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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • throughout 1402 and end of 1401

    Secret agency was created:

    Consul Easthaven has been secretly creating another agency. An agency solely for propoganda, highly confidential and secret. Hundreds of uncorruptible agents disguised as citizens melt themselves into the populace giving good ideas of how great the consuls are and whenever talk arises that is against them they quickly bash it down with charismatic inspiring speeches. Great speakers, among the best. They also become trusted by the village or area of a city they live in and could easily unite people to oppose or even fight against any traitors or foreign invaders. At least that is the idea and mission. They quietly begin their own movement as the defenders of Apolyton and supporters of the 'Fathers' of Apolyton. They will only arise when treason and rebellion are in the air. They are untraceable. They live with the people for years, with their own families. Hopefully and probably these agents will be successful in their endeavors. They become part of the people...


    • OOC: Stop playing until things are settled....


      • Hmmm, alot happens when one is away. I have settled things with China, as my family has connections. They now see the Consuls as the true leaders of Apolyton, insted of Liam Sheep. I will co-operate with the new government, and wish to open a newspaper myself in Apolyton City. I have brought my wife over to Apolyton, but my son will stay there to get a good education, at Sun Tsu's War Academy.

        Best Regards,
        Drako Chuko, Wealthy Merchant
        I am the second place man!


        • OOC: Lord Zalzabad, i used Drako Chuko to help eliminate Liam Sheep and his goons in china and the island off their coast where his mercenaries were located. You lead a small chinese force, after a diplomatic team sent by Mellian to make contact with china...and to convince them of about Sheep. I kept the fighting vague, especially the one-on-one fight with Liam Sheep, where Drako cut his head too


          • May 1402 (?)
            Apep II awoke on a small island with a mammoth pain in his left arm, he vaguly remembered grabbing a piece of flotsam and holding on for dear life. Behind him rock towered up like a pinacle. Ah, yes, this was Sanhopi Island. He remembered that the Moderator had planned to place a fort here, only to give up because it was impossible to get all the material needed to the top of the cliffs. Indeed it would probably be possible to hide up there in perfect safety and he was probably already officially dead, so no one would be looking for him, he hoped.
            * * *
            Apep I had not been so lucky, he had awoken near a bend in the river and looked up to see five men looking down at him,
            "Oh, ****," he shouted as he was tossed in a cart.
            (OOC: I believe the slave trde would be alive and well at this date)
            I am your God Apophis- Stargate SG1 (Brilliant line)


            • May 1402

              Consul Easthaven arrived at Sanhopi to check out the events that took place. The Command Post was busy with men trying to figure out possiblilities of evasion and escape. Consul Easthaven entered the Command tent somewhat annoyed at what happened but calm enough to deal with the situation.

              "What happened to the two, Captain." He asked.

              "Well Sire, Apep II's body has not been found and is believed to be buried in the rubble. As for his father, his body has not been found either so we believe he is dead also. Mellian, her cell totally collapsed therefore we are searching the rubble but it might be futile for she is probably dead..."

              "Captain, answer me one question, do you have the bodies of any of these three people?"

              "Well no sire, but..."

              'THEN...they are not dead. Begin searching the country not the rubble. I do not want to hear your 'theories' on how they were killed, theories mean nothing to me. They are not dead unless I see a mutilated corpse of these subjects laid before me...Now Captain, do you see a mutilated Mellian or Apep corpse laid before me?"

              "No sire..." The Captain said as he looked down at his feet.

              "Then they are to be assumed alive and well...and in action. Therefore get search parties searching house to house, ask the citizens for help. A reward for any information leading to the capture of Sanhopi prisoners." He said encouragingly.

              "Yes sire." The man went off to do as he was told.

              Another man walked up to Consul Easthaven with a paper for him to sign. Easthaven began reading it.

              "You look quite pale, sire."

              "I've had a bit of a cold lately." He said as he signed the paper.

              "You need rest, sire. That is all. Leading a nation takes its toll on a man." The man said as he waited patiently.

              "Rest is for the weak, Lieutenant." Easthaven responded as he handed back the papers and pen. He walked towards the planning table where his officers were located...


