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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • "So give me my answers!" Easthaven shouted. Apep II started reeling them off as soon as he could,
    "When was I with my father? I had no idea about any escape plan untill the canoon shot the prison, I don't know anything about the council of Apolyton except that they attacked me and my mother and now they have paid," Apep II drew in a breath, "Could I have a drink? Anyway I came to see Melian because in order to go see my mother when she was injured the Moderator made me take a religious oath, to keep the line of the Moderator going, and told me a secret, Melian was the only other one who knew. Unfortunatly I can't tell you that secret unless the offical head of the Apolyton Church comes and formerly drops the oath, and as you know, the head has dissappeared. I won't tell you the secret unless he drops it because I value what little honour I have."
    (OOC: Apep II has no idea that his father is oin anyway involved in the Council of Apolyton)
    I am your God Apophis- Stargate SG1 (Brilliant line)


    • Apolyton Times November Edition


      Evil organization burns papers

      Last Month, members of the evil and satinic group, the Organization for Just Distribution of Powers burnt issues of everyone's favorate newspaper, the Apolyton Times. Reports indicate that the evil, pro english group burned 1000 copys of the paper in front of a gold Idol of the Trator Chuko. 100% of the people surveyed in our survey believe that every member of this organization should have thier stomauchs ripped out, while they are hanging from the spire of a church.
      More Reports about this evil organization, pages 2,3,4,5,6

      Small Protest in Vikomore

      An anti-consul protest was broken down by a much larger pro consul protest. a violent confrentation was averted by the intervention of the city guard. The commander of the garrison is to be congradulated for averting this violence
      More reports page 7

      More Mellian Sightings!

      In a spate of Mellian spottings, the fugitive ex-minister has been seen in no less than 4 different countries, including England, America, Russia, and Apolyton. The serch of Sanhopi City has failed to turn up any evidence of her exsistance in the area.

      Llama sighted near Apolyton City

      The rare, and nearly extinct animal, natine to the Alligator conternent, the Llama has been sighted south of Apolyton city, leading to belief that there may be a colony in Apolyton.
      More reports, page 2
      I am the second place man!


      • Re: To those who came in late...

        Originally posted by Lord Zalzabad
        Basic History of the empire,

        civman I takes power
        war declared on england
        General Chuko and Liam Sheep raise a rebellion, which is crushed by Easthaven, Thunderfire, and Jack_www
        Civman I goes crazy and gets himself killed
        Invasion of England begins

        Many cities fall, with War on England continuing
        Moderator or two gets knocked off

        War with England is completed, and partitioned between allies
        New Moderator Civman II disposed by bloodless coup by the "heros" of the civil war
        Political Prisoners taken
        Under plan by Apep I, political prisoners Mellian and Apep II escape
        Apep I & II captured by Consuls in battle of Sanhopi Hights

        and that is where we are at the moment.
        thank you.

        Baron JDD sends greetings to all the leading citizens and advisors of Apolyton.


        • To Consul Easthaven(secret):
          I sugest that we hold a trail for ApepI and if found guilty of treason that he should be executed at once. I have no doubt that he will be found guilty. I hope that we can have a very speedy trail.

          As for Mellian, trying to futher work with her is a waste of time. Once she is captured she will be tried for treason, with carries a death sentence.

          ApepII, I would tell him if he does not talk we will try him for treason as well and he will be executed.
          I know that this may seem harsh, but being kind to these people are getting no where, we must show everyone that when they rebell against the Consuls they will pay with there lives. I also am glad to know that you have executed the members of Apolyton Consul, they got what was coming to them.
          Donate to the American Red Cross.
          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


          • To All People of Apolyton
            From Consul Jack_www
            Mellian, the former Foreign Advisor has now been charged with treason. Anyone who sees her is urged to report this to the closest wolf soldier. We believe that she is armed and dangerous, so do not approach this criminal. I have inculded a picture of what Mellian looks like, allthough it is not a very accurate picture. YOur help in caputering this dangerous criminal would be appreciated.
            Donate to the American Red Cross.
            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


            • Darius was able to find passage on a transport ship to America. The trip took about a week and a half. Once he landed in America he headed to the City of Washington and headed straight for the headquaters of the CIA, which he found with help of CIA contact that he had been talking to for a while. He walked into the CIA and told them that we wanted to become a double agent for America.
              Donate to the American Red Cross.
              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


              • November 16th, 1402
                A mysterious man came to Baron JDD's house, gave him a pamphlet titled "The Cruelty of the Consuls," and tehn disappeared.
                In Iroquois: 4 more nobles have joined civman's organation after reading the pamphlet.
                In Womore, hundreds of pamphlets have been released. However, local authorities have confiscated all but 78 of them and have captured the distributor, named Ikole Kwaching (the consuls decide what to do with questioning him, i control him).


                • having become an Admiral, JDD wants to stay out of politics for now, but finds the pamphlet very intrigueing.


