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SNESA2: Ad Infinitum (No MOD's!)

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  • What you always wanted to know but the regular media doesn't cover, here is The JOURNAL's annual report, with your host Sandi Fischer.

    "Thank you and welcome to the show. I'm Sandi Fischer. Tonight we have a very special guest, Dr. Leonard Mombasa, Director of the NAF Archives and associate curator of the Cincinnati Heritage Museum."

    "Thank you Sandi, I'm glad to be here."

    "Dr Mombasa, may I call you Leonard?"

    "Yes, of course."

    "Leonard, what the people want to know, is what's this Celebration all about?"

    "Well Sandi, what we have is a directive from the Chancellor himself, backed by a unanimous vote of the Assembly, to put on a weeklong celebration commemorating the first anniversary of the founding of the NAF and the six month anniversary of the Civil War's end. I can't give it all away, but I promise you it'll knock your socks off. We've been working on something extra special. A couple of special things actually..."

    "Leonard, surely you can give us a clue?"
    Sandi gave him a sly wink, but Leonard wasn't quite the attention-starved geek many made him out to be. Dr. Leonard Mombasa was actually one of Chancellor Trent's most trusted secret advisors - not just the stuffy professor image he projected.

    "I'm afraid not Sandi - after all, that would ruin the surprise!"

    "Well, what about telling us about the rationale behind this? We know that it's a celebration but there's got to be some other motive, right?"

    "Sandi, I'll tell you this much - as much as anyone could probably figure out. After such a devastating Civil War, what we need most now is a sense of unity and higher purpose. This celebration will help to unfold our new VISION for the future."

    "Leonard, I'll have to cut you off there as we move to commercial break - back with more later."

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    "Welcome back, we're talking with Dr. Leonard Mombasa - Director of NAF archives and architect of the upcoming anniversary celebrations! I'm sorry to have to blindside you with this question Leonard, but I understand that all Assembly members are to be present in the celebrations?"

    "Of course, it wouldn't be right otherwise."

    "Well, what about Senator Evensong? Technically he's still a member of the Assembly until the by-elections are complete. And due to the continued unrest in his native state of Texas, that's a good two months away. Will he be there?"

    "You forget that he was charged with treason and conspiracy to commit mass murder. He remains incarcerated in an Ohio facility and will remain there until his trial comes to a close. While we have made sweeping changes to government, we are still democratic. Separation of executive, legislative, and judiciary is still there to provide s system of checks and balances. His trial continues even as we speak and so I cannot comment further."

    "Thank you Leonard, I didn't mean to touch on a sensitive spot. I know the Chancellor holds him responsible the six month civil war."

    "Since when has The Journal been concerned with sensitivity? You thrive on controversy - "

    "Better us than state-controlled media."

    "At least there we agree Sandi."

    "So, getting back on topic - will there be any special memorial for the 216 000 lives lost ?"

    "216 339 lives actually. And yes, there will. There will be separate memorials for victims of the Civil War and the Incan War, as well as separate Civilians and Military Ceremonies."

    "And will Mahatma Woz be there?"

    "You mean Reverend Wocienski? Yes, of course. As the conscience of the nation and a key mediator for the peace process, he'll be there in a dual role. He'll be there to direct the memorial services for the Civil war victims and help deliver a parallel spiritual vision to the that of the Chancellor's Throne speech. Supreme Commander Hogarth will deliver the Incan Memorial Speech before returning to the field."

    "Ah yes, it has almost slipped the public's mind. After such large scale devastation and the Managua offensive, we forget that there are still over a million troops eliminating the last of the Incan rebel force in Nicaragua."

    "Yes, I've noticed the media pays little attention to it."

    "Well, you're an archivist Leonard - why don't you tell us a bit about what really happened? We've been kept in the dark long enough."

    "Well, after the Media Controls Act - which is thankfully over now -Chancellor Trent enacted a number of emergency measures. These restrictions were unpleasant in a democracy but necessary. Hogarth and the Chancellor took a massive nosedive in public approval after Evensong walked out and Northwest Theatre Command rebelled. The resulting chaos and loss of authority in a number of major cities and the temporary paralysis of the military command structure does lie on the shoulders of the media. Sensationalist reporting and fear-mongering drove many otherwise peaceful people into desperate action. The public has to trust that the authorities have things under control or they will start taking the law into their own hands. Fortunately, with a strong media and awareness campaign, things settled down quickly. Only a few determined extremists continued to cause trouble. After operation Burnaby was launched and Northwest Theatre Command replaced by loyal NAF commanders, and after General Vincente's brilliant Managua offensive, there were no further serious threats. Hogarth became a national hero. The Chancellor too, especially after he brokered a deal with the Isolationists and the Canadians. That Manifest Destiny's leader realized his mistake in siding with Evensong and declared his allegiance to the NAF was a just lucky break. We take what we can get.

    Now, we made it seem like the NAF was always in control and that we didn't have to make concessions because that was what the public needed. A feeling of stability and security are necessary for order. Panic serves no one.

    All of these dealings had to be kept secret because of the potential flare ups involved. Negotiations are always difficult and if the public was aware of what kind of deals were going on to ensure submission to NAF authority - they would have gone ballistic. In fact, those deals are still classified for the next five years. Conspiracy theorists are speculating all kinds of things, but we're not going to deny any of them. That just feeds their imaginations as they suspect we're trying to hide something. We're not. It's just that some of these deals are sensitive and public awareness would negate some of the agreements in those deals such as the withdrawal of criminal charges."

    "Leonard, that was a doozy! I said, share a bit! Not the entire contents of the archive!"

    "Well, that's what you get when you ask a historian to come on the show!"

    "Haha! But really Leonard, we're almost out of time - a few last questions."


    "Is it really true that NAF Secret Service along with the military jailed the Isolationists, the Canadian dissidents, and the Mexicans for the duration of the negotiations? And that duress was used to convince them to make such "voluntary" declarations of allegiance?"

    "I can't comment on that."

    "What about the rumours about Congressman Maranos? That when the Secret Service closed in on him he put a bullet through his own head?"

    "I can't comment on that."

    "They say his last words were "I thought I was doing what was right, but I've unleashed hell on my people. May God forgive me.""

    "That's a popular rumour but I can't confirm it. I'm just a historian."

    "With contacts to the Chancellor himself! Surely you know!"

    "Even if I did, I couldn't comment. But figure it out yourself. The Mexicans are now the strongest supporters of the NAF - perhaps there is truth to the rumour?"

    "What about the rumours about the Incan clone army?"

    "I can assure you that's being dealt with by NAF Military. We've got some tricks up our sleeves too. The clones won't be too much of a problem."

    "What kind of tricks?"

    "Well, I can't say - that would tip off the Incans."

    "What about rumours that the High Council is thinking of nationalizing a number of key industries curently owned by the Big Twelve?"

    "No comment."

    "They say that since the Big Twelve were more concerned with their profits than in helping with reconstruction after the civil war that Trent wants to take the bull by the horns."

    "No comment."

    'What about reports that nationalizing key industries and limiting the power of the Big Twelve as well as expropriating funds to finance reconstruction and detox of Panama are supported by 58% of the public, with 22% against and 20% undecided?"

    "This is far beyond the Celebration discussion I came here for. I have no further comment."

    "Oh fine! just as well - we're out of time for tonight! Join us tomorrow when we speak to internationally acclaimed Director Yuyu Hakusho about his latest film "Panama's Judgement"."


    NAF ends civil war.

    NAf wants to find some way of thanking and compensating UK and ULS for their timely help.

    NAF eliminates almost all traces of IIF in Central America. Detox crews working in Panama. Large quarter million strong force of ELITE troop, armour, and Mechwalkers are garrisoning the border with Incaland. Minefield laid. Spiderbots hunt Incan clone terrorists across the border.

    NAF pushes for restoration of UN and creation of IPF.

    NAF indicates interest in GAIAN MPP.

    NAF develops KillZone Tech - an electromagnetic bombardment that renders all life and electronics dead within the zone. It cannot be shielded against with current technology. It has an effect similar to curare poison which attacks the nervous system.

    NAF sends scientific mission to Pluto to determine veracity of rumours. Three science vessels - the Lise Meitner, the Ernst Rutherford, and the Robert Oppenheimer - are escorted by the Detachment C of the NAF Ninth Fleet (12 battlecruisers, 4 Galaxy class Carriers - each holding 220 Starfighters - 2 Overlord Class Cruisers, and 1 Fleet Command Ship.)
    The Fleet is there only to protect the science vessels as they conduct their research.


    NAF dominion and 100% security for continental North America.
    Play a key role in IPF and UN.
    Slow down space colonization race - who knows what horrors may be unleashed!
    Security zone to protect earth from all outside threats.
    End world poverty and world hunger.

    Current NAF Stats:

    Army: HUGE (70% on standby, 20% on alert, 10% active)
    Navy: HUGE (patrolling continental waters)
    Air Force: LARGE (60% alert, 40% active)
    Space Fleet: HUGE (and growing)
    Nukes: Several
    Interplanetary Nukes: (secret)

    All of continental North America
    2 supertiny NAF Moon Bases
    Orbital space above the continent

    Pact of Freedom: UK
    Non Aggression Pact: ULS, GDFR, Mars, