousand. Most people who hadn't been killed had fled, only the sick and infirm were left behind.
            The platoon had just got to the end of a street when suddenly gun fire rang out, the Aztec troops scurried from the side of the road into the ruins of nearby buildings. Bullets ricocheted off ruined pillars and walls. Hixalz shouted out across the street, "SNIPERS IN THE TOWER, THE END OF THE STREET! RETURN FIRE!".
            Machine guns lept into action, a hail of bullets was directed towards the four storey tower at the end of the road. After a few minutes of firing someone found their mark, the body of a brave fell from a third storey window onto the cobbled street below.
            The platton resumed their mission, carrying on through the battered streets. Difficult as the roads were they managed to make their way into the city's centre. They had had a few running gun battles with the Iroquous, but largely they had kept to the side streets, the main Iroquois strongpoint was here, the city centre. Hixalz knew they wouldn't have to enter the centre though, the Commisariat of the Iroquois Socialist Republic was located just outside. Ordering his men to lay down covering fire Hizxalz and a small band of troops made their way to the building. Charging inside they quickly slew the two guards posted to the entrance hall. The Aztec troops quickly inspected he building, "Look sir" Warriors Xiaxi said. Hixalz peered through the doorway and saw a number of Iroquois women and children huddled ina room along with a small group of Americans, the Americans must have fled from New York to the east Hixalz thought to himself.
            "Take the Americans out" Hixalz ordered the Warrior, "leave the Iroquois scum they can go down with the building.
            "But sir there are children there too ..." the Warrior retorted, but was cut off before he could finish.
            "What the hell are you talking about? Those people are barbarians, they are scum. Didn't they teach you anything in school? Get going Warrior or you will be staying behind with them!" Hixalz quickly put the Warrior down.
            Outside the platton retreated to a safe distance to watch the destruction. Hixalz held the detonator in his hand with a trail of thin wire leading from it into the building. A few Iroquois realised what the Aztec troops were doing and attempted to run out of the door into the street. Hixalz barked out an order to shoot them. They quickly fell, crumpling onto the ruined street. Hixalz pressed the button, the building gave out alow muffle then an almight crash as it imploded. A huge cloud of dust and debris billowed out from the wreckage engulfing the Aztec troops. Hixalz felt a warmth in his heart, he had accomplished his missiona nd had killed a few of those scum in the process, in all a good nights work.

            Hixalz thrust his knife into the brave's stomach, he pulled it upwards slitting the brave's belly open, spilling his guts and a great deal of blood onto the cobblestones. The Iroquois brave fell to the ground in agony, screaming. Hixalz stood above him and cocke dhis pistol, he fired two shots, both to the head and ended the man's life. Turning to the remainder of his men he beamed, "Raise the flag."
            Two of the Warriors climbe don top of the half ruined building inf ront of them. They tore down the flag of the Iroquois and threw it to the ground. The flag of the Aztecs was placed in its stead, it flew proudly in the light wind that was carrying the stench of death over the city. Hixalz looked around at the scene of carnage. This had been the last stand of the Iroquois forces trapped in Oil Springs. Ever since their forces were cut off three years ago the remaining troops had fought on, knowing that surrender meant only death or slavery. They had fought for their lives.
            Hixalz had enjoyed this fight, he had enjoyed killing the scattered remnants of the Iroquois forces. These had been little more than old men and young boys, drafted into service in desperation. He cared little for the Iroquois, the more that were dead the better. The city hall had been fortified for this last battle, but the few hundred men that were left in the city after the previous weeks bombardment hadn't been able to keep the Aztec troops at bay for more than a few hours. Oil Springs lay in ruins, buildings burning and most of its populace dead or gone.

            CHairman Taxalz pinned the Jaguar Tooth to Hixalz's uniform. Hixalz beamed with pride as the highest honour of the Aztec People was bestowed upon him, for his valiant taking of the city hall of Oil Springs.
            "You have served the People well Battle Chief. You are destined for great things and I have no hesitation in presenting you with this medal. Your presence is requested in the Great Hall of the People."
            "Thank you Chairman, I am proud to serve the People and the Republic," Hixalz said.

            The Great Hall of the People was empty save for twelve figures sittin at the central table in the heart of the massive hall. The twelve members of the Inner Council looked at Hizalz as he waled into the hall escorted by two guards and watched as he sat down and the guards left. When the hall was once agains ilent the Chairman of the People spoke first, "Battle Chief Hixalz we have selected you for a special mission."
            "I am honoured sir," Hixalz said.
            The War Minister spoke next, "Battle Chief we are starting to win this war, we have been fighting for forty seven years now and millions have died. We are turning the Aztec nation into a proper war machine, but this takes time. We want to win this was as quickly as possible and we have a way to do this."
            "Our idea is to destroy the iroquois themselves, we want to wipe thats *** from the face of the planet. They do nothing but try to bend others to their will and they seek our destruction. We must in turn try to destroy them," the Industry Minister said.
            "Yes sir, we should strike at them with everything we have," Hixalz said.
            "Yes Battle Chief. We want you to be in charge of a new depertment that we are instigating," the Chairman continued, "we are going to take the able bodied Iroquois and put them to work in the labour camps to further our war effort. But those unable to work, well we have no use for them. We have decided to do away with them."
            "Do away with them?" Hixalz asked.
            "Yes Battle Chief, they are to be destroyed. We have started production on a series of facilities throughout the western desert and in the island territories acroos the Great Western Ocean. I shouldn't have to tell you that this might be a sensitive issue, therefore we must keep it secret from the people," the Chairman informed him.
            "Shouldn't the peopel know? They could assist us ..." Hixalz was cut off by the Naval Minister, "No Battle Chief they should not. The people need o remain focuse don the waras it is. We cannot ... distract them, with too many things."
            "Yes sir, indeed the Inner Council is wise in all things," Hixalz said.
            "Very well Battle Chief, you are hereby promoted to Lesser War Chief, in charge of the Depertment for Iroquois Resettlement and Workforce Allocation. Do your job well and make the People proud," the Chairman informed him.

