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  • #31
    Australia will uphold the Gain Act. Space nations have no business attacking Earth nations. Also ILE has little evidence to justify an attack.

    At the present moment Australia is in no position to sell it's food. Thousands are still starving in our once great cities.

    We will sign a NAP with you, this NAP is good unless you attack us or Italy directly.

    United Republic of Australia and New Zealand
    Capitals: Auckland(Earth), New Sydney(Phobos), Crowntown(Venus)
    Forigien Territories: Australian Phobos, Australian Venus
    Population: 80 milion (33M Australia, 7M N.Z., 19M Venus, 21.5M Phobos)
    Nuclear Winter Sick: 8 million
    Suffering Famine: 2.3 million

    Army: Medium
    Navy: Small
    Airforce: Small
    Space Navy: Medium
    Nukes: We have a few...
    Interplanetary Nukes: none


    • #32
      Originally posted by Cinna
      Australia will uphold the Gain Act. Space nations have no business attacking Earth nations. Also ILE has little evidence to justify an attack.
      No we do not, i agree and i never intended to imply that an attack was iminent.

      But we sleep with our eyes are open......

      Interstellar Lunar Empire (United Lunar States)
      Capitals: New Washington (Luna) Pionneer (A.Centauri)
      Foriegn Territories: Mercury, A. Centauri, Outreach I, Outreach II, Achilles Station, Artificial Centauri.
      Population: 300 million (100 mil. Merc, 150 mil A. Centauri, 50 mil Luna)
      Nuclear Winter Sick: none
      Suffering Famine: none

      Army: Medium
      Navy: Small
      Airforce: Medium
      Space Navy: Imperial
      Nukes: no conventional nuclear weapons
      Interplanetary Nukes: Many, on numerous hidden stations throughout 2 Solar Systems.

      President Martius looked over the crowd huddled in the immense dome of New Washington and smiled. They had chosen him to lead their nation. He could now, by a mere whim, decide that the universe should now erupt into a nuclear war the likes of which not even the NAF or Incas had seen before. Such power was amazing, but the restrain he had to master to gain it was even more so, though few would appreciate it. War, grand as it may seem, hurt all and left few to tell the tale, especially nuclear war.
      He was here to reward his people. The once pitiful nation hadgrown to a great Empire and he had to maintain that.
      "My people, i hereby renew the charter, after a three year coma, of the Colonization and Exploration guild."
      The people cheered it would be hard for any member of the Lunar Empire not to be ecstatic. The Guild had sent the first humans to the Centauri system. Where whould they go next....

      The Lunar people agree that the Persian Empire is maybe unfit for it's job as a nation, however i would like to be sure that the Arab peoples maintain all of their land as their system of government is changed.
      Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


      • #33
        Also the ULS is still ready to give food to any impovershed nations, we have meats from Centauri and plants from mercury and find that those provide far more than we could consume.
        Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


        • #34
          OOC, mainly to mmtt:

          I'm pretty sure that after the Genecom rebellion, we exiled the remaining Genecoms to the NAF. Perhaps there are a few in hiding, but we exiled almost all of them.

          And yes, I know that the 'nuclear weapons' sentence is from Civ. I don't think it's misappropriated. After all, both of us do have nuclear weapons.

          OOC, to everyone: Do you think we should PM Captain, and see if he will come back as the NAF? I'd like that, but I haven't seen him on Apolyton for a while.


          • #35

            To NUSSR: We will sign a NAP, but we will still be guarding our borders well, for the time being.

            To ILS/ULE: Please, for humanity's well-being, do not start another war.

            About Mars: We will remain neutral in the conflict, but we are stepping up our defenses. A warning: Should one party attack us, we will ally with their enemies.


            • #36
              Would like to know if you will include some commies in this "Anti-Wasanti"? Or in any other party?
              Very few. THe anti-Wasanti socialists are 95% Democratic Socialists.

