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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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    • OOC: just so everyone knows in this post I am making a new character for story.

      Darius, one of Easthaven's trusted wolf soldier was there when he had cut of the limbs and head of the Consul of Apolyton member. In fact he knew the man, as they grow up togather and were life long friends.
      Darius began to think to himself.
      "Easthaven has gone to far this time. The he did not have to kill the man, he gave up. Why did he have to do that to my friend??? A court could have tried him. But this is too much!!"

      Hate for Easthaven started to fill the heart of Darius, the man he use to look up to. He now viewed him as an evil dictator that would stop at nothing for power and would kill any who stood in his way. Thus he commited his life to stoping Easthaven.

      A few weeks he went into Easthaven's office.
      "Sir I would like to request for leave of about month. It has been years since I have seen my friends and family and the world around me. I know that this may seem like a lot but I need this time to become a better soldier for Apolyton."
      Donate to the American Red Cross.
      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


      • Easthaven was busy creating new innovating tactics for the military, ideas were running rampant in his mind. Then Darius, his close subordinate and close friend, entered...

        "Sir I would like to request for leave of about month. It has been years since I have seen my friends and family and the world around me. I know that this may seem like a lot but I need this time to become a better soldier for Apolyton."
        Easthaven was a little surprised, Darius was always a good soldier and had never requested leave, he was very much like Easthaven.

        He rose and walked in front of his desk.

        "I'm surprised to hear that Darius, you've never requested leave before. Is something troubling you? Has something occurred in you're family? Has the combat finally gotten to you? Because if it is, I understand"....


        • Originally posted by Easthaven I

          "I'm surprised to hear that Darius, you've never requested leave before. Is something troubling you? Has something occurred in you're family? Has the combat finally gotten to you? Because if it is, I understand"....
          "I think that is the case. It is just that it has been so long since I have seen my family, and the work I do i can die any day. I want to make sure that I can see them and let them know that I love them dearly. Also my parents are advanced in age, and I want to see them as my sister wrote to me saying how my father has not been doing so well lately. I hope you understand."
          Donate to the American Red Cross.
          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


          • "I think that is the case. It is just that it has been so long since I have seen my family, and the work I do i can die any day. I want to make sure that I can see them and let them know that I love them dearly. Also my parents are advanced in age, and I want to see them as my sister wrote to me saying how my father has not been doing so well lately. I hope you understand."
            "No need to explain any further. You've certainly earned the priviledge of seeing your family. Get your gear in order and you may go as soon as you wish, report to me before you leave. Good luck General."


            • Darius plan was working. After reporting to easthaven, he went to his cabin to get the papers he would need to sneak into America undetected. He had pick the busist port in Apolyton, as the workers they saw thousands of people in each day and he could dissapear into the crowds of people.

              At night he got on his horse and apread to be heading for his families farm. After he was sure no one was flowing him he started off for the ship that would take him to America. And there we would join the CIA.
              Donate to the American Red Cross.
              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


              • September 1402
                Apep II was back in Sanhopi.
                "When will I get out of here?" He shouted to no one in particular for the umpteenth time.
                Apep II waited, and then to his shock, Easthaven walked in. Apep II repeated his question.
                I am your God Apophis- Stargate SG1 (Brilliant line)


                • September 1402

                  OOC: lol, you trying to tell me something?


                  "When will I get out of here?" He shouted to no one in particular for the umpteenth time. Apep II waited, and then to his shock, Easthaven walked in. Apep II repeated his question.
                  "Why did you escape? You broke the law by breaking in here to see Mellian, probably to try to rescue her, then you break the law by escaping, then we find you on Sanhopi island with the men who have been terrorizing Apolyton. Why the hell would I want to let you go? We gave you several chances even after we caught you speaking to Mellian yet you remain making stupid decisions. I want answers, and I want them now. What the hell are your motives? What were you doing with Apep I? What do you know about the council of apolyton? What in God's name are you doing? The horrible decisions you have made makes me wonder how the hell you became advisor! You're almost as bad as your father. You are a nuisance, a mosquito that has no use and has only been a thorn at our sides. Now what use can you be to Apolyton?"


                  • Apolyton Times October Edition


                    Troops Sent to Mongolia

                    Marshal Easthaven, on behalf of the consuls, has ordered a large detachment of troops to assist the Mongolian Army in their holy war against the Infidel Russians. The Marshal also issued a warning to Russia to ceace thier invasion, if this is not more help will be sent to our great ally, Mongolia. A responce from the Evil and Tyrannical Russian Monarchy is not yet been receved. In related news, the High Counsul of Apolyton has organized a conscription of the masses to defend Apolyton against invasion. Critics of this, however, believe that this force may not be used just for defence, and any attack may decemate the population.

                    Mellian Sighted?