                  • "So give me my answers!" Easthaven shouted. Apep II started reeling them off as soon as he could, "When was I with my father? I had no idea about any escape plan untill the canoon shot the prison, I don't know anything about the council of Apolyton except that they attacked me and my mother and now they have paid," Apep II drew in a breath, "Could I have a drink? Anyway I came to see Melian because in order to go see my mother when she was injured the Moderator made me take a religious oath, to keep the line of the Moderator going, and told me a secret, Melian was the only other one who knew. Unfortunatly I can't tell you that secret unless the offical head of the Apolyton Church comes and formerly drops the oath, and as you know, the head has dissappeared. I won't tell you the secret unless he drops it because I value what little honour I have."
                    "I don't give a damn about your oath! The well being of Apolyton is what you should be concerned about! Not some bloodline where you're trying to get some foreigner who has but one drop of Apolytonian blood to rule this nation!"

                    Easthaven's rage slowly began to grow, resembling times when he was about to enter battle. Still, he hid the rage as best he could and retained his coldness.

                    "Now, Apep, you are in no position to negotiate. You're suppose to try to convince me you are not a traitor and you are of use to Apolyton. will tell me what I want to know or you will experience the wrath all traitors experience by my hand. You will beg for death, I have seen it. Now show me where your loyalties lie, and tell me what I want to know..." He said calmly as he gripped the handle on his sheathed sword.


                    • To Jack(secret):
                      Trial for Apep I? Go for it. As long as he is headless once the trial is over I'm content.

                      As for the warrant on Mellian... I will trust your judgment, comrade, you have my approval and I'm sure Thunderfire would also approve.


                      Easthaven's forces found the gold idol of Chuko, they melted it down into coins to give out to the general public. The public was also told that anyone who worships or make idols of this traitor or of Liam Sheep will be imprisoned. Studying these characters are fine but worshipping them and glorifying them is disrespectful to the many soldiers and innocent people who died fighting these men.


                      • OOC: On what grounds can one accuse Mellian of treason of? Due realize that there will be some backslash from the populace of concidering, someone who apparently been in the government for a decade or so at the least and her recent work to protect and keep together Apolyton. If your going to connect her to America, then you'll have trouble to prove it


                        November 1402

                        There is quite an uproar and discussion within the Inn about the recent announcement by Consul Jack for charging Mellian for Treason. Various mix opinions, which results in a risk of bar fights the way some of them are arguing among themselves.

                        The same guy who told her that she look like Mellian was there again, with a poster of a badly drawn picture of Mellian. He accused her to be Mellian, which she responded in the same manner as before, without hesitation. "For the last time Joe! I AM NOT MELLIAN, geezz..." When he was about to continue bothering her about it, some other folks and the bartender to leave her alone, saying that Lois is to much of a b**ch to be a aristocratic lady. Other then that, the night went well, where a suprisingly few people got thrown out by the bouncer.

                        The following day, she went to visit Roger Wilco, as he left a message for Lois at the Inn. Once at the Courier Service Office, he tells her that they were able to get access to a printing press, and will be able to start printing her pamphlets and distribute it for her.

                        (OOC: remember, about republic ideals dissing the gov or the consuls or whatever. just about the republic and liberty....)


                        • A screst letter to Ambassidor Zhang

                          To Minister Zhang, Chinese Ambassidor

                          Zhang, my old friend, there is great turmoil in the empire, and I believe that a new civil war will soon. I ask that you to support my side if a war takes place. My propaganda is succeeding, Please send your responce soon.

                          Drako Chuko
                          I am the second place man!


                          • Originally posted by Mellian
                            OOC: On what grounds can one accuse Mellian of treason of? Due realize that there will be some backslash from the populace of concidering, someone who apparently been in the government for a decade or so at the least and her recent work to protect and keep together Apolyton. If your going to connect her to America, then you'll have trouble to prove it


                            November 1402

                            There is quite an uproar and discussion within the Inn about the recent announcement by Consul Jack for charging Mellian for Treason. Various mix opinions, which results in a risk of bar fights the way some of them are arguing among themselves.

                            The same guy who told her that she look like Mellian was there again, with a poster of a badly drawn picture of Mellian. He accused her to be Mellian, which she responded in the same manner as before, without hesitation. "For the last time Joe! I AM NOT MELLIAN, geezz..." When he was about to continue bothering her about it, some other folks and the bartender to leave her alone, saying that Lois is to much of a b**ch to be a aristocratic lady. Other then that, the night went well, where a suprisingly few people got thrown out by the bouncer.

                            The following day, she went to visit Roger Wilco, as he left a message for Lois at the Inn. Once at the Courier Service Office, he tells her that they were able to get access to a printing press, and will be able to start printing her pamphlets and distribute it for her.

