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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • #31
    March 22, 1400

    Thank Great Moderator civman2000 for changing your mind. You are turely wise. I will begin the formation the invasion army and go ahead with setting up the bases we will need in America. I would also like to see if the Trade advisor could set up a deal with the Americans were they could help supply our troops with food they will need.
    Donate to the American Red Cross.
    Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


    • #32
      OOC: civman, there is a reason why the english got magnetism quicker then expected, lol that is why having a research treaty can be quite useful Also, i assume that we want a zoom-in map of the English-American coast and borders? will do so for now...
      also, people, can you please take a look at the explored map? may as well give the benefit of the doubt that we know of the Koreans via the Romans, who are bordered with them. also keep in mind of the travel times

      March 25, 1400

      TO: the Moderator and the Military Advisor

      I spoke with the American Ambassador here at Apolyton, and was able to negciate a Military Alliance against the English. In exchange we are to have a Research Treaty with them, allow them access to our Great Library, and we are to cancel our Affiliation treaty with the Iroquois. Now I just need your agreement to these terms. I've tried avoiding the need to cancel our treaty with the Iroquois, but had no success.

      Also, the Americans would help supply our troops, if we agree to their Mutual Alliance terms. They will also wait until we declare war before they do.


      • #33
        5 April, 1400

        From: Domestic Advisor Giovanni Wine
        To: Moderator civman I

        After having visited all our cities personally we can finally report you the feelings from all our cities toward his greatness.

        We report some unhapiness in the cities of:
        Einted in the DanQ province;
        Gowoasan, Sanhopi and Goein in Ming province
        Vikomore and Keikomore in Rah province.

        those are the reports from our governors from the cities:
        Einted: The people in unhappy because the city is growing too fast, and we still have no access to fresh water, we need to build an acqueduct as soon as possible.

        Gowoasan: Most of the people is unhappy, because of the heavy labor they had to do, we need a place where we can relax after all this hard work.

        Sanhopi: The people is unhappy God have forgotten this place, we feel unsafe without his great protection.

        Goeing: The people is unhappy because of the lack of security in the city, since we don't have a courthouse in the city, we need to send the people arrested to the capital, but the trip is long, and often they manage to escape and terrorize our streets once again.

        Vikomore: This city is in chaos, the people here feel they are nothing but slaves in the hand of the moderator. We need to reduce our production speed, or the people may start a revolt.

        Keikomore: The city is growng too big, and there are not enough worshipping places around here.


        May I suggest to build an Acqueduct in Einted, a Colosseum in Gowoasan, a Temple in Sanhopi, a courthouse in Goeing, a Cathedral in Keikomore.

        About the situation in Vikomore we suggest not to use force labor in the city for a few years, and maybe to put some entertainers on the streets of the city.
        This should make them happier and they will feel that hig highness moderator civman I is near them.

        "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
        The trick is the doing something else."
        — Leonardo da Vinci
        "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
        "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


        • #34
          April, 9th 1400
          To Great Moderator: As Commander of National Defense, I have to protect Apolyton sovereignty as my first duty. Sending troops to America will weaken our continent defense. That's why I'm asking to choose which units will be sent.
          This said, if the moderator of Apolyton Empire refuses my proposal, I won't ask for it again.

          I'm requesting the sending of troops to Vikomore to maintain order. These riots against the superior authority of our great moderator, are threatening our control over the state and it's an insult to it.


          • #35
            April 9, 1400

            To the Great Moderator civman2000:
            We must crush the rebels in Vikomore. I will confer with mmtt and make sure that our troops are there and prevent any rebellion in that city.

            To Commander of National Defense, mmtt:
            I do not mind your help in forming the army that will invade England. Your advice would surelly be appericated. I will also need your help in defending the cities we take from the English.
            Donate to the American Red Cross.
            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


            • #36
              April 9th, 1400

              TO: Easthaven

              Minister of External Finances, can you explain to me why we are trading off all of our Saltpeter sources? We only have 2 just to remind you, and we need do use one for ourselves, especially with the coming war with the English.


              • #37
                19 April, 1400

                As the Domestic Advisor I must reply to the request of sending an army against the citizens of Vikomore.
                Crushing the revolt will not accomplish anything, and instead might start revolts in other cities, as they would see the government as against them.

                Instead we propose to our enlighted moderatoe civman I, that the best idea would be simply to partially give them what they want.

                This will make not only that city, but all our cities and population happier.

                We need the support of our people if we need to go to war against the English.

                "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                The trick is the doing something else."
                — Leonardo da Vinci
                "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                • #38
                  21 April 1400

                  (Well, at least i think so, i can never work out that equasion of yours!)

                  Your Highness, Great Moderator,

                  I, as commander of the Garrison of Apolyton City must warn you of impending danger. The troops in the capital are demoralized, restless, and grouchy. The reasons behind this is low pay, favitorism with the Navy over the Army, and Rumors that they might have to crush a rebellion. I have already beheaded five junior officers for talking sedition. Sir, the situation is serious, and if not resolved, the nation may fall into civil war.

                  Yours faithfuly, Colonel Chuko, Lord of Zalzabad
                  I am the second place man!


                  • #39
                    TO Melian, my bad. I thought it was two surplus saltpeters. Ok well replace one saltpeter with one iron. Problem solved. Again my mistake, my assumption was wrong.


                    • #40
                      April 19, 1400

                      To the Ministry of Intellegience and Espionage:
                      I would like to find out were the Egyptians strategic resouces are. When we go to war with them we must take them quickly to prevent them from build more units to repel us. I need this information as soon as possible as it is vitial to our secuss in the coming war with England.
                      Donate to the American Red Cross.
                      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                      • #41
                        April 26th, 1400
                        The Moderator has returned to the Apolitonkan Palace from a three-week hunting trip (excuse for my not posting ).
                        Orders to the Foreign Advisor: SIgn the ageement, but try to send a few gifts to keep the iroqs from allying with teh British. Also, tell teh Americans about this reason so they don't get suspicious. In addition, I want ot see if we can work on joint research projects (metallurgy) with America and possibly other nations that might be interested (arabs?)
                        Orders to teh Commander of National Defense: FIrst, I order you to send troops from the Provincial GUard at Trikomore to crush the rebels in Vikomore. Second, I will allow you to decide which troops get sent ot America.
                        Orders to the Domestic Advisor: Do not build an aqueduct in Einted. If it's having trouble from population growth, an aqueduct would only encourage more growth. Colosseum construction in Gowoasan, courthouse construction in Goeing, and Temple construction in Sanhopi are authorized. In Keikomore just give some subsidies to entertainers.
                        To Colonel Chuko: Increase rations. Make it clear that the Moderator, in all of his wonderfulness, would not send them off to crush a rebellion and that they should respect him.
                        TO the Minister of teh Arts and Sciences/Domestic Advisor: (OOC: i assumer we have a national religion) I want you to have the High Priest issue statements encouraging a decrease in population growth. I want the religion to clearly oppose having more than 5 children and frown on having more than 3.

                        OOC: I know i'm making some dumb decisions. But hey, it;s role playing !


                        • #42
                          April 29th 1400 (or there abouts)

                          Very well, O great lord. your orders have stopped talk of sedition... for now. I beleve that without serious reforms, the army may mutiny within the year. There is talk of somthing called the Republic and a desire for the troops to live in such a place. I am against it, and beleve that it is the work of English spies. I shall send a memo to the Intellegence Minister, warning him of this plot


                          Memo to ASIO HQ

                          I beleve that there is an English spy ring in the capital, spreading treasonous infomation, damaging the moralle of my troops. I, as commander of Garrison of our capital ask you to flush out those English dogs immediatly, and have them executed, diplomatic immunity of not!

                          Colonel Chuko, Lord of Zalzabad
                          I am the second place man!


                          • #43
                            April 26th 1400

                            occ: Can somone explain this date thingy.

                            The ministry of Intellegience and Espionage. For the Moderator's eyes only.

                            The English have spies scuting our cities throughout Apolyton as we do theirs. We have captured a few and have a list of more. My suggestion is we capture the rest soon and in quick succession to stop this threat to national security.

                            Our espionage attempts against england has shown that other than their superior Naval technology (Magellans and Man-O-wars make a pretty dangerous combination) their armed forces are severly lacking. Their capital, Brighton, is the only city that has more than two regiments protecting it, and over half of the english cities have only one. perhaps we could get their neighbours to invade, and we could possibly pick upone or two costal bases. This would allow futher expansion on the coninent

                            (Secret) Colonel of the Apolyton City regiments, and the Minister for national defense: I have a proposal for you for some changes, If you are intrested I will tell you more, but I must say that this is very dangerous and if we fail will cost us our lives........
                            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                            • #44
                              OOC: SHeep, you post was on May 9th. See the Grreat Library for the formula/clarification.
                              May 10th, 1400
                              To the Domestic Advisor: I want you to start a propoganda program against the English.
                              To the Military Advisor: I want most of our troops in place in America by August.
                              To the Direstor of Intelligence and Espionage: As I told you to do before, send over a few ships full of spies to America, and have them join the English navy. I also want you to investigate whether the spies in Chuko's garrison might be American or Greek rather than English.
                              TO COlonel CHuko: I have heard of this "Republic". It is a government that the English advertise but do not practice, in which teh ignorant peasants make all of the government decisions.AS you may know, America has a form of it, and their government would not have survived without our support. Greece is also a REpublic.


                              • #45
                                10 May, 1400

                                To Moderator civman I:
                                Your wish shall be mine as well.
                                The production of the cities of Gowoasan, Sanhopi and Goeing had been switched to Colosseum, Courthouse and Temple.
                                Entertainers in the city of Keikomore now receive an higher wage, making them more efficient, and the unhapiness in the city had been drastically lowered.

                                The city of Vikomore is now in revolt, there is nothing much I can do, therefore I leave full power to the minister of national defense in the issue.

                                In Einted unhappyness countinues and the people is thirsty. The population there is decreasing fast, as people is dying for the lack of water.

                                We expect the pop there to decrese from 6 to 5 in a couple of months.


                                In all our temples the "holy men" are teaching the people how wonderfull it is to live with only 1 or maximum 2 children... and that God is not happy when a family have more than 3, and that once a family reach 5 children... the parents will be condemned to a life of unhappiness and suffer for all the eternity

                                "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                                The trick is the doing something else."
                                — Leonardo da Vinci
                                "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                                "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio

