OOC: please post in the Great library step by step on how to calculate the date...i suck in math 
February 10th, 1400
There is a few nations that have Ivory, but most already have traded out or it is their only sources which they want to keep. Best bet is with the Romans, who they informed me that the English as broken their trade deal with them. We can negociate wether they be interested in Gems in exchange for Ivory.
We are at peace with the wealthy Russians and the resourful Germans, but they don't seem interested to go much further then that. It is also known that they are Friends with the English. Of course, i'll contact them again. As for Egypt, Greece and Babylon, we are in constant contact and have peaceful relations.
umm, also sir, we were originally leading in researching Physics in the world, followed by the English. As to how they acquired the technology so quickly is still in question. The Americans informed me that the English have started research on "Metallurgy". It is unknown when they will complete their research.
I'll make another attempt to establish an embassy in London, but they may deny us again. Are best chance is to simply infiltrate them, which will allow to better find out who they are trading with their current relations with other nations.
OOC: they may not have a lot of coastal cities, but they have the biggest navy next to us which may prevent us from such attempts
to others: i prefer that people post in the discussion thread then have OOC only posts in the game thread.

February 9th, 1400
To the Foreign Ministry and Ministry of External Finances: WHo else has Ivory or oterh resources to trade? Could we be able to make frinds with Russia or GErmany? Make contact with them, and also Egypt, Babylon, adn that pink country next to them (you never named it in teh Great Library!). See if anyone has physics and would be willing to trade. Also, I want an embassy built in England with whatever funds we have available. After that, find out who is trading with England!
To the Foreign Ministry and Ministry of External Finances: WHo else has Ivory or oterh resources to trade? Could we be able to make frinds with Russia or GErmany? Make contact with them, and also Egypt, Babylon, adn that pink country next to them (you never named it in teh Great Library!). See if anyone has physics and would be willing to trade. Also, I want an embassy built in England with whatever funds we have available. After that, find out who is trading with England!
There is a few nations that have Ivory, but most already have traded out or it is their only sources which they want to keep. Best bet is with the Romans, who they informed me that the English as broken their trade deal with them. We can negociate wether they be interested in Gems in exchange for Ivory.
We are at peace with the wealthy Russians and the resourful Germans, but they don't seem interested to go much further then that. It is also known that they are Friends with the English. Of course, i'll contact them again. As for Egypt, Greece and Babylon, we are in constant contact and have peaceful relations.
umm, also sir, we were originally leading in researching Physics in the world, followed by the English. As to how they acquired the technology so quickly is still in question. The Americans informed me that the English have started research on "Metallurgy". It is unknown when they will complete their research.
I'll make another attempt to establish an embassy in London, but they may deny us again. Are best chance is to simply infiltrate them, which will allow to better find out who they are trading with their current relations with other nations.
TO the Commander of the Navy and Overseas Exploration (he seems to have disappeared so the Military advisor can answer as well): England's ports are few. Would a blockade be feasible? Meanwhile, bring most of the ships into port to prepare to upgrade.
to others: i prefer that people post in the discussion thread then have OOC only posts in the game thread.