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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • OOC: Whoa, very nice twist, I give you credit for that one. If Mellian objects I will remove post, if she doesn't well...)


    "Unfortunatly for you, you can't use this information, ever. Because it would mean that Melian didn't cease power, it would make her legally entitled to the throne."
    Easthaven stood there, showing no emotion. Then he grinned.

    "Very unexpecting news Apep. Whether you're telling the truth well who knows. But Mellian was not and is not entitled to the throne for she was neither married nor was she blood linked to the moderator line. And if this 'Roxy' exists and is true then this must be thought out. As for your family, well, I have no interest in your family. I do not kill the innocent, therefore your suggestion of such a thing is offensive. And please, stop laughing for I am starting to feel inclined to cutting out your tongue...So, you've gained my interest...and that's good for you'll live longer. Now, your life is still in the balance,"

    He sat down on a chair by the door.

    "So, tell me everything you know. Especially about this Roxy. ALthough, it won't matter much, Apolyton is still our main concern...not royalty. So, give me more or give me your life..."


    • (OOC: He thinks the mother is Melian, he isn't sure, and Easthaven, your signature needs to be updated, your a consul now!)
      Apep II sat for a second, and then, "My story is true... and I can prove it," he grabbed a string around his neck and pulled it out, on the end was the Moderator's seal, "This is the most valuble thing the Moderators possesed, their sign that they were favoured by God, I was to take it to Roxy, I should have. It does belong to her and it entitles her to the Moderator's private fortune even if it means nothing administrativly." Apep II sat for amoment in contemplation, "I know not where she lives, though supposedly it was on the way from the Capital to Porkton, it was a rural area, and I believe her adopted last name was Lavigne. And apparently she resembles Melian!"
      I am your God Apophis- Stargate SG1 (Brilliant line)


      • OOC: Ahh hell, I'll change the signature tomorrow.

        Apep II sat for a second, and then, "My story is true... and I can prove it," he grabbed a string around his neck and pulled it out, on the end was the Moderator's seal, "This is the most valuble thing the Moderators possesed, their sign that they were favoured by God, I was to take it to Roxy, I should have. It does belong to her and it entitles her to the Moderator's private fortune even if it means nothing administrativly." Apep II sat for amoment in contemplation, "I know not where she lives, though supposedly it was on the way from the Capital to Porkton, it was a rural area, and I believe her adopted last name was Lavigne. And apparently she resembles Melian!"
        He thought for a moment as he looked at the seal.

        "Very well, I will go with you. We both shall see this "Roxy". We tell no one and we travel alone. We will ride day and night untill we arrive at...Porkton you say? I am a gifted rider, Apep, and I am merciless. If you try and escape or if you even annoy me I will chop your limbs off and feed 'em to my horse. We leave now."

        Later...he placed his second in command in charge of his armies and he sent a message to Consul Jack letting him know that he was doing something important with Apep II, and would return soon.


        • The Archbishop of Apolyton, Max Power (I got the name of a hair dryer ), was worried. His plan to break Melian the Republican Council's last hope had worked, but at the cost of him himself almost getting caught. The church would indeed cease to exist if this had occured. Worried, the Archbishop scribled down what he though the council could do next. As spirtual advisor to the counculs and the moderators before him, he knew things only a man of the cloth could do, his loyal servant took the manuscript, that beared no name, and went to the Council's headquaters some two days riding from the capital.

          The Archbishop was then retiring to rest, his old frame getting more weary as his years slipped by him, when someone knocked on his quater's door. Startled the Archbishop answered where a soldier, a familiar of the Counsul, Jack stood. Jack had a problem of the pious and the Archbishop was needed.

          The Archbishop inwardly sighed, hopefully his long years of leading a double life, as respected Archbishop and republican would come to an end soon.....
          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


