(((OO*dead*C: what is so unrealistic about having a large wolf pack in the atlantic, and having them sink a third of the fleet? in europe, JDD had almost completed reunification when japan bombed. that was the final straw for the rebels. france and spain were *almost* reunified. not even that many rebels gave up, just enough civilians to tip the balance. on the other side of the world, australia had been creating an army for some time. they landed an army in thailand (with a few ships sunk along the way) and the army marched northward largely unopposed. yes, your country in general had been preparing for war, but not on your home turf. once you had gathered an army, you would have decimated my forces. )))
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A new idea: a roll-playing nes
continued (rant)
europe was not totally in disorder. the general used his military to make sure that the land under his control was just that: 100% in his control. he had been making progress against the rebels for some time. this wasnt just some. one second, its out of control, next second tranquility, it was the culmination of a long campaign against the disorganized rebel groups...
(( no problem jdd. i hope you didnt take it the wrong way. I just thought that the whole europe thing was kinda crazy. And ont worry, ive done some things twice as crazy as that in my previous nes'. Ok so, japan has most of its land back, you can have just a little incy wincy bitand europe is getting more civil, but not near being unified. your not quitting, are you?? please dont.))
So...please explain me.... is Jdd still in charge of UNE?
Mexico: How did you land forces in Sicily if I'm protecting with my navy the straight of Gibraltar and the Suez Canal... there is no way you can come into the Mediterraneum without having to fight against my fleet?
Europe: Is it unified or not?
Russia: Are you at war againt me or not? Is it Siberia an independent nation or not?
Japan: have you being inveded by Australia or not?
NAF: Did you join our side or not?
Italy: do I still exist or am I part of Europe?
I don't know what to write if I don't have all those questions answered....
Hint for jdd2007: Don't quit the nes just cause you did something against the reality police, remember, if you go against it you have, at least, to make up a good story for it
So.... can I have a little briefing of the situation couse I'm completely confused
Saluti"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else." — Leonardo da Vinci
"If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
"In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio