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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • #61
    John tried to sleep that night, but he couldn't. His discovery of the cannon made him think of nothing but the war. He paced back in forth in his room at the Royal Palace. He drew up war plans and made plans for every scenario possible. Though he was the Science Advisor, he definitely knew a thing or two about the military. He finally found a scenario he thought would work. He immediately wrote a letter to the Military Advisor and sent it with a messenger.

    To: the Military Advisor
    From: the Science Advisor

    Though I'm the science advisor, I have a suggestion for you for the campaign. The Zulus have a huge land army and, they are the ones with true fighting experience against the English. Remember back in the Silk War back in 1391? The Zulus fought a short but fierce with with the English. England invaded Zululand for its highly desired silk fields but then the Zulu counterattacked and got them off the island? Most of their current military members fought in that war, and the Zulu officers no how to fight the English. I propose we give our newly discovered secrets of Metallurgy to the Zulu, and they upgrade their navy to frigates and galleons as we do ours. Then, the Americans launch a ground assault of central England. After the war has started and the English concentrate their forces on the Anglo-American border, we launch an amphibious invasion of northern England and the Zulu launch a similar invasion to the south. Please consider these suggestions.
    "The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau


    • #62
      July 1st 1400 (someone has to tell me how this date thingy works out)


      The assaination of your mother was in fact carried out by and American citizen working for the English government. We are technically unable to do anything to the English as so far we have not the proof needed to connect the English government to this attrocity. We could qestion the Americans though....

      I happy to tell you that 2 English ships werer damaged by Apolytononer sabouters. More information on this cannot be given, as its a matter of security for these brave men.


      Colonel Chuko: The plan involves replacing a certain official high up in the government with you. Unfortauntley this would mean that you are my puppet but then again the Secret Police will eliminate all opposition.

      Unkown to all

      The American assasin was actually employed by ASIS. ASIS being the Secret Police. Liam Sheep will soon come up with valid evidence tying him to England and allowing us to invade.
      Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
      Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
      Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


      • #63
        To: great moderator, civman I
        From: Domestic Advisor, Giovanni Wine

        As you wish my lord, I have switched production on most cities like your orders said.
        I also took the liberty to use some forced labor in Einted, as you remembered the city had problem with overpopulation, therefore i thought that using some whip would just be a good thing.

        I also inform you that the anti-English propoganda has been succesfull, especially after I told the people that it was the english who dared kill your great mother.

        (this is very secret, and can be read only by the moderator):
        As you know I'm in the government from more time than you, I have a big experience in those thing, I have reason to believe that some high officials are not fully loyal to your highness, someone you are really trusting.
        Please be very careful.

        To: Military Advisor
        From: Domestic Advisor

        Most cities are training a lot of troops.
        In 2-3 months you should have at your orders 4 new Musketman divisions, 7 new Knight squadroon, 7 new Medieval Infantry division and 5 new Frigates fleets
        After the anti-English propaganda I started the people fully support you, and the morale of the newly trained troops will be very high.

        "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
        The trick is the doing something else."
        — Leonardo da Vinci
        "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
        "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


        • #64
          July 10th 1400

          To All

          Everything fine and in order. No treasonus things going around in MY garrison

          Top Secret to ASIO

          Very well, I am willing to agree, as long as I keep my troops... as long as it is not Moderator. I don't lust for that sort of power

          By the way I would check your security if I were you. My sorce in the Moderators Guard suggest that he has been forewarned of a certian plot against him
          I am the second place man!


          • #65
            OOC: discovering metallurgy so fast is possible, but then we shouldn't get any more discoveries for a while.
            July 17th
            Announcement of the Apolyton Empire and His Highness Supreme Moderator civman I: We have now declared war on the Kingdom of England!!
            The Moderator has ordered immediate attacks on all English ships. He also announced that he will lead the invasion forces into England, leaving Domestic Advisor Giovanni Wine (Or as civman calls him, "Wiovani Wain) in charge while he is gone.
            The Moderator's Chief of Staff has been executed due to a disagreement.
            To the Domestic Advisor: Would you like to be Chief of Staff?

            More will be posted in an hour, gotta go


            • #66
              July 18th
              To Colonel Chuko: You have been affected to the Moderator's Guard as the commander of this elite unit. We hope you will perform well in this task. The whole army is proud of your achievement.

              To Great Moderator: As you decided to lead the invasion, I have affected one of the most trusted officer of the Apolyton Army as the leader of the guard, Colonel Chuko.

              To Domestic Advisor: As the Moderator decided to put you in command of Apolyton Empire, I will obey to your orders. Also, I'm requesting the production of cannons and knights units. Cannons will be needed to soften enemy position and knight are our best offensive units.

