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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • August 3, 1401

    to Jack_www

    The moderator has allowed some of our resources to be used on the domestic scene for civil persuits and improvements. I am by no means cutting off your supplies, however, reinforcements will not be coming in the numbers they had been previously. I am sure that the materials you already have will be adequate to sustain you and of course of there is an emergency we will not hesitate to switch full production over to military again.

    to Mellian

    I have heard rumors of some kind of sickness, a plague perhaps, that started in Zululand or Rome and has been spreading quickly. However, i have not been able to substantiate whether these claims are true or false. What information do you have on this?
    Those walls are absent of glory as they always have been. The people of tents will inherit this land.


    • August 16th, 1401
      To Lord Chuko: Are you sure? The position (or possibly just the domestic or foreign side of it) is open for you to return. Your presence in the government is appreciated!
      To Apep: You may be Minister of the Economy and Trade if Chuko does not want the position back. If you are competent, i may consider making you chief of staff.
      PS: Are you a member of any Republican organization? Tell the truth, I will not punish you for any answer if it is true.
      PPS: What is this "Porkton" you speak of?


      • August, (?)
        To HRH The Moderator,
        I would like to take the position offered to me, if possible. I am not a member of any organization Reublican or otherwise. Porkton is a small village, north of Vegimon City. I am still about a days journey from the capital.
        Apep II
        P.S. I just remembered, my father is a member of a Republican orginization, I believe he is considered quite important there.

        * * *
        (OOC: Meanwhile)
        Apep I had received news that his son was coming to the capital to join in the government.
        "He will undo everything we have done!" he stormed, "I don't care how it is done... I want him dead!"
        The assasin stood aghast that this man could order the death of Apep II, his own son!
        I am your God Apophis- Stargate SG1 (Brilliant line)


        • August 19th, 1401
          To Apep: you said that your father was a member of a republican organization. Do you know which one? Do you approve of his involvement with it (once again, you will not be punished for telling the truth)?


          • (continued from last month) (i was gone for all the day yerstuday).


            Colonel Williams Knights followed the small group of Cognac Raiders from a safe distance

            "Why did the Colonel told us to follow those soldiers?" asked Private Jackson

            "Can't you see that?" said Captain Bulbish "They are not English soldiers, they have the sword on their left pocket, but every English soldier put the sword on the right pocket... therefore they are not English, they are American... or worse Apolytonian" in sayng the word Apolytonian Cabian Bulbish used a very hateful, and in the same time disgusted tone, he hate Apolyton, he hate Apolyton more than anything, Colonel Williams knew that, and that's why he believe that Captain bulbish is the only one capable of defeatingthe famous Apolytonian raiders, who are destroyng the english crops and killing the english cattle.

            "But..." continued Private Jackson "if they aren't english, why did the Captain gave the the gunpowder"

            "look down" said the major, a thin blackish line was drawing in the terrain, it was gunpowder!


            As they were walking down, Cognac and his men reached the famous bridge they had to blow up.

            "Maybe we should destroy it now" said Cognac "we would just lose a lot of time in going back to the forest, and than coming here once again"

            "yes sire" said the men


            "Look, they stopped" said Captian Bulbish "I wonder what they are up to"

            "Maybe they have discovered we are following them"

            "Uhmm... maybe soldier.. maybe it is like you are saying"

            Jackson looked at his soldier... they were 20, Colonel William thought that with too many men, Cognac would have noticed, not a very large army, but still, they outnumbered the enemy two to one, as the Cognac raiders were only 10

            As he was thinking a big explosion reached the ears of the English knights, they all looked at the direction of the bridge, and they founded it completely destroyed, while the Cognac Raiders were mounting their horses ready to escape

            "CHAAAAAAARRGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Screamed Captain Jackson

            All of the sudden, those 20 Brave English Knights started galoping as fast as they could. Cognac looked at them... there was no time to escape, and if they were to, they would have discovered where he was hiding, and who he actually was

            He lifted up his sword and screamed as well "CHHHAAAAARGEEE"

            The two little division crushed on themselves, in a fiercy and bloody skirmish, the Cognac Raiders fought bravely, but outnumbered 2:1 soon most of the perished, only Cognac and his loyal Kevin were still alive, but only 5 English were still standing, in between them Captian Bulbish and Private Jackson

            "Surrender yourselves" said Captian Bulbish "and you'll have your life spared"

            Cognac looked at Kevin, Kevin looked at Cognac, just a moment, a milion part of a second, and the already knew what the other was thinking, they squeezed their right eye, lift up their sword and charged the enemy Knights with all their strenght

            The first three English soldiers went up against them, they all aimed at Kevin, believing he was the higher rank in there, Giovanni Cognac took the chance and decapited the three, then he looked back, and he saw the most terrible thing in his life, Kevin body, sleeping lifeless on the back of the horse, Kevin was dead, his dearest and most loyal friend ever was dead.

