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cRPNES: civman's Role-Playing NES

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  • Ottomans have given Greece almost autonomy, but it still wants the peninsula. Ottoman supports the UDE with $ and its military might. To Athens: You may sign a permanent alliance with the UDE if you want, but it would not be in anyones best interests for you to become part of that country. WE PROTEST

    ooc: school starts tomorow, so lets *try* not have this go so fast.


    • NAF high council catches word of the bio-chemical weapons being used in Asia. All forces in China immeadiatly jump into the Ottomans band wagon, they sieze control of all Chinese bases. which they then hand control over to the Ottomans.
      A formal letter of apology is sent to the Ottomans and Russia.

      To South America: Dude! peace man, c'mon!


      • To NAF: OK, we will sign a peace treaty.


        • An announcement from the Brazillian President:

          Brazil is tired of China commiting atrocious acts, from the bio-chemical weapons to the suicide bomb armies. Such nations who commit such acts need to be taught a lesson, like the Russians and Ottomans already are. Since we are tired of Chinese atrocies, since our war with the NAF is over, and since Russia and the Ottomans are our friends and allies, we hereby declare war on the Chinese Empire.
          The President was talking to the Supreme Military Commander in his palace after the announcement of war. They were talking about military plans to take against the Chinese.

          The President began: "The Chinese have built an empire, as you can plainly see. If we are to weaken the Chinese, we are to dismantle their empire. May I suggest we start in New Zeland, and other parts of Oceania."

          The SMC responded: "It seems like a good plan. After all, the Chinese possesions there will most likely be less defended than in the Chinese homeland. I will begin sending forces that way immediately, President."

          "Oh, and one more thing," said the President. " Do leave a sufficent military force at home in South America, especially near the border with the NAF. Although we have just signed a peace treaty, they may try to use our war with China to their advantage, and strike while we are weaker at home. I don't think they would, but you just can't trust too many people in our world today."

          "Of course, Sir."


          • Is anyone the Australian culural group??

            If not I will take it,

            If so I will be willing to take a European counrty off your hands

            Someone will have to explain how this works tho

            Email me at
            Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
            Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
            Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


            • This is assuming I am the Oceanic people. If you will allow it I will also take a leadership role in a European country. As these two roles will never really intereact too much and can't possibly do each other much harm, you may find this not to be conflicting.

              The majority Oceanic people erupt, no longer wishing to be under Chinese oppression, and demanding to no longer be used as guniea pigs for the Chinese chemical weapons program.

              In the Pacific Islands, people burn efforgies of the Chinese leadership and announce succesion from the Empire. They begin to look towards the North American Federation for guidance as they too were once fooled by the Chinese. Local police and some local army units join this rebellion.

              In New Zealand, local leaders begin to prepare for a posible Brazilian invasion. Although they wish for war not t come to their doorsteps they give the Brazilians their full confidence in delivering them from their oppressers the Chinnese. Local police are anxious

              Throughout the Indonesian archipegilo, the Isalmic majority pledge allegence to the Ottoman Empire, as that empire is the protector of the Isalmic faith throughout the world. Local police are overun and Chinese armies are otherwise occupied

              Meanwhile in the Philpines and in Indo-China demonstrations are put down by Chinese police, and loyal locals. They pledge allegience once more to the empire and ask all nations of the world to cease hostilities and to allow peace to return
              Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
              Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
              Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


              • ooc: good job sheep, i think you know how it works just fine


                • Last but not least terrorist cells are activating in the continet of Australia. The group Free Australia has claimed responsibilty. It has asked for independence from the Chinese Empire, and sets up a revolutionary council to vote on Australian matters. Although it nly controls territoy in the province of Victoria, most notably the major city of Melbourne, more and more Australians show affiliation with the new republic.

                  The new regime has kidnapped the entire Chinese population of Victoria, and has started executing one an hour until their demands are met. Also taken were a chemical weapon base, as well as military factories in Melborne

                  Their leader a Robert Hawke, has asked for a crusade against the Chinese. He demands independence be recognised and any Australians fighting in the Chinese army to be released. He futher asks for this independence to be recognised by the long time free and just nations of the world. He shows his wishes for peace by promising to destroy the chemical weapons if independence is achieved, but if China tries to re-enter Melbourne he will wipe Beijing, Shanghai and other Chinese centres out with the nerve gas.

                  Also Hawke requests any economic aid possible to allow for the defence of the new Republic and its social system.

                  Futhermore the Hawke government states it does not recognise the rebels in Turkmenstan and recognises any NAF take over of the Pacific Islands, a Brazilian occupation of New Zealand until they may decide to join the Republic or Brazil and an Ottoman annexation of the Indonesian archpegilo
                  Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                  Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                  Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                  • Thanks

                    the only reason I want independence for Australia is the fact that I'm Australian. I hope if China does fall that you continue on in another role
                    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                    • What European country would you like to be? I'd recommend anyone except France (currently isolationists) and Ireland (tiny and pathetic).

                      With new Ottoman support, the UDE declares war on GErmany!!!

                      Germany to Russia: I know I am fighting your fellow Communists. However, these communists will be your downfall. Their goal is to control all of Europe, which includes Russia. We would be content to gain enough space for the German people. The Chinese were your fellow communists, and yet you realized the Ottomans were a better ally. We are a better ally than the FEMTN.

                      Swiss elite alpine troopers successfully defend against FEMTN attacks!

                      The German army, being larger than the FEMTN's, has pushed into Yugoslavia. However, as the conquered territories begin to revolt, it is clear this will be a long, hard struggle....

                      The French navy moves to block any conflict between Germany and the UDE in the North Sea, fearing that if there actually was fighting in that war it would destabilize them.


                      • oops, forgot the map:
                        Attached Files


                        • "FIRE!"

                          With that command, all of the battleship's very large guns fired at the Chinese fortress on the shore. With several more rounds of firing, the small and weak fort was completely destroyed.

                          The captain of the battleship got on his radio.

                          "This is the battleship Rio de Janerio to the transport Paraguay. Come in, Paraguay."

                          "Rio de Janerio, this is Paraguay."

                          "Paraguay, the Chinese fortress on the shore has been neutralized. It is now safe to land your forces."

                          "OK, thanks, Rio."

                          The transport approached the shore. It landed, and the marines and infantry and small artillery, the forces who were to establish a beachhead, unloaded on to the New Zeland shore.


                          • The NAF condemns the terrorist attacks in Austrailia. and urge the terrorists to take other measures to obtain thier freedom.

                            To Austrailia: We will not support your attampted Rebellion in any way, so long as they act as terrorists. If you hand over custody of the terrorists to us, we will send economic and military support.

                            To Brazil: We thank you kindly for your peace. Our forces will remain at the boarder though, just as yours do.

                            The NAF sends invasion forces to central mainland China, among these forces are found the common super power toys; Transports, Battleships, Cruisers, Destroyers, Subs, Aircraft Carriers, Marines, Mech inf, Armor, attack helicopters, Fighters, Fighter-bombers, attack aircraft, and of course MREs ((and yes im board at the moment)) The NAF forces secure the coastsline from North Vietnam to that little jutting thing across the bay from the Koreas.
                            NAF forces in the west ,along with cooperation from Ottoman forces, push back the Chinese line even more. ((im not familiar with the geography in Asia, in case you havent noticed yet))


                            • The UDES Atlantis approached the French ships cautiously.

                              "Captain, they're demanding that we o back to London!"

                              "Froggy *ssholes," muttered the captain. "What does London say?"

                              "Just a minute....London is saying to continue forward. Lisbon and Madrid say to back down. Headquarters [UDE Headquarters in Lisbon] says to go back."

                              "Well headquarters has the final word. Turn the ship around!"

                              The UDE Fleets have found Frenh ships stopping them from attacking Germany wherever they go. The UDE has called this a "blockade" and an "act of war." The German navy has taken defensive positions and not run into this problem.

                              After the French refused to lift their blockade, Spanish troops crossed their border and headed towards Germany. France declared war and ambushed the troops. France has no choice but to ally with Germany...

                              a map will be posted when we get to the next page


                              • To UDE: We fully support your country and democratic ideals.

                                *Military aid to UDE stepped up*

                                To Brazil: Full alliance? Thanks a ton for your naval suppport.

                                *Trade between continents stepped up*

                                To Russia: Alliance? The war against China will end.

                                *A brand new, large, expensive embassy is constructed in Moscow. Spending millions of dollars, it is given air-tight security around the clock*

                                To China: If Japan and Oceania are given independance, we will spare your rapidly diminishing empire with one catch: Indonesia becomes Ottoman...

                                *Ottoman forces halt their advance and prepare for any counterattack*

                                To NAF: ...

