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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • Apolyton Times August Edition


    Apep Captured!

    Sorces close to the Defence Ministry confermed that one of the escapees, Apep II was captured in the ruins of the rebel fortress. Also, the executor of the plot, Apep I was captured. Mellian is still unaccounted for, however the troops interviewed by our paper believe she is dead.

    More reports, Page 2

    New Education Act Met by Scepticism by Some

    Marshal Easthaven announced a new education act, with an emphisis on inproving literacy, however, some are sceptical of Easthavens true motive. However, it is in the opinion of this paper that the literacy programme will be a benifit to Apolyton

    More Reports Page 4

    Voices Call for War Against America

    The public decree issued by Marshal Easthaven has caused calls for war against the enermy that launched an unprovoked assault against our glorious Republic. American Agents were implicated in the attack Our great Consuls have sailed to America to help settle this international incident, but the general public say that America has gone too far, they want War.

    More Reports, Page 4

    Other News

    Road from Sanhopi to Apolyton completed
    Pirates raid trading vessels
    New Youth Organization Created
    First Fleet Leaves Port


    Price of Fur Plumits

    The price of fur has plumited due to new trade contacts with the Iroquois. However, merchants in the local fur market are fuming that the local market has been flooded with inferior forigen goods, and are demanding protection from the imports
    I am the second place man!


    • Last edited by unscratchedfoot; December 2, 2002, 17:35.
      Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.


      • Lev Chuko slowly walked up to the recruiting office. A sign over the office pronounced Young Citizen Republic Organization Recruitment Centre. Taking a deep sigh, Lev walked in, and joined the long line of boys, just like himself, wanting to join this glorious organization. Opposate him was the line for the Girls, equally as long. He smiled, and waited, intill it was his turn.

        Lev sat down on the ricerty wooden chair, and faced the recruiter, who smiled at him. He turned to him, and nodded to the scribe beside him. The recruiter then pulled out a sheet of paper, and started to ask questions.

        "Calm down, boy, no halm will be done to you," said the recruiter, noting Lev's nervousness, "Now, what is your name?"
        "Lev Chuko, sir," he replied
        The recruiter looked at the scribe with a puzzled look, and then asked, "The son of the Trator General Chuko?"
        Lev thought this through for a moment, and replied, "Yes, but I hate him now, after what he did to our country. He deserved his fate"
        "Ok, then," replied the Recruiting officer, a look of relief crossing over his face, "now where do you live?"
        "With my Uncle Drako, sir" replied Lev, entusiasticly.
        "Drako Chuko? Former Trade Minister, and now editor of the Apolyton Times?"
        "The very one."
        "Oh, ok then, now why do you want to join our organization?"
        "Because I wish to emulate the sucsess of our great and glorious leaders in thier fight against tyranny" said Lev, using his pre rehersed reason. The recruiter looked down the list, and saw that he had achived all of the goals to becoming a member of the Young Citizen Republic Organization of Apolyton. He smiled, turned to Lev, and said "Congradulations, Lev, your in"


        "Well, Lev," said Drako, "you have realy supprised me, going out and joining the organization. I am very proud that your doing somthing other than wander the streets"
        "Thankyou, uncle," replied Lev
        "You know," said Drako, "Your father would of been proud of you." Lev smiled at this Ironic statement, yes, he thought, his father would be proud, as he followed Drako into the kitchen, where his wife was making dinner
        I am the second place man!


        • OOC: unscratchedfoot, don't go overboard with the comedic stuff and sure hope you talked to civman about using his character like that... and civman II is more Iroquois then Apolytonian... and lived nearly his whole life in Iroquois. SO, cultural differences shouldn't be a problem.... shotguns doesn't exist yet :P


          July 1402

          Mellian arrived in Vegeimon City a few months ago, and staying another ARM supporter's hom within the city. Before she moves on her plans, she started working at a Inn as a Barmaid. Quite a demotion from Chief of Staff, but it will do as a wait to listen to rumours and good place to meet some contacts, while making a bit of money to live off on. Not the first time she worked in an Inn, but last time was so many decades ago... Oh and she is also temprally calls herself Lois, as her real name would attract to much attention.

          Once she settles in, she'll contact Roger Wilco...


          • Various...

            Russians succeeded in capturing two mongulian cities.

            Most of Zulus forces returns to Zululand while the Aztec keeps control of Manchester.

            The Second Aztec-Spanish war becomes very heated, with full of hatred. France is considering wether to cancel the Right of Passage agreement with the Aztecs, as they are still using their territory to get at the Spanish, and the French don't want to get involved even thought there is still no formal peace treaty with Spain.

            Germany threatens France, especially in the rise of German forces along the German-French border.

            England is in disarray and the Monarchy is threatened by the Parliament. Some predict a civil war...

            Several English naval squadrons renounce their nationality as an attempt to avoid being disbanded, which the treaty with Apolyton enforces... because of this, there is an increase of Piracy in the Atlantic Ocean.

            Carthage as recently lost a city to the Romans, after a massive musket armed Legionaire attack.

            America, Greece and France signs a seperate Mutual Protection Agreement from the 'Apolyton Alliance'.


            • OOC: civman's family has been in Iroquois for 4 or 5 generations. He is less than 1/8 Apolytonian. I am thus ignoring unscratchedfoot's post.
              civman, Iroquois have an advance form of Tribal Confederacy, not a monarchy
              That doesn't mean they don't have a Royal Family that the Great Chiefs come from.

              August 16th, 1402
              News has reached civman of the development of the Printing Press. Although Iroquois lacks teh technology and it is heavily restricted in Apolyton, he is hoping that by pooling together the money of he organization he can afford to rent one in America, where there is freedom of press...


              • Mongolia:
                3 Fox Regiments as an expeditionary force has been sent to Mongolia to aid in their defense. Military advisors also sent to help train Fox-like regiments and increase the Monguls defense tactics. In this shipment includes 100 cannons as a loan, as well as hundreds of muskets and swords. This shipment is well gaurded by plenty of man o wars and nobody knows of such a shipment.

                50 cannons sent to the Aztecs, including some military advisors.

                To France:
                We are willing to send a musket regiment or supplies to reinforce your border with Germany.

                To Rome:
                Our friends from the Alligator. We congratulate you on your successes against Carthage. If you wish we may lend and send food and supplies to your men. We will also sell any cannons to you if you are interested, our cannons are the best in the world.

                To Russia:
                You have no right invading Mongolia, we condemn your actions. Hand back their cities and withdraw.


                • Originally posted by civman2000
                  I am thus ignoring unscratchedfoot's post.
                  Gotta love how you nes folks pick & choose who let into your tight little circle. I guess I'm not boring enough for this nes stuff.

                  Anyways, I'll PM Ming to see if he'll move these last few nes's outta here to where they belong in the diplomacy forum.
                  Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.


                  • OOC: DanQ agreed to leaving Apolyton Empire in the Civ3-Stories, mainly because, AE isn't a NES or a Diplomacy, just another Civ3 story writting by multiple people. Now i know why Ming as PMed me to warn me about him moving AE...of course, he won't. DanQ is his superior

                    unscratchedfoot, thats what happens when you ignore consistency and past details. Was written that civman II is mostly Iroquois, and lived his whole life in Iroquois. So not surprising that we will ignore that peticular post. Next time you post, make sure you don't step in anyones foot consistency wise....


                    TO Consul Easthaven
                    FROM: Ghangis Khan of Mongolia (Insulted)

                    Only three regiments??? Do realize that we aree losing due to superior numbers, not from skill! We need lot more help then that!

                    FROM: Aztec (not please)

                    I thank you for Apolyton's gesture, but if your nation is not willing to send more then that to help, then don't bother at all.

                    FROM: Joan of Arc of France (Insulted)

                    One unit Easthaven? Is this the kind of help we get from Apolyton after betraying the Europian Union to support the Apolyton Alliance?

                    FROM: Emperor Caesar (friendly)

                    Thank you, but we have plenty enough food and supplies for my troops and we are not interested in buying Apolytonian Cannons at this time.

                    FROM: Queen Catherine of Russia (uncooperative)

                    We will consider it if Apolyton returns the English cities to England and leave the "Monkey" Continent.


                    • To Ghenghis Khan:
                      Next time be more specific in your needs. 100 of the best cannons in the world and the most expensive was given to you. If you knew they're effectiveness in wiping out enemy soldiers in mass then you would use them. More help is on the way, don't be so impatient, we're going as fast as we can. We're sending APolytonian men to die on the russian steppes for your country be more appreciative.

                      To Montezuma:
                      It's're in a accept it. Big or small you accept all the help you can get. 50 cannons free, why would somebody refuse that? Besides, more help will come but it will take more time, the Monguls are in more dire need of help than you are, so be patient, my friend.

                      To Joan of Arc:
                      You didn't even ask for help so what are you complaining about? The situation didn't seem dangerous or in need of help for you said nothing, so we assumed you had it under control. Are we suppose to be able to read your mind? Apolyton is great and wonderous, and I think I am a capable leader, but we don't hear voices in our heads like you. So speak up.

                      To Ceasar:
                      Fair enough. If you ever need any help of any kind just ask, we are here to consider.

                      To Queen Catherine:
                      Last edited by Easthaven I; December 3, 2002, 12:45.