            "NOOOOOOOOOOO" Screamed the Colonel, as he was the one hit.

            He jumped down from his horse, and hugged his friend, he couldn't believe this could happen, he always though of himself as immortal, but finally death has touched his heart.

            He looked at Private Jackson and at Captain Bulbish, with his eyes completely wet from the crying, he took his sword and was about to use it against himself when Bulbish hit him with an arrow

            Giovanni Cognac falled on the ground, senseless

            Captian Bulbish rescued his body, Giovanni was not dead, he will be sent to the Camp Clinique, and later to the royal prison.


            (OOC: I think that Vodka should than be sent to lead the Cognac raiders and try to rescue his brother... once he is done with the Naval Academy of course )
            "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
            The trick is the doing something else."
            — Leonardo da Vinci
            "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
            "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


            • August, 1401

              Private Rossi finally reached Easthaven Camp, he than dismounted from his horse and quickly runned into Eathaven tent

              "General General" he screamed

              "Caml down soldier" he said "and since I'm a General, why didn't you give me your salute!!"

              Rossi quieted down soluted Easthaven and than said

              "General, I have terrible news from the Cognac Raiders" he started "Since it is already one month that the Colonel doesn't come back to our hide, Captain Verdi, the highest ranking officer, sent a few men to see what happened, and they reported to have seen the bodies of a few riders dead there, and in between them the one of Sergeant Kevin... but not the one of Colonel Cognac, we believe that he was captured, and therefore I was sent to find you and report this to you, It took me a while to discover where your camp was, but finally I've managed to do it. Also I have been ordered to report that the bridge the the Cognac Raiders were supposed to blow up was destroyed"

              (to be continued by Easthaven)



              Colonel Giovanni Vodka finally managed to graduate from the Naval Academy also, he took him a little more, as a ship is much more difficult to handle than a sword, and he has to take care of all his crew, he studied hard the tactics of the great admirals, in between them the famous Admiral Nelson, and Englishman who managed to defeat the American fleet, even if outnumbered 4:1.

              He than wrote a letter to Thunderfire

              "Dear Father.
              I have finally graduated from the Naval Academy too, I took a 96 out of 100 on the last test, I've missed a few answers over the Spanish-Aztec war, but i think that afterall 96 is still a good result, even if not the maximum.
              I'm writing you this letter because I would like to know a bit from you on how the war is going on, and espacially how is my brother doing

              Saluti, your son:
              Giovanni Vodka

              "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
              The trick is the doing something else."
              — Leonardo da Vinci
              "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
              "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


              • Late August

                "My dear son,
                I congratulate you for your achievements. You are one of the best officer of a the Apolytonian Army. I'm proud of you. But now, you must prove your are worth of your rank, the General rank!

                You will immediately take your first operational command as the Admiral of the Third Fleet, ten new frigates, five gallions and fifteen armed caravels. Also onboard, will be your regiments and the 115th FRR, an elite regiment of three thousand soldiers. They are regrouped under the denomination of 1st Amphibious Corps.

                Your fleet will be placed under my command. Your mission is of capital importance. The enemy is still holding Warwick and western coastal cities. You will attack from sea.
                First objective is to take control of Coventry.
                Reinforcements will then quickly come from America. You will as soon as possible advance toward Warwick and finish the enemy resistance there. You will be part of two prongs attack, the 3rd Army will be the second one.

                Then, we will advance toward York to help Field Marshall Easthaven.
                London will be the final goal.

                I have also to annunce you a sad news. Your brother, Colonel Giovanni Cognac, is MIA. Lastest front reports have found the dead bodies of his men among them, was Kevin, his nearest friend.

                But these news shouldn't desesperate you. The whole Apolyton nation has her eyes looking at you. Do not disappoint them. Prove you have earned your stripes. Your mission is of capital importance, if you fail, we might lose the war.
                Duty first!

                PS: You will be under my command but Admiral Zakariev will be your direct commanding officer. He will help you in your new task and in ranks term is your equal.

