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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • List of Liam Sheep's targets: (so far)

    general Easthaven
    General Jack
    Drako Chuko
    General Thunderfire
    Admiral Vilowein

    The ASIO organisation has been moved to an unkown region. All those who wish to contact Liam Sheep can still continue to do so. I warn all my enemies that I have agents throughout the world. Nowhere is safe for you.
    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • 25th September 1400

      General Jack, I have conducted a plan to destroy Chuko's forces without any of your troops being put in danger. I have a small force of loyal troops, and are presently spiking the cannons, so thy cannot be used. I ask you to leave the corridor to Apolyton open, luring Chuko into a false sence of security. His cannons will be useless, and since he is the figurehead of the army, once he is gone, the army will be dissolved. This will also ganerntee the lives of the hostages too. Chuko will not listen to anyone, een his close friend Liam Sheep.

      Please accept the plan, and trust me. It will save the lives of thousands
      I am the second place man!


      • 25th September 1400

        liam Sheep, my forces have moved, and are heading for the Capital. I have ordered my troops to kill all men and capture all women and children as hostages, later to be sold as slaves to America. They have offered a good price, 10 gold per head. We have met little resistance, and the men's spirits are high. It seems that the Rebel Jack has fled in terror from us. I bet we will march into Apolyton City unopposed. However, I am worried. I have not heard from my cousin in months, and I am thinking that he may of been captured. Good luck with your purge,

        Emperor Chuko I
        I am the second place man!


        • OOC:
          mmtt I was in the field leading 10,000 troops, conducting hit and run raids on the english.

          To General Thunderfire:
          Since General Chuko is on the move, we must stay in Apolyton. I will be coming there my self to help in the defense of the city. His cousin has a plan to stop him, but I dont know if we can trust him, but I will let him go ahead with the plan.

          To Drako Chuko:
          Go ahead with your plan.
          Donate to the American Red Cross.
          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


          • As General Jack_www returned to the city of Apolyton and started to prepare the troops for the final battle. As he was walking to the tent of one of his staff he notice one of the troops sneaking in the darkness. He followed the man and saw him draw out his sword. Right before he entered the tent to kill his trusted assiantant he pull out his sword and put it into the back of the would be killer. The man droped his sword in pain, but he was not dead.

            "So you must be a spy of Liam Sheep here to kill my men. What is your name and who else is working with you?"

            The man did not answer.

            "Very well, I see you are in no mood to talk now, but soon you will tell us all that you know. Gruads! Take this man to get treament for his wounds them put him in to the stockade. I will see to questioning him myself."

            "Yes sir!"

            With that one of the spies of Liam Sheep was taken away.
            Donate to the American Red Cross.
            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


            • OOC: this was the plan, sorry, but I assume it took place?
              Attached Files


              • 30th September 1400

                As per Drako's plan, Chuko's troops are moving through the gap towards Apolyton City

                From Drako
                My plan will take place shortly. I sugest you persue his troops, in case I fail.
                Attached Files
                I am the second place man!


                • West's army are routed and soon to be surrounded. They have no where to go. Farmers begin taking shots at them with thier hunting muskets and mobs molest them with their pitchforks and axes. Next attack should give them a crushing blow.

                  First ship with cannons has been created. It has left port and is enroute to Gulf of Apolyton to give arillery support against Chuko's men.

                  To Drako:
                  This is your chance, I will not allow Chuko's men to reach the forest or get any more near Apolyton. We are risking alot for allowing our enemy's relative go through with his plan. This is your chance, if Chuko comes within 3 miles of the forest I will assume you failed and will order the attack. Chuko's men are surrounded and we outnumber them. Our men are defending their homeland against the invasion of foreigners and traitors , their spirits are bloodthirsty, the odds are in our favor, it was hard to get them that way, don't screw it up.

                  To Gen. Jack:
                  Chuko's men are getting nearer, get ready for possible evacuation of moderator and defense of Apolyton. I hope you're right about Drako. God speed.

                  Current positions (map):
                  Attached Files


                  • 2nd October, 1400

                    Sir, we're within 8 miles of the forest, and scouts report that there are troops hiding in there!

                    "Very well", replied Chuko, "fire the cannons at the forest"

                    "Yes, emperor" the soldier scurried off.
                    Chuko turned to his second in comand, "once we clear this forest, It will be clear running to Apolyton city"
                    "Yes sir"
                    "Shouldn't the cannons be fireing?" asked Chuko
                    "I think so, I'll go check" a captian ran off to check, but quickly hurried back, "Sir, someone has spiked the cannons, we have a trator in our midst"
                    "FIND HIM" yelled Chuko

                    "There is no need, fool, as I am right here," said a voice from behind Chuko. He turned to see a tallish man of asiatc aperianc leering at him, "Who are you, and why are you here?"
                    "Don't you reconize me, cousin, Im Drako, your cousin"
                    "Why do you betray our cause like this, cousin?"
                    "It was an unjust cause, Chuko, and I swore to kill you. I challange you to a duel, Chuko, one on one."

                    Not knowing Drako's skill with the sword, Chuko foolishly accepted
                    Last edited by Lord Zalzabad; November 11, 2002, 03:54.
                    I am the second place man!


                    • 2nd October, 1400

                      Report for General Easthaven's eyes only

                      from scouts on front line

                      Chuko's forces are in panic, and are moving in an unorganized fasion around aimlessly. Many have surrendered to us, claiming that an unknowen assassin came into camp and decapitated the leader. He subsiquintly vanished in the panic following
                      I am the second place man!


                      • To General Jack_www and Easthaven:
                        We don't have to engage them just stay here and wait. The enemy can't move without being in our line of fire and they will die of starvation.
                        It may be quite long but we won't lose a lot of soldiers.


                        • 9th October 1400

                          Colonel Harris, we have re-established order within the army, but the men have lost the will to fight.

                          Send a message to the Rebels. Tell them we will surrender bloodlessly, for exchange for exile to England

                          If they don't agree to it?

                          We will execute the hostages, and lauch a suicidal attack on the enermy lines. If they are not going to let us live, then we will try to take as many of them with us!

                          Yes, sir!
                          I am the second place man!


                          • Unknown Date from the Ministry of Intellegince

                            Although you have felled the rightful ruler of Apolyton, Emperor Chuko, you will not catch me. My agents all as loyal to me as I am to myself, have feld with me into exile in England. We have set up a rival Apolyton government to those loyal to the Emperor and true successor to the late Moderator, which you murederd. Our new allies England will continue to help us and in the end secure the rightful government of Apolyton to its place.

                            You have one choice surrender to me or surrender your souls to the devil.
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • October 13th
                              To General Jack_www and Easthaven:

                              As the Three Great Generals of Apolyton Empire, we shall swear to protect Apolyton from any foreign enemies and to defend it against any oppression. None of us shall take weapons against Apolyton.
                              We swear allegiance to the Last Moderator and recognize her as the legal leader of Apolyton.

                              This Act shall be known as the Triumvirat.

                              To General Jack_www:
                              As you are the highest ranking officer of the Apolyton Army, only you and the moderator would have rights to sign the enemy capitulation. Your terms shall be them.


                              • October 16th 1400

                                As the Three Great Generals of Apolyton Empire, we shall swear to protect Apolyton from any foreign enemies and to defend it against any oppression. None of us shall take weapons against Apolyton.
                                This Act shall be known as the Triumvirat.
                                Then the Triumvirat it shall be. General Thunderfire, you have my trust.

                                To Gen. Jack:
                                I suggest we try the top officers and commanders for treason, as for the privates on the ground they may be granted amnesty and exile. We can not let them all go free, they would only regroup and we would have to deal with them again in the future. We must take away their leaders, the true traitors.

