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A new idea: a roll-playing nes

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  • A new idea: a roll-playing nes

    Hey, this idea is influenced by the demo game.

    How it works

    For each country 5 players will be assinged: Leader, Science advisor, Military advisor, Domestic advisor, Population. The president will play the "normal role in a nes; making up the story, negociating with otyer players ect. But now they muct anserw to their advisors and their people.


    Leader: His/her role is somwhat explained above. He/she will actually do th negociating, write the story ect. The story can just be about how they are negociating with other leaders, or about how there was a horrible explsion a the testing of their space program. The space program will like ly cause alot of problem with the people, and maybe even with the science advisor " i told you it was risky" type thing.

    Science advisor: He/she will be the person the president will have to anserw to after giving away the secrets to the new hovercrafts or something like that. All of his/her posts should be in story fourm just for the sake of seperating this game from the demo game. The advisor should advise the leader in new fields of reaserch, and trading technologies. But he/she will not actually have a say in what the leader does ( its could be a type of leader who listens to his advisors, doing what is best for his people. Or it could be a crazy lunatic, with no goal other that total world domination).

    Military advisor: This is the stategist of the nation. The president will have to anserw to him/her after giving the go ahead to attack, when he was supposed to halt the aggresion. This person will advise the leader of what to do, what units shoudl be built, where the biggest garrisons are needed ect. But he/she will not actually have a say in what the leader does ( its could be a type of leader who listens to his advisors, doing what is best for his people. Or it could be a crazy lunatic, with no goal other that total world domination).

    Domestic advisor: He/she is the person in charge of homeland projects. This person is who the leader will have to ansewr to after forcing his citizens thorugh week of labour at minimum pay. This is the person the leader will have to anserw to when the people start riotiong because there is no schools, chuches, hospitals ect. But he/she will not actually have a say in what the leader does ( its could be a type of leader who listens to his advisors, doing what is best for his people. Or it could be a crazy lunatic, with no goal other that total world domination).

    The people: These are the backbone of the population. No nation can suceed unless its population is fully behind it. These are the people that block the major highway because of a war they do not wish to participate in. These are the people that bring in the income for the nation, pay the taxes ect. But he/she will not actually have a say in what the leader does ( its could be a type of leader who listens to his advisors, doing what is best for his people. Or it could be a crazy lunatic, with no goal other that total world domination).

    Five people per nation. Its might take a while to get used to, but doesnt every good thing.

    Example of a Military advisor's post.

    I (trickey) wil be the miliatry advisor.

    Trickey woke up this moring to the usual. His butler ringing a bell and opening the curtains to his giant mansion. He got up, had a shower, then walked down his tiger skin stairs to read the newspaper. "Ahh yes" he thought to himself, remembering the battle that was supposed to take place last night. It was a sure win, he didnt even stay up to make sure everything was going right. He oppend the paper, then shouted at the incompetence of his leader. " Americans use 19th century style infantry in a war vs. English modern armour." was the title in the paper. "Damnit" he cursed. I said "make sure you move the ninetinth armour divison nothwords instantly .


    You should feel free to tell the story as you please. From any point of view. I chose mine from the third person, you could tell it from the first. Its completely up to you.

    The person controlling the people will tell the story either from one person's view, or telling the story of a huge riot that took place at town hall this morning.

    [I]I dont know if we have enogh regular nes player around here to fill all these positions. I urge anyone who watches nes, but hesitates to join, to come out and play this one! The more the merrier. I will not criticise anyone for not knowing something, and i surely dont think anyone else will.

    Please put in bold letters the name of your country at the top of your post. All postts from advisors to leaders are considered secret unless made over t.v. , radio ect.
    Last edited by trickey; July 21, 2002, 21:41.

  • #2

    United North America

    light blue

    Army: huge

    Navy: Large

    Airforce: Huge

    Governement: Democracy

    Leader: The Bloody Baro

    Advisor of external affairs: thrusters_back

    Advisor of internal affairs: ?

    People: ?