            Hixalz sat atop his horse and looked at the train approaching from out of the hot desert. This was the first facility to be completed, it was named Taxcax, meaning 'End Place'. The trains topped and the guards pulled back the doors, hordes of people were ushered out from the dark train carriages. Mostly the people were young or old, sick and infirm. Mnay fell to the ground, exhausted at being kept confine din the dark enclosure of the train for so long. In fact many were dead as the doors were pulled open, sufferring through lack of water and food and unbearable temperatures.
            Hixalz watched at the people were seperated into those who could work and those who couldn't. Two seperate ques formed and were led away into seperate buildings.
            That afternoon the air was filled with foul noxious fumes as the chimney pyres belched forth plumes of acrid grey smoke. Flakes of ash began falling like rain across the desert floor and silence rained in the facility, the dead don't scream ...
            "I have taken far more out of drink than drink has taken out of me."
            Sir Winston Spencer Churchill


            • #7
              "Men today we make history, today we change the course of the war. When Grand River falls we will be posied to strike at the very heart of the Iroquois threat, Salamanca itself. But your contribution is needed if we are to do that. We must take the city!" War Chief Itzalax proclaimed to his men. Hislast words were dorowne dout by the massive cheer raised by the assembled troops before him.
              He sat on his moutn watching as te men checked their kit and their weapons one last time before the battle. He was still watching as they snaked their way through the great plains, once filled with wheat and corn, now lying barren and burnt, towards the city of Grand River. It was built on the western shore of the western lake in the northern continent. The three great lake provided much commerce and resources for the Iroquois.

              "Lesser Battle Chief!" the Warrior screamed.
              "What is it? Where is that fire comign from?" the Lesser Battle Chief demanded.
              "The pillars at the end of the street, the pillars! Eight braves sir," the Warrior responded.
              "Right men lets go," the Lesser Battle Chief ordered charging up from behind the pile of rubble he was hiding behind.
              He and his squad zig zagged their way through the ruined street towards the pillars at the end of the road. Bullets bounced around them, screams filled the air as men were sent to their deaths and thick black smoke wafted high into the sky as the Aztec artillery took its grim toll on the city.
              The squad managed to reach the remains of a small building and crept behind its last remaining wall for cover. They could hear the wall take several hits as the Iroquois fired several round soff into it. The Lesser Battle Chied ordered, "Iatlax and Azcitli provide covering fire, the rest of you with me!" He lept out from behind the wall, machine gun blazing at the pillars ahead. The rest of the squad followed suit and they all ran forwards. Behind them their two comrades kept their machine guns traine don the pillars and fired whenever the saw the hint of an Iroquois brave.
              The Lesser Battle Chief pulled a grenade from his belt and pulled the pin, several other Warriors did likewise. One after the other they threw the grenades at the pillars. Withing a few seconds a succession of loud bangs and a hail of ash and debris filled the air. Body parts started landing on the street beside them. A leg on the pavement, an arm on the road.
              The Lesser Battle Chief crept forwards, diving behind what was left of the pillars he came face to face with a small man, he was wearing the uniform of a Small Chief, an iroquois officer no less! The Lesser Battle Chief aimed his machien gun and pullede the trigger, the Small Chief let out a gasp and hit the ground.

              "Ok Air Warrior for Munitions Talquixa, release the bombs we are over the target," the Great Air Warrior commanded.
              The Air Warrior for Munitions pressed the button at his side and the bomb bay doors slid open. He started releasing the bombs, massive high explosive ones that would cause serious damage to the city beneath him.

              "FOLLOW ME MEN!" the Lesser Battle Chief shouted, his men scurrying behind him. Reaching the railway terminal in front of them they had taken up position just outside the main passenger hall. The Lesser Battle Chief kicked the door in sending it crashing to the floor. He stepped forwards and was met with a barrage of fire. The Warrior beside him heard the crack of bone as the bullets sliced through his torso and battered his ribs. The Lesser Battle Chief collapsed screaming in pain. The Warrior bent down and pulled his commander back, he lost his grip and almost fell back. Stumbling to regain his balance he felt his helmet loosen and fall back. Puting a hand up to straighten it was the last thing he ever did, a bullet lodged itself in his now unprotected forehead,only a dull thump signalled that he was dead as he hit the floor.
              "What the hell will we do now? The Lesser battle Chief is dead!" one Warrior cried out.
              "I have serve dlongest, I am in charge now,! another called, "take up positions, lay down covering fire!"
              The remaining Aztec troops knelt at the side of the doorway, one ran to a side window and smashed it in, sticking his gun through he began spraying bullets. The Warrior in charge rolled a grenade inside the building, sending it towards the location of the Iroquois gunfire. As the roof came crashing down the Warriors charge dinside, shotting down any braves ttempting to escape the falling masonry.

