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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • February 15th, 1401
    The Moderator has declared Liam Sheep to be an "English spy and terrorist."
    Edkoro: After much discussion with others at the Convention, the Moderator's Rperesentative has proporsed the following Constitution:
    The Provinces shall each be made of 20 District.
    On October 30th of every even-numbered year, each District shall elect a Governor
    For at least three months in every year, the Governors of each province shall come to the Provincial Capital and make provincewide laws and elect Senators.
    Each Province shall have 10 Senators, with staggered 5-year terms.
    Every year, the Senators shall elect a Co-Administrator, who shall be a Senator him/herself. The Co-Administrator shall break ties and become Administrator should the Administrator die or resign.
    Every 5 years, there shall be a national election of the Administrator by the people.
    The Administrator may veto any law passed by the Senate, but may be overturned by a vote of 30 Senators or a vote of at least 5 from each Province and at least 8 from at least 2 of them.
    All Administrative officials shall be appointed by the Administrator and confirmed by the Senate.


    • OOC: I try to make the Republic simple with one Governor per city, like ala Civ3, and the moderator continues to try to make it complicated


      • OOC: Well, each city will have 1 governor and some of the bigger ones might have two or even three. Also, rural areas need repredentation as well.


        • February 1401

          Edkore Convention, where Mellian is ranting in her own polite way....

          -ONE elected Governor... which would have their own municipal advisors... per city matter the size... who administers the city and all rural areas within the city radius... their terms will last for 5 years, unless death or resignation or impeachment by 2/3 of those who attends the city council or removal by the government with good reason with Senate approval...

          -Each province will have a certaint amount of Senators, chosen by the Governors in it with the approval of the populace (OOC: approved by those who even bother going to city councils).

          -Administrator is chosen by the people... terms will last for five years, unless death or resignation or impeachement by 3/4 of the Senate or/and 2/3 of the populace (OOC: 2/3 of those who even bothered to vote anyway) gets him/her first.

          -Co-Administrator is chosen by the Senate from among the Senators...and they are changed whenever the 2/3 of the Senate wants to or death or resignation gets them... they are to take the Admin's position whenever the Admin is not availabl and busy with some empire wide tours and so on. They are to replace the Administrator if he ever dies or resigns or missing, cutting off responsibilities from the Senate. Election is to be had a month later.

          -Senate will be hosted by a representive chosen by the Moderator. They will simply be hosting and moderate the Senate, not getting any power over it.

          -governmental Advisors are chosen and changed by the Admin with Senate approval. The following Advisory positions are:

          Chief of Staff, Foreign Advisor, Domestic Advisor, Trade Advisor (Trade and Economy combined), Military Advisor (chosen from the military), Science Advisor, Cultural Advisor, Espionage Advisor (international spies), Security Advisor (policing, protecting gov and moderator) and Communication Advisor (responsible for our excellent courier network)

          Now, is this okay with everyone currently in this Convention? Yes? Good, now lets work on the rest of the constitution like citizenship rights, basic laws and so on....

          (OOC: First Apolyton is having a republic, and no where near capable to have a proper full democracy. SO, it is quite possible for this day and age for some people not being represented... so if they want to be recognized, they need to take initiave.

          Besides, i rather see political powerplay and rivalries,


          • To Chief of Staff:
            Do not interfer in National Defense without my consent! You have ordered a defensive regiment to attack an enemy stronghold. This regiment was ordered to defend a position. You have bypassed this order and therefore, insulted General Chukimore and myself. This is an insult to officers of Apolyton Army.
            We have then decided to remove the commanding officer of the 21st regiment, Colonel Harrington from his command. She has also been arrested and will be courtmartialed next week.

            Next time, you may think it would be wiser to tell competent officers in this matter. If the enemy had awaited us, a regiment would have been lost.

            Commander of National Defense
            To Moderator:
            Your generals are awaiting your order to start our offensive in English territory. Our troops are now in position. Let's strike now before European Union reinforcements can arrive. We are strong enough and our plan would encircle and crush a great part of the English Army.

            To Giovanni Vodka:
            You will take command of Colonel Harrington's regiment and of the 17th. Captain Dubey will act as the commander of the 17th. You may choose the commander of Harrington's regiment, the 21st.

            I'm also proud of your achievements at the military academy. I have read excellent reports about you.


            • February 19th, 1401
              To the Commander of National Defense and the entire military: You have the go-ahead to do pretty much anything reasonable.

              The Edkoro Convention ended yesterday.

              To the Chief of Staff: HEre is a version of your proposal that would be acceptable:
              -ONE elected Governor... which would have their own municipal advisors... per city matter the size... who administers the city and all rural areas within the city radius... their terms will last for 2 years, unless death or resignation or impeachment by 2/3 of those who attends the city council or removal by the government with good reason with Senate approval...

