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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • January 18, 1402

    To Moderator civman II:
    I wanted to let you know that I will be trying to learn your native langue so that we will not need translaters to talk. I do not know how long this will take since I am very busy and do not know one word of Iroquioses.
    Donate to the American Red Cross.
    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


    • January 20 1402
      A day to remember, a day of infamy

      6:00 AM, Sanhopo HQ of 3rd Army and expeditonnary Apolyton forces.

      -So today, we do it! said Thunderfire
      The others nodded...
      -May God forgive us...

      Early Morning at Mellian residence

      Apolytonian troops arrive in mass. Some of them are wearing Wolf uniforms or 3rd Army insigns.
      They burst in from everywhere. Rifles and swords drawn anyone trying to flee is shoot or quickly arrested.

      -Are you citizen Mellian, ex-Chief of Staff of Apolyton Republic?
      -Ex? Apolyton Republic????
      -From orders of the government, you have been arrested for treason to Apolyton State. Do not resist or you will be shoot.

      She is quickly sent to Sanhopo Prison.

      Residence of Great Moderator Civman II, morning same hour same day...
      -OPEN FIRE!
      In a mere second, the entrance of the Palace is no more and fast riders charge quickly killing the wounded guards.

      Infantry companies run into buildings and capture people. A few men shoot but mostly, their training and superior strenght give them the edge in the battle.

      Moderator's room
      -Read this, usuper!
      -uh??? (civman II doesn't understand, in the worst apolyton someone could ever hear) I'm your moderator...
      -Idiot! Guards take him and hide him! We must leave the city as soon as possible.

      As Apolyton City awake, an Apolyton Fox Rider Regiment rides through the city as fast as they can leaving the Moderator residence. Fire is now spreading through the city.

      The same scene happens to every ministers, advisors of Apolyton former Empire...
      Republic has been proclamed! There will be three protectors of Apolyton Empire: Consuls Easthaven, Jack_www, and Thunderfire.

      Any citizens can vote to elect his mayors. Mayors will report to Governors and Governors will either take care of the action.

      Governors, each six months, are meeting at Apolyton City with the Three Protectors/Consuls.
      OOC: Well, this a military coup-d-etat as you can see. We have prepared this for quite long.

      As a new order will soon be established, well you can try to escape but in an enormous army base, realistically you would have some huge difficulties. The prison is heavily guarded. Political prisoners are in a special part of the prison and a lot of criminals there have been killed to be sure you won't find any help.

      Wolf units guard you and have order to shoot on anything moving without warnings.

      Or you can try to be some of the new opportunists trying to get powers.

      This "republic" is more or less like French consulat just after the Revolution (Napoleon and two other guys were running France). The attacks are quite like the October Revolution in 1917.
      Consuls have powers like Cromwell did.

      Officers in the army pro-republican movement/pro-Mellian have been arrested and dispatched by Jack secret police and Wolf units.
      The whole(well at least 90%) Apolyton Army is with us and a lot of peasants see in us their saviors, the men who will change their lives.

      Merchants will see benefit supporting a strong regime which will surely increase the military budget (more boats, more guns and cannons).

      Nobles will keep (not officially though) their rights if they support the Field Marshalls.
      I'm on msn/irc but not long...

      Also Mellian, if you weren't a playing character, you would have been shot down in your bed. You are our worst enemy actually.
      Last edited by mmtt; November 26, 2002, 17:55.


      • To Field Marshall Thunderfire(secret):
        If civmanII agrees to give up his claim as Moderator of Apolyton I think we should send him back to Iroquois as I think he could are less about Apolyton. I have been awaiting this day since the Last moderator died and was wondering when you would act. We have much to do in the coming days to make sure that the new government is strong and any rebels are dealt with. Also most of the former government officals have died as a result of the skin eating dease.

        I am in irc as well but not for long etheir.
        Donate to the American Red Cross.
        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


        • ------------
          To Field Marshall Jack_ww(secret):
          Agreed about Civman II
          Our armies will storm through cities and any opponents will be shoot. We need to be strong at start.


          • January 21st, 1402
            The Moderator looked at his guards unhappily.
            "What--what you want me?"
            "Speak up, we can't understand you!"
            "What you want of me?"
            "We want you to shut up and stay put until the General comes."
            "Can repeat please?"
            The guards laughed.
            "Please, I want paper."
            "What for?"
            "I want write me--mine family home."
            "You want to write to your family in Iroquois?"
            "Yes," said civman, relieved that he was understood.
            "Well, I guess that's OK, I'll have to pass it by the officers though." One of the guards then left.

            OOC: mmtt you decide whether the Moderator can write to his family.


            • January 22nd 1402

              Field Marshall Easthaven arrives at the palace with his small personal cadre.

              His armies were increased before the coup, and are at gaurd all over the nation to quell any rebel uprisings. They all knew the time the take over would take place and they acted. Known pro-Mellian groups, that intelligence knew of, were quickly taken over and arrested throughout the nation. Wolf soldiers have arrested military personal linked to Mellian including Major Harrington. They've also arrested certain governors suspected of treason as well.

              They've also set up battlefield hospitals for the populace to show their good will. Since lots of materials and medical training were given to the armies during the war. And civilian medical centers are low.

              Field Marshall Easthaven has ordered his military engineers to investigate this new plague and find a cure for it.


              To Field Marshalls(secret):
              I agree about civman II, he was just thrown into the middle of this, I say send him home. Any rebel uprisings, they should be dealt with swiftly. I say we fortify our shores and ports, so no surprises come along. Increase some luxuries to the people, not just luxury but needs like medical care and food. Start a propoganda campaign letting them know that the heroes of the Civil war, and the Apolyton-Anglo wars have acted and will protect the people like we've been doing our whole lives. It is the start of a new Apolyton government, where the safety of the people is our concern.


              • Re: January 1402

                Originally posted by Jack_www
                To Cheif of Staff Mellian:
                I have already begun my own investigation of the personal that worked at the Place at the time the Moderator was stabbed. All though it has been hard since most of them have been dieing due to the skin eating dease that has infected most of them. I suspect that who ever survives is the one that spread the dease. I have also sealed the Palace. We will need to burn it and build a new one in its place.
                What??? We don't need to go the extremes here. I was told by a scientist at the University of Apolyton that their may be a cure, and he is currently working on it. Also needs to contact some people at the Alligator Continent. So for the time being, just quarantine the place, don't let anyone our or in. Also try to capture those who escaped, before they die and infect the rest f the populace...

                Chief of Staff Mellian


                • january 22, 1402

                  Latentus was furious. He was furious at the generals who perpetrated this whole thing, furious at the stupid soldiers and citizens who believed their lies, but mostly furious at himself. He knew they would try this, he just wished he had acted sooner. He had needed more time! He was enraged that this could have happened, the whole thing done with no regard to any of the preparations he had set. Well, any but one. The tiny still-rational part of his mind was still busy while the predominate part fumed. The optimistic part congratulated itself that he had managed to escape the city. The cynical part mocked his situation and laughed at how he had gone from farm boy to government administrator and back to living off the land in less than a year. The pragmatic part, however, focused on finishing the trap that would hopefully provide him with his next meal.

                  Latentus sat up and yawned. A strange peace had befallen him. He realized that all he had been working towards in the last few months had not only been pointless, they had been wrong. In a way, he was now almost glad that the coup had happened, though that quickly passed. He almost smiled as he thought about the burden that had been lifted from him by no actions of his own. Even at the height of his presumed power, he had never been much of an important player, but now he was just a single person again, camped somewhere in the countryside outside of Apolyton City. Yet, he sensed that somehow things were far from over. He had suffered a destructive blow in one sense, but in another he had had his goals clarified and been restored the sense of justice and optimism he had started out with. Clearly, there were things he could still do, even if he would have to be more of a watcher than a performer for a while. He had to find out was going on, he though, as he set out. First though, came breakfast.
                  Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                  • january 26th

                    “You’re crazy. Utterly insane. There is no way, I repeat, NO WAY you are going to even get into the palace grounds, much less out again if you do manage to weasel your way inside.” Seeing the look on Bren’s face, Rott sighed. “Look, even if you ignore your age and the inherent difficulty of what I just mentioned, you would be recognized. Getting yourself killed now will not help your son one whit in the future.” At this Iyol spoke for the first time in the meeting. “He will not be going into the capitol. I will be the one doing this. I will get Latentus out. My brother will not rot in prison under those tyrants. And if he has been killed, the generals will die. In either case, I need the plans. Which you will give me. Now.” If Rott retained any doubt after the icy surety of Iyol’s words, all hesitation was swept aside with one look at the anger and determination on her face.
                    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                    • (Note: if your character shouldn’t know about any of the following, don’t abuse the knowledge)

                      All sometime in February:

                      Drako Chuko picked up the letter and opened it. It said simply:

                      “Now would be a good time to return to Apolyton. With whatever forces you can muster. Rewards, both in good karma and material assets await if you help topple the military oppressors.”

                      Liam Sheep continued to listen to the report.
                      “..Yes sir, we saw several of the posters. They said, ‘To Liam Sheep: If you wish to regain even the smallest scrap of dignity, get your ass moving and for once do something useful. If you have any faith whatsoever to the principles you shout and mew about, don’t let the usurping generals rule. Don’t betray Apolyton again, action is needed. Help bring down the triumvirate.’…”

                      Apep II was being very wary. He knew he was wanted by the new government and had taken to waiting in seedy inns like the one he was in now between periods of information gathering. The last thing he wanted was attention drawn to himself, and even though this moron who had sat down by him was being inconspicuous, he still considered that more than was preferable. He was not taken by surprise, then, when the man began whispering to him, but he was startled at what was said. “I know who you are. Wait, shut up, don’t say anything yet. The men who are now in power are not…well, supposed to be there. You understand what I am saying. They will not be good for the country. What’s more, they are somewhat antagonistic to people such as us. It would be very beneficial if this problem could be remedied…”
                      Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


                      • OOC: Umm, Mellian was, is, whatever, a foreign advisor for many decades now...meaning, she is multilangual...


                        nex time, i better read ALL of the latest posts before continuing.... of course, i had to go the last minute earlier to my neighbours, so didn't have time to do that.....

                        anyway... yay! something happens that completly caught me by surprise. bravo!

                        also, i could still be popular with the populace, just that they are not aware wether or not i am involve in this...or knows where i am. They mainly know me by name after all, as the majority rarely sees me

                        i rather keep my character alive...and to add another mysterious detail about her, she is an immortal, which are rare in the world.... why not, civ3 related as the leaders seem to live forever what i mean about immortal is i can live forever as long i don't get myself killed

                        January 1402

                        Sanhopi Prison, alone in a cell...

                        Wakes up....
                        looks around in the dark room she is in....
                        cell actually...
                        what is she doing in a cell?...
                        oh yes, as the mind clears, she remembers all the soldiers and so on arresting her...
                        they later knocked her out when she tried to escape after biting someone and breaking a nose... (OOC: me the most dangerous? naaaaa )

                        Now is probably a good time to re-think her position. Who would of thought the military commanders would cease power like that? They probably been planning this to happen soon after the war ended, to possibly stop the Republic from happening.

                        hmm, what can she do now?
                        Last edited by Mellian; November 26, 2002, 22:02.


                        • To Field Marshall Easthaven and Thunderfire(secret):
                          There are two advisor still not accounted for the Domestic Advisor Latentus and the Trade Advisor Apep II. We must find out what side there are on. I say if they are loyal, to keep them in their current position, but if not execute them as traitors to the Apolyton Empire.
                          Donate to the American Red Cross.
                          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                          • To Field Marshalls(secret):
                            Agreed. I also think we should send word to Drako Chuko, the man who helped us in the war. We live for the people and all should know that. We must start creating programs solely to help the people of Apolyton. Or else we just seem like a bunch of invaders. We have ultimate support from the people now but they need to see that we are ruling for them. Military hospitals are good but I recommend more.


                            • Field Marshall Easthaven brings soldiers of multilanguages into his personal cadre so that he may learn more languages. He only knows Russian, German, and Spanish from his time in the Wolf Battalion years ago. He is now trying to learn Iroqiuos, Azteca, and Arabic. But will be slow in doing so considering the events taking place.


                              • To Field Marshall Easthaven(secret):
                                I think it is time to focus on building up Apolyton instead of war. There is much to be done in Apolyton and I think if we started to build things for the people like temples and colisums they people will like us even more.
                                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.