              "Chairman good news from the front, Grand River has been taken," the War Minister beamed.
              "Excellent, what were our casualties?" the Chairman asked.
              "Sixty thousand dead, another hundred thousand wounded, not bad for three months."
              "Very good indeed. The new field hospitals are scertainly making a difference, why only five years ago that figure would have been doubled," the Chairman said.
              "Sir we have begun to move out the sick and old to the facilities. War Chief Itzalax thinks it best to keep the workforce in the city. The city still has a numbe rof factories capable of production and they can easily be converted to our specifications"
              "Very well do what is necessary, also see to it that we get more information out of the captured officers than we did with the last lot. We must have accurate information on Salamanca."
              "Yes sir," the War Minister said.

              "War Chief grave news!" the Great Battle Chief panted running into the room.
              "What is it?" Itzalax asked.
              "The Iroquois are revolting sir! Armed gangs have ambushed several of our patrols."
              "What?! We have been in control here for over three years now, there has never been any indication of an underground movement," the War Chief said shocked.
              "Sir we have reports that they Iroquois have amassed a stockpile of weapons and are planning to link up with liberation forces heading towards the city."
              "Send a telegram to War Chief Axalotz, request reinforcements and ..." the War Chief was cut off mid sentence.
              "Sir the Iroquois have cut the telegraph wires, we are cut off."
              "Then send the message by courier, justs end it and fast," the War Chief barked, "sound the alert and get all troops ready for battle. Post extra guards at the munitions dumps and around the garages. We don't want the Iroquois to know about our surprise we have ins tore for Salamanca."
              "Would they even recognise a tank sir?" the Great Battle Chief asked.
              "Well they have seen us use trucks on occasion and I am quite sure they would understand what a tank was. Just get going, we must act quickly."

              Troops poured out from the barracks, squads of Aztec troopers took up positions on street corners and in key facilities. Army HQ in Grand River was barricaded up, more men were posted to the walls surrounding the compound.

              "Who do these barbarians think they are? By Atztlan you would think they would appreciate what we are doig for them, bringing civilisation to them," the Lesser Battle Chief commented as he strode out beside the Great Battle Chief.
              "They are nothing but scum Lesser Battle Chief. Don't worry we will have this pathetic uprising crushed tonight and then tomorrow we hang everyone involved along with their children, stop them breeding thats what I say," the Great Battle Chief replied.
              The men entered the compound containing several large vehicles shroude beneath tarpaulins. Guards and technicians milled around.
              The men stood to attention when they saw the two officers enter. "Listen up me, a band of Iroquois partisans are on there way here, we must prevent them from entering the compound at all costs. They are not to discover our new weapons, this compund is to be defended at all costs ..." the Great Battle Chief was interrupted by a tremendous explosion.
              Three personnel cars, small four man troop carriers raced through a massive hole in the compound wall. The Aztecs had only recently started using motorised transports en masse, they ahd been around for the last twenty years or so, only now had they developed far enough to be of any military use.
              "Take cover and RETURN FIRE!" the Great Battle Chief bellowed as he dove for cover. Machine gun fire erupted as the troop cars drove around the compound. The Iroquois partisans inside lobbed petrol bombs and fired off their pistols and rifles.
              Bullets tore through flesh and fire crackled over the paved ground as the Iroquois disembarked. The Aztec troops desperately tried to fight back. Many were caught off guard without their weapons and were cut down as they reached for them.

              "Sir a message from the tank compound," the messenger said handing the note to the War Chief.
              Itzalax opened the note and immeditaley frowned, "Unbelievable! They have the tanks, they have the damned tanks! How on earth do they know how to drive them? They''re savages!"

              "Fallback, fall back!" the command went out. The Aztecs piled back through the streets, running from the behemoth slowly advancing behind them. Sudenly a whirring noise came to their ears, then a loud crack as another shell was spat forth by the tank. It landed square in the middle of the street, rupturing a newly installed gas pipe. A massive fireball leapt up from below the street and spread out across the road. Men ran screaming, their clothes and bodies engulfed in flame.
              "Keep firing, keep firing!" a shout was heard to say. The troops were taking no notice though. Gunfire was coming in from all sides. They could here screams and explosions all around them. The Aztec troops soon cared little for their weapons, they justw anted to get out of the path of the oncoming tanks and the snipers who were all around them.
              "Help me! Please help me!" a soldier called out, he wa slying on the street with his legs blown clean off. The blood seeping from the wounds would ensure that he would be silent withina few minutes. His comrades ran past him, trying to reach the Command HQ. There War Chief Itzalax was preparing to make his stand.
              "Barricade those windows, and get more men on the roof," he called out to a subordinate, "get mines down there at the front, we must stop those bloody tanks!"
              Men were running about everywhere, hastily trying to carry out his orders, listening to the impending doom that was crepping ever closer.