          • The Cao Ren moored at Sanhopi Harbour. Nothing looked suspicious from this Chuko Trading Company Ship, as its crew disembarked. The first man off the ship appeared to be the captain to the passers by, but he was not. He, in fact, was famous. He was an old gentleman of Oriental appearance with a long, snow-white beard. Trailing him was a young, but strong looking warrior. As they disembarked, twelve sailors unloaded the goods, all of them his. The man however was not paying attention to this, he was looking in the crowd for a familiar face. He was famous, but only in name. Few people in Apolyton knew what he looked like. Suddenly something caught his eye. Grand Marshal Sun Tzu, commander of the Chinese Imperial Armed Forces saw his contact. Smiling, he approached, and said to him, “Ah, young Drako! It has been a long time, hasn’t it?”
            “Yes it has, Master Tzu” replied Drako enthusiastically, “I have a carriage and a wagon ready for your transport south. I trust you will not be able to stay long?”
            “No, just a month or two. But I have brought some gifts for you from your good friend, Emperor Mao” replied Tzu, gesturing towards the crates the sailors were unloading, “also, I have brought you some body guards, the best Imperial China has to offer,” he added, gesturing to the sailors, “they are adept with any weapon on this planet, and most skilled in the martial arts. They have defeated many a foe.”
            “Thank you, Master Tzu for your hospitality. Ambassador Zhang is joining us for dinner tomorrow”
            “Excellent. Also Drako, I must congratulate you on your victory over your cousin. You really showed you potential. Especially the decapitation of his head as a trophy to Easthaven!”
            “Ah, yeah” replied Drako, sheepishly.


            No one knew his real name, they just called him Saffla. He had wandered the Red River Plains for over a year now. No one knew how he got there, but he defiantly was not a local of the Iroquois Confederacy. Saffla was sitting by a fire, eating a buffalo he had just killed. Looking up at the sky, he remembered the good times, the times when he was rich, powerful, and the commander of the moderator’s guard. Back then people called him Chuko, but that was a long time ago, another world ago. He was still amazed at how he survived the Battle of Apolyton Forest. His train of passage was broken as a messenger rode passed. The messenger ignored him. Everyone did. Not even his own troops could recognize him now. He had lost his hand, and had shaved off his trademark beard. He also wore an eye patch, but for what reason, no one knew, for he definitely was not blind. He looked back up at the sky, and remembered that fateful battle.

            When his cousin confronted him, he ordered all of his men to withdraw and leave them in private. He had foolishly accepted a fight with him, but Drako soon got the upper hand, and cut off his right hand. Withering in pain, he could remember him asking for mercy, as family, spare his life. He remembered how surprised he was when Drako lowered his sword, and sat down next to him. He could remember him saying that he had promised Easthaven his head, and he keeps his word. Then he told him of a private who’s head looked identical to his. He remembered the smile on Drako’s face, as he told him to never come to Apolyton’s shores again. If he did, he would finish the job. He could remember the fear that he felt as he sneaked through the enemy camp, and eventually made it to England, where he started his new life.

            In the time he spent wandering, he had a lot of time to think. He had made some crucial mistakes at the wrong moments, such as splitting his force, marching arrogantly into danger. Taking all those prisoners, and murdering the manfoke of the towns they had pillaged. He had repaid his debt to the moderator. He had died, and he had no more scores to settle in Apolyton. Chuko was content with his life as a wanderer, and would stay there if he could. Little did he know that his peace and quiet was about to be shattered.

            OOC; the only one that knows Chuko is still alive is Drako, and he has not told a sole! No one else knows of him, yet! No Apolyton Times tonight, can't be bothered writing it
            I am the second place man!


            • OOC Bet you did not expect Chuko to appear again. It has been my intention ever since I killed him off to bring him back, I was just waiting for a good time, with civil war looming on the horizon once more!
              I am the second place man!


              • OOC: Zalzabad, You gave Easthaven or Jack his can he survived that? ...and Easthaven and Jack knows him and knows how he looks like

                Jack, even if the Consuls are popular with the people means it removed popularity Mellian has. Only reason it didn't really cause any problems, other then the wondering why she is imprisoned in the first place and most believe her to be dead, is cause Consuls never went against her or her against the Consuls publicly. Now that you declared her a Traitor of apolyton, that is a move against her publicly...hence, will get some populace backslash.

                Apep II I rather i wasn't ever pregnant...actually, impossible, she is infertile you can say . Can say that some people believed she is the mother because past alcoholic civman attempted to Rape her, but failed as she hurt him badly and escaped. Civman did nothing against her, and she did nothing to him...other then avoiding the Moderator at all possible. Her duty to Apolyton is more important. Anyway, she also in effect avoided most people for a period of those who knew about the rape assumes she actually got rape and got pregnant...but that wasn't the case....

                Also, don't think my friend Roxy will be please (most of the names i use are from people i know on the net and rl ), but oh well.... for the story we go Loyalies lives beside a village near Vikan, not Porkton.

                Sheep, ARM doesn't have a Council the occasional Organizer meetings at a random location which most of them can't attend happens... but no "council" exist.

                Easthaven, ARM are not fanatics they are enlighting people (most of them) with a belief and ideals...and are NOT INTO doing acts of terrorism, stupid "military" actions, riots and so on isn't their thing, and would be hypocrites to their ideals. It is why ARM was able to stay around for a while, and even still exist despite the government changes. Yes, medieval indeed...but read what i wrote to jack above in the same manner, what would the people think about Easthaven cruelties and "attrocities", Easthaven/Thunderfire's fascist like yoke on security and anti-whoever against, and so on.... may not be true, but Impressions can be taken in many different ways by whoever.... why Rumours tend to always survive...

                Where is Colonel Harrington, in Sanhopi Prison still? I have plans for her... (no cplans for military actions...just want her back )


                December 1402

                Courier Service as started printing Republic ideals pamphlets and distribute it to all the cities of Apolyton, available to the populace from their Offices... while some Apolyton Republic Movement members and supporters distributes them directly in Inns, Marketplaces, Harbors, and etc. They also have discussions with those that cannot read too...

                Many people refuse to read or have them, mainly out of fear that the Consuls may brand them as traitors, and executed (OOC: despite popularity, they are feared). Other read them to be against them... but most mainly read it because, unlike the other propaganda from the Government or renegade ex-advisors, it doesn't go against anyone or puts down anyone. So why would the Consuls stop them from reading something that doesn't attack them? Anyway, the republic ideals is spreading a lot more faster then it ever did before...thanks to the invent of the Printing Press....

      , stability and liberty...

                OOC: For any complaints, talk to Roger Wilco (got the name from Space Quest) at Vegeimon City
                Last edited by Mellian; December 6, 2002, 12:43.


                • ooc: Mellian I am not doing this to try and win that story or something or stop republic movement. Instead I had my guy do it out of anger and annyonce. He wants you dead or alive, has not thought about what public my think.
                  Donate to the American Red Cross.
                  Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                  • OOC: Is anyone going to do snything with the guy captured distributinh anti-Consul pamphlets in Womore?

                    December 16th, 1402
                    Assassins were sent to kill Hiawatha and his oldest nephew and heir to the throne, and his second oldest nephew (the one that is civman's ally). Only the older nephew was successsfully assassinated, though, and the assassin sent to kill teh Great Chief was caught.


                    • Darius was able to sneak back to Apolyton with out anyone knowing who he was. His mission was a secuss. He was now a double agent for the CIA. He had convince the CIA that he could be of great help to them, he also told them off what lead him to want to become part of the CIA, and that he too wanted to see Apolyton under a republic one day. So he was able to get back to his cabin and unpack. He then headed back to Easthaven's current office to report back in for duty.

                      Consul Jack_www had heard of the man that was caught spreadong anti consul materials. He called a wolf soldier to his office.

                      "We have caught some handing out anti consul materials. I want you to question him, if you have to beat him to near death or have to use any other means so be it. If he does not talk and refuses to say anything after a couple of days, then kill him."

                      "Yes sir!"

                      The Trail of ApepI was held, and it was a quick one at that. Darius even tessified at the trail, right after he came back form his leave, and told the Judge how ApepI was the one who was leading the rebel army when Easthaven's forces attacked. There was also simular testimony from many other troops of Easthaven's army. It was enough, and Judge sentence ApepI to death, by beheading with an axe. After that he said that he would be quarted and his body parts sent to all the cities he try to get people to rebel. He will be executed one week from today.
                      Last edited by Jack_www; December 6, 2002, 21:15.
                      Donate to the American Red Cross.
                      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                      • OOC: Actually you don't know he's working for me or that i even have an just know he somehow acquired a printing press and printed anti-Consul stuff.
                        December 21st, 1402
                        The interrogator whipped him again. "Still not talkin', eh?"
                        The prisoner moaned.
                        "If you don't talk we're gonna kill you. It'll be real painful. Imagine 2000 scorpions crawling all over your back..." He whipped him again.
                        "OK I'll talk!!" yelled the prisoner.
                        "Ah, that sounds better."
                        "I work for Moderator civman."
                        "He died a couple years ago, and there is no Moderator now."
                        "I mean civman II."
                        "Ah. What else?"
                        "Well, i don't know much about--" The whip cracked down on his back. "No, honestly, all I know about is the organization in Womore and a bit of the organization in Han montrei."
                        "Well let's hear it."
                        For 15 minutes the prisoner revealed the names of all of civman's agents in Womore and 14 in Hanmontrei, including teh leader of the Apolytonian wing of his organization.


                        • December 1402
                          Apep II and Easthavens ride had been a long one, they had got all the way to Porkton without finding her, but Easthaven was somewhat willing to accept that they might have missed her.
                          However he did promise that if she was not found Apep II's head would be on the block. Easthaven had some business in Vikan to attend and so they were staying in an unamed village outside Vikan in a farmer's house.
                          Someone knocked on the door, and the host went to answer it. She came back and said, off handidly,
                          "Oh, just Roxy comin' over for a bit of flour," she continued, "Really, those Loyalies!" Easthaven's eyebrow raised
                          * * *
                          Apep I had expected to die from the moment the trial was announced, this time he could not even save his own skin. Unless...
                          Apep I requested that a man of the church come and give him confession. The guard thought that that request was quite viable and went and asked his superiors what should be done.
                          Apep I was none to pleased when a monk from the nearest monastry turned up the next day. He waited untill the guard had gone and then leaped on and knocked out the monk. (OOC: I assume the room was sound-proof like Melian's) Apep I quickly swaped clothes with the monk and left the man lying on the floor, face down. The guard let him out thinking he was the monk (It was night time) and engaged him in some smaltalk,
                          "Ah, that Apep I he is doomed to hell, he attacked me and I hit him right on the head and knocked him out!" Apep I said, imatating the monks accent suprisingly well.
                          "Yep, that Apep I will do Anything to save his skin," the guard laughed.
                          As soon as the guard had shown him to the door Apep I hitchiked on a cart for a trip to Vikan.
                          I am your God Apophis- Stargate SG1 (Brilliant line)


                          • OOC:
                            Easthaven, ARM are not fanatics they are enlighting people (most of them) with a belief and ideals...and are NOT INTO doing acts of terrorism, stupid "military" actions, riots and so on isn't their thing, and would be hypocrites to their ideals. It is why ARM was able to stay around for a while, and even still exist despite the government changes. Yes, medieval indeed...but read what i wrote to jack above in the same manner, what would the people think about Easthaven cruelties and "attrocities", Easthaven/Thunderfire's fascist like yoke on security and anti-whoever against, and so on.... may not be true, but Impressions can be taken in many different ways by whoever.... why Rumours tend to always survive...
                            Did I say ARM? No. We still do not view ARM as fanatics, the majority anyways. A person once said, do not assume it will get you killed one day . As for atrocities, they were traitors, the people who infected the innocent with the plague, plus the people don't know about it. As for rumors about fascists security or whatever, it isn't fascist for one, two we have been very flexible on people viewing their opinions and such. And if rumors can survive about fascist security, then couldn't rumors survive about terrorist fanatical ARM members/ traitors?

                            Apep, again you escape very easily, a joke. Apep I is one of the most hated, nobody will give him a damn thing no monk no nothin. You make it so simple. But if nobody objects I guess I can let it go and move on. As for Chuko's return well I doubt the consuls would mistake a private's head as chuko's.


                            • However the Private he was a lookalike, and Drako put scars and messed up the head generally. (ie poking out eyes, cutting off hair, ect) That is why the former Generals did not reconize him!
                              I am the second place man!


                              • OOC: Easthaven, yes... but most of the bad republic rep is usually connected to Apep I (especially his recent trial) or Council of Apolyton). any bad rumours about ARM is more farfetch...

                                As for Apep I escaping, you COnsuls should seriously get rid of that stupid guard that needs glasses (probably does). Rest of security let monk go cause he put up his hood... like he had his hood up when he entered, so shrugs. Also, the Apeps arr quite lucky

                                Easthaven is quite lucky too...quite coincedence that you suddenlly came from Porkton straight to Vikan with Apep II anyway, do what you want with Roxy...just not torturing her or the Loyalies. not like they can be easilly suspected of being ARM supporters or stupid enough to say it to a Consul.

                                now, about Harrington... is mmtt still playing?


                                December 1402

                                When she heard that Easthaven was in the Vegeimon City area, she got worried a bit and planned to leave the city, but was obvious he wasn't looking for her as he left the following day. Only few of his soldiers came to the Inn, but didn't payed much attention to her. But she did end up overhearing them about Apep II leading Easthaven abouts... what is he up to?

