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cNES: civman2000's NES

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  • #16
    I'll take Japan
    "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

    Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


    • #17
      Foreign Minister Dot (Yeah hes a general too) walks into Buccha's office.
      "What is it Dot?"
      "We have good news for you sir!"
      "Which one the one on the left or right?"
      "Erm... pardon sir?"
      Buccha puts his glasses on "Oh never mind continue what's the good news?"
      "Japan has a new leader sir!"
      "Okay... hows that good news?"
      "He has settled all of Japan there is no more civil war, we can continue trades with them!"
      "Very well send for Willy"


      • #18
        Royal Princess Meyuki was throwing one of her usual tantrums. "I want a horsie! I want one NOW!"

        "In good time, young one." said Togukawa.

        "When I say now, I MEAN IT!"

        "Alright, we will negotiate for the horses with the Iroquois."

        Meyuki left.

        "What do you say when somebody does you a favor?" Tokugawa shouted after her.
        "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

        Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


        • #19
          Willy quickly entered the office
          "You called sir?"
          "Yes. I want you to set up trades with Japan, tell them we will trade them coal for gems."
          "Very well, sir I'll get right on it"
          "One last thing Willy..."
          "Whats that sir?"
          "Change your pants"
          Willy looks down and quickly looks back up "Sorry sir you know how I am when I get excited"


          • #20
            ill take russia.


            • #21
              It's 1800 and England is a republic? ummm who taught you history?


              • #22
                Well the Babylonians didn't exactly have a large army in 1800 either.
                "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

                Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


                • #23
                  I'd like to join, but can we slow the number of turns down a bit? I had trouble in SNESA3 because I often wasn't able to post, so I got kind of left behind. Anyway, if that's ok, I'll take the French.


                  • #24
                    Willy come running into Buccha's office
                    "What is it?" Buccha says in a panicked manner
                    "um....wait a sec" Willy shuffles through his papers
                    "Wets His Pants, if you don't hurry up I'll have you hung to the flag pole by your underwear!" Willy knew he was in trouble when Buccha used his real name
                    "Oh, here it is" straightens clothes, clears voice "We have made contact with France, one of our Ironclads...erm ... accidently ran into one of thier galleons."
                    "Is that it Willy?" Buccha rolls his eyes
                    "Ummmm......." Willy sorts through his papers.
                    "Hurry up!"
                    "uhhhhhhh...... yeah thats it."
                    "good make sure the door is locked when you leave."
                    "But sir the president is only allowed to lock his door fot one of two reasons; either he has a confrence going on, or he is having......" Buchha glares at him "Uh right sir as you say sir!"


                    • #25
                      OOC: Civman, can we please slow the turn rate down a bit. if we have it going at three per day then on weekdays I'm going to be missing two out of every three turns. /OOC

                      Prime Minister Napoleon of the French Republic was sitting in his office, practicing the speech he was due to make that afternoon to the National Assembly. At this point his secretary came in holding a piece of paper.

                      "Yes, Monsieur Dupon, what is it?" Napaleon asked.

                      "Monsieur Premier, one of our ships has met the Iroqouis. They have made no official reaction."

                      "Hmmm. I think we should try to establish diplomatic relations with them. I shall add that to my planned speech and ask the National Assembly to fund it."

                      "Very good, Premier."

                      * * *

                      Napoleon made his speech, very persuasively as always, requesting:

                      1) Expansion of the French army.

                      2) National subsidies for the development of large-scale industry (i.e., we're researching Industrialization).

                      3) Funding for the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Iroquois and Japanese (I'm assuming we already had relations with Russia).

                      4) Modernization of the French Navy.

                      The bill passed easily, and French diplomats set out for Salamnca and Kyoto.

                      EDIT: Also, if we have tech advances every 7 days, we will have 1 advance every 42 game years. Sounds very slow.
                      Last edited by GeneralTacticus; June 15, 2002, 02:55.


                      • #26
                        The times are tough in Russia. Huge rebellions after there were mass executions of anyone speeking out against the queen.

                        "But, but my queen" the science advisor's voice trembled as he feared loosing his head "we cannot go on running our country in this manner, the people do not agree with it!"

                        "The people? What do the people have to do with this? This is my country and I will run it as i please! I will not loose power to a bunch of fools you call governors." when she said this she swong her fist in a vionlant motion, causing her wig to fall off.

                        "Oh my.." were the advisor's last words. The queen gave a shout to her guards, and, well, you know the rest. You can't blame her, she couldn't let her little "secret" out


                        • #27
                          tech advaance means advance 1/3 of an era, not one tech. I timed it with 3 turns in one day so that the tech rate would be realistic and have both the modern age and industrial ages end at exactly the right times. If you dont like that we can make it 1 day=1 year though...


                          • #28
                            "Who's my science advisor?" asked Buccha
                            "Well who is it?"
                            "I think Dreams Too Much (nick name Mat) is sir."
                            "Okay call him in here."
                            "yes sir...." Willy yells for Mat who slowly walks in staring at the ceiling.
                            "Dreams To Much what are we researching at the moment?"
                            Mat continues to stare at the ceiling then he starts to count on his fingers, he runs out so he sits donw and counts on his toes.
                            "MAT!!" yells Buccha
                            "huh? yeah?"
                            "What are we researching?"
                            "um... something about making everything replacable by spare parts or something li.... now if we just move that over here and then take away...." Mat goes on thinking.
                            "Very well."


                            • #29
                              Catherine the great is assinated by a band of rebels. They claim control of the country. They call themselves governors, and the people have no problem with them "dissposing" of catherine


                              • #30
                                I will be the Babylonians. We seek peace and are currently worried about getting some better medicine to fight off all our diseases.