              The tanks pulled up outside the gates to the compund and one by one let off shells. The mighty firepower the Aztecs had given these machines was now turned on their creators. Shards of glass filled the room as the window came flying in, spraying Itzalax. He clutched his face, blood running down his cheeks, "Destroy them!" he ordered.
              "Sir our weapons are having no effect," a Lesser Battle Chief ventured to say.
              "Where are the shoulder rockets?"
              "The partisans have them, they broke through at the northern arms dump," another man called out.
              The room suddenly shook with great force, plaster started crumbling from the cieling, the men inside looked around in panic. They turned to the windows and saw the tanks smashing through the walls, a shell ahd landed in the room two floors up, it was a miracle the roof hadn't fallen right in!
              "Theyre in the compound, theyre in!" a Warrior screamed running past the room.
              The commanders inside rushed out to be met with a group of Iroquois men brandishing captured machine guns and older bolt rifles of their own. The War Chief drew his side arm and let off three shots. The Iroquois men weren't trained soldiers and the wuickly fell. "Come men," the War Chief said as he ran to the back of the building.
              There too they were met by a aprty of Iroquois partisans. The commanders fired their pistols and a few Warriors joine din. It was all over, however, when another group of partisans came charging at them. A few minutes later and it was all over.

              The naked body was hoisted up the flagpole, blood running from its many wounds. The crowds below cheerd and whooped. Many of the men were holding scalps in their hands, taken from the Aztec troops they had bested in battle.
              The last thing Itzalax saw before the pain overcame him was the crowds beneath him as he dangled there, swaying on the flag pole.
              "I have taken far more out of drink than drink has taken out of me."
              Sir Winston Spencer Churchill


              • #8
                "WIPE THEM OUT! KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THOSE COWARDS!" the Chairman was screaming at the top of his voice. The aides cowered around the room, no one dared speak. Finally Great War Chief Hizalaxioxaz spoke, "Chairman, our troops are already on their way to Grand River. We have been pounding the city from the air for two days now, the uprising will soon be crushed."
                "It had better be Great War Chief, it had better be. We cannot afford to show weakness at this time, we cannot falter when we are so close," the Chairman told him.
                The aides and War Chiefs left the room leaving the Chairman alone. He swivelled round in his chair and gazed out over the city from his window. He had been Chairman now for over fifteen years, his predecessors had done a good job in turning the war around and pushing the Iroquois back. Of course he didn't want to succeed to much, not just yet, thats why he had arranged for that shipment of weapons to be 'accidently' leftjust where the partisan forces could acquire them. Yes an uprising would ensure that the war would continue on for years to come and would ensure his position more securelt than ever.

                "Commence fire!" the Battle Chief ordered. Immediately thousand sof artleery barrels let loose a torrent of shells against the city. The shells arced high through the sky before falling onto the city below them. Explosions rung out and fires lept up into the air. The barrage continued all that day, and the next, and the enxt. In fact it continued every day for the next three weeks.
                "War Chief our troops have moved into the city, they have engaged the enemy," the Great Battle Chief reported.
                "Very good Great Battle Chief, inform me of their progress," the War Chief responded.
                The Great Battle Chief nodded his head and left the command post.


                ALL HAIL THE GLORIOUS ARMIES OF THE PEOPLE! Our reporters in the field bring great news to the people of Tenochtitland of of the entire nation, the facist uprising has been put down in Grand River. The Iroquois scum were forced to surrender last night after fierce attacks from our glorious armed forces.
                We have it from the War Minister himself that the Iroquois forces surrendered rather than fight in several districts of the city, truely they are cowards. Our brave Warriors are to be congratulate for their continued sacrafice in the name of the People!
                The citizens of Grand River dared rise up against the will of the People and they have paid for their selfish ways in blood. Let this be a lessen to the enemies of socialism that they cannot win. All Hail the Glorious Revolutiona and All Hail the People!

                Hixalz watched as anothe rtrain arrived at the facility. These, he was informed, were the dogs who had taken part in the Grand River uprising. He ha made sure that they would be fast tracked to the extermination rooms. The Iroquois disembarking the train were in shackles as they were led from the rail station to the huge rooms in the central compound. They were marched into the room and told to strip their clothes off. Several refused, no explanation was given as to the request, those objecting were shot on the spot. The rest promptly followed suit.
                The large crowd of Iroquois, men and women, children, old people and the sick were standing there shivering. The room was ice cold despite the fact the hot desert sun shone brightly outside. Suddenly the dooers and windows were sealed, large slats came crashing down sealing the room off. The electrical lights were cut off and the room was plunged darkness, the Iroquois were afraid, they knew that they would not be coming out of this room again, many were crying and weeping.
                Water began to trickle at their feet,the Iroquois could feel it rising ever higher, it started lapping at their shins. There was now a panic, people were desperately trying to find the windows, fists bange don the walls and shouts and screams rang out everywhere. The water continued to rise, ever higher. By the time it was at peope's waists the atmosphere was at fever pitch, the shouts were those of a people knowing their time onearth was almost up. Hixalz wathed from behind the special glass that allowe him to se einto the room, but those inside not to see out. He saw a woman pressed up against the glas on the other side clutching her children to her as the water swept up to her neck, she was tying to hold her children above it, but it was no use the water level kept moving upwards. Soon the room was filled, some managed to hold their breaths for a few moments, but they too finally had to give up.
                After another ten minutes Hixalz ordered the water to be drained from the room into the huge tanks at the rear of the building. Iroquous slaves were led into the room and ordered to drag the bodies out again. They would be taken to the huge furnances where they were incinerated, all the better to dispose of them and to conceal the deaths.
                Hixalz filled in his report and noted that today had been a very efficient day, over eight thousand dead and tomorrow more would be 'eliminated' ... all in the name of the People of course.
                "I have taken far more out of drink than drink has taken out of me."
                Sir Winston Spencer Churchill


                • #9
                  Lycurgus I think I am right in saying that youre story is the first one to contain a holocaust description. Of cause I cant be totally sure of that because I myself have only been posting here for a few months, but its certainly the first Ive seen.

