That's more or less how most games are though, The main bonus it has is that you are limited in production levels by the AI, basically, The AI is at 100% production on Regent, so are you, Regent is the level where you are basically competing against the AI only, no advantages either way. If you get easier, your production is like 120% of what the AI is, easier than that it's around 140% get harder and you are 80% and 60%. There's also the matter of happiness, in Chieftain, unhindered, the 6th citizen is unhappy, Warlord, 5th, all the way to on diety it's the 2nd citizen in a city. This is the other major computer advantage, because where you're getting unhappiness on your third citizen, they've got production still, albeit as soon as they reach 4 they get unhappiness.
To even the score I'd suggest Egypt, or the Industrious Science nation, but Egypt would be easier. This way your workers will be at the same as most of the other civs units.
As far as extra computer units go, I've found it usually to be either a warrior or spearman, but that's about it. It still saves them 20 turns of production though, so in that respect it may be unfair, but if you get 2nd and 3rd cities built quickly, you should alleviate that problem.
To even the score I'd suggest Egypt, or the Industrious Science nation, but Egypt would be easier. This way your workers will be at the same as most of the other civs units.
As far as extra computer units go, I've found it usually to be either a warrior or spearman, but that's about it. It still saves them 20 turns of production though, so in that respect it may be unfair, but if you get 2nd and 3rd cities built quickly, you should alleviate that problem.