                    Former Chief of Staff, Mellian has been reportidly sighted all over the country. However the majority of sightings have been around Sanhopi City. The local garrison is initiating a serch of the city, but many still believe that the former Chief of Staff is dead

                    Evil Organization Planning to Overthrow Government

                    In documents uncovered by one of our skilled reporters, the Organization for Just Distribution of Powers has been implicated as a front for an Anti Republic group, wanting to install a tyranical dictator. Our reporters also uncovered gold plated carvings of the Rebel Chuko, who as little as two years ago, launched a Rebellion, put down by our great Consuls. This Organization, in this papers view, is a danger to society.

                    Editorial: Why the Organization for Just Distribution of Powers is so bad

                    OOC, Mellian, these sightings are similar to elvis sightings, they are figments of imagination.
                    foolish_icarus, more propaganda, all made up.
                    I am the second place man!


                    • October 10th, 1402
                      Every aristocratic family in Iroquois and every Higher Chief have mysteriously obtained a seditious pamphlet titled "The Cruelty of Apolyton." Great Chief Hiawatha has demanded the arrest of anyone connected to this and has ordered that all copies be burned. So far, three minor members of civman's organization, all of whom distributed the pamphlets themselves, have been caught so far.


                      • OOC: Easthaven, he can be the government's mosquito

                        zalazabad (sorry), thank goodness mellian is being a barmaid at an Inn in vegeimon city, lol

                        October 1402

                        Mellian, in the past month, contacted Rogr Wilco and ask him if he can produce pamphlets or whatever to promote the republic ideals in the behalf of ARM...with recompasation of course. She assured him it isn't propaganda...and awareness and promotion.

                        He told her he would, but the problem is that the COurier Service doesn't have any of the new printing presses, and doubts they will get one anytime soon as the government holding control of them.

                        She then said she'll try some of her contacts to get him one from elsewhere and left...

                        Since then, she continued working as a Barmaid at 'Where Everybody Knows Your Name' Inn as Lois. She is starting to get popular with thee people frequenting people, with only one or two saying she looks like Mellian. She simply replies, emphasizing the non-aristocratic Vikan accent, if i was her, why would I be working here, eh?.

                        Only ones that truelly knows about her is the occasional ARM contacts showing up, to discuss a few matters and helping her trying to contact a Merchant at Edkoro...the same one that occasionally does stuff for ARM without actively supporting them. Besides, he is the kind of Merchant where if you ask for it, he will go to the end of the earth to get, as long as the client is willing to pay a good amount. Its a step in a good direction...

                        So until they get something, ARM can still continue spreading the Republic ideals via word of mouth.
                        Last edited by Mellian; December 4, 2002, 12:19.


                        • i am back! i want to slowly ease myself into this game. can you give me the current situation, and a suggestion for a lower position to take?


                          • Mid-Late October

                            "The people down in Inventing are almost finished. They have met with some technical difficulties, and I'm afraid they made some mistake on this version after it was too late to start over that will slow production somewhat, but until they make a second version, you have top priority for this printing press. It will be operational and you can begin using it in a week or two. You will get it by December 1st at latest.”
                            “Thankyou Mr. Icarus. I appreciate you pulling all this through for us.”
                            “My pleasure Mr. Wilco. I do hope you will report accurately.”

                            OJDP propaganda in contrast to the Apolytonian times continues, with increasing circulation as funds increase. There has also supposedly been a mass burning of The Apolytonian Times papers in protest to what was called “filthy hypocritical ****” somewhere in the northern areas of Apolyton. OJDP underground suspected of inciting this, though nothing has been verified.
                            Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                            • To those who came in late...

                              Basic History of the empire,

                              civman I takes power
                              war declared on england
                              General Chuko and Liam Sheep raise a rebellion, which is crushed by Easthaven, Thunderfire, and Jack_www
                              Civman I goes crazy and gets himself killed
                              Invasion of England begins

                              Many cities fall, with War on England continuing
                              Moderator or two gets knocked off

                              War with England is completed, and partitioned between allies
                              New Moderator Civman II disposed by bloodless coup by the "heros" of the civil war
                              Political Prisoners taken
                              Under plan by Apep I, political prisoners Mellian and Apep II escape
                              Apep I & II captured by Consuls in battle of Sanhopi Hights

                              and that is where we are at the moment.
                              I am the second place man!


                              • October 1402

                                A protest occurred in Vikomore where a small group of republicanists were starting bonfires and yelling curses against the Consuls. The City's Gaurd was ordered to stand down and let them feud for a bit longer. Then a second more larger group of protesters formed, this group were loyal Consul supporters and they began yelling back at the republicanists, calling them traitors. The two groups stood ground against each other ready at any moment to end words and begin violence. The City's Gaurd was finally ordered to intervene as they marched in between the small group and the larger one. The two groups were ordered to return to their homes. The stand off lasted hours as Gaurdsmen stood ground in between the two hostile groups. Finally, the people began to dwindle and scatter as persons from each group returned to their homes.