                To Military Advisor:
                I'm taking command of 3rd Army, 3rd Fleet and of the 1st Amphibious Corps.
                Total force:
                -210.000 men: 100 musket, 30 longbow and 50 Medieval infantry regiments
                -30 ships
                -200 cannons
                -30 Cavalry regiments: 10 Fox Riders and 20 knights

                I will launch my offensive in Warwick area as Easthaven is at York.


                • To Field Marshall Thunderfire(Secret):
                  My initial plan that I have made seems to have failed. With Colonel Cognac missing in action my plan is has failed since he was the only one who knew about it. Also the English have stoped their advance into the Moutains near their two forts and the main English army is heading for Warwic to reiinforce the troops protecting that city. The fight for that city will be long and hard. I am going to see what troops I can spare from Apolyton and send them to England. We must capture Warwic soon. If the recent fighting in York tells us anything, we will surffer large amount of casiluties in the battles ahead. I know that we can win the war, but it will be hard. We might have to pull back Easthaven's army back so that when we attack we are at full force. I hope that you can add your incite in this matter, since I am open to any ideas, even if they come from one of the officers, since the men on the field know much, maybe even more then I do about what the English can do and how to defeat them.

                  I am in the chat room if you want to talk.
                  Donate to the American Red Cross.
                  Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                  • August 1401

                    General Easthaven's army had taken over the outer wall of York and was pushing forward. They were but a mile away from the innerwall which just beyond that was the city of York.

                    Easthaven was on a small hill looking towards the english city, it was dark now, half moon, clear skies. He could see some lights from beyond the innerwall.

                    Then he turned around and looked about the former battlefield. Thousands upon thousands were dead, the ground was covered with bodies like snow in winter. And the blood...the blood soaked into the dirt making it mud, every soldier and horse alive and dead were plastered with a layer of the substance. Most of his men were gathering weapons and scavenging for extra musket balls. They were tired, it was a very voracious battle but these men were still willing to fight on.

                    As the Field Marshall turned his gaze upon the city once more he began predicting future battles.

                    Yes we'll win, we'll take the city, but we'll be left with no one to defend it. He thought to himself, knowing what he must do. He knew reinforcements for the english were on the way, and they would be plentiful. But he wouldn't be able to replenish his forces for a bit longer. He knew the advance in Warwick has halted and he just got a message that Colonel Cognac was captured. He made his decision.


                    He walked into his tent and and took out a message paper and pen.

                    To Field Marshall Jack(secret):
                    The campaign of England you put me in command of has met some difficulties. Since there has been heavy resistance and it is unlikely that we will be able to advance any further without heavy casualties I've decided to halt the Battle of York, we were victorious in the first battle and would probably be able to take York, but I believe taking the city would make us vulnerable especially with the halt at Warwick. We are already spread thinly and if we captured York we would be too far into enemy territory with every flank and backside exposed.

                    Therefore, the NCC is falling back. I will leave forces to set up a boundary from the sea (west some from Newcastle) to around the lake to the forest of YorkNwarwick where some more forces will fortify. I will lead the rest of the armies due southeast through the southern edge of the forest to hit Warwick on its western flank. We can do nothing till Warwick and Coventy are in our hands otherwise we are vulnerable. We seriously injured the english armies of York but our vulnerability would be exploited soon. Thus, I believe primary missions should be to take Warwick and Coventry then halt to consolidate our gains before we advance any further. Just wanted to give you an update on the Operation.

                    -Field Marshall Easthaven I


                    He went back outside and sent the message. He then called an officer.

                    "Lieutenant, get the Cognac Raider over here, it is time he goes back to his men."

                    A few minutes ticked by...the Raider came as fast as he could.

                    "You wanted to see me, my Lord?"

                    "Yes, go back to the forest, tell the new commander to begin constructing a fort, well a makeshift one, have him build trenches for the musketmen and stables for the horses, that place is very strategic and it must be held, its going to be the place of our next attack on York when that day comes. Our armies shall pass through there on our way to Warwick, some forces will be left to help in the fortifications. Go rider, stop for nothing."

                    "Yes sire." The young fellow ran to his horse and took flight in much haste...


                    • August 1401

                      Dear Colonel Vodka,

                      This is Field Marshall Easthaven Beleriand I, General of the Army, Supreme Commander of the Allied forces of The Monkey continent. Your brother was under my command and I would like to inform you that he is missing in action and believed to be captured. I normally would not give out this much information to someone but your brother was an honorable leader and he deserved at least that. I will do my best to rescue him if he is still alive, if not, I will do my best to avenge his death.