              Wasanti strongly denies the allegations made by the opposition. SHe points out that most of her own family as well as many close friends of hers were killed int eh attacks, and says it is "absurd" to suggest that anyone in the governmnet was involved


              • #37
                Red Army Deployment:
                -25% on border in Western Europe (Germany and Italian Empire)
                -70% near the Persia border
                -5% in garrison mainly in Asia

                The Red Army Persia Front starts active training for a possible offensive in Persia Empire.
                Landing crafts and choppers are being built and sent to the front. Russian spy planes are being seen above Persia. NUSSR ask for Russian nationals to immediately leave Persia. Russian officials are saying that these preparative should only be seen as preventive measures to preserve NUSSR soils.

                To Italian Empire:
                If a preemptive attack on Persia Empire would be needed, the Red Army would like to work in coordination with their Italian colleagues. An amphibious attack on Istanbul, while your main forces would crush Persian Armies in Balkans and Greece, may take place. Without retreat by land, we would slaughter them.

                Secret for Italian Emperor and only for his eyes:

                After this possible strike, we may split the Persia Empire between us. You might want to raise once again the once-mighty Roman Empire around Mediterranean Sea. The Liberation of Greece would be only your glorious act. We will immediately recognize Italian influence in Greece. NUSSR would occupy Iraq, Iran and Kuwait mainly
                This could be a secret clause for a military alliance.

                To All United Nations members:
                We are requesting IPF in Persia. The dictatorship and militarist politics of the Persian Government must be stopped. An embargo must also be setup to force the Persian Government to accept a peace treaty. If nothing can be done to reason Baghdad a Coalition would then have to occupy Persia.

                NUSSR Stats:
                -Building of a mobile invasion forces: 1 year
                -Starting secret research on Genecom: 4 years
                -"Five-year" Plan: 4 years

                Collectivism done: All resources produced by NUSSR are equally given to NUSSR inhabitants. Farmers should keep a part of their production for their own needs.

                Resizing Army to Large: Done

                Territory: Russia, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe countries.
                Capital: Moscow
                Population: 197 million (mainly in Western Russia)
                Nuclear Winter Sick: 12 million
                Suffering Famine: 21 million

                Army Size
                Large Army
                Medium Navy
                Medium Air force
                No Space Navy
                Few nukes (around 50)
                Interplanetary Nukes: none

                PNB: 20 trillion NAF dollars (slowly increasing)

                Out of NUSSR, adressed to ILE:
                Some former politics of Russia would like to setup an exiled Russia Democratic Government in ILE. Also the former Space Navy would join in if this proposal is accepted.

                SKILORD: Though if you let the politics starting up a new government, NUSSR will immediately remove her ambassador and stop any dealings or diplomatic affairs with your Empire.


                • #38

                  To NUSSR: Unfortunatly, like our Australian friends, we are not in the position to sell you any food right now, as our people especially in the areas of Switzerland and Florence are starving (remember Biological Warfare attacks).
                  We will, however, agree in selling you some of our Leonardicum production.
                  Our garrison in the Italian-Russian border hd been lighten up a little bit.
                  OOC: Yes the Gaian Act is still in power

                  To All: How come nobody offered me anything for the Galileianus formula?

                  To ULS/ILE: Please, for the sake of all earthling nations, do not start another war, or this time there won't be any earth left for us to live in.

                  Because of the recents International tension, Italy suspended the Denuclearization of themilitary projects, therefore keeping 50 of them in the arsenal.
                  Italy wish to tell that these nuclear devices are only to be considered as a deterrent, and none of them will be launched, unless somebody else nuke Italy, or any of her allies.

                  Part of the Italian Army and Navy is moving towards the Greek border and the Eastern Mediterraneum.

                  About Persian Conflict

                  To NUSSR: We do recognize the need of an immediate change in government in the Persian Empire.
                  Italy will fully support any NUSSR actions taken against such a regime, and we will help the Russian "war of liberation" with any military action that we think is in our right to undertake.

                  To NUSSR, very extremely secret:
                  We agree with you, if a military campaign will be start against Persia, Italy will recognize Soviet influence over Iran, Iraq and Kuwait. While Italy will extend her influence in Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel/Palestine and Syria, therefore leaving the Persian Empire with all the Arab peninsula.

                  To UN: Italy votes yes at the constitution of an IPF in Persia, and think that it will be better if NUSSR and Italy will keep control over a few zone, in order to maintain peace in the area, and keep a closer eye at the Persian government.

                  Italian stats and projects
                  Italian Stats and Projects
                  Denuclearization of military: Stopped
                  Colonization of Uranum and Neptun: 6 years
                  Army to Large: 3 years
                  Navy to Medium: 2 years

                  Name: New Italian Empire
                  Territories: Italian Europe, Italian Phobos, Italian Venus, Galapagos Italian Military Base.
                  Claimed: Uranum and Neptun
                  Capitals: Roma (Europe), Nova Firenze (Phobos), Nova Torino (NorthWestern-Venus).
                  Chief-Colonies: Nova Belgrade (Uranum), Nova Bucarest (Neptun)
                  Population: 255 milion (140 Europe, 89 Venus, 10 Phobos, 8 As Pioneer in Uranum, 8 As Pioneer in Neptun)
                  Nuclear Winter Sick: 23 milion
                  Suffering Famine: 3 milion

                  Army: Medium (Large: 3 turns)
                  Navy: Small (Medium: 2 turns)
                  Airforce: Small
                  Space Navy: Large
                  Nukes: 50 (all located in Europe)
                  Interplanetary Nukes: none

                  "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                  The trick is the doing something else."
                  — Leonardo da Vinci
                  "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                  "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                  • #39
                    To Italian Empire:
                    The Politburo and I are extremely satisfied with our recent diplomatic dealings.
                    We shall also buy soon enough the Galileanus formula but unfortunately, due to tension with Persia, this has been regretfully delayed. Perhaps after a solution to Persia threat has been found, we shall come up to an agreement.

                    Deeply and sincerely from Moscow.

                    To Italia Emperor, top secret:
                    Our alliance has been signed and Red Army will be ready to advance in Persia by next year. Given that you are preparing for a remilitarization of your country, we will await your readiness state to launch our offensive.
                    We may also tell Australia about this? I know they are your long-time allies, but wouldn't they be quite upset about our invasion project, would they? I'm ready to accept Australia influence on Persia Indian Ocean possessions and maybe a part of the Arabic peninsula. I'm fully aware that Australia will enjoy the perspective of an important income in petrol and quite a nice position in the Ocean.

                    I and my colleagues eagerly await your reply to all this.


                    • #40
                      To NUSSR: Italy is also very happy about the recent agreements between our two countries.
                      We will start sending the Leonardicum supplies anytime soon.

                      To NUSSR (Secret): Italy will soon start a massive upgrade of the Airforce as well, we should be ready in about 3 turns. We were thinking about the Australian inclusion in all this too, but we would have not known how this could have changed our deal. Now we know there won't be any problems.

                      To Australia (top secret): My Australian friends, I think it is in your interest to know that Italian and Soviet diplomats had recently signed a military cooperation pact, in case of a war against the Persian Empire.
                      As you are our long time and dearest ally, We would like, together with NUSSR, to include you too in the pact.

                      A massive upgrade of the Italian military is currently going on.

                      Italian officials stated that this will probably be done inthe next three years.