                      • September 1402

                        Latentus has handed over writing of Awareness Pamphlets to particularly gifted writer who still uses Latentus’ name and writing methods indistinguishably. The Organization for Just Distribution of Powers (OJDP), a completely legitimate group of people discontent with the absolute powers of the consuls has grown out of its illegitimate progenitor, the group that publishes the Awareness Pamphlets. The OJDP has (officially and to the best knowledge of almost all its members) completely broken with the underground and has (allegedly) no connection with them. The OJDP has, as yet, broken no existing laws, and openly condemns all treasonous and violent acts to oppose the government and urges only peaceful means of coercion. Its progenitor operates under no such restrictions, but to the best of anyone’s knowledge (including Latentus’) has so far done nothing illegal except for possibly its printed material, some of which could be viewed as treasonous by some. The OJDP members have begun openly questioning the consuls and advocating many of the things found in the Awareness Pamphlets but also inspect and point to specific things that can be improved. The OJDP still only has a small minority of the population that supports it, but is gaining support comparatively much faster than the original because it is a legitimate group and has concrete ideas and follows up with actions. Latentus still has occasional contact with the progenitor group, and through them, slight and indirect influence in the OJDP. Recently, though, he has changed appearances somewhat, both by natural growth (he is somewhat taller than when he took office) and by cosmetic changes. He naturally has a very plain appearance and kept a low profile while in office so even without the disguise he now goes in it would be unlikely for him to be recognized. He is currently traveling around the country, working odd jobs and gauging support, mostly just watching but also making connections with various people and institutions under various aliases and in general doing his best to quietly erode the support base for the triumvirate, though any support he might be producing will only become evident in the long run.
                        Iyol (Latentus’ sister) has enrolled in the new Great University’s Rhetoric and Philosophy sub-section, and, along with the other students, is being encouraged to pursue truth and historical accuracy. The students’ intelligence, combined with the uncensored records of the Great Library and a critical examining eye of current events, is breeding skeptics of the current system, though knowledge of this has so far not gotten out of the university. The rest of the parts of the Great University are slowly but steadily progressing towards a cohesive and functional entity as operations smooth out and the actual construction for the new Vegeimen City and Gowoasan grounds continue on schedule. A steady stream of the intellectuals and enterprising as well as the dedicated and hard working looking for a better education are coming into the University. In fact, the Great University is already beginning to gain prestige among the international scholarly community the rest of the world’s educated people’s begin to take interest in and make note in the groundbreaking curriculum and innovative programs of the Great University’s inventing, philosophical, scientific, and other components of the integrated structure. The Head Historian has supposedly even suggested to the Board that as soon as new funds become available an overseas expedition would be advantageous. Great University has even considered opening up contracts with the government for specific technological innovation research lines. Overall, it is looking up for the scientific community in Apolyton.
                        Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                        • Apolyton Times September Edition


                          Mongolian Disaster!

                          Two Mongolian Cities were sieved last month in the pertracted war against Russia. The Consuls have sent forces and cannons to the Mongols to assist thier war.However, the Khan of Mongolia flatly regected the proposal, sugesting that it sent far too little to be of any value

                          More Reports, page 2

                          Hero, the Super Dog Dies

                          In news that saddened the entire community, the Dog Hero died last tuesday in the presence of his family. No one will forget what Hero did for the community of Apolyton 5 years ago, rescuing the Moderator from certian death by killing a snake, who was poised to strike the sleeping moderator. Hero survived by his owner Sami and George
                          (come on, its a slow news month!)

                          Organization for Just Distribution of Powers Meeting on Thursday

                          A meeting of this anti-consul group is expected to meet in Vegeimen City on Thursday to discuss terrorist tactics. Many people in the community are outraged at this evil, and satinic group, claiming to represent the people are alloud to meet by our great Consuls, and want this evil organization banned.
                          More Reports, Page 53

                          OOC: may I remind you, that not everything in this paper is true. It is pro Consul (intill someone else takes power). Sorry foolish_icarus for rubbishing your organization, but this paper is just Nationalistic Propaganda
                          I am the second place man!


                          • September

                            OOC: That’s fine Lord Zalzabad. My stuff was propaganda as well.

                            I don’t think its necessary to provide specifics, but assume that both the OJDP and its underground counterpart are doing everything in their power to spread their own version of things and dispel any accusations etc.

                            The Great University is also preparing its own records of things, although they aren’t being published or distributed, the (fairly) unbiased records up to the (game) present times are available in the archives. The Head Historian has also started a small program to make copies of all material to be placed in unspecified location(s). This will, naturally, take a very long time, but might as well start now.
                            Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                            • September 16th, 1402
                              civman and his cronies have succeeded in getting access to a printing press in America. They have printed 1000 copies of a pamphlet urging Iroquois to oppose Apolyton and support going to war with Apolyton. A few have also been written for otehr countries. 200 have been printed urging Apolytonians to oppose the Consuls. All are unanimous. However, they may have trouble districuting the pamphlets.


                              • September 1402

                                The Consuls increase the ideas of nationalism, where one is more proud of Apolyton then they are of their nobles. Also, Consul Easthaven has instituted a system for immediate dangers. He calls it 'The Rally in Mass', where all able men from 17 to 28 immediately join military service when Apolyton is invaded or under serious threat of foreigners, so that defense of the nation is secured. All must report to their designated stations. More books are published and papers are posted of the glory of Apolyton and the glory they've gotten from past famous battles.


                                Consul Easthaven has sent 40,000 more musketmen and 10,000 Fox Riders to help in the defense of Mongolia, more might be sent.

                                To Mongolia:
                                Reinforcements are coming, do not be so demanding or insulting or else we will halt the reinforcements. Do not bite your ally that is trying to help. Do not insult us any longer, or else you might just lose your most powerful friend.

                                To Russia:
                                The more you invade, the more aid we will give to Mongolia. Do not let this escalate any further. Withdraw and sue for peace.
                                Last edited by Easthaven I; December 3, 2002, 17:33.