              -Each province will have 10 Senators, chosen by the Governors in it with the approval of the populace in staggered terms (OOC: approved by those who even bother going to city councils).

              -Administrator is chosen by the people... terms will last for five years, unless death or resignation or impeachement by 3/4 of the Senate or/and 2/3 of the populace (OOC: 2/3 of those who even bothered to vote anyway) gets him/her first.

              -Co-Administrator is chosen by the Senate from among the Senators...and they are changed whenever the 3/5 of the Senate wants to or death or resignation gets them... they are to take the Admin's position whenever the Admin is not availabl and busy with some empire wide tours and so on. They are to replace the Administrator if he ever dies or resigns or missing, cutting off responsibilities from the Senate. Election is to be had a month later.

              -Senate will be hosted by teh Co-Admin.

              -governmental Advisors are chosen and changed by the Admin with Senate approval. The following Advisory positions are:

              Foreign Advisor, Domestic Advisor, Trade Advisor (Trade and Economy combined), Military Advisor (chosen from the military), Science Advisor, Cultural Advisor, Espionage Advisor (international spies), Security Advisor (policing, protecting gov and moderator) and Communication Advisor (responsible for our excellent courier network). The Chief of Staff will be the Admin's personal advisor that they may choose without confirmation.

              Note that this would only be the organizational section. There would also be sections on legislation (both national and municipal) and rights of the people.


              • 18th Febuary 1401

                I agree with the outlines for a Republic put up by the Edkoro Convention, and wish to thank the ministers involved for accepting my proposal.

                Chief of Staff Mellian

                I need the expected income for the comming year, so I can set out fiscal policy. Also I'll need the luxury rate and the Science Rate

                Marshal Jack_www,

                I need, for fiscal purposes, the amount of troops currently in your Army, and the amount of troops that are currently being trained.

                Trade Matters

                I managed to haggle it down to 25 gold per turn for the silk. The trade will start immediatly.

                Trade and Economy Minister, Drako Chuko
                I am the second place man!


                • I agree with the outlines for a Republic put up by the Edkoro Convention, and wish to thank the ministers involved for accepting my proposal.
                  Um, the COnvention made no official proposal. It was jsut a big philosophical convention to get ideas.


                  • OOC: I wrote a long damn piece but it got lost cuz the picture was too big! Makes me angry.

                    To Field Marshalls:
                    Good plans! Although my plan wasn't having the 70,000 men actually land at Leeds, it was a fient attack. Anyways, I believe trying to take out the English mountain forts will take too much time and men. Surrounding them and starving them out is much easier. We should bypass them instead. I also believe the Eastern Coast port are much more important than the northern ports.

                    Also, their large supply of horses near Newcastle has been destroyed and many of their horses captured, their production of knight units and scout units is seriously damaged and will take months to replenish.

                    I agree with your plans for sacking London, but striking straight towards it is dangerous and might not even get a surrender from Elizabeth, she could flee and set up a government else where. Anyways, considering we will have americans, iroquois, aztecs, and Zulu forces I believe a force could be created far larger then 200,000 men. Therefore, here is a plan with a two prong offensive into England, bypassing mountain forts. The two pincers will split, one will hit Newcastle while the other takes Warwick. They will continue on their path until they join forces at Gloucester. Troops will gaurd the new border established. A secondary force will emerge to sweep up the english military that were surrounded by the blitz of the two pincers. Once they've been swept, captured or destroyed our forces will surround London and begin siege. This plan will secure our supply lines with America and will be much more defendable than striking through indian country while enemy forces flood around us. It will also cut the supply of the English mountain forts.
                    Attached Files


                    • February 24th 1401

                      To Colonal Cognac:
                      Well done! You and your men have single-handedly crippled the horse production of England.

                      Anyways, get your men rested, healed and fed. Replace your casualties with some men from one of our Fox regiments, they are gifted riders. Once you're ready mount your horse once more.

                      Your mission, get into english territory as far as you can go and harrass english supply lines. Secondary objectives, raid military encampments demoralizing their troops(kill as many as you can). Ride through the countryside pillaging and burning down everything you see of importance, in fact burn everything you see. Farms, take as much food as you can and burn the rest down. English villages and small towns burn them to the ground, send a message to their people to fear us and to call for surrender.

                      This is a rampage campaign. After this I want the English word for 'fire' synonomous with Cognac's Raiders!

                      The goal is to take this war to the people of England, demoralize their troops and civilians, increase war weariness in their country. Also destroy any sort of industry or supply sources.

                      Do not kill civilians!

                      Just burn down their homes and farms and everything else. Confiscate any civilian weaponry as well. I want England earth covered with inches of ash.

                      Burn everything.

                      Good luck.

                      -Field Marshall Easthaven

                      (OOC: We can learn alot from General Sherman's march through the South.)


                      • To Field Marshall Easthaven:
                        I like you plan. I am glad that we are all on the same page. Once the summer comes the offensive will begin. We must first make sure we cut off the English forts as faast as we can. I would also like our Allies to open up a second front while we are surronding the English forts.

