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cRPNES: civman's Role-Playing NES

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  • with the *very* recent events in Europe, the embassy in Rome urges Italy to declare war on France and Germany, promising them millions of dollars in aid.


    • To Australia: The Ottoman government supports your efforts against China

      To Japan: The Ottoman government supports your efforts against China


      • ummm, Italy is part of the FEMTN, and they are already at war with them. Just to clarify things if anyopne else is confused, a war of alliances is being fought in Europe: France and Germany vs the UDE and FEMTN


        • (OOC: er, if you look at civman's most recent map, I already have Japan...)

          To the Ottomans: I thought we already had an alliance. You can keep the war with China going as long as Russia isn't involved.

          Russia sends approximately $1.2b to the FEMTN and the UDE. What a most unlikely alliance, I must note - communism and democracy fighting together - but no matter. Russia would consider aiding the FEMTN/UDE militarily in exchange for, say, Poland.

          To Germany: No. Sorry.


          • The UDE rejects the russian offer. The FEMTN accepts....

            It's more of a coalition against the common enemy of GErmany. When France wouldn't let UDE attack Germany, they endedup at war. France knew they needed an ally, so they turned to GErmany, because they had to common enemy of the UDE


            • In an act of desperation, China drops bio-chemical bombs on the invading forces. All invading forces are desmated, but so is China. The streets are in panic, and everyone still alive (not many) are heading for foreign nations.

              ooc: more of a story later, i have no time now.


              • ---OOC---

                sorry about the confusion with Italy and Japan and stuff.

                trickey: didnt you see the Ottoman proposal?

                GuitarDude: yah, your right. we have an alliance. never mind then. well, just renew it. : )

                To NAF leader (i think its Space05) how strong are your forces? i havent seen them in action much.


                • luckily for about 24 guys the gas training payed off, unfortunatly however they are now stuck in Chinese prisons.

                  The NAF orders all subs to surface and fire thier missles at all known Chinese military installations, when those are gone they have orders to use thier remaining missles on any government buildings or economic centers; such as malls, gas stations, stock exchanges, etc... All aircraft off shore take part in the action and are given orders to do the same (with thier bombs instead of thier missles of course ) all naval vessels are moved into defensive postions and are ordered to keep moving.

                  a small riots break out in San Francisco and New York, they are suspected to have been started by Chinese nationalists living in the US


                  • To Ottoman leader dude Jdd2007:
                    they've been working with your forces at the front with China. but before that they were killing your men along with China. so I dont know how strong they are you tell me


                    • Abdul-Khadafi condemns all actions against China. He also says all nations attacking Chinese people will pay dearly.

                      Several hours after these claims Ottoman army taken Ashgabat, city was already abandoned. However, just after army moved into the city, soldiers started to die. Only after a day it was investigated, that whole valley where city is built was contaminated with poison gas. Ottomans lost very much troops, almost all troops who fought against Turkmenistan. Their army was decreased from huge to large. Immidietly after that, Turkmen troops launched a counter attack and retaken most of lost lands and taken some more lands. Some Afghan radicals submits to Turkmen troops themselves, because Abdul-Khadaffi offered them high places in his government.

                      People of Ottoman empire requests something to do immidietly about Abdul-Khadaffi. Some man said the following:
                      "We can't let this happen, we can't let some rebels to destroy our empire"

                      Abdul-Khadafi to Ottoman Empire:
                      "Please recognise our independence and we will stop actions against you"
                      Attached Files


                      • The NAF condemns the action that Turkmenistan has taken and immeadiatly sends more forces to the Ottoman empire, along with MANY MANY top of the line gas masks. The way they are taking has been concealed.

                        The NAF starts giving gas masks to the public and informs them on proper use in case of a biological or chemical attack.

                        OOC: there is no way in HELL that one little vally filled with gas could deminish an entire army from Huge to Large, no one would send that many troops into one place. not to mention some people would die before others and they would get out of the vally really ****ing fast once that started to happen.


                        • OOC: Does NAF also sends air force?
                          OK, whole army wasn't lowered but it still highly damaged Ottoman ability to fight against Turkmens (which was still low because of abscence of air force and most of troops fighting on Chinese border).


                          • "President!!!"

                            "What's the news, Commander?"

                            "China stopped our invasion, and the invasions by other countries with bio-chemical weapons. All invading forces were decimated, but China basically destroyed their nation in the process. Chinese people are fleeing the country, and some are taking refuge here."

                            "OK, here's what we should do: First, we need to send all the Chinese refugees back to China. A large influx of Chinese would do no good, neither in the short term or long term. The other refugees, such as Australians, New Zelanders, and Indonesians can stay here, for the time being. They will have their own homeland soon enough."

                            "Yes, I'll do that as soon as I can."

                            "Next, send another invasion force, a much larger one than last time. Be sure they have gas masks, and other equipment that will eliminate/lessen the effects of bio-chemical warfare. Take over all of Oceania, then head for mainland Asia. Oceania should be easy, the bio-chemical bombs they dropped almost completely killed all of their forces in the region."

                            "Of course, President."

                            "Also, start distributing gas masks to civilians, and instruct them on how to use them. The Chinese may use bio-chemical weapons on our civilian populations."

                            "Yes, sir."

                            "Oh, and one more thing: Continue research on the formerly postponed Project X."

                            "Project X?!? You can't be serious!!"

                            "Yes, I'm serious. Finish the research on Project X. If China wants to play dirty, we'll show them the true meaning of dirty."

                            "Right away, President."


                            • To Ottomans: We accept your proposal for a full alliance. Thank you.

                              To China and Turkmenistan: Stop the chemical warfare, OR ELSE!"


                              • In the Oceanic region more and more people have risen against the oppressors of China.

                                In New Zealand the citizenry have started gruiella action to futher the advantage of the invading Brazilian Empire. The look towards Brasillia in the hope that once liberated they will be able to join the new Republic of Australia.

                                Throoughout the Philipines and in Indo-China the citizens continue to support the Chinnese Empire. However seeing their ovelords losing a war on many fronts ask the leaders in Beijing to ask for peace, condem Turkemestan and cut their loses while they still have territory to rule.

                                On the Indenesian archipegilo, the resistance to Chinese rule has increased. As majority of the people their are Muslim they once more pledge allegience to the Ottoman Empire and ask for their salvation. However there is civil war in this region as Christian forces not wishing to replace the oppressive rule of China with the more oppressive rule of Turkey, continue to ask the New Republic of Australia for assistance. This is mainly centered on the islands of Timor, and New Guinea.

                                In the Pacific, the Islanders are looking more and more to the coalitian to assist them in their struggle against China. Majority of the leaders in this region have pleged allegience to the NAF.
                                Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                                Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                                Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.