              To Consuls (secret):
              There has been lots of activity on the uninhabited island of Sanhopi, it is believed to be the stationing post for the last barbarian invasions. Also I was planning to have the 5th Army partake in military exercises. Therefore, in a few days I will launch an exercise onto the island of Sanhopi and will observe our forces capabilities of amphibious landings and invasions. At the same time we will clear the island of any fugitives or exiles. I will also station the 5th army there and begin having them construct a fort. There are lots of lumber on the island so we would not need any from the Apolyton mainland, also a small iron mine was left there from past occupancies so we may also use that as well without interfering with Apolyton supplies and budget. This shall be quite the strategic point in the future.


              • May 1402
                When Apep II reached the top of the Island of Sanhopi he was amazed to find a small hut in a clearing. Going in he found it to lead into a tunnel. A very dirty man came up from it. Apep II inquired as to what this place was,
                "This was an iron mine," the man said without thinking, "It is now the minimalistic Headquaters of the Council of Apolyton."
                Apep II's eyes bulged and his mouth dropped open, this was the agency that had ordered his death (OOC: OK the government also did this) and the attack on his mother!
                (OOC: It seems logical to me that the Council would have to be quite close to Sanhopi to have got the army past the Apolyton navy, after all as Easthaven (I think) pointed out, it is the stongest navy in the world)
                I am your God Apophis- Stargate SG1 (Brilliant line)


                • June 1402

                  After washing the dishes, Mellian started helping Roxy (20s year old daughter of passive ARM supporters) with the supper. Her father and mother were off to do some errands at Vikan, allowing her and their daughter to take care of things at the farm beside a small village. Mellian as been helping out with the farm in the past week, after her injuries as healed enough for her to move again, surprising the Loyalys, even herself as to quick her body healed. They were nice enough to have her stay at her farm, even thought it was her choice, so fair deal to help them out. Besides, she is not even sure what she will be doing, so until she does she may as well live among the peasant folk, which she didn't mind at all.

                  She was quite surprise a month ago to wake here... she thought she would be dead. Mrs. Loyaly told her that some of the americans helping the movement brought me there, saying to take care of her and then dissapeared without explaining how they rescued and she got her here. They took care of her, even providing her clothes (far from Mellian's usual leather pant and top ware) and food. During her stay, she got to read of these new "pamphlets" and "newspaper" which the recent invent of Printing Press provided. She simply shook her head at what they say, even thought this mode of propaganda is quite ingenious. Nice to know that Latentus is still about...

                  Anyway, the Mr and Mrs. Loyaly as arrived, just in time for supper.....

                  OOC: Village is near Vikan, not anywhere close to Sanhopi, so she won't be easily found...especially if she stays passive and not doing much then working on a farm Since the general populace, even thought they know of Mellian, wouldn't recognize her except those that personally know her or people at Apolyton or Edkoro that seen her in public.... and the peasant clothes doesn't help the recognination either....

                  posted because Easthaven did, despite not stating an opinion in the discussion.... what is your msn address?


                  • June 1402
                    Apep II had been camping outside the iron mine for weeks now and he still hadn't managed to get at the council itself, though he was unsure as to why he hadn't been killed he assumed that as a fugitive, he was a kindred spirit.
                    He got up and walked over to the cliff side and looked down, to see hundreds of slaves being marched on to the island!
                    He ran back and grabbed the first man he saw, "Look, I need to see the council, NOW!" he shouted, "The consel's have sent men here!"
                    The man escorted him straight to the counsel's private underground chamber.
                    * * *
                    Apep I couldn't believe that he was about to be involved in the round up of his own group of fugitives, on the other hand, perhaps these slaves would be willing to join, after all there were about 1000 slaves and only 50 or so slave drivers, he would lead them to the 'armory' and hope for the best...
                    I am your God Apophis- Stargate SG1 (Brilliant line)


                    • To Consul Easthaven(urgent, secret):
                      I have some trubbling news. I have heard reports from my men that the cannon that was used on the Prison was given to the traitor ApepI by American Spies. I have futher information indicating that the took Mellian from the ruble and helped he escape the prison, thus the reason why your men have not found her. I am going to America and demand they stop all covert actions in Apolyton or face war. We can not accept nations sending spies into our country and trying to subvert the government. I am going on the next ship to America.
                      Donate to the American Red Cross.
                      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                      • The slaves were directed to the iron mine and sa Apep I was in front, they followed him. Once some were in the armory Apep I shouted, "We are slaves! We are oppressed and forced to work! There are enough weapons here for most of us, let us kill those who whip us!" The slaves looked uneasy, and then one walked forward and grabbed a weapon, a large sword, a second slave followed and soon most of slaves gripped weapons most out of fear, Apep I always good at taking command shouted, "CHARGE!!!"
                        The slaves raced out of the mine.
                        (OOC: The armoury is presmably close to the entrance of the mine and this explains why they didn't encounter the councils men)
                        I am your God Apophis- Stargate SG1 (Brilliant line)


                        • Early July, 1402

                          “Mr. Wilco? The Head Historian of the Apolyton Great Library is here to see you.” Roger set down the letter he was reading and looked up. “Thankyou. Show him in.” Roger stood up, shook hands with the man, motioned him to a chair, and sat down again. Strange, he thought, that the Head Historian could have been old for so long. He was far from decrepit, and still moved like someone in their middle years, yet that mildly aged look he had was the same as it was the first time he had seen him, some 20 years before. Roger had little time to reflect on this, however, for the Head Historian immediately began to speak with the exactly measured and perfectly timed and even words and articulate sentences that were the exact stereotypes of the people of his profession. “Mr. Wilco, thank you for seeing me. As I mentioned in my letter, I have a proposition for you and the courier service you run. The reorganization of the Great Library and its affiliates is almost complete, yet there is still a position within the new structure which we would like your courier service to fill. This slot remains the only one that still requires an organization. We would like you and your service to take on the responsibilities of information distribution and collection. I realize this is what you already do under the present circumstances, but a union with the new Great University, which is what we are calling our new conglomeration, as you may recall, would provide benefit not only to the individual component organizations but to the education and enlightenment of the entire Apolytonian community. We have the philosophers, the librarians, the mathematicians, our own resource collection and assembly division in the works, we have even contracted with a new group calling themselves the ‘Inventors Guild’. We have enough funding from private sources for moderate improvement of existing facilities in Apolyton as well as construction and expansion at a modest rate in the site we have selected in Gowoasan. Yet our present structures remain woefully inadequate in the practical details of administering and organizing such a conglomeration. That is where your service would be essential. We believe that your charter and present goals and operations fit perfectly with those of the new Great University. The betterment of our nation and its peoples through education and the faithful recording of the true events of history, as unbiased as possible by the political scene. The Great Library, due to its antiquity, has been able to hold itself apart from most political complications, and we believe that will carry over. The entire venture is privately funded by forward-thinking individuals and institutions such as your own, so there will be no more government interference than can be expected. Aside from any moral rewards form contributing to the knowledge base, there are also significant monetary awards to be had from cooperation among our institutions. We very much hope you will be part of our enterprise. Please think this over.” Even though Robert had been listening intently, the Head Historian’s stop had been so gradual that it took him a few moments to realize he had stopped talking. “Yes, we’ll certainly consider your proposition. I’ll talk to the directors about this.” The Head Historian smiled slightly. “Well, then. Thankyou for your time and your consideration.” He got up and walked to the door. Robert stood up and motioned magnanimously with his hand. “Thankyou, Mr. Icarus.”
                          Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                          • June 1402

                            The bulk of the 5th Army began embarking onto the coast. They witnessed men charging their positions. They began to set up defensive positions preparing for the charge.

                            As the disorganized group got closer and closer an unexpected event occurred...well unexpected to Apep's troops...not unexpected to Field Marshall Easthaven.

                            The 'slaves' Apep came in contact with were not actually 'slaves' for what idiot would send out slaves as the spearhead of an amphibious landing and attack, only an incompetent and ill experienced and amateur military commander would assume such a thing. The slaves were soldiers, trained in spearing an attack, but were caught off gaurd when Apep yelled at them to pick up arms and charge. So they did, biding their time to strike at full surprise.

                            So as the enemy charged at full speed, the 'slaves' began to lack and fall behind, Apep's troops didn't give heed for they thought they were slaves and were exhausted and weak. So they picked up speed. Soon the 'slaves' were in the rear of Apep's troops.

                            At the last few yards Apolytonian forces took a powerful charge forward at the last minute shocking the first line of Apep men, most were clotheslined but others adapted...the lines clashed.

                            Then the so called 'slaves' siezed the moment and clashed with Apep's troops from behind. The Apep men were completely surprised, as a result they were immediately routed and recieved many casualties. The outnumbered, disorganized and underarmed Apep men were quickly becoming slaughtered after they immediately became routed. Most tried to flee from the onslaught but were so packed together most tripped and were trampled to death by their own troops.

                            Field Marshall Easthaven saw it from the ship. He didn't even give any orders, for the event took place so quickly. He was impressed by his men's initiative and improvisation. He watched proudly.

