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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • #76
    July 23rd, 1400
    I will create an Agency of Royal Security, headed by General Chuko. Currently, it shall consist of him and his forces he wishes to have with him and Easthaven and his forces.


    • #77
      OOC: to those that the moderator as ordered to be executed...he ORDERED, meaning, doesn't mean it will actually happen, lol


      • #78
        OOC: Yes but I said in the post that unless they really don't want to have their character die those orders should be carried out...I just wanted to make sure it was OK for me to kill them off so suddenly.


        • #79
          25th of July, 1400

          Lord Moderator, today we captured two of General Easthaven I's troops approching your tent, swords in hand, ready to assassinate you. I beleve that the general is not trustworthy, and should be reassigned.

          Top Secret ASIO

          I have formulated a plan of my own. With the chief of staff in the bad books, he will most proberly not named sucsessor if our leader dies in battle. I have framed a plot against General Easthaven I's forces making them look unloyal to him. His forces are the only ones I fear. Once they are gone, I will assassinate the moderator.

          Top Secret, Ministry of Defence; Chief of State

          You are no longer trusted by the Moderator, and I propose a triumverate of You two and the director of ASIO as the new leaders whn our great moderator dies in battle. Please respond within the month

          Colonel-General Chuko, Lord of Zalzabad
          I am the second place man!


          • #80
            Shouldn't this be moved to the NES forum too?
            Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.


            • #81
              July 26, 1400

              To the Great Moderator civman2000:
              For the eyes of the Moderator only
              I want to pleg my loyalty to you. I have heard things among my own troops and others high in the government about plans of Sheep to gain more power. I suggest you would be wise to watch your back and trust no one. I will try and uncover the plot of the traitors and execute them once I find them.
              Donate to the American Red Cross.
              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


              • #82
                TO MODERATOR ONLY:
                civman I, General Chuko's accusations are false. I know each of my men personally and the two he has arrested have both been awarded the 2nd highest medals of Apolyton. My men are extremely patriotic and loyal and to accuse them of treason is ludicrous. I implore you to not ever have your back turned to General Chuko. These are troubling times Moderator. There are only a few you can trust, choose them wisely. I do not know if General Chuko is one of the plotters I only suggest you keep an open eye on him at all times.

                I pledge my life to you moderator, it don't mean much to me anymore. The only reason I don't leave and live peacefully in my blissful cabin is because I want this country led by the rightful leaders, not a band of traitors. My uncle trusted you, so shall I.

                My men and I will die for you, we are better trained then Chuko's men let us protect you. We are not ambitious men, we only wish to serve and protect that is what we were born for, and those are the type of men I personally chose when I created this special operations battalion years ago.

                You are a wise man of a long line of wise men, stay the course and follow you instincts Great One. I will do all I can to ensure your place as Moderator of Apolyton.

                God speed Great Moderator,
                Lieutenant-General Easthaven Beleriand I, Commander of the Wolf Battalion.


                • #83
                  1st of August 1400

                  Dear Cousin Draka

                  I am afraid my time may not be long on this planet. I ask you to return as soon as you can. Bring Uncle Minos with you, I fear that my son will not be able to carry on my legacy Easthaven is getting suspisious about my plans, and I do not know for how much longer I can trust director Sheep, and the National Defence Advisor. I have discovered who committed the grievous murder of my father, and I am only days away from finding out the Moderators dirty secret. Please haste your return.

                  Sincerly, Cousin Chuko
                  I am the second place man!


                  • #84
                    To: Military Advisor
                    From: Science Advisor

                    Though I am the science advisor and I serve my country the best by using my brains, but I'd just like to say if you need me to fight, I will be there. I believe I would make a good officer. I have shown my leadership skills already (being the science advisor I lead a large team of scientists), I know much about the military, and I vigorously exercise every day, so I'm in good ship. I'm not giving up my position, I'm just saying I'll be there if I'm needed.

                    To Foreign Advisor:
                    I continue to stand by my statement saying the Zulu would be perfect allies. They have a huge land army. They also are the only army in the world that most of its members have recent combat experience. They also have fought the English and they know how to fight them. Besides that, I have seen the Zulu fight. Four years ago, in 1396, I went to Zululand to give aid to their scientists. I was at an outpost town and a Barbarian tribe they didn't know of had massed a huge army and attacked the town. Because it looked like they would kill us all I picked up a sword and some armor and fought with them. The Barbarians outnumber threefold at least but the impis fought with so much precision, skill, and determination they completely destroyed the barbarians and lost very few of their own. The English troops would melt away against the Zulu. We must form an alliance.
                    "The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau


                    • #85
                      Though I will always do whatever is necessary for the good of Apolyton, I question the purpose of this war. We take war to lightly, I don't want to be known as an aggressive nation and I am afraid that the Great Moderator might be waging this war based on personal reasons. I can't stand Elizabeth and the English public, but that doesn't mean thousands should die on behalf of the Great Moderator's feeling at the moment.
                      "The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau


                      • #86
                        To Science Advisor:
                        I would like help with naval planing, but I dont know how much you know about naval tatics, my focus is on the army, and would like help in this area. The English are eneimies of the Apolyton Empire. They will attack us sooner or latter. We must strike now to get the upper hand. You must be carefull of such talk, especially now that war is already on and with traitors every where.
                        Donate to the American Red Cross.
                        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                        • #87
                          6 August, 1400

                          Chief of Staff, Giovanni Wine was sitting at his desk, drinking a famous drink from China, the Tea.

                          When a soldier entered the room, he was a big soldier, very strong, he probably already killed some 20 men with his sword, and why would he step back killing one old weak man.

                          "Sire" he said with a very proud and solemn voice "I'm here to..."

                          "I know why you are here soldier, don't be wasteful of words, they are the strongest weapon a man has... what's your name soldier?"

                          "Me....I...I...My name is Jakob Vorheint sire, frem the city of Vikomore"

                          "Vikomore?, the same Vikomore that was burned to ground by the moderator?"

                          "Y..Yes sire"

                          "A nice place indeed... you know soldier?, I have a son, he should be about the same age as you, he is 26, and now he is studing in the Art and Science universities of Athens, in Greece.... It is about 8 years I'm not seeing him... and my wife too, she is so lovely"

                          Giovanni Wine got out of his desk, went around the room and grabbed an old axe.

                          "Do you see this axe soldier?... this was the axe of the first Giovanni in Apolyton Empire, the holy Giovanni Del Grappa, he was between the first Apolytonian citizens, he was a proud warrior, with his axe he killed a lot of enemies, many more than any other soldier of his time.
                          When i was born, and I was living in the woods, I used this very same axe to chop trees down, I was a very strong man back than... If I was still that strong I would have killed you, and i would have gained my way out of here... but now... I'm old It doesn't make sense
                          Can you do something for me soldier?"

                          "Yes sire, everything"

                          "will you give those letters to my family, in the Moncalieri village?"

                          "Y...Yes sire.. it's... it's an honor for me sire"

                          "Goodbey soldier, may the Gods be with you tomorrow, when you will be fighting the English"


                          The Body of Giovanni Wine fell down lifeless, with his head chopped off

                          When the family read the letters, they all escaped in Greece, and reached the older son in Athens.

                          But the two sons won't leave this delict unpunished.

                          "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                          The trick is the doing something else."
                          — Leonardo da Vinci
                          "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                          "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                          • #88
                            6 August 1400
                            Apolyton Army Headquarters, in Commander of National Defense office.

                            The door slam open and four soldiers burst in.

                            Commander of National Defense looks up. The soldiers wear a Personal Moderator Guard Uniform.
                            One of them, the commander immediately recognize him, is General Chuko.

                            -What do you want, general? asked Thunderfire
                            -Great Moderator has ordered your arrestation and your execution for treason to Apolyton Empire. Please, do not resist
                            -So, this is the end. Apolyton will soon fall.

                            He stands up and glare at Chuko.
                            -Arrest him!
                            Two soldiers seize Thunderfire and push him out of the office.
                            -Where are we going?
                            -The place is of none importance.
                            -Well, I have no choice but to follow you it seems.

                            Silence while they leave the headquarters, officers or generals don't look at them trying to feign their existence they cross the courtyard and mount horses.

                            Soon enough, they are on a hill overlooking Apolyton city.

                            Dark clouds are coming over the palace at the otherside of Apolyton city.
                            Rain starts to fall down over the city and the five men dismount. Thunder is heard far away. A lightning flash breaks the sky. Air is loud and harsh.

                            In slow motion, the three soldiers draw their sword and look to Chuko, awaiting the order to slay the traitor. (camera zooms to Chuko face )
                            (ooc: very cinematographic but couldn't resolve me to end it. The soldiers are very loyal to the Moderator as they are Personal Guards. They are elite guys and skilled with swords, wearing red clothes and a black plastron.)

                            What will you do Zalzabad?


                            • #89
                              July 22nd, 1400
                              The Moderator has ordered the Chief of Staff and Commander of National Defense executed (unless you really think this would be unfair please let it happen). He has changed his will to give his sisters joint power if he dies.
                              When she heard of this terrible news, she wished she could help, and she could too. But this is not the right time to compromise her position.

                              To teh Foreign ADvisor: send the declaration of war, and also send the proof of English involvement in my mother's murder to the so-called "European Alliance." If you do this you can be my Chief of Staff. If not you will be publically beheaded.
                              It sha'll be done Moderator, but I prefer that I am not to be promoted to Chief of Staff as I want to continue what I do best, Foreign Affairs. Especially now, with the incoming war, I can create an alliance of our own against the English and their so called "Friends". You won't be able to find someone better then I to do that, as I have being doing this for many decades now. Of course, your the Moderator and you are to make the decision, but I am simply advising.

                              OOC: out of character wise, i rather not be chief of staff as well She may have her connections all over the place, and some would be known to Intel and so on, but that wouldn't suspicious because thats what she usually does, even before the Moderator become the Moderator and usually only involves diplomacy. Together with the way she is, no one can seriously believe she would be a "traitor", because really, she isn't She loves Apolyton, even though she may not like the people she works with to keep the land safe,



                              • #90
                                August 10th, 1400
                                Announcement: EDIT: REEDIT: Mellian now is Chief of Staff
                                "Where is Chuko???????" asked the Moderator.
                                "I saw him going out somewhere with Thunderfire as a prisoner a few days ago," answered his sister Flakhei civwoman.
                                "Well where is he now??"
                                "I don't know, I haven't seen or heard of him since..."
                                Bit by bit, by asking peasants in the street about what they saw, the Moderator retraces the steps of Chuko and Thunderfire. He sees what is happening, and takes out his sword and thrusts trying to kill the 3 soldiers...
                                Last edited by civman2000; November 9, 2002, 09:57.