                  I have to say to you that I dont see the need for you to enter into so much detail about this and that it is rather bad taste IMO. The sections of the story focusing on the war itself are far better than all this unecessary detail about genocide and hatred.

                  Ok in reality such things have and do happen but I think you should back off a little and tone it down some.

                  I suppose the question I ask myself is do you care what I think and will you bother to acknowledge that I have once again given you some feedback to your story. Probably not as you have'nt thus far, but that is your loss as most of us here share thoughts and generally have fun reading eachothers stories.

                  This is the last time I will respond to this if you are not prepared to return comment, there is no point wasting my own time is there ?
                  A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


                  • #10
                    Of course I very much appreciate your comments and I hope wou will continue to give feedback, positive or otherwise! However, I must defend my actions.
                    I do not include descriptions of genocide to mock people's sufferring or to shock, rather I include such descriptions because it is a real part of human history, and not just confined to Nazis either. If you perchance to look at such persecutions throughout history you will find that my descriptions are very conservative and tame by the standards of what has actually transpired in real life.
                    The reason I included this was to demonstrate how a people can be merrily led down the path of persecution in the sincerist belief that what they are doing is right and just. In this game that I played I developed air power rather quickly and managed to destroy huge swathes of the Iroquois populace, this gave me the idea for including reference to mass slaughter. If you wait for later posts you will se emy commitment to justice when the evil is finally defeated.
                    I do appreciate your comments and I do hope you will continue to give feedback. I havn't responded before because I didn't feel it necessary, but rest assured I did take it on board. One last point, I haven't written this to atatck you or denegrate your point, rather I simply wanted to defend my actions and I hope after reading this you will at least see where I am coming from.
                    "I have taken far more out of drink than drink has taken out of me."
                    Sir Winston Spencer Churchill


                    • #11
                      "Surrender now and you may e spared by the all encompassing mercy of the representative of the people! Fight and you will die!" the leaflet was typed in iroquois. Thousand of them litterred the streets. The Iroquois of Salamanca were reading them, suddenly feeling afraid of the impending doom.L This was the eight week of the attack and still the Aztecs refused to enter the city, they ahd subjected it to almost constant bombardment, many had actually gone deaf with the constant explosions. Everywhere the city lay in abject ruin and destruction, almost all the buildings had been scarred by the bombs and shells. Bodies still litterred the streets, infecting the populace with numerous diseases, the public services had broken down weeks ago once the Aztec army had sealed the city off from the rest of the Iroquois nation. Truely this was a city on the verge of collapse. Yet the populace, for all their fear, still clung on tenaciously, the had heard the stories from escapees and survivors of previous abttles that the Aztecs showed no mercy, that all were butchered once surrender had been offerred. Death fighting was preferable to death on one's knees.

                      "War Chief, the city is ripe for the taking, our troops stand ready, they are prepared for battle," the Great Battle Chied informed War Chief Caxioliz.
                      "Hmph battle! You can hardly call it that, these Iroquois are sheep, they don't have the technology or the intelligence to fight properly, once again our armies will be victorious. Send in divisions one to five only," the War Chief said.
                      "Sir that is only sixty thousand men, the Iroquois have over two hundred thousand men in the city and we have reports that they have armed the populace, their true numbers are probably much higher," the Great Battle Chief said alarmed.
                      "Great Battle Chief, we need not be concerned with that, our tanks and greater technological advantage will prevail once again. Divisions one to five only great Battle Chief."
                      "Yes sir," the Great Battle Chief answered his superior, raised his hand in salute and backed out from the room. He stepped over to the radio set, still he didn't understand how sych things worked, this 'radio' had only been introduced a few years previously. The operator looked up at the Great Battle Chief for his instructions. "Transmit to the front lines, divisions one to five are to engage the enemy."
                      "Yes sir," the operator replied.

                      "All right men, this is it," the Great Warrior shouted out, "we have been given the order to move and move we will. This is the battle we have waited for, ever since this war began almost seventy years ago, we have waited for this moment. Today we attack Salamanca, the heart of the Iroquois menace, today we avenge the millions of dead at St Louis and other cities over the past seventy years. Today we win the war!"
                      The men cheered loudly as their NCO made the speech, they were soon checking their euipment and in due order were marching out from their barracks. The road was hard, the Iroquois had defended this stretch of road with mines and booby traps. Along the way these devices took their tool, many Aztecs being carried back from the march with wounds from flying shrapnel and broken glass.
                      Finally after a few hours the Aztec troops reached the outskirts of the city. Before them they could see the great Sky Pole, the huge tower built by the Iroquois to house their government. It alone still stoof above the ruined city, it wa sure to eb defended till the last, it was a national symbol of Iroquois defiance.
                      The battle began quickly enough, the Aztec troops soon found themselves involved in numerous firefights with detachments of Iroquois braves. The initial defenders proved incapable of holding their lines and the Aztec squads soon pushed their way into the inner suburbs.
                      Artillery barrages raged overhead whilst men and taks raced through the streets, pounding at any sign of Iroquois resistance. The single shot rifles the Iroquois were still using after seventy years were absolutely no match for the automatic weaponry the Aztecs wielded. Iroquois troops barricaded their positions in vain, tank shells simply ripped throuhg the barricades as if they were not there.
                      The abttle raged for almost a month, the Iroquois lasting a slong as they did through sheer willpower. Finally they had been pushed back to the heart of the city. Here they had decided to make their last stand in defence of their nation.