              I'm also interested in a way to make muskets for cavalry units. The mobility of a horse added to the firepower of a musket would be of a great help on the battlefield.

              On a side note:
              Coastal defense troops: 25 musketmen units
              Cities Defense: 3/4 musketmen units in every city.
              Our knight units are mostly around harbors and at Apolyton City.
              We have around 30 units of medieval infantry, pikemen, longbow men. They are of poor offensive valor and should only be reserved as occupation forces in quite sectors. They may be sent to America if reinforcements are needed.

              I also suggest that our fleet only protect our convoys to America. We can't right now start a full engagement with British Navy.

              Commander of National Defense


              • #67
                May 11th, 1400
                To the Foreign Advisor: TEll England that if they do not let us have an embassy and Magnetism their spies will
                They refuse and they will NOT give into our threats. Soon after getting their response, i received envoys from Russia, Germany and Spain that if Apolyton declares war on England, we are declaring war against all of them. Apparently, they have formed in the past year or so an alliance called the "European Union". That would explain why the English acquired Magnetism farther ahead then expected. It is unknown wether the French is part of this Union or not, if so, they would be the only Republic in it. When I spoke to the American Ambassador, they said they already knew and are concerned, mentioning that the Ottomanshave been close buddies with them as well.

                Oh, by the way, I have agreed to the American proposal with agreement that they provide us their research on Metallurgy. By combining our Research capabalities, we should be able to acquire the technology before the end of the year.

                I suggest that the Minister of Intelligence stop assuming things without actual facts to back it up like for example talking about the threat of their Man'o'Wars before they could even complete the construction of one and for our Navy to have spotted one. I also suggest that he stops sending spies all over the place without proper authourization! Do you not realize that you could
                jeopardize our Alliance with the Americans? Do you not think they know what our spies are doing? The only reason they didn't make a big fuss about it is that their government is enjoying themselves by misinforming them. No wonder they are not very forthcoming in providing information! They don't trust us! Also shows them how bad terrible our information gathering spies are at getting accurate information. After saying all that, I am completly against the Idea of Assassination, especially if the Americans happen to have a considerable better intelligence service then ours.

                TO ALL: War plans are currently set for November. I want our troops to be fighting in the winter, the ENglish tropical summer is very hot.
                I suggest that the Military Advisor and so on waits until i provide them maps of the region before they go making war plans. I also suggest we improve our intelligence services before depending on their so called accurate information.



                • #68
                  July 18th
                  To the Commander of National Defense: Request denied. The only ships that will not attack the British ships will be the ones protecting my army.
                  To the Military Advisor: I want my forces to be able to land in America near the British border on August 21st.
                  The Moderator has left a secret will stating that if he dies in battle the Domestic Advisor will be his successor.
                  To General Chuko: I welcome you to be my guard in battle.
                  A 3rd cousin of the Moderator's who is also a deputy under the Military Advisor has been appointed to temporarily replace Chuko as leader of teh Apolyton garrison.


                  • #69
                    OOC: We just declared war on England, and the Moderator will not for any reason back down. He is obsessed with avenging his mother


                    • #70
                      OOC: People, please, i'm the FOREIGN any external actions that could effect diplomatic relations should be discussed with me in the game ...especially when you want to acquire allies like the Zulus... who we don't know to well and foreigner phobic after constant wars and discrimination by their neighbours and other foreign nations like the English.

                      July 17th
                      Announcement of the Apolyton Empire and His Highness Supreme Moderator civman I: We have now declared war on the Kingdom of England!!
                      The Moderator has ordered immediate attacks on all English ships. He also announced that he will lead the invasion forces into England, leaving Domestic Advisor Giovanni Wine (Or as civman calls him, "Wiovani Wain) in charge while he is gone.
                      July 18th

                      Before I send off your declaration of war, I suggest that we wait until your safely in America a long with enough ground units. The Coasts will be inflamed with naval battles, which will make your travel lot more dangerous.

                      I would like to mention that one of the American Corvettes spotted one of the English's new Man'O'War unit patrolling near their territorial waters.

                      Oh, another thing, the Iroquois are annoyed with us for cancelling our Affiliation treaty, but shouldn't worry about them helping the English as they hate them more then we do, after what the English done to them before the Independence War that formed America.


                      • #71
                        July 19th
                        To Great Moderator(ooc: when will you leave for America?):Sire, lastest reports are mostly concerning. This so-called European Alliance will surely jeopardize the country safety. We will soon face a war we can't win. I begg you to consider a withdraw of our full forces. Against 4 or 5 countries, we don't stand a chance. Our troops won't be able to push back the enemy at sea. I will try to build defenses along coastline near beaches as soon as possible but against a major invasion, Apolyton will fall in matter of weeks.

