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Our Secret War
'Hmmm,' Julius thought as he looked over the other crates, 'this is starting to look suspicious. The only thing our contact was able to tell us was that this base was very important and that it had something to do with the new American weapons program. Now it looks like this program involves space quite extensively. Virtually everything here seems to be space-related in some way - hang on, what's this?'
'This' was a lead-lined crate that looked as though it had only recently been moved in. Julius read the label and caught his breath.
Enriched Plutonium
This was the last confirmation of the fears of Rome: that America was in the process of devloping a nuclear arsenal. The next boxes confirmed an even deeper fear: tanks of deuterium, high explosives and a complicated device for simaltaneously detonating explosives held in a sperical shape - something useful solely in detonating nuclear warheads. The Americans were building no mere atomic arsenal, but a thermocnuclear one, no less.
Even as Julius found this disturbing information, the explosives set earlier detonated. Almost simaltaneously with that guards burst into the loading bay. Julius' unit had become scattered through the storage area, and if they were caught unawares they might be massacred.
"Everyone!" he almost yelled into his radio, "The guards are here! We have to regroup, fight our way out of here and complete the mission! Everyone go to the opposite corner from the entrance!"
There was chorus of acknowledgement as everyone ran for the designated meeting point.
When they all arrived, Julius took stock of the situation. Everyone was still alive and unhurt, which was a relief. They still had most of their ammunition and all of their weapons, though Tullia and Decimus had used up numerous grenades previously.
"Hey, Colonel," one of the other soldiers, Lieutenant Flaccus, called, "I found another way out of here."
"Where?" Julius asked.
"Over here." Flaccus replied, gesturing toward a small door nearby.
"Good work Lieutenant, now there's no need to fight those guards at all."
Flaccus opened the door and the rest of the unit filed though before looking up and down the corridor which the door opened onto. There was a camera at either end, but like the rest of the security network, they were offline.
His assistants glanced at one another nervously. Being in charge of the restricted facility meant that as long as he followed orders from Washington, he was essentially an absolute ruler here and could do what he liked. He was quite touchy and had been previously executed several assistants after an unfortunate accident with a helicopter refueling had been taken for an act of sabotage. Since then his assistants had tried their utmost not to show any initiative that might find annoying.
"Ah, Colonel," one of them said quietly after a little while, with Wilcox glaring at him, "No-one here is really sure. Apparently two sentries were reported missing at around 8:00, and the alarm was raised. Almost simaltaneously, the power began shorting out and then someone planted explosives on the fence, blowing a damn big hole in it. They've blown up the fuel tanks, the armoury and some of the equipment in the loading bay and we have no idea where they are now."
"Why not?" Wilcox hissed back.
"Security is offline, we can't reactivate it and they've shot anyone who gets in their way, sir."
Wilcox glared for a moment longer before leaning his great bulk over his desk and pressing a switch. A second later the two guards from outside the room stepped inside.
"Yes sir?" one of them asked calmly.
"Take this incompetent fool outside." Wilcox snapped, pointing at the assistant who had given him the report, "Then shoot him. Give his body to the dogs."
"At once, sir." the other replied, and the two of them stepped forward, grabbed the unfortunate assistant by the arms and then dragged him outside, his face white. A moment later there was a gunshot, then the sound of the guards dragging something down the corridor. The other assistants winced.
"Now that that's dealt with." Wilcox said grumpily, "I eant you to go out, find out what's happening and then report back when you find out. AND DON'T YOU DARE COME BACK UNTIL YOU HAVE!"
They glanced at each other again before scampering our of the room as fast as they could.
* * *
The Roman commandos arrived near their objective with little difficulty save for a few enemy guards - all of whom died - But they could see that getting through the entrance would be very difficult. There were dozens of guards surrounding the entrance, which sat in a large square bunker with anti-aircraft, anti-tank and machine guns mounted on it and scattered nearby, plus another electrified, barbed wire fence. This was going to take some very heavy firepower...Last edited by GeneralTacticus; June 13, 2002, 03:58.
I bet inuits who have been in hiding for a very long time come in and help save the day and America wins."The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
"All right, everyone," Julius whispered into his radio, "this is going to be tough. Tullia, Decimus, Flaccus and Marucs, get out your grenade launchers. There are total of 14 heavy wepons positions that have to be neutralised. I figure that we can take out 8 with the grenade launchers before they can shoot back. At that point we get back into cover, wait for the shooting to stop, then take out the rest of them from another position. After that, we can take out the troops."
"Sounds like a good plan to me, sir." Decimus muttered in reply, as he and the other three pulled out their launchers, aiming them at their first targets, while the rest of the squad drew beads on the infantry.
"On my mark." Julius whispered again, "Three, two, one, mark."
In that instant all hell broke loose.
The entire squad broke cover and each of the four grenade launchers hurled three rounds in quick succession, before changing targets and repeating the process. Meanwhile the rifles of the others spat death at 300 rounds per minute, mowing down more than a dozen guards almost instantly. Within 10 seconds Julius' set target of eight destroyed heavy wepons was acheived and the entire unit ducked back, instants before what weapons that remained blazed into life against the positions the commandos had held. Meanwhile it seemed that every one of the guards in the compound was now laying down the a hailstorm of firepower around the Romans' hiding place.
"What now, sir?" Tullia asked, "we can't follow your plan of moving positions if they keep shooting at us."
In response, Julius pulled out what was known as a 'flasher', a grenade that, upon detonation, would create a near-blinding flash of light to confuse and disoreint an enemy, as well as a pulse of energy on other parts of the spectrum to temporarily cripple scanning equipment. He then pulled the pin and hurled it around the corner. It was followed by two more, thrown by other members of the unit. A few seconds later the grenades detonated, and the shooting stopped almost instantly as the Americans instictively winced away from the light, covering their faces and dropping their weapons.
Acting on a mutual impulse, the entire unit then burst out into the open again and opened fire on the half-blinded defenders. This attack was to be less of a success.
Although none of the American guards could see properly, those manning the surviving heavy weapons - anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns, the machine guns having been the first target - could still shoot, albeit inaccurately. This they did.
Julius felt the first true fear he had yet experienced on this mission when one of the anti-tank gunners looked up with pained, hatefilled eyes and reached for the firing lever. Julius was already aiming, but he was too late. At the exact instant that a hail of rifle fire reduced the man's head to bloody pulp, his hand fired the gun.Last edited by GeneralTacticus; June 14, 2002, 06:39.
Yeah, go Americans!! And that's flashbang, not flasher."The first man who, having fenced off a plot of land, thought of saying, 'This is mine' and found people simple enough to believe him was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, wars, murders, how many miseries and horrors might the human race had been spared by the one who, upon pulling up the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: 'Beware of listening to this imposter; you are lost if you forget the fruits of the earth belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Whatever. Anyway, this is the Romans making up the names, so it's not necessary to use the existing names.Last edited by GeneralTacticus; June 14, 2002, 02:54.
Julius threw himself flat as he saw the armour-piercing shell hurtling in his direction, and was most relieved when it hurtled over his head and blew a rather large hole through the wall behind him. However, As he got back to his feet he could see that not only were the guards starting to recover, but the last two remaining heavy weapons - anti-aircraft guns - were also firing.
The first shot fired flew over the heads of the Romans... as did the next two... but the fourth one was devasting.
It had been aimed perfectly, and from the second that it left the gun barrel it was quite clear to Julius that nothing on earth could save the two commandos it was aimed at - Marcus and Tullia. This realization only just had time to sink in to his mind when the shell hit, scattering shrapnel everywhere. He saw that it rather ironically killed more Americans than it did Romans, but this was small comfort - both Marcus and Tullia were killed almost instantly by the shell blast. When the bodies landed he couldn't even recognize their faces.
Julius stared at the broken bodies of his two fellow commandos for only a second, but it was enough to implant one overhwelming desire in him: Kill the gunner who had fired that shot, and the leader who had forced this raid and resulted in this...
As the first object of his anger was right within his mield of vision, he lifted his gun and let rip without a second thought. The gunner and the other two americans who were operating the gun were all killed, seconds before Flaccus fired another grenade volley that finished off both the AA guns.