                      "War Minister, we have reliable information that they Iroquois leadership has been trapped in Salamanca!" the news came from a small man of unknown rank, despite wearing an Air Force uniform.
                      "Excellent! Perhaps this war can be over soon then, we grow tired of it, the Iroquois are a pathetic race, they put up no fight whatsoever," the War Minister replied.
                      "The War Chief at his side stepped forwards, "War Minister we are ready to unleash the Sky Warriors on the Iroquois, they will enable us to take the city more quickly, what are your orders for the Iroquois government, are they to be taken alive?"
                      "Of course not!" the War Minister seemed shocked at the mere suggestion of sparing the iroqious government.

                      "The drone of the planes faded into the distance as the men drifted downwards towards the streets below. Parachutes gently brought them into land and they quickly stepped out of them and armed their weapons ready for action.
                      Shouts rang out as soon as the defenders realised the iroquois had landed men behind their lines. The Aztec Sky Warriors were soon in the thick of fighting, weapons were fired, grenades found their mark on barricades and bridge defences. The Iroquois were in obvious panic, their squads of braves charged from place to place trying to determine where the attackers were coming from. The Sky Warriors soon had the advantage, using their signal flares they gave the sign for the main attack to commence.
                      The troops began the assault, their weapons sprayed forth against the defenders, now reduced in numbers as many of them had left the front lines to deal with the Sky Warriors. The Aztec troopers assaulted the barricades, their grenades clearing the way, Iroquois braves deciding to stay and put up resistance were quickly dispatched.
                      The Iroquois found themselves pushed back towards the Sky Pole, the encroaching Aztec troops were unstoppable, the tanks literally crushing all opposition in their path. The Iroquois had manged to improvise some Aztec technology and had constructed a primitive shoulder rocket launcher. The few the iroquois had were pressed into action, they found their marks in the hulls of Aztec tanks, burning husks being left in their wake. But it was all too little at this stage, there were too mnay tanks for the Iroquois to stop them all, and the pressure pushed their lines further inwards.
                      The Sky Pole loomed above, all twenty storeys of it, the Iroquois defenders knew there was no way out, this would be their graves, but it would also be thier finest hour, the were not going to quit now!
                      Swarms of Aztec Warriors charged the Iroquois lines, the hail of bullets meeting them sent many to the ground, blood pouring from their bodies. The Iroquois were using everything they had, the windows of the Sky Pole were lit up by the troops inside firing their weapons on the invaders below. Rockets came flying from the top stoereys, smashing into the Aztecs below, sending them scuttling in all directions.
                      "Lesser War Chief! We can't break through, they are in to strong a position, our troops are taking massive casualties," the Battle Chief cried out over the din of battle.
                      "Send in the tanks, destroy the Sky Pole. Pull our men back and destroy the damned thing!" the order came.
                      As the Battle Chief bellowed out his orders tanks rumbled forwards and troops fled backwards. When the scene was cleared of troops the tanks let loose with a hail of fire. Sheels thudded into the Sky Pole, debris spattered out from the building as the masonry splintered apart. The tanks kept up the attack, concentrating ever more fire on the crumbling structure. Iroquois troops poured from the building trying to escape from the collapse. The tanks made short work of them, their on-board machine guns mowing them down. Stunned silence fell and the guns went quiet, an almighty crash had begun, screams could be heard as the Sky Pole swayed.
                      All eeys were turned upwards as the building fell in on itself, huge clouds of thick dust swept the city, filling the streets and blinding everyone. The last thing to come down was the flag of the iroqious, it gently fluttered down to the street below, lying amidst the ruins of the ruined government building.

                      The tannoy blazed into action, "People of the Republic, here the news from the front line. Salamanca has fallen, the Iroquois government lie dead at the feet of our proud troops. They have won the People's victory!"
                      The people walking the streets looked around in a stunned silence for a moment, they had no idea how to respond to the news. Mnay started weeping, especially the women, and many were heard to remark how they were looking forwards to their sons, or husbands, or brothers returning from the fighting. Others simply walked on regardelss of the news, sick of the whole war.

                      "Chairman our troops have raised the People's flag over Salamanca, we are in control," the War Minister informed the Chairman.
                      "Have we received any message of surrender from the Iroquois armies in the west and north east?" the Chairmana sked.
                      "Not yet sir, but I am sure they will soon fall into line once they hear their capital has fallen."