                        To Chief of Staff Giovanni Wine (secret):
                        Our great moderator do not see the danger of this war. You are wise and in this circumstance you will understand the necessity of disobeying to his majesty. Nobody knows as much as you do the danger of this war. I suggest we immediately make peace with the European Alliance. The majority of our forces didn't reach America already. I will be able to call them back if Military Advisor Jack supports us.

                        The destiny of Apolyton lies in your hand. My sword is all yours.
                        Last edited by mmtt; November 8, 2002, 17:09.


                        • #72
                          20 July, 1400

                          To great moderator: civman I
                          from: your humbly servant, the Domestic Advisor, Giovanni Wine.

                          Your majesty, I will accept the promotion you granted me, from now on I'll be the Chief of Staff of our glorious empire.

                          With my new power I think it is my duty to inform you that a war against the English now would be suicidal, we need to prepare our troops first.
                          I think it would be much wiser to wait till November like your majesty suggested in the first place.

                          Maybe we should ask our Foreign Advisor to ask the English to give us the man who assasinated your holy mother, so that we can trial him here, and execute him.

                          Please do not be too much impulsive, we need to stay as rational as possible and to avoid a war with the European Union now, otherwise our brave soldiers will be killed, our glorious empire will be lost, and both me and you will ne hanging off the Great Library Tower.


                          To Foreign Advisor:

                          Do not send the declaration of war, we will tell the great moderator that the messenger that was bringing it died because of a thief once he entered the American soil, but we must delay this war as much as possible, otherwise we'll be doomed.
                          Try to get as many allies as possible, even far away ones, and try to see what their reaction to our possible attack on England would be.
                          In a war like that we need as many friends as possible, that will come to our protection in case we are losing ground to the English


                          To military advisor and commander of national defense:

                          As i'm not a real expert in the art of war, since I grew up in a very rich family, which allowed me not to having to do the military service.
                          I will leave you full power in this, and I will intervene only when I think there really is need.

                          I must ask you to speed up the sending of our troops in America, as I don't know for how much I will be able to delay this war.
                          And God may be with us all.


                          To Minister of Intelligence:

                          I want as many spies in England as soon as possible.
                          I want to know everything about them, I even want to know how many milk bath take Elizabeth during a day.
                          And I want to know it soon.

                          Show the Foreign Advisor that he is in wrong when saying that our Intelligence Agency is not good, and give our Military Advisors all the information they need about the English troops.

                          "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                          The trick is the doing something else."
                          — Leonardo da Vinci
                          "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                          "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                          • #73
                            OOC: I haven't sent the Declaration of War envoy to england yet Also, Russia, Germany and Spain will only be able to help defend England with ground forces initially, so will be awhile before then send fleet of ships with troops to invade apolyton. just thought i would mention. another thing, Foreign Advisor is a she.

                            July 20th, 1400

                            TO: Moderator

                            I ask if i could try arrange some major alliance of our own? It may take some work, but I am confident that i can do it where I could get help from the Iroquois, Monguls, possibly the Aztecs and possibly the Zulus. This may require us given out gold and technologies to convince them.
                            Last edited by Mellian; November 8, 2002, 19:31.


                            • #74
                              July 22nd, 1400
                              The Moderator has ordered the Chief of Staff and Commander of National Defense executed (unless you really think this would be unfair please let it happen). He has changed his will to give his sisters joint power if he dies.
                              To teh Foreign ADvisor: send the declaration of war, and also send the proof of English involvement in my mother's murder to the so-called "European Alliance." If you do this you can be my Chief of Staff. If not you will be publically beheaded.
                              TO GEneral Chuko: I want your forces to be my guardian agains further seditious and treasonous acts.
                              To the Military Advisor: I want my army ready by August 10th.


                              • #75
                                CONFIDENTIAL, MODERATOR ONLY!
                                civman I, I must say you must be very careful. I advise you to create a department that protects you at all times, and you must appoint your most trusted friends in this department. Talks have been circulating of your removal, I have old war buddies who have advised me of this. I strongly advise you to keep one eye open when you sleep and be on alert constantly. Treason is unacceptable and must be dealt with. I advise you to clean up all personnel suspected of treason.

                                My men of my battalion back when I was their commander are still very loyal to me. They would follow me into hell and I will follow you. Some could be placed in this new department if you choose to make it sir. Surround yourself with trustworthy men, sir...and loyal men. And always be armed.

                                I also request permission to go with you, sir, if you shall ride into battle I wish to be there also.

