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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • November 26th, 1401
    COntrary to almost everyone's expectations, the Moderator has survived! However, she is delirious half of the time and suffering from infections from her wound all the time. It is uncertain whether she still live come January.


    • November 26, 1401

      To Great Moderator Manvolewa I:
      I am now here in Apolyton. I will make sure that no one harms you. I am getting the best docters in the world to help you recover from you wounds. I would also think it would be wise to select an heir before anything else happens.
      Donate to the American Red Cross.
      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


      • November 30th, 1401

        Latentus looked again at the messages sent to him concerning the stance on the English War. He knew the generals were right and didn’t really care about any animosity the English would retain as long as Apolyton held the power to do as it pleased, as it surely would considering the way the war was going. Nonetheless, Latentus had begun advocating his position for political reasons, and to back down now would lose him the limited and already tenuous support he was slowly building up among the ordinary citizens. That wouldn’t do at all. He must hold firm. After all, with his current position on the subject, there was almost no outcome he wouldn’t benefit in credibility from. Truly, there wasn’t much he was saying anyway. His entire position could be fairly accurately summed up as, “Don’t screw up” (though the ordinary peasant thought it was much more profound and insightful than that). So he didn’t stand much to lose in that aspect. The generals, however, were another matter entirely. Despite many citizens’ mild dissatisfaction with the lack of reward for them yielded by the war, that dissatisfaction was usually aimed at the administration (including Latentus, despite all the efforts he had taken to appear removed from the war, to his vast dismay) so the generals remained popular. And that was just the Apolytonians at home. Among the soldiers, some of the generals were almost gods. Latentus was very concerned about the possibility of one of those generals seizing power, especially now that the moderator could die and it was unclear who would replace her if she did. He would have to put some safeguards in place in order to protect his interests should anything of the kind be about to happen. If only those gullible peasants gave as much credit for actually accomplishing things as they did for killing vast numbers of people. Reflecting on his own thoughts, Latentus laughed sourly. He was becoming bitterer by the day. It was this job that was doing it to him. Part of him wanted to quit, yet he knew that having tasted the power and responsibility and having seen all that could be accomplished, he would never give it up until someone worthy was available to replace him. In Latentus’ opinion, that person would never come.
        Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.



          I Liam Sheep, exiled President of the SRA and continuing figurehead of freedom in Apolyton, have claimed responsibilty for the assaination attempt against the Moderator. The Moderator will die, as the posion in the wound does its work. I ask all of Apolyton to rise against the regime that rules you. Replace it with one of Democracy and liberty, one where all men are equal. God will reward us with or conitinued faith.

          Meanwhile the following proclamations have been sent to the following people under cover of dark.

          To ApepI: I will welcome the Council of Apolyton and give them assistance. When the war of Republicanism comes, I will put forward that the Council becomes the first Senate of Apolyton. I of course for this help will nominate the first President. This temporary arrangement will allow the formation of the new constution

          To Mellian: I ask for your help. Perhaps we could gain the illustious General Jack_www to lead the SRA funded armies in my training camps. Already China, Japan, England, France, Russia, Ottoman Turkey and Rome have pledged assistance once the time for the war of Republicanism begins. The training camps are off the current Apolyton Maps.

          To Jack_www: We the SRA wish for you to lead our armies. We have many who assist us. England of course will regain what you have taken off her, but this is to our benefit as Apolyton is unable to peacefully control the English homeland.

          To Giovanni Vodka: Your brother Giovanni Cognac has been placed under my control fro the English government. I wish for his well being and hope you will co-operate with the SRA.

          A GENERAL PLEA: Join the SRA and free yourselves from the crippled Moderator. Everyone is to be equal at last.
          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


          • December 1401
            Apep II was very much saddened to hear of the fate that had befallen his old mother. The delerious Moderator had given him leave to return to Porkton for her predicted funeral
            * * *
            Apep I had told the Council and Liam Sheep of the biological weapon that he was about to unleash, he had also managed to obtain a small amount of a herb that supposedly was the antidote however he expected that this was a kamikaze mission for himself.
            His job at current was washing dishes. He looked around as he bent down to scoop the water from the palace reservoir.
            There was a small 'plop' as a prior victim's thumb fell into the water...

            (OOC: Melian, I believe I'm the trade advisor, thats why haven't been doing much actual work, I don't think the Trade Advisor does much)
            I am your God Apophis- Stargate SG1 (Brilliant line)


            • To Apep: We do not wish for you to start this warfare, as many innocent people will die. We only wish this gets to you before it is too late. If you do this the SRA will cut all ties with the evil Council and order its destruction.
              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


              • London has fallen! French troops opened the gates when Apolyton forces came in. As fightings were going in the outskirts of the city, some fox riders manage to infiltrate the city.

                They quickly took control of important buildings and set the city a flame.
                Meanwhile both armies stroke main European Union forces from north and south.