                        To Trade Advisor:
                        The current buget of the Millitary should be avaible to you, if not I will get my staff working on it, but we are busy planing the War with the English and right now that is last on the list of things we have to do.
                        Donate to the American Red Cross.
                        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                        • To Chief of Staff:
                          Do not interfer in National Defense without my consent! You have ordered a defensive regiment to attack an enemy stronghold. This regiment was ordered to defend a position. You have bypassed this order and therefore, insulted General Chukimore and myself. This is an insult to officers of Apolyton Army.
                          We have then decided to remove the commanding officer of the 21st regiment, Colonel Harrington from his command. She has also been arrested and will be courtmartialed next week.

                          Next time, you may think it would be wiser to tell competent officers in this matter. If the enemy had awaited us, a regiment would have been lost.
                          OOC: Mellian didn't order any military to do anything...or knew which ARM organizer would be striking at the hideout. Now she does

                          TO Commander of National Defence

                          Excuse me? I haven't ordered any military unit to do anything. Now that I am been informed of the situation, Colonel Honor Harrington acted upon herself and striked at Sheep's hideout which we have been looking for several months now, crippling his spy ring in Apolyton. Not sure how she discovered the location, but she didn't follow protocol for a good reason. If she did, there is a good possibility that one of sheep's spies would find out and warn Liam and the hideout, which would probably immediately dissapear.

                          For her actions, she should get a medal and promoted, not arrested and courtmartialled. We should promote initiative and individuality in the military.

                          Now, I would like you to let her be and return her to her command. If General Chukimore as a problem with that, then transfer the unit to Vegeimen City, where the Administrative Palace will be located.

                          Chief of Staff
                          Last edited by Mellian; November 15, 2002, 23:56.


                          • OOC: Don't forget the Russians (monguls won't be able to completly keep them occupied), German and Spanish forces. There may be some France units "helping" out...they need to convince their "allies" that they are still on their side...but their famous Musketeers will turn on their "allies" in the last minute, when Apolyton Alliance forces gets close... so they will take quite a beating, so be nice to them

                            Aztecs and Zulus will have Musket armed Jaguar Warriors and Impis ...along with some protection

                            TO Field Marshalls
                            FROM Foreign Advisor Xenodemus

                            Aztecs and Zulus informs me that they will attack Manchester, completly overwhelming and surprising them, as they wouldn't expect a large force attacking from France. They will then proceed to Hastings and Reading, then possibly Oxford, Bristol and Canterbury if they haven't taken to many casualties. They will wait a few days after Apolyton first begins the Invasion before they attack.

                            Meanwhile, Aztecs will also be striking at Spain, who they hate dearly because of past actions. (OOC after what the spanish did to them in real history, of course they would be )

                            Also, we have received reports from some ASIO spies still loyal to the Moderator that the bulk of European Union forces helping the English are located in and around London, ready strike at the enemy from whichever direction. Total combine numbers is guessed between 300 000 to 400 000, not including anywhere else. The French confirmed it.


                            • To Field Marshalls(secret):
                              On the second prong (the one that goes to Warwick), a small force will ride with it and will detach once they pass the mountains (between Warwick and Coventry) and they will fortify the hills and slowly advance up the mountains, when they reach a safe position they will halt and fortify preventing any forces in or out of those mountains.

                              I also suggest Fox Regiments lead each prong so that speed will aid them in surrounding and cutting off all forces immediately, they should be followed by knights then infantry, then rear gaurd such as more infantry, supplies and cannons. (I'm thinking up to 500,000+ infantry in this operation).

                              As for the second front, it is imperative that we get right of passage agreement with France (if possible get them to join us, we could possibly give them the four english cities on their border after the war). The Aztecs and Zulus could attack from that area and connect with our forces and cut off southeastern England.

                              I suggest this operation should commence in April. Maybe even the end of March if we're ready.


                              • To Field Marshalls:
                                With the new information I recommend 600,000+ infantry (not including the horse riders). 600,000 in the initial offensive to use two pincers capture a large portion of English territory. Setting up defensive positions along the newly established border, without supplies and with campaigns on burning the English land the English forces around London would not be able to fight effectively considering we will surround them in such a large radius. The secondary force should consist of 300,000+ men.

                                To Foreign Minister:
                                Tell the Aztec-Zulu forces to instead perform a two prong attack, one on Reading and one on Liecester, once they've took the cities to march north and connect with Apolyton forces so that our borders will be connected. Have them also defend their new borders and not just march their whole army to us. This way Hasting and Manchester will be totaly isolated from the rest of the empire and will run out of supplies and food and would soon fall with a small offensive against those cities later. If they can spare another prong have them attack Carlisle also and then move northeast, capture the saltpeter mine, then join up with Apolyton forces at Gloucester.