The gunner he had been aiming for now dead, Julius looked around at the rest of the squad. Their situation appeared good: even as he watched, the last of the American guards were cut down rather inefficiently but very effectively. Only one of them, Decimus, appeared to be wounded, although the others seemed to have used up a lot of ammo.
Satisfied that there was nothing seriously wrong in the team, Julius strode toward the bunker concealing the entrance and waved for the others to follow him. As he did, involuntarily, he relived that last flash of time as he saw that American shell come whistling through the air and detsroy the lives of two dear friends. And he felt again that deep surge of hatred, hatred of Lincoln and the America he ruled, hatred of his megalomanical scheming. He wanted to look Lincoln in the face and kill him.
His reaching the bunker door pulled him from his thoughts. He examined it. It appeared to be made of stainless steel, locked like a bank vault. There was a keypad mounted in a protective alcove next to the door. Julius reached out Pressed the 'open' button at the bottom of the pad. It bleeped at him:
Julius sighed and keyed in a random sequence of digits, then pressed the 'open' key again. It flashed the same message at him. He sighed again in frustration: clearly this door operated on a different network to the rest of the security systems. They would have to blast it open. At that point he heard a voice in his radio again.
"Hey, Colonel, how's the op going?" it was their contact inside the base.
"Not bad." he said back, making his evaluation on mission rather than personal grounds, "However, we're stuck outside the entrance to the underground facility. Can you switch the lock off?"
"Sorry, man, no can do. It can't be switched off. However, I can probably give you the code if you give me a sec."
There was some typing from the other end of the radio before the voice came back.
"Got it, Colonel. Type in 205308."
"Thanks heaps. I'd hate to have to blast my way through here. How often is the code changed?"
"'Bout once a month or so. It takes hours to change the code, so there's no need to worry about them changing it and locking you in there."
"Right. Entering code now."
Julius tapped the code into the pad and yet again pressed 'open'. This time there were a few *THUNK* noises as the heavy bolts were removed and the door hissed open. As the commandos stepped therough the door and into the bunker, there was a sudden explosion of sound from the other end of the radio.
Major O'Reilly, it seemed, was not coming quietly. There was a sharp *SNAP* as he punched someone in the face, followed by a pair of gunshots and then the sound of a shotgun firing. An instant later there was a soft splattering noise as blood was splashed all over the place. The radio went dead.
"OK, team," Julius said sadly, "it looks like we can expect no further help from Mr O'Reilly. We will have to complete this mission on our own."
The others nodded as they entered the bunker.
Once inside, the commandos conducted a thorough examination of it. It's thick were broken only by a hendful of firing slits - firing slits that clearly weren't generally manned, as there had been no-one there when they attacked. Other than that, the place appeared very sparse, with the sole exception of what stood in the centre of the room: A large, cylindrical elevator, which was presumably the entrance to the underground section. Julius shrugged and stepped into it, with the other commandos behind him. There was another keypad set into the wall of the elevator, but upon closer inspection, to Julius' relief iit turned out not to be another code entry pad but merely a floor selecter.
"Hmmm." Julius pondered for a moment what floor they needed to go to. The map that they had been shown had not included anything inside the underground section, so that was no help to them. Eventually he shrugged and pressed the button immediately below the top. The elevator door slid shut behind them and it then moved soundlessly down the shaft. After a brief interval the elevator came to rest and the doors opened with a ping. The commando team stepped out through the doors...
And found themselves staring down the barrles of assault rifles held by half a dozen scared-looking guards.
"Don't move," one of them said, his voice trembling, "or we shoot. Private Jones, raise the alarm."
One of the guards, presumably Private Jones, detatched himself from the group and walked over to the alarm switch on the wall nearby. Julius' eyes flickered to it and saw that it was still on: evidently the security systems here operated on a different network to the ones above.
He was only half-way there, however, when Julius gave a subtle hand signal and the entire team simaltaneously pulled weapons on the Americans. Within the space of a heartbeat, every single American had at least one gun aimed at his head. Julius was aiming at Jones.
The Americans' first reflex response had been to tighten their fingers on their triggers, but the sudden appearance of a mass of gund pointed at them left them completely stunned. A second later the Romans eliminated that confusion by opening fire and shooting down all 6 of the enemy guards.Last edited by GeneralTacticus; June 14, 2002, 23:06.