                      In a small cramped flat in the heart of the city a small band of men and women gathered arounf a table. On the table was a figurine, the figurine had the form of a serpent with a head-dress full of feathers and two red rubys for eyes. The whole statue was bathed in gold and was beset with jewels.
                      The groups chanted un unison, "Oh Feather Serpent, the one true Saviour of the Aztecs, hear our prayers now, hear our pleas. We beseach you, give us strength, give us hope and give us victory!"
                      One of the men pulled a dove from a nearby cage and slit its throat with a knife he had taken from the kitchen and bathed in the fire of a candle. The bird's blood was allowed to drip over the figurine and the groups chanted a slow prayer.
                      The man who had performed the sacrafice stood and addressed the rest of the group, "My brothers and sisters, we stand here today, each of us the head of a chapter of worship. Despite the beatings and persecutions they give us, we still remain true to the our God, the Great Quetzacoatl. I bring news this evening that will aid us in our pursuit of rstoring our God to his rightful place."
                      "Speak your mind brother Atlazxca," one of the group called out.
                      "My sone who is serving in the military forces, against his will, brings me grave tidings of what our government is doing in the name of 'the People'. He brought me this information at grave risk to his own life, and even now I fear for his safety," Atlazxca said.
                      "What is the news?" a woman asked.
                      "The military, under ordrs from the government, has instituted a programme of extermination against the Iroquois and anyone else who gets in their way. Have you not wondered what happens to those nieghbours who are carried away in the dead of night? Well wonder no more, they are taken to huge facilities out in the deserts and across the Great Western Ocean to the southern islands. Once at these facilites they are killed."
                      "What?" ... "You can't be serious?" ... "The government wouldn't do that?" came the shocked cries from the group.
                      "Yes they would, and they have. My son was a guard at one such facility, he was reposted whn he refused to participate in the activities there. He saw with his own eyes thousands goign to their detahs. This isn't the way of the people, this isn't the way of the Feathered Serpent. Our ancestors would be sick id they could see what their children were doing!"
                      "We must spread the word," Quazxit, a middle aged woman said.
                      Atlazxca was quick to reply, "We have no prrof, and the APSA would cart us off before anyone could listen anyway. No the time for such talk is over, we must take action. We all know the lies the children are told, that we have been told, of how the Iroquois are barbarians and how they are not real socialists,how they worship fale gods and the like. Well we also know from the ancient scriptures that we are the same people, we are descended from the same anscestors, the Iroquois are our cousins, we cannot let his happen to them!"
                      "But what will we do?" someone asked.
                      "We will fight! For too long we have stayed silent whilst the temples were looted and the images of the Gods were defiled, now we must stand before they turn their extermination against us! Call your followers to arms, we must spread the word that Quetzacoatl has returned to aid his people, that he has returned to defeat evil!"
                      "I have taken far more out of drink than drink has taken out of me."
                      Sir Winston Spencer Churchill


                      • #12
                        I thank you for your response to my earlier post. I accept that first and foremost you are entitled to write what you like but I was offering an opinion, which is still the same. I like the story as a whole but feel that the graphic descriptive of the genocide was OTT somewhat.

                        I am only too happy to continue to comment but the process is far better if two way, you honestly do not have to agree with anything I say but I hope you can now see that theres no point in me giving feedback if you do not acknowledge it.

                        I do like this new twist youve added with what looks like a second revolution may be on the cards and I am looking forward to reading the next part.

                        One thing though you seem to be making a lot of mistakes again and parts of the last post were difficult to read. Where the paratroops were sent in you typed "the defenders realised the iroquios had landed men behind their lines" and this could confuse some.

                        Finally I apologise if Ive been to critical but I hope you see it as constructive as it is intended that way.

                        Keep up the good work, yours is the most active story here at the moment youve been working really hard on this and you deserve more feedback than you have been getting.

                        A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


                        • #13
                          Many thanks for the kind words, and I of course accept your criticisms as constructive. On the matter of graphic descriptions I would ask if your criticism applies to the battle scenes as well as those concerning genocide? After some careful thought on the issue, I have decided to tone down the genocide descriptions, perhaps they are somewhat unneccessary they way I have worded them.
                          As for the mistakes I get a little 'over excited' sometimes, lol!
                          The game itself was a rather interesting one, whilst this war was going on, the old world superpower from the middle ages, the Chinese was being attacked on all fronts by an alliance of european and african powers. I wanted to stop this as would mean my rivals gaining greater dominance, but the Iroquois war prevented me.
                          By this stage of the war, 1880 I had pretty much won outright, but the Iroquois refused to hand my oil fields back and so I launched a massive sea borne invasion of Alaska, as well as hitting more of their cities in the south.
                          "I have taken far more out of drink than drink has taken out of me."
                          Sir Winston Spencer Churchill