                      Field Marshall, Gen. Easthaven Beleriand I


                      • From a boat on its way to Germany

                        Thankyou lord Moderator for your offer, but I repectfully decline to retake my office I hear Apep II is a skilled indervidual who will do good things in the department.

                        To Forigen Minister Mellian

                        I will be stopping off back home at China. Do you want me to negotiate a contact treaty with them? If so, send your reply to berlin

                        Drako Chuko
                        I am the second place man!


                        • OOC: One Naval Unit = 8-12 ships

                          Funny that the Americans and Iroquois hasn't been mentioned much, lol Americans would have 200 000 helping, while the Iroquois 100 000, a long with Apolyton's 300 000 or so before the main attacks.

                          Zalzabad, letter to berlin, capital of a nation we are at war with? Mellian won't respond, as it would be a security risk. No need to let the Germans, in turn EU, that Apolyton wants to contact China

                          July 1401

                          TO Military Advisor
                          FROM Foreign Advisor Mellian

                          The Aztecs and Zulus have successfully taken Manchester, taking them by complete surprise. They are happy to say that they were so surprise, they failed to scrap the construction of the five Man'O'Wars. Aztec/Zulu succeeded i capturing a complete one in the dock as well, with a few Caravels and Galleons.

                          They preparing for their attacks on Hastings and Readings, but won't be able to launch their attacks until they eliminate the english resistors.

                          MOnguls report that they were successful in their latest incursions into Russia, but failed to capture any of their cities.
                          Last edited by Mellian; November 22, 2002, 02:41.


                          • A rider came to the camp of Feild Marshall Jack_www.
                            We was an american, and had a message from the Commander of the American army.

                            From General George Washington:
                            Greating from the American army. I have heard of the heavy fighting in York and you request for reinforcements. Thus I have been order to help in the attack on York. I have under my command 60,000 knights and 140,000 musket infantry, and 1000 cannons. With our help I am sure you can take the city of York.

                            After reading the message he told the rider that he was glad to see the american army finially being able to help in the fighting. He then quick ran to his tent and called a rider to him.

                            To Field Marshally Easthaven(secret):
                            I have decided I want your army to take York now. Retreating now will show the English that we are weak and will de moralize the troops. After figthing so long and hard and losing so many men to breach the walls of york, only to retreat, you are saying to the men that all that they just did was for nothing. The Americans are sending in 100,000 troops and will come in time to releave your army who should be guarding the city by then. Conitnue on the attack on York. Do not pull back now, we have come so close, we must take it now while we have the chance.

                            "Ride as fast as you can to Field Marshall Easthaven. He is in the middle of retreating from York. You must get to him in time before he does."

                            "Yes sir!"
                            Last edited by Jack_www; November 22, 2002, 03:05.
                            Donate to the American Red Cross.
                            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                            • September 1401

                              To Military Advisor (ooc: sorry couldn't join the chat)

                              I have arrived to the front lines with reinforcements.
                              Easthaven's troops have just evaded a disaster. They have suffered a lot of casualties. His men need times to regroup and we need to treat wounds.
                              If we can, we should build some battlefield hospitals.

                              Warwick front has retreated on better positions along the river. I'm regrouping an army there and building a small fortification lines.
                              Vodka's fleet should arrive soon and my offensive will start right after.
                              American forces will hold our flank between York and Warwick.

                              EDIT: Alright Mellian don't cry it is removed...

                              I think I can take Warwick in two weeks after I have started my offensive. But I will need more Fox riders regiments.

                              Scouts have also reported that Colonel Cognac is alive and in English hands. He might be soon transferred to London.

                              To Field Marshall Easthaven
                              Could you send me more Fox Riders? I will soon start a counter-offensive near Warwick with two prongs attack. I need fast units to link them up and to close the pocket.
                              I also think you should retreat to good positions and await reinforcements to counter-attack.
                              As soon as Warwick is taken, I will join you in York attack from the south to cut English supply lines (London-York).

                              To Giovanni Vodka:
                              When can you start your offensive?
                              There are some news from your brother. He is alive but in enemy hands. I think he is still in Warwick.
                              Last edited by mmtt; November 22, 2002, 12:15.


                              • To Field Marshall Thunderfire(secret):
                                I know that Easthaven's men need to rest, but if we wait, the English will send reinforcements to York and his men will have to go through the same thing all over again. We must take the city now while those defending if are weak. The Iroquois have informed me that they are sending 100,000 troops and I am placing them under your command. We must take York now. BUt I do agree we need to set up battle field hosiptals.
                                Donate to the American Red Cross.
                                Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.

