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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • #46
    May 11th 1400

    DIRECTOR OF ASIO (Apolyton Security Intellegience Organisatons)

    The English spies have been carried out. I leave it up to you to decide their fate. In England their has been a notable military build-up an a general feeling amonst the english people that war will be inevitable. However it is yet to be decided which nation will suffer.

    We have sent around 30 spies to america to scout out the land. For security purposes I will not name any, however we have at least one operating in the presidential manison, misnamed the White House.

    American military is more advanced than what we thought. It also is more numerous on the ground. While their navy would be no match to their glorious fleets I serverly doubt that we could mount a successful invasion of the American homeland without support.

    I have received an interesting notion of a possible scenario. We could arange the untimely death of the American president by an assasin working for us. As the assasin is English by birth we could then expose this assasin, publicly executing him, while instigating a war between America and England. This war would probably result in a stalemate, as Engalnd like us cannot successfully invade America, and America cannot invade Engalnd, as their Navy would be quickly destroyed. It would then be us to be able to enter the war on whatever side we wish, Ultimatley securing the future greatness of our nation.
    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • #47
      OOC: I don't think we could capture all of teh spies in jsut a few days...
      May 11th, 1400
      To the Foreign Advisor: TEll England that if they do not let us have an embassy and Magnetism their spies will all be tortured to death and in the process they may confess many important secrets.
      To the Director of the ASIO: Continue searching for spies, i believe that there are still many more throughout the Empire. Also, the spies sent to America are meant to go to England and try to join the English navy.

      I want you to look in more detail into the feasability of assassinating the President. I fear that it would hard to conceal our involvement. OVerall, i do not think it will be necessary, but it is worth looking into.

      TO ALL: War plans are currently set for November. I want our troops to be fighting in the winter, the ENglish tropical summer is very hot.


      • #48
        May 12th
        To Great Moderator and to Military Advisor:
        I will send 15 musket units and 2 knight units to crush this rebellion. Our troops will first encircle the city and make siege. If those traitors don't surrender to our might, knights will first raid the city and burn it with torches.
        Then our musket units will advance in the city by every side. We won't make any prisoners. This should be done in 1 or 2 weeks.
        Requesting your approval.

        To Military Advisor:
        I think sending 70 musket units and 15 knights units would make a powerful forces. First, this month will could send 20 musket units. The knights should be sent in October. England shouldn't think about an offensive until it is too late.


        • #49
          May 23, 1400
          We won't make any prisoners
          I disagree. The leaders of the rebellion should be captured and tortured to death in the Vikomore Marketplace as an example. Otherwise i approve your plan.


          • #50
            24th May, 1400

            Confidential, Eyes only, Head of ASIO

            Well, I'm listening, to your proposal. My troops are 100% behind me.

            Long Live the Moderator
            I am the second place man!


            • #51
              May 24, 1400

              To Commander of National Defense:
              I would like to see us send more Knights and a little less musket men. The Musket men are good at protecting our troops in the field and the cities we take, but we must send more offensive units to the area.
              I would like to send the 70 musket men, but if you can spare 3 more knight units that we would be best. I would also like to send Medieval infantry, at least 6.

              To the Great Moderator civman2000:
              I am most certain we will be able to meet your deadline. I am sure that with proper planing this war will be a quick one were we can crush the English. I also think such a war will make the people forget their problems for at least a while.
              Donate to the American Red Cross.
              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


              • #52
                May 29th 1400

                (I can't figure this time thingy out so I am just leaving a few days between the last post)


                We have successfully infiltrated the English navy. As yet there is no viable information comming. We also have reports that there are yet more english spies unaccounted for in Apolotania. Utmost caution must be used.

                The spies in America have noted the generla anti-English feeling of the populace. perhaps we can use this.

                SECRET TO EVERYONE (Only the director of ASIO knows about this)

                The Apolyton Security Intellegince Service (ASIS), pretty much a secret police is moving into their postions. Many have infiltrated the other ministries to make sure their is sufficent religious and political integrity. Already 3 dissidents in Apolyton City have been captured and secretly executed as their plots have been foiled.
                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                • #53
                  June 16th, 1400
                  The Moderator's mother has been found assassinated 2 miles away from the Apolitonkan Palace. The Moderator has ordered a huge investigation and given a $200,000 reward for any helpful information. He has also declared a national week of mourning and has ordered an investigation of all government officials questioning their possible involvement.


                  • #54
                    June, 18th 1400
                    To Great Moderator: Rebellion has been crushed. Our troops have suffered a few losses. The enemy didn't surrender, we had to burn the houses and sadly, the city has nearly entirely burnt and we couldn't find the corpse of the rebellion leader.

                    We have got a few wounded among the officers and around 300 dead.
                    I have to say Colonel Chuko impressed me with his charge with the knight units (ooc: Zalzabad, if you don't mind, you may have been wounded).

                    To Military Advisor:
                    I will obey sir but we won't be able to counter-attack if the English land on Apolyton. We may also wait to get some of these cannons, I have heard of. Musket men are necessary to keep captured cities and to protect our knights from counter-attacks.


                    • #55
                      June, 18th 1400

                      To Commander of National Defense:
                      If that is the case then we need to build more knights then. We must send a request to get cannons and more knights to the Great Moderator.
                      Donate to the American Red Cross.
                      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                      • #56
                        June 22nd 1400
                        TO Colonel Chuko: Would you like to be promoted?
                        To the Commander of National Defense: Great news!
                        Memo to all: I want help from all departments in the investigation of my mother's death.

                        OOC: Unless someone wants to be responsible for the assassination it was the English.


                        • #57
                          June 22, 1400

                          To the Great Moderator civman2000:
                          I would like to request the training of more Knights and Medieval infantry for our coming war with the English. We will need at least 20 - 30 attack units, and right now we only can send 15 to America and still keep our homeland safe. Please do this as soon as possible, the millitary need more people soon!
                          Donate to the American Red Cross.
                          Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                          • #58
                            June 25th, 1400
                            To the Domestic Advisor: All coastal cities not building absolutely needed improvements should be building ships. Similarly, all inland cities except those desperately needing improvements should build: 20% muketmen, 40% knights, 40% midieval infantry.


                            • #59
                              June 25th, 1400

                              Memo to Great Moderator from apolyton city hospital

                              I wish to thank you, and accept your offer for promotion. I am recovering well, and should be back to active duties next week.

                              I wish to offer my hat to retain my position as commander of the city garrison, and wish for it to be enlarged to further er "protect" the moderator

                              General Chuko, Lord of Zalzabad


                              Top Secret
                              Director of ASIO,

                              I thought you had a plan, and I am willing to help you. By the way thankyou for ridding me of those "English Spies" aka the soldiers unloyal to me. It is humbly appreciated!
                              I am the second place man!


                              • #60
                                John McLeod, the science advisor, sat in his office, brightly lighted by large and strange looking candles. One of his assistants burts into the room. "John!" he shouted out exuberantly, out of breath. "I checked on your experiment! It has cooled now! You have discovered the secrects of metallurgy."

                                "Wonderful!" he yelled. This was great news for John. Mellian civman would be very pleased at his work. He began to fill out a report.

                                To: the Great Moderator
                                From: the Science Advisor

                                We have finally discovered the secrets of metallurgy. I have designed plans for a cannon, a huge gun that fires large balls that can easily take out walls. The plans are enclosed in here. They also can be put on ships and could change naval warfare forever. Immediately alert the Military Advisor, I hope these will be in time for Operation: Swift Thrust.
                                "The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