                          • #14
                            Atlazxca strode into the room, it was just a basement, ut for tonight it had been decked in the gold, green and red of The Order of The Feathered Serpent, he proceeded to the small podium (a music stand) that had been brought in for the occasion. Sitting before him were some twenty people, mostly men, some women as well though. He began his speech, "My brothers and sisters, tonight we begin the revolution, the New Order begins tonight. In the past few months since our last meeting we have all been busy and I would just like to go over what has been achieved so far Brother Izitochli has gained valuable new contacts within the military, several officers that have become disillusioned with the war now that the Iroquois have refused to surrender. Brother Cochtitlo has also made progress in supplying our cause with weapons, his brother is in charge of the munitions dump in Atozix province. But the most important thing so far has to be the work of Sister Talolixz, sister ...", he handed the floor open to the now standing middle aged woman dressed in the garments of a Nun of Quetzacoatl.
                            Sister Talolixs spoke up, "It is my proud duty to announce that we have managed to gain photographic evidence of the extermination facilities. One of our contacts in the facility called 'End Place' in the north-western deserts has smuggled out some pictures that were taken there only a few months ago. I won't go into what the pictures contain, but they do clearly show the evil that has been taking place there."
                            The room burst into applause, everyone there knew what this meant, it meant direct proof to use against the communists that their regime was evil.
                            Atlazxca spoke, "Yes we now have a weapon better than any gun to use against the oppressors. What will the people think when they see Iroquois civilians being killed alongside our own people? The days of the communist oppressors has come to an end!"
                            Again spontaneous applause filled the room.

                            18th December 1882

                            "Interior Minister, we have reports of another demonstration in the central square by The Order," the Battle Chief informed him.
                            The minister rose from his desk, "Well Battle Chief its time to show that we will not tolerate this outrage againt 'the People', have them all arrested."
                            The Battle Chief nodded his head and stepped out of the room, marching towards the communications room to signal the orders he had just received to the APSA officers waiting to move.

                            "APSA!" a frightened voice cried out. The protestors turned en masse to see several armoured cars driving towards them, each one had a man standing upright manning a machine gun. The crowds began scattering in all directions as the cars swooped in and the men diembarked. They were dressed all in black, with masks to hide their faces, each carried a sidearm as well as a machine gun. They immediately sset to work grabbing anyone they could get their hands on and shoved them forcibley into the back of the waiting cars and vans. Several people tried to resist, they were soon shown the error of their ways when rifle buts were shove din their faces to quiten them. Within half an hours the crowds had gone and the armoured cars sped away again.
                            Atlazxca jumped from his seat as he heard the crash at his front door. Stepping into the hallway he saw several black clad figures charging towards him, he dived into the back bedroom and slammed the door shut, barricading it with the bookcase nearby. He lept back when he heard the machine guns **** and then pushe dhimself to the ground when bullets began piercing the door, tearing up the barricade. The men on the other side of the door began pushing at it, trying to force their way past. Atlazxca ran to the window, he peered out at the six storey drop before him, mustering all his courage he climbe dout onto the ledge and began descending to the street below.
                            The men burst through the door, kicking the debris of the bookcase out of the way. A quick scan of the room showed it to be empty, one ran to the window and looked out. He could see nothing, only the street below. He signalled to his comrades that there was nothing there, the rest of them pile dout of the room to searh the streets below. As the men left, the one who had looke dout of the window, lent back out and made a 'thumbs up' sign. Atlazxca thanked Quetzacoatl as he saw the sign and began climbing back up the wall.

                            "Minister we have made over sixty arrests, but few of them are speaking ..." the Battle Chief said.
                            "Then kill them Battle Chief," the Minister responded matter of factly.
                            "We are sir, but they do not seem to be afraid of that, they say they are happy to become sacrafices to the feathered serpent," the Battle Chief informed him.
                            "This old nonsense of sacrafice, a barbaric practice, the Iroquois did the same thing."
                            "Minister, with your permission I would like to implement martial law in the capital ..."
                            "The Battle Chief was cut off before he could finish, "MARTIAL LAW?! are you amd man? We are winning this war and implementing martial law would signal to this rabble that we are afraid, no, use nay other measures necessary, but stop these protests."

                            The rain spattered the streets and hit off the tanks as they slowly trundled through the streets. A man wearing the uniform of a Battle Chief shouted through a tannoy, "This building is known to house terrorists and opponents of the People. By the law of the People it is to be demolished!" The Battle Chief waved his hand and the tanks set to work shelling the building. Within minutes it was all over, cheap housing had been one of the gifts given to the capital by the communists and it showed its quality under fire. A stunned group of onlookers gazed at the pile of smoking rubble spread over the streets, the rain would soon put out the small fires that had started, but it would do nothing to rebuild their homes.

                            "FIRE!" the cry came from the Lesser Battle Chief mounted on the armoured car, brandishing a pistol in one hand and the mouthpiece of a large 'portable' radio transciever in the other. The troops obeyed his order and a volley of machine gun fire smashe dinto the crowds before them. The shouts of "Death to the oppressors" and "Quetzacoatl is All!" diminished as people began running for their lives.
                            The troops ran after them, bayonets poised to slash and pierce the fleeing protestors. Several protestors began throwing bottles and stones at the troops, the soldiers returned the atatck with bullets, the advantage was clearly their's. After only a few minutes the crowds disappeared all together, left in their wake were dozens of bodies litterring Tenochtitlan's streets.

                            Atlazxca entered the meeting house of The Order. It had been moved to the outskirts of the city because of the hunt for him. He descended the stairs and was shocked ta the sight before him, there must have been over a hundred people cramme dinto the basement. Brother Hizoch spoke, "Brother Atlazxca this is nothing! We have been turning dozens away at the door, the people want to hear you speak, they want you to lead them!"
                            "I have taken far more out of drink than drink has taken out of me."
                            Sir Winston Spencer Churchill


                            • #15
                              THis is an epic! Keep it up!