                            Soon the forces of Apep were nearly wiped out, Apep I was surrounded, standing alone in a circle of vengeful Apolytonians. Apep I still held his sword. Crossbowmen shot both his legs, he collapsed and was apprehended.

                            Field Marshall Easthaven arrived somewhat amused but did not show it.

                            "Either you're getting old, or you were always this bad..." Easthaven said while shaking his head.

                            "Take him away, maximum security on this man. He is a traitor and the plague infector." The men dragged him away.

                            Field Marshall Easthaven walked up to the commander of the 'slaves' and the swordsmen regiment that first embarked.

                            "Well done men, well done. You make me very proud today." He said with a smile. He then walked away. The two commanders were in awe and were filled with pride and confidence at the result of their General's compliments.

                            The 5th Army embarked the rest of its forces and began to get organized for sweeping the island clean. And begin construction of Fort Sanhopi.


                            • June 1402

                              Two boys came running into the village from their club houses in the distant trees.

                              "Look! Wolf men are coming, and Sam and Niel are with them!" They yelled in excitement as they ran through the village square towards their home.

                              Curious, but unafraid heads looked up to see for themselves.

                              Sure enough a small group of men were coming down the trail, they had a carriage filled up of wheat and other materials with them.

                              The people seemed to recognize some of the Wolf soldiers for smiles spread across their faces as they crowded around the troops.

                              Two of the men especially stood out. These must have been Sam and Niel, smiles were also across their faces.

                              "Sammy! What brings you here away from your duty, eh?" Shouted jokingly an old hard-working man of the ages.

                              "I AM on duty, old Finmer! We are here to pass out food for anybody in need of it. Wheat and rice! A new system introduced by the Consuls." The young man answered. He then turned to his commanding officer.

                              "Sir, may me and Niel be dismissed to visit our families?" He asked. The Captain looked down at him from the carriage, it was a serious look at first but was taken over by a smile.

                              "Sure, Sergeant. Just get back soon to help." He said as he began unloading the wagon in the center of the village to set up a small stand.

                              "Thank you sir." The two look-alike young men ran off, to the Finnigan house...coincidentaly next to the Loyalie family.


                              They greeted their parents and their parents welcomed their sons back home.

                              The Wolf units were busy, but still managed to goof around with the kids some and show them their 'cool' weapons. Sam and Niel returned to their comrades to help, and when the unit finished setting up the temporary stand they shared stories to the curious kids about the war in England and even the battles of the civil war. A few people came up to the stand and food was given, no questions asked. The Lieutenant simply handed it over, and nodded, sometimes wishing them a good day or even starting a small conversation.

                              A grumpy skinny old man came up to the wolf soldiers and began bothering them with questions about 'the dictators'.

                              "You men come here with your food, this food is stained with oppression by the Consuls."

                              "Sir, no oppression has been given by the Consuls, therefore no stain exists on this food. Take the food, old man. Before you starve to death." The Lieutenant offered.

                              "Nonsense! Do not patronize me! The republic will take over soon, you can count on that!"

                              "Well so be it. The food is still here, it knows no republic nor consulship, only how to keep people alive." The Lieutenant again answered diplomaticallly.

                              "The Consuls shall be beheaded! Like King Louis of France! I will take no food from you oppressors."

                              "Well I hope your curses never come to pass, for I will have to sacrifice my life. For Easthaven saved me and my men's lives at York, twice! So take the food, for if a civil war starts again and thousands of lives are lost for your curses today, then you will need a full stomach for the day of your judgement." The Lieutenant answered again, trying to feed the skinny old man.

                              "Never!" He walked away grumbling to himself.

                              The atmosphere was somewhat solemn for a few seconds from this scene but was soon cleared away when a family invited the wolf men to dinner, and children ran off to play again laughing happily.

                              The Wolf soldiers thanked the villagers for their offer but insisted on camping outside and eating their army food. But after a short arguement and threat of being offensive towards the villagers the wolf soldiers gratefully accepted the invitation...


                              • To Drako CHuko:
                                We gladly await your arrival. You should know that you are always welcomed to Apolyton! And you are more then welcome to open another newspaper. You are a good man, and more of you are needed in this world. Will see you in the days to come.



                                To Consul Jack (secret):
                                I agree with your approach to the Americans, be careful on your trip. It would have been safer to simply send the message, but if you insist we shall take care of Apolyton in your absence.

                                -Consul Easthaven I

