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The Apolyton Empire: Game

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  • The Apolyton Empire: Game

    (OOC: just creating the thread, and won't post anything as part of the game just yet. the game starts in on January 1st, 1400CE. also note we have an Alliance with the Americans, Affiliates with the Iroquois and at peace the English, whom we have dislike relations for each other mainly because we help the Americans to declare independence from them a while back, we are also Naval rivals.)
    Last edited by Mellian; November 12, 2002, 11:58.

  • #2
    occ: Just a quick note that all neses will be moved to a new forum in the near future. Links will be supplied when this occurs
    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


    • #3
      Date: Jan 1400
      To Civman2000, Moderator of the great Apolyton Empire:
      I have been going over the state of our armed forces. Our defenses seem to be in order, but we all know the danger that the English are to us. I propose expanding the navy and train our ground troops so that we will be able to send them into combat in England. I would also like to see our ground armies expanded as well. I would also like to see if the Americans would be open to letting us place troops in their land near the English border. This would allow us to be able to strike at the English when needed.
      Donate to the American Red Cross.
      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


      • #4
        Weaseling out of things is what separates us from the animals....except the weasel -Homer
        Who's up for some scroungin'? -Homer


        • #5
          January 1st, 1400

          Mellian enters the Palace's Council room to find it empty, other then the maids cleaning the table up a bit. Again, she is the first to arrive, oh well, more time to prepare her Foreign Affairs report and suggestions.


          • #6
            January 11, 1400

            Supreme Moderator civman I has arrived at the Apolitonkan Palace. He has received the message from the Commander of the Military, and forwarded it to teh Domestic Advisor, who is to build up the miltary in cities of his choosing.

            The Moderator has also proposed to the Domestic Advisor a division of our island into provinces:
            Kanimen Province: Apolyton (Capital), Vikan, Chotrikan, Koahop, Vegeimen City, Edirdwein, Edgopwein, Komoedgo.
            Edirdal Province: Edird City (Capital), Edkoro, Einted, Einkomore, Wedal, Fewoedal, Arhei, Edhop.
            Woahop Province: Koakoho, Sanhopi, Gowoasanwein, Gowoasan, Kowoahopi, Woawein (Capital), Koawoa, Woakomore, Goein.
            Komoed Province: Vikomore, Hanmontrei, Womore, Lahopi, Trikomore (Capital), Keikomore, Komoedird.


            Appointments of Apolyton's First Moderator civman I (i dont like being immortal, i prefer being a dynasty):
            Vice-Moderator: jdd2007
            Foreign Minister: Mellian
            ...Minister of External Finances (ie Trade): Easthaven I
            ...Director of Intelligenced Espionage: Sheep
            Domestic Advisor: Giovanni Wine
            ...Minister of the Arts and Sciences (ie Culture and Science): johncmcleod
            ...Minister of Internal Finances: Metaliturtle
            ......Assistant Minister of Internal Finances: gooberboob
            Military Advisor: Jack_www
            ...Commander of the Navy and Overseas Exploration: cbraund
            ...Commander of National Defense: mmtt
            ......Colonel of the Kanimen Province: Lord Zalzabad
            Last edited by civman2000; November 3, 2002, 09:32.


            • #7
              OOC: Method for finding date:
              30*(GMT-6)/24. If GMT<6:00, then it will still be the month before.

              Examples: 3:30 GMT-->the 27th of the monthe before
              15:45 GMT-->the 12th
              23:00 GMT-->the 21st


              • #8
                January 12, 1400
                (correct me if the date is wrong cause I'm really confused)

                Having read the letter sent by his greatness civman I, the trusty Domestic Advisor, Giovanni Wine reply that he likes the city names and agree to the division of the Apolyton Empire into 4 provinces...

                However I would like to propose as Province names the names of our great leaders.

                This is our proposal

                MarkG Province: Apolyton (Capital), Vikan, Chotrikan, Koahop, Vegeimen City, Edirdwein, Edgopwein, Komoedgo.
                DanQ Province: Edird City (Capital), Edkoro, Einted, Einkomore, Wedal, Fewoedal, Arhei, Edhop.
                Ming Province: Koakoho, Sanhopi, Gowoasanwein, Gowoasan, Kowoahopi, Woawein (Capital), Koawoa, Woakomore, Goein.
                Rah Province: Vikomore, Hanmontrei, Womore, Lahopi, Trikomore (Capital), Keikomore, Komoedird.

                I hope you like those proposal (and I hope the people up there won't ban me)


                EDIT: Date corrected, and civman spelling corrected
                Last edited by Giovanni Wine; November 2, 2002, 15:00.
                "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                The trick is the doing something else."
                — Leonardo da Vinci
                "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                • #9
                  OOC: The date of Giovanni's message is January 12, not February 12.
                  January 16, 1400
                  Memo sent to all: My name is not "Civman". It is "civman". Anyone who gets it wrong again will be beheaded .
                  Proposal from the Domestic Advisor accepted. May we continue to honor the past Moderators and all worship teh current one as well


                  • #10
                    January 17, 1400

                    I, Giovanni Wine, as the Domestic Advisor, formally apologize to the great and wise moderator civman I for my mistakes, I will be wiser in the furute on the chioce of my words.

                    I will punish myself for it

                    And I will worship your highness every moment of my life

                    "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                    The trick is the doing something else."
                    — Leonardo da Vinci
                    "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                    "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                    • #11
                      OOC: I don't get the dating formula, so basing it from Giovanni...2 hours later, so 2 days later....

                      January 26, 1400

                      TO: Moderator civman
                      FROM: Foreign Minister Mellian

                      The Americans are informing us that the English recently completed their research on Magnetism, 3 years ahead then expected. It is confirmed by the Ottomans and Egyptians who happen to have Embassies at London.

                      I don't have any information on how the English acquired the technology so quickly. It was suggested by Sheep that we should Infiltrate their empire. I agree, it doesn't help that we don't have much information on what they are doing. Also not to comfortable to always depend on the Americans (who, naturally, have Infiltrated the English) to tell us what the Brits are doing.

                      In another matter entirally, Easthaven reports that the Gems-Ivory deal with the Ottomans is up and they are not interested in renewing the deal. They didn't explain why they wouldn't. (Domestic Advisor as been informed of this)
                      Last edited by Mellian; November 4, 2002, 12:52.


                      • #12
                        Then I will take the great post of Commander of National defense. I pledge allegiance to the great and illustrous moderator civman2000.

                        Well I would say i'm posting the 6th of february. But I have doubts on it.
                        I'm not sure about joining in this thread but Sheep told me to do so...
                        I will immediatly proceed to the training of our mighty land forces as the Military advisor stated.

                        If my rank is too low, may I be some young general?


                        • #13
                          OOC: I just realized that the formula should be modified a bit: you should always round up your final result. Also, if you want to be more accurate, you can use however many days there are in the current month, but then it gets a bit morecomplicated.

                          OOC: I don't get the dating formula, so basing it from Giovanni...2 hours later, so 2 days later....

                          January 19, 1400
                          This was the 26th.

                          Well I would say i'm posting the 6th of february. But I have doubts on it.
                          Congratualations,you got it right!

                          February 9th, 1400
                          To the Foreign Ministry and Ministry of External Finances: WHo else has Ivory or oterh resources to trade? Could we be able to make frinds with Russia or GErmany? Make contact with them, and also Egypt, Babylon, adn that pink country next to them (you never named it in teh Great Library!). See if anyone has physics and would be willing to trade. Also, I want an embassy built in England with whatever funds we have available. After that, find out who is trading with England!

                          To mmtt: you are welcomed as the new Commander of National Defense.

                          TO the Commander of the Navy and Overseas Exploration (he seems to have disappeared so the Military advisor can answer as well): England's ports are few. Would a blockade be feasible? Meanwhile, bring most of the ships into port to prepare to upgrade.

                          TO the DOmestic ADvisor: 60% of the coastal cities should be building Corvettes, and 30% should be making Caravels.

                          OOC: Who has what wonders? WHich ones have yet to be built?


                          • #14
                            February 11, 1400

                            To civman2000, the Great Moderator:
                            I want to set up three bases for our forces in America. I want to lave a lave enough force( about 40 to 60 units) there to invade England at any time. I would also like to see our training of our men improve. What I want to do is to have wargames with the troops so they can train wil the real weapons and be in the feild and see how it really is with out getting hurt. Of course it would be hard to keep track of who wins, but the improtant thing is we get to see how our troops preform and were they need to improve.
                            Last edited by Jack_www; November 3, 2002, 20:14.
                            Donate to the American Red Cross.
                            Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                            • #15
                              Date correction: The above post was on February 11th, not 15th.
                              February 11th, 1400
                              TO teh Military ADvisor: Request denied. We need to establish naval supremacy first. Anyways, America might start to not like us if we do that.

                              To all: I want a naval war with England. What are your opinions on this? Should we build up a privateer force or actually declare war?

                              Memo to all: If people continue tomess up the date by the time we get to 1401, there may be some consequences .

                              Once again, the formula: 30*(GMT-6)/24. If the result is negative, add 30 and it's the month before. To be more accurate you can replace 30 by however many days there are in teh current month, but that is not required.

