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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • #16
    OOC: please post in the Great library step by step on how to calculate the date...i suck in math

    February 9th, 1400
    To the Foreign Ministry and Ministry of External Finances: WHo else has Ivory or oterh resources to trade? Could we be able to make frinds with Russia or GErmany? Make contact with them, and also Egypt, Babylon, adn that pink country next to them (you never named it in teh Great Library!). See if anyone has physics and would be willing to trade. Also, I want an embassy built in England with whatever funds we have available. After that, find out who is trading with England!
    February 10th, 1400

    There is a few nations that have Ivory, but most already have traded out or it is their only sources which they want to keep. Best bet is with the Romans, who they informed me that the English as broken their trade deal with them. We can negociate wether they be interested in Gems in exchange for Ivory.

    We are at peace with the wealthy Russians and the resourful Germans, but they don't seem interested to go much further then that. It is also known that they are Friends with the English. Of course, i'll contact them again. As for Egypt, Greece and Babylon, we are in constant contact and have peaceful relations.

    umm, also sir, we were originally leading in researching Physics in the world, followed by the English. As to how they acquired the technology so quickly is still in question. The Americans informed me that the English have started research on "Metallurgy". It is unknown when they will complete their research.

    I'll make another attempt to establish an embassy in London, but they may deny us again. Are best chance is to simply infiltrate them, which will allow to better find out who they are trading with their current relations with other nations.

    TO the Commander of the Navy and Overseas Exploration (he seems to have disappeared so the Military advisor can answer as well): England's ports are few. Would a blockade be feasible? Meanwhile, bring most of the ships into port to prepare to upgrade.
    OOC: they may not have a lot of coastal cities, but they have the biggest navy next to us which may prevent us from such attempts

    to others: i prefer that people post in the discussion thread then have OOC only posts in the game thread.
    Last edited by Mellian; November 4, 2002, 12:54.


    • #17
      February 16th, 1400:
      (occ: for minute just put them in decimal I think: exemple 13:30 (GMT-6) would mean 30*13.3/24.)

      We can't counter England navy with only boats. We may win but the cost would be huge. We should research a way to get more powerful warships and fight them inland. Our friends, American, would surely grant us free passage over their territory. If we can have the help of Germany and Russia, England won't last long.

      I think military advisor, mr. jack, is right. We need to be aware of our troops. I would say this could be called Active Duty Operation. We will divide our troops in two teams. The first one would attack from sea and by land covered by our ships and the other one, in fact English, would defend.

      We need to get metallurgy. I'm aware of the possibility of having big muskets, known as cannon, able to destroy city walls. We could then adapt then on ships, making then a powerful navy able to crush England one.


      • #18
        To all: I want a naval war with England. What are your opinions on this? Should we build up a privateer force or actually declare war?
        February 18th, 1400

        We may have a bigger navy, but they have faster ships because of their Magellan Wonder. How effective would Privateers be if the English knew what direction they came from, as they cannot enter the ocean without getting lost? Another reason whyPrivateers wouldn't work at this point is because Pirates are nearly non-existant in the Atlantic Ocean, which is heavily travelled by the two biggest navies in the world. It will be pretty easy for the English to know that it is our doing.

        My opinion is that we wait until we can infiltrate the English before we start any war.


        • #19
          February 19th. 1400

          TO: Sheep, Minister of Intelligence and Espionage

          I suggest that you assign some spies to the Diplomatic Caravel that will be sent London. If they succeed in establishing an Embassy, the spies are to Infiltrate the English. If not, the Caravel will be re-directed to the nearest american port, where the spies to infiltrate the English from.


          • #20
            February 20th, 1400 (i hope)

            To: Moderator civman2000
            From: Department of External Finances

            Great moderator, I propose we establish more trade with nations who we don’t have any firm relations with. Such as the Babylonians, they have no strategic resources, if we were to offer them some iron or horses I’m sure they will give us much as well as become a strong ally in the future. These small nations that have little or no strategic resources to defend themselves, we could equip them with the proper weaponry and they could become formidable allies in the future against our rival, England. Such nations include: the Babylonians, the Arabs, the Persians, and the Koreans.

            Ivory issue: The friendly Romans are willing to trade their ivory for gems.

            Issue on Naval war with England: Although this isn’t my department, I suggest we increase trade with other nations and gain support so that our reputation won’t be one of a war-monger. We should find reasons that would convince other nations that we were justified in going to war, we don’t want the majority of the nations in the world having an unfriendly or cautious attitude towards us. I also suggest we talk to our ally America about this issue in order to gain open support from them as well. And a few trade embargoes on the English would also help in weakening their economy somewhat before we enter a war with them.

            We could also possibly acquire dyes from the Iroquois if offer them our last supply of furs.

            The French have no luxuries. We could trade them a luxury for their horses since we only have one source for these beasts an extra source could be useful.

            -Minister Easthaven I

            Long live the moderator!!!


            • #21
              February 23, 1400

              To Moderator of the Empire, civman200:
              I believe that your dissicion is a bad one. We will have to set up the bases sooner or latter. I would like to start form a invasion force for England. Also I agree with Mr. mmtt is right, we need more advanced ships. If we were to attack the navy of the English, both sides would suffer heavy losses. The strong point of the English is their navy. There coast is patrolled by their ships, thus would be very difficult to make a invasion by sea, our troops would be wiped out even before they had a chance to get off the transports.

              We need an stagging area to gather and prepare our troops for the English invasion. An invasion be sea would be total diaster.
              Donate to the American Red Cross.
              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


              • #22
                February 23, 1400

                To Commander Jack_www, Military Advisor:

                What if you launched your invasion from America? I'm sure we could negotiate with our ally for a right of passage agreement. We send our troops to the edge of the border and once you give the word they invade and the English wouldn't be as prepared as they would be if we sent a fleet of ships across the sea, that would be too obvious of our intentions.

                We could also explain to the English and to the world that our troops are in America simply to participate in wargames with our ally. Just training exercises, just like you wanted.
                Could it work? Or should I just stick to gems and spices?

                Just a suggestion from your fellow advisor.

                -Minister Easthaven I


                • #23
                  Re: February 23, 1400

                  That is what I wanted to do but the Great Moderator civman2000 turn my request down.

                  Originally posted by Easthaven I
                  To Commander Jack_www, Military Advisor:

                  What if you launched your invasion from America? I'm sure we could negotiate with our ally for a right of passage agreement. We send our troops to the edge of the border and once you give the word they invade and the English wouldn't be as prepared as they would be if we sent a fleet of ships across the sea, that would be too obvious of our intentions.

                  We could also explain to the English and to the world that our troops are in America simply to participate in wargames with our ally. Just training exercises, just like you wanted.
                  Could it work? Or should I just stick to gems and spices?

                  Just a suggestion from your fellow advisor.

                  -Minister Easthaven I
                  Donate to the American Red Cross.
                  Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                  • #24
                    Feburary 29th 1400

                    From the Ministry of Intellegience and Espionage (I know Espionage is great!!!)

                    I set out the following proposals. One I send spies into England, in a weeks time, to try and gather information on the weaknesses and the strengths of English military power. The obvious one is the English lead in naval technology. Their Man-O-War's are destructive and play havoc to our mighty fleets.

                    Secondly, I propose the setting up of a ASIO (Apolyton Security Intrllegince Organisation) This ogranisation would be implanted into Apolyton society and root out all enemies to either the regime or those that a favourable to the English. This would also help us protect ourselves from similar English manouvers. This organisation would be answerable to me, and I would report staright to our moderator about any significant happenings.
                    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                    • #25
                      OOC: umm, sheep? they just got magnetism ...forget the My other posts saying physics, will edit them... but still, they just got it. so you can't expect them to have Man'o'Wars right away silly don't like doing OOC only, but have no choice.... also to note, in Civ3 it is required Magnetism for frigates/man'o'wars' and galleons.
                      Last edited by Mellian; November 4, 2002, 12:49.


                      • #26
                        March 16th, 1400
                        Executive Orders:
                        To the Military Advisor: I changed my mind. Send the troops to America.
                        To the Minister of External Finances: Go for making friends with the Arabas and Koreans. Also, make that deal with Rome. Trade with the Iroqs is your own choice, you can do it if you want.
                        To the Director of Intelligence and Espionage: I want some "trading vessels" filled with spies sent to America. From there I want them to go to Enlgand and try to join the British navy. If it works we could end up with operatives on almost every British ship! I also want you to research teh feasaiblity of stealing British research.


                        • #27
                          March 16, 1400


                          To: Moderator civman2000
                          From: Minister Easthaven I. Seoul, Korea

                          Dear Great One,

                          Rome: Trade agreement established, Gems for Ivory. 15 years. They were very pleased when I came to them with this offer, since their agreement with the English was canceled, a friendly people, I say.

                          I went to Arabia and we engaged in negotiations. They were very glad we were willing to aid them with strategic resources. We have given them saltpeter so that they may defend their cities with the revolutionary muskets. They treated me like a king during my stay. In return, they are paying us 5-15 gold payments in a total of 20 installations, I allowed them the flexability to pay us when they are able to and as long as they try. I made a point that the friendship and safety between our two country's was our concern. I also met a beautiful woman while I was there, but I'm sure you do not care.

                          Right now, I'm in Korea and they are also pleased with our offers. Saltpeter for spices I'm trying to negotiate, they are willing to pay 15 payments of 3-10 as well when they can pay. They were even kinder than the Arabs. There was this beautiful lady that caught my eye at their palace, she was a wild woman! but I will not burden you with my love life.

                          Iroquois: I was unable to make a deal with them. The tribal leaders could not agree on anything! Hiawatha was very frustrated, the tribes were split in two, one half wanted to scalp me while the other wanted to make the deal and offer peace and long lasting friendship. These savages were frightening, I left as soon as I could. There women were painful, believe me, stay away from the Iroqui women.

                          I will be returning soon, once I finalize the contracts with the Koreans. All in all, I'd say my trip was a success besides the frightening experience with the Iroquois, truly strange.

                          From Your Minister of External Finances,

                          Easthaven I


                          • #28
                            March 19th, 1400
                            To the Minister of External Finances: I applaud your efforts. Give the Arabs a good deal, one that favors them over us.


                            • #29
                              March 19th, 1400
                              To Military Advisor: As his highness, the great moderator of Apolyton Empire, stated, we have to send troops to America. In this duty, you can be sure I will deserve my place as Commander of National Defense and stand at your side in these upcoming days. You will be proud of our troops.
                              Apolyton's flag will stand high in America!

                              In this goal, I'm requesting authorization to select officers and regiments sent to USA as a first expeditionary force. They need to be ready when America accepts our proposal of which I'm certain.
                              I would to be aware of our lastest research if this so called metallurgy? To crush our enemy, we need superiority in weapons, number and training.


                              • #30
                                OOC: The Commander of National Defense is meant to be in chaarge of defense...sending the troops to America to prepare an attack on England sounds like offense...

                                March 22nd, 1400
                                To teh Minister of INternal Finances: I want funds diverted from luxuries, internal improvements, and the treasury towards science and the military.
                                To the Minister of the Arts and Sciences (Domestic Advisor if cbraund doesn't respond): Use your new resources to begin researching "metallurgy".

                                OOC: given that most information in the GL is in terms of years, it seems that this game will go pretty slowly. Magnetism will be discovered in 2 years. IRL, that would be in 22 days (Jan. 1402), over three weeks. Perhaps wecould make each day be, say, 3 months... Of course then the date formula gets more complicated.