                Even if the enemy was superior in number, Apolytonian military skills and tactics prevailed. Cannons opened fire from everywhere on advancing enemy regiments while cavalry outflanked and closed a pocket.

                A massive bombardment followed. The superior Apolyton artillery outmatched European Union one. German and Russian generals asked for a cease-fire and left their former allies on the battlefield against the impetuous Apolyton armies.

                To Field Marshalls (top secret):
                Part A of Operation Winter Harvest has been succesfully done. Moving now to Part B.

                To General Giovanni Vodka:
                For your achievements during English-Apolyton war, I, Field Marshall Thunderfire, Commander of National Defense, have the honour to give you control over taken territories in English land.
                You will also sign the peace treaty with England.

                Our terms are:
                -York is becoming ours for 5 years
                -Coventry and Warwick to America
                -Manchester to Aztecs or Zulu
                -Limitation of British Navy to 20 boats.

                The 3rd Army is regrouping and woundeds are being healed in London hospitals. Gallions are coming at York harbour.


                • To Thunderfire: We could use you to command the armies of the SRA and to bring Republicanism to Apolyton. Apolyton as a Republic would favour defense over offense and if you do this you will be the Field Marchall of the entire army.
                  Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                  Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                  Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                  • I am a PRince!!!!
                    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                    • Apep I had received the letter from Sheep later that day, it was too late, the council everything he had worked for so long was probably doomed. But he didn't really care, he out of all the people in Apolyton had the cure.
                      There was only one problem, the cure didn't work...
                      I am your God Apophis- Stargate SG1 (Brilliant line)


                      • Dear Moderator,
                        Although we have our diffrences I must inform you that at the present their a bio-terrorists at large in your empire. A new plague will begin. There is no cure, except for stopping massed congrgations of people. I hope for the sake of the oppressed people of Apolyton that for once you will do something in their favour
                        Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                        Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                        Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                        • After finding out about the plague, Jack_www had the entire Palace sealed and took everyone who worked there to anther location, no one will be able leave or see them. Also he has begun an investigation of all the new workers at the Palace.
                          Donate to the American Red Cross.
                          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                          • BTW, Liam Sheep would like to let you know that he has nothing to do with the bio-terrorism, and there is a strong suspision that it was ApepI
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • Apolyton Army has now regrouped in York. Troops are being loaded in gallions and will soon sail away. There are also some ManoWar captured as part of the treaty.

                              To Giovanni Vodka:
                              You will stay in York for a couple of months maximun with some 75.000 men. You will soon be relieved of this boring administration position.


                              • Re: THE SRA PRESS RELEASE

                                OOC: Sheep, Your overstepping your bounderies and powergaming again, so stop it! I already said before i control the other nations relations...even to smaller groups like SRA, and most of the nations you have chosen doesn't make sence to have them support a republic movement. You don't have Cognac, and should discuss with civman before taking the blame for the assassination, who could of just been an english operative who had no ties with ya. All the stuff i just said is what i call overstepping your bounds with powergaming. This is a STORY, not something to WIN, keep that in mind. last posts before these were okay, but the latest are not. I suggest you consider the consistency of things then blurting out you have this this and this in the world, treating it like Modern Era days with terrorist camps all over the place, bio-terrorism and ect. Even thought your not the one who did it, such words as bio-terrorism or biological warfare means nothing in in late-medieval era! Also, no way, you know everything is going on here cause, i cut off your spy ring in apolyton

                                Apep, what you mean Trade Advisor does no work? no wonder that the Economy is a bit at shambles some other nations are complaining about not getting any response to their trade proposals

                                mmtt, 20 boats? thats like two Naval units do you mean 20 units?

                                To Mellian: I ask for your help. Perhaps we could gain the illustious General Jack_www to lead the SRA funded armies in my training camps. Already China, Japan, England, France, Russia, Ottoman Turkey and Rome have pledged assistance once the time for the war of Republicanism begins. The training camps are off the current Apolyton Maps.
                                TO Liam Sheep

                                Your talking to one who has way better contact and personal relations with other nations, meaning, your full of crap. You may have still some brainwashed spies working for you, but in no way you have support of nations we don't have contact with or from nations who are obviously Anti-Republic. Also, what makes you think i'll help someone who as betrayed Apolyton and just using so called SRA as an attempt to gain power? WHo obviously send letters just to cause problems? My suggestion is for to run like hell, Sheep, and simply dissapear.

                                Chief of State Mellian


                                After sending off that letter, to the address Sheep said to send to, she got the both the new Apolyton Intelligence Service and the Apolyton Security Agency to work, to keep tag the courier and trace where the letter is going. They'll be keeping an eye on the anyother replies to letter other Advisors reported to receive.

                                Secretly to them, she even ask the American Ambassador to have the CIA in Apolyton to help a long with the Apolyton Republic Movement (who have stated they are against the SRA, as they just a ploy). No sheep can get away now...
                                Last edited by Mellian; November 25, 2002, 12:24.