                            (OOC: remember, about republic ideals dissing the gov or the consuls or whatever. just about the republic and liberty....)
                            OOC: i never said I could prove it. But your actions dont help you etheir.
                            Donate to the American Red Cross.
                            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                            • November 29th 1402

                              OOC: First of all, this is the middle ages! Who needs proof...

                              To Mongolia:
                              We want situation reports on the progress of the war.


                              The Fort of Sanhopi Heights is progressing rapidly and efficiently. 5th army recalled back to mainland for more training. Lighthouse being created.


                              Field Marshall Easthaven has created and released new innovating tactics for the military, especially in musketmen, artillery, and Fox Riders/cavalry.


                              BATTLE OF WOMORE FOREST
                              In the northern forests of Womore.

                              Easthaven was leading two small battalions, 70 each, of wolf soldiers. They were in the Womore forest for he was informed of a council of Apolyton outpost present in the viscinity. After three days of searching they found a small clearing with a few cabins. The clearing was about 50 yards by 50 yards and there were about 100 men in sight, more then he originally expected but he would not turn back. They captured a council soldier who was patrolling the area, he told them the exact location before he was killed.

                              Easthaven ordered one battalion to take positions in the forests north of the clearing, this battalion designated as North battalion. Easthaven would then lead the Southern battalion in attacking the clearing from the southern forests, hopefully killing a few before they retreated to the northern forests only to get slaughtered by the northern battalion.

                              Easthaven had brought 6 cannons with him. He ordered them to aim carefully at a different cabin then fire simultaneously at each one, one shot each. Then the musketmen would fire their volleys, and after they fired the fox riders were to fire their volleys then unsheath their swords and charge out into the clearing to do battle. The Northern battalion would simply fortify their position and kill all the enemy troops who enter their area of the forest.

                              The plan was set...Easthaven waited patiently in the cover of the forests. Waiting for the confirmation that the cannons had their aim......Then it came.

                              "Ok, fire when ready." He ordered.

                              BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!

                              Each cabin crumbled under the force of a cannon ball. One cabin stood untouched.

                              "Musketmen! FIRE!"

                              The first line of musketmen fired, sending a rain of steel upon the encamped enemy. Council men fell. The Second rank of Musketmen rose.

                              "FIRE!" Easthaven exclaimed.

                              Another volley of death rained across. More men fell. The enemy got wise and began picking up their weapons and shooting blindly into the forests. A lucky shot or two was recieved, but only wounds did they inflict.

                              "Fox Riders! FIRE!" Easthaven ordered as he unsheathed his sword whilst upon his horse.

                              Musket balls from the forest screamed down unto the terrified campers. They could not see their enemy, they could not see those who send death from the unseen. Fear struck their hearts and was their worst antagonist. Morale became nonexistant. Then they heard the roar of "CHARGE!" from the forests as if the demon from the darkness has ordered their defeat. Then from the dark trees of the south, they saw merciless men enclothed in black mounted upon beautiful and grim black horses emerge from the shadows. Shining blades extended from their arms, some blades were curved, others were merely long and imperviously straight. Deafening and frightening yells came from these dark figures as they charged full speed towards the traitors. Blood began to encompass the ground.

                              The campers fell in dozens before most threw up their weapons and begged for mercy, they were met with a beheading from the Riders. Others ran into the northern forest hoping to escape the death but were greeted by unsuspecting foes from the shadows who delivered death to them just the same. There were few who fought gallantly with lust and thirst for blood of their enemies. These men killed several Riders but they were too few and were matched with the same ferocious bravery, thus they died a most unwanting death. The battle ended in 30 minutes. All the inhabitants of the clearing were dead, the wounded were executed as well as those who surrendered, 124 in total. 12 Fox Riders were killed. 22 wounded, nothing serious. 3 musketmen were also wounded.

                              The Council of Apolyton dealt a crushing blow, any other remnants were scattered and no longer serious threats. Next Mission: the other fanatical republicanists.

                              (I got bored, needed a battle so there...)


                              • Apep II laughed,
                                "Ah, Easthaven, why did you take control of this country?" he asked, "You say that you felt a duty to Apolyton, I care nothing for the Moderators, and even less for that snivling iroqios imposter, I mean, he is a foreigner! I will tell you the secret, but I demand that my family are kept safe from... monarchists. You see this is big, really big. There is a much more direct heir than civman II, you see civman the first got drunk in a small village somewhere and... well, he had a little moderator, a girl named, Roxy, I think. And probably best for you, she dosen't know she is the heir and she is a member of the Republican movement. I came to Melian because she is supposedly the mother." Easthaven's face lit up,
                                "Which would make her regent and make her a traitor!" He cried, his joy obvious.
                                "Unfortunatly for you, you can't use this information, ever. Because it would mean that Melian didn't cease power, it would make her legally entitled to the throne."
                                I am your God Apophis- Stargate SG1 (Brilliant line)