                      Italian Stats and Projects
                      Denuclearization of military: Stopped
                      Colonization of Uranum and Neptun: 6 years
                      Army to Large: 3 years
                      Navy to Medium: 2 years
                      Airforce to Medium: 3 years

                      Name: New Italian Empire
                      Territories: Italian Europe, Italian Phobos, Italian Venus, Galapagos Italian Military Base.
                      Claimed: Uranum and Neptun
                      Capitals: Roma (Europe), Nova Firenze (Phobos), Nova Torino (Venus).
                      Chief-Colonies: Nova Belgrade (Uranum), Nova Bucarest (Neptun)
                      Population: 255 milion (140 Europe, 89 Venus, 10 Phobos, 8 As Pioneer in Uranum, 8 As Pioneer in Neptun)
                      Nuclear Winter Sick: 23 milion
                      Suffering Famine: 3 milion

                      Army: Medium (Large: 3 turns)
                      Navy: Small (Medium: 2 turns)
                      Airforce: Small (Medium: 3 turns)
                      Space Navy: Large
                      Nukes: 50 (all located in Europe)
                      Interplanetary Nukes: none

                      "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                      The trick is the doing something else."
                      — Leonardo da Vinci
                      "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                      "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                      • #41
                        To Italy, NUSSR: Australia will support any action taken by Italy on the Persian Empire with ground troops and air support. The threat of a Persian dictatorship must be eliminated, very soon. We will begin a much overdue upgrade on our Airforce (most of our planes still carry the UK's flag ). We must also agree on how to split up the petrol, Australia needs this petrol, so our embargo cannot last too long.

                        To All: Australia has discontinued trade with Persia and pulled our diplomats from Baghdad.

                        Air force updrage: 3 years


                        • #42
                          To Australia (secret):
                          NUSSR will soon send petrol to your country. We will send you petrol until Persia is under our control. Then you might want to implant petrol companies in Arabic Peninsula, this will be with NUSSR full support and convoy will be protected by NUSSR fleet. We hope you will accept this agreement.

                          To Italian Empire, Australia (top secret):
                          NUSSR would like to know if the three of us could meet and prepare a few things, mainly:
                          -Persia invasion and occupation plans
                          -Trades and dealings which will follow, regarding petrol, Leonardicum and Galileanum
                          -A further cooperation in research, development, army etc
                          -NUSSR would also like to join the Austro-Italian Pact.

                          I don’t mind the location, Europe, Asia or maybe space?


                          • #43
                            OOC, to everyone: Do you think we should PM Captain, and see if he will come back as the NAF? I'd like that, but I haven't seen him on Apolyton for a while.
                            Email him too!
                            Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                            • #44
                              Out of NUSSR, adressed to ILE:
                              Some former politics of Russia would like to setup an exiled Russia Democratic Government in ILE. Also the former Space Navy would join in if this proposal is accepted.

                              SKILORD: Though if you let the politics starting up a new government, NUSSR will immediately remove her ambassador and stop any dealings or diplomatic affairs with your Empire.
                              I give them the former Russian Moon bases and let them set up their own government there.

                              Now lets say you embargo me... so what? I am busy selling food to the starving masses and you will have to import from me eventually.....


                              It would take immensely grave circumstances for the ULS to begin a war, our people have seen it's terror enough to fear it. We won't start a war without very good reason.

                              The ULS offers to help the NUSSR against Persia to show good will.
                              Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                              • #45

                                To ULS/ILE: We are glad you cleared your position about the possible threat of war against NUSSR, especially now that many diplomatic actions had been undergoing between Rome and Moscow.

                                To Australia, NUSSR: (secret) If it is ok with you, we shall meet all of us in the Royal Palace of Nova Torino (Venus), a few ships of our Space Fleet will come to pick you up and escort you to the Planet if there is need to.

                                Italy following the examples of her Allies the Australians, pulled off their diplomats from Baghdad.

                                ROMAN NEWSPAPER
                                Persians army mass-murdered greek protesters
                                Accordingly to the report from the fleet stationing around Greece and Turkey, The Persian army had commited horrible atrocities against Greek rioters, protesting for a more tolerant religious system.
                                The protester would have been, according to the report, all killed by the Persian police raids.
                                The Persian authority denies all that, and claim it is all just propaganda, done to make Persia appear evil to the Italian eyes.
                                Persia, however, still denies any religious right to Christian-Hortodox Greeks.

                                "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                                The trick is the doing something else."
                                — Leonardo da Vinci
                                "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                                "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio

