A ship, Identified as Russian was hailed by the ULS fleet, it reblocked Genecom scans and threatened to attack if not let through. It was disabled and as the door between the ship was opened.......
They had the element of surprise, at least a hundred russians sprayed the boarding force with bullets, Juno pulled up his CommTalker:
"Sir"Static"Attack"More static folloewed by an expletive. The Space Crew Were overcome. The Armes was an AC-2 capable ship and with as the russians are small in number thay could make the supplies last all the way. security videos showed them transferring a large crate between the ships before contact was lost as the Armes left the solar system.
They had the element of surprise, at least a hundred russians sprayed the boarding force with bullets, Juno pulled up his CommTalker:
"Sir"Static"Attack"More static folloewed by an expletive. The Space Crew Were overcome. The Armes was an AC-2 capable ship and with as the russians are small in number thay could make the supplies last all the way. security videos showed them transferring a large crate between the ships before contact was lost as the Armes left the solar system.