    Light green (controlling all south america)

    Army: Large

    Navy: Medium

    Airforce: Medium

    Governement: Communism


    Advisor of External affairs: ?

    Advisor of Internal Affairs: ?

    People: ?


    Yellow ( controlling all Africa)

    Army: Large

    Navy: Small

    Airforce: Large

    Governement: Monarchy

    Leader: ?

    Advisor of external affairs: ?

    Advisor of internal affairs: ?

    People : ?

    United Nations of Europe


    Army: Huge

    Navy: Huge

    Airforce: Huge

    Governement: Anarchy

    Leader: Cinna

    Advisor of External Affairs: giovanni_wine

    Advisor of Internal Affairs: ?

    People: civman2000

    Great Britain

    Pink ( controlling Greenland, the British ilse and Australia

    Army: Medium

    navy: Gigantic

    Airforce: Large

    governement : Democracy

    Leader: ?

    Advisor of external affairs: ?

    Advisor of Internal Affairs: ?




    Army: Huge

    Navy: Large

    Airforce: Large

    Governement: Communism

    leader: ?

    Advisor of External Affairs: ?

    Advisor of Internal Affairs: ?

    People: ?

    Arabian Empire

    Dark Green

    Army: Large

    Navy: medium

    Airforce: large

    Governement: Fundamentalism

    Advisor of Internal Affairs: ?

    Advisor of external affairs: ?

    People: Space05us

    China and Japan ( i dont know what to call it)

    Maroon ( i think)

    Army: Huge

    Navy: Large

    Airfoce: Large

    Governement: Communism

    Leader: ?

    Advisor of External Affairs: trickey

    Advisor of Internal Affairs: ?

    People: ?


    As you can see, this isnt for the player who wants a Risk type game like Uknes2. This game should focus on story telling.

    As you can also most likely tell, i had to drasticly cut down on the number of civs, just because i dont think there would be enough people for any more ( we will be hard pushed to get enogh for this).

    The official map is civman's 2nd map. Its somewhere down the thread

    Last edited by trickey; July 23, 2002, 20:36.


    • #3
      lol, demo game meets NES...this could be fun. If more people want to do it i will.


      • #4
        tip: make maps gifs, not jpegs. ANd could you use more varying colors? If you want i might be able to approximately caopy your map but with different borders for everyone


        • #5
          sure civman, i need all the help with maps i can get. You know i have a histoy of crappy maps


          • #6
            Btw, i havent thought of a story yet. Any ideas?


            • #7
              He/she will be the person the president will have to anserw to after giving away the secrets to the new hovercrafts or something like that


              I'll join as the people for someone.


              • #8
                I'll try to have my version of your map up asap.

                I think the problem will be not having enough people. HOwever, if we decrease the number of countries a bit, it might work.


                • #9
                  my version of the map:
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Thanks alot civman. What coutry's should be dropped? Hmmm.....

                    Space, what country do you want to be the people for?


                    • #11
                      Can I be the military advisor for Britain? I never like being the guy in charge. However I'm in my prime in carrying out orders. So can I trickey?


                      • #12
                        Russia I guess. how do you get the flags?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by trickey
                          Thanks alot civman. What coutry's should be dropped? Hmmm.....

                          Space, what country do you want to be the people for?
                          probably by making a United Europe country instead of 4 different ones

                          You could also do a United North America that includes Canada, USA

                          something like that could work, as there would still be 8-9 different countries:
                          North America
                          China (you may give to them Japan)
                          Japan (you can put thm in China)

                          But it would be still very hard to find 5 people per 9 nation... 45 people.... uhmmmm
                          it is still too much

                          Anyway: I wish to join as Science Advisor or Domestic Advisor for whatever country

                          "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                          The trick is the doing something else."
                          — Leonardo da Vinci
                          "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                          "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                          • #14
                            I'm in ............................................
                            Militairy advisor


                            • #15
                              Possibly less people could be used per team (3 maybe) so we could start earlier..... I'll take anything. maybe if you unite Europe (Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Scandanavia) I could do something with that.

