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The Apolyton Empire: Great Library

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  • #31
    Military structure

    1 ground unit equals a Regiment

    1 naval unit equals a squadron of 8-12 ships

    (please be consistant)


    • #32
      Position: Foreign Advisor
      Age: unknown, yet looks young
      Residence: Apolyton
      Marital Status: Single, yet not available to certaint people

      Mellian as been the Foreign Advisor for who knows how long, yet she doesn't age and no one seem to notice or care, taking it for granted that she is there and that she is the Foreign Advisor. She as a good reputation in the diplomatic community, being probably one of the few to know about what is going on in this world.

      She as served for many past moderators, making her quite trustworthy. Has a lot of political, diplomatical and ideological ambitions, yet not the kind seeking power for herself. It rumoured and theorize by many foreign ambassadors in the dipomatic community to have the real power within Apolyton, that without her APolyton wouldn't have quite great Diplomatic Influence.

      In a way, it is true. Currently, she as her own ring of informants and spies as she doesn't trust and have enough confidence on the Apolyton Intelligence and Espionage. She also happens to have many connections outside of Apolyton, especially with the Americans, whom she use their spies a lot within Apolyton and outside, has they have one of the best Intel service in the world...hence why she happens to know more things then Intel SHe personally as quite an friendship with America, Iroquois, French and Greece, and support Republic ideals.

      In the last few decades after America proving themselves to be quite a power, and that Republic government aren't push-overs, she started to secretly support the republic movement within Apolyton with the help from America, Greece and recently France (had their revolution in the last decade or so to republic gov). Another reason why she happens to have her own espionage connections.

      So, whenever she finds a prefered cirumstances, she will spark a revolution. So until then, she is careful and cautious with the other Advisors and military commanders without effecting her abilities to do her work. She tehnicly the "Good-Guy" type of person, so she is against assassinations and other atrocities. She supports Human Rights...but don't think she is a weakling or won't be able to defend herself



      • #33
        Update on Giovanni Del Vino AKA Giovanni Wine

        After the assasination of the moderator's mother, and his promotion to Chief of Staff.
        Giovanni Wine is now looking at the moderator into another light.

        Now he sees him like a normal average human, and he thinks that after the death of his mother, the moderator doesn't have enought cold blood to rational think of the consequences of his act.

        He is now using his power to counter the moderator decisions, according to his personal beliefs and personal culture.

        His main strenghts are: his great power, and because of his wisdom and culture he also has a lot of respect from his subordinates.

        His main weakness: He is too old (56 years old in the 1400 wa really a lot).
        "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
        The trick is the doing something else."
        — Leonardo da Vinci
        "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
        "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


        • #34
          Update of Lord Chuko of Zalzabad

          Rank Colonel General
          Position Commander of Moderators Guard
          Ultimate goal Rid the moderator, and rule the nation himself under the Iron hand of Desportism

          Talents Spreading disunity and chaos throughout the empire

          Faults Suffers from depression due from the murders of his parents

          Cousin, Draka Chuko, 28, merchant, currently living in China
          Son, Lev Chuko, 10, currently studing the Art of War at the Great Library
          Uncle, Minos Chuko, 48, merchant, lives in china, knows "the secret" that could destroy Apolyton

          PS, these are the people that will replace me if my charicter dies somehow
          I am the second place man!


          • #35
            Shouldn't this be moved to wherever the other NES's went too?
            Here is an interesting scenario to check out. The Vietnam war is cool.


            • #36
              Name: General Jack_www
              Position: Commander of the Millitary
              Residence: Apolyton
              Age: 42

              Jack_www has been life long friends with the royal family. He is very loyal to the Moderator civman2000, and trys to watch out for him. Before becoming Comander of the Millitary, he was a general of the second army were he proved himself many times in battle. He has very keen sense when commanding his troops, and has even study the tatics of other armies to improve his own. Although he has a disslike of the navy, and thus does not really get involve in the running of the navy. He has put togather a staff of officers that he can trust and that have know him a long time. He has learned in his life that he must never trust anyone, as he was witnesses two attempts to remove the fromer Commander of the Millitary. He gain his current possition after the form Commander was killed in his sleep by an unknow person, which he thinks was the doing of Liam Sheep.
              Donate to the American Red Cross.
              Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


              • #37

                Easthaven Beleriand I
                Rank: Reinstituted into the military in command of his infamous Wolf Battalion, the 1st special operations unit devised and created by him, given the rank of Lieutenant-General.

                Wolf Battalion: An effective combat unit created by Colonel Easthaven I. Known for their extreme die-hard loyalty to Easthaven and the Moderator. Many unit citations awarded to the Battalion as well as individual medals. Past enemies called them the wolves because of their loyalty to the pack as well as their fierceness, they took no prisoners(did not care about any foreigners' lives, their only concern was for Apolytonians). Known to be very dangerous and able to inflict large amounts of casualties on the enemy when they were cornered.

                GOAL: He feels its his duty to protect and keep in power the Moderator of Apolyton. Once he is certain the Moderator's rule is ensured and safe, he wishes to go back into his lovely cabin in the Komore forest where he will live the rest of his life in isolation. (Of course he will come out routinely to check on the safety of the Moderator).


                • #38
                  Name: Giovanni Del Vino AKA Giovanni Wine
                  Status: dead

                  One Widow: Valentina Wine, 52 years old
                  Son: Giovanni Vodka, 26 years old
                  Son: Giovanni Cognac, 24 years old

                  They all are living in Athens, Greece right now.
                  The older son is studing Art and Science in the Athen University, while the younger son is a master with the musket, they both stated that one day they'll go back on Apolyton, and revenge the death of their father.

                  "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                  The trick is the doing something else."
                  — Leonardo da Vinci
                  "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                  "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                  • #39
                    English-AMerican Coast map

                    Click Here



                    • #40
                      Name: General Jack_www
                      Position: Commander of the Millitary
                      Residence: Apolyton
                      Age: 42

                      He is single and has never been married, the reason he feels that family would only get in the way of his work and him eniemies might use his family as a way to get to him, so he decided to remain single. He is just learning of the plot of General Chuko and will stop at nothing now to stop him. He can see that a civil war is looming in the distance and is trying as hard as he can to prevent such a war.
                      Donate to the American Red Cross.
                      Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                      • #41
                        FINAL UPDATE:

                        ex-Moderator civman I
                        Positions Held: Moderator, 8 months. Crown Prince, 24 years.
                        Born: January 18, 1376.
                        Died: August 19, 1400.
                        Overview/Personality: Inconsistent. He liked making decisions with the help of his advisors, but he also enjoyed showing who's boss. He lived a life of luxury but the focus of his life was ruling Apolyton with an iron fist.
                        Family: 2 older sisters are alive. Had a younger brother who died. Single. Ex-Chief of Staff Apolenhei was his 30-year-old cousin who was his mentor growing up, and a very close friend. His father was the late Moderator Kivinonka IV. He is the 9th Moderator of the Apoheiwomid Dynasty. All of the previous Apoheiwomid Moderators have died natural deaths, so civman was somewhat lax in security against assassination, vaguely believing that he was in the Gods' favor and they will protect him.

                        Cause of Death: He went mildly insane when informed that the English were responsible for his mother's death. After a growing plot against him gained strength when he supported a suicidal attack on England, he lost faith in all of his advisors. He hijacked a Corvette and died in combat with an English merchant vessel.


                        • #42
                          Co-Moderators Flakhei I and Manvolewa I
                          Positions Held: Co-moderator, a few days. Princess, 27 (Flakhei) and 33 (Manvolewa) years.
                          Family: Daughters of Moderator Kivinonka IV, sisters of the late Moderator civman I. 10th and 11th Moderators of the Apoheiwomid Dynasty. BOth are single, but Flakhei is secretly engaged to Corporal Maikor Faraawu, an English spy.

                          Strengths: Intelligent. Well-liked throughout the Empire.
                          Weaknesses: Little governing experience. Will be heavily dependent on advisors.
                          Ambitions: Flakhei wants to improve international relations and make Apolyton a commercial superpower. Manvolewa wants to ally with England and the Iroquois and conquer America. She also sympathizes with the slowly growing Republican movement.


                          • #43

                            Giovanni Vodka:
                            Position held: exile in Athens, Greece
                            Age: 26
                            Married: No but he has a crush on Mellian

                            Overview: Like his father he has a very rich culture, but he is not as wise as him, but still, he is pretty smart.
                            He thinks that Repubblic is the only way for a nation to survive and grow strong.

                            Ambitions: setting up a Repubblic in Apolyton, get an high position in the gov't, getting married and having a lot of children.

                            Strenght: Very Smart, intelligent and rational thinking
                            Weakness: He does not know how to use a weapon, and after the death of his father he do not trust anybody but his brother.


                            Giovanni Cognac:
                            Position held: exile in Athens, Greece
                            Age: 24
                            Married: yes, with a young Greek girl.

                            Overview: Unike his brother, he never managed to go to university, and didn't like to study. he prefered to play "war-games" with his friends, and became a very skilled musketman and weapon expert.

                            Strenght: Very good in managing weapons.
                            Weakness: complete lack of strategy, and completely dependant on his brother.

                            Ambitions: He would like to enter the Apolyton army, kill many enemies and enter history as "apolyton greatest hero"

                            "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                            The trick is the doing something else."
                            — Leonardo da Vinci
                            "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                            "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                            • #44

                              Mark Thunderfire
                              Position held: Ex-Commander of National Defense, Ex-General of Apolyton Army, Without any professions
                              Age: 34
                              Married: No and don't want to think about it right now

                              Last events shocked him. He gave himself a quest, stop Civil War at any cost and push back the Englishmen. He is trying to regroup his army and march toward Apolyton City giving allegiance to General Jack on the way.

                              Plus: Loyal to Apolyton, decided to achieve his goal and his military skills
                              Minus: Chased, tired, treated like an outlaw.


                              • #45

                                Easthaven Beleriand I

                                Rank: Lieutenant General
                                Position: Commander of Wolf Battalion, New head of Royal Security, former Minister of External Finances.
                                Age: 29
                                Marital Status: Widowed

                                Main goal is to stop civil war and defeat all rebel forces. Ensure safety of Apolyton and Moderators.

                                Good Traits: Die-hard loyalty to the well-being of Apolyton. Is also loyal to Moderators. Fantastic commanding officer, perfect at raising morale by his mere presence. Is known for his ability to instill pride and inspiration in his men, when men come under his command they feel proud and are loyal. He leads from the front and fights side by side with his men.

                                Is not ambitious, only wants what is good for the nation. Fearless because of his death wish, wishes he could be with his dead family but is obligated to do his duty.

                                Does not know of Thunderfire's intentions, is he a rebel? or patriot? Will he return fighting? or exile himself and run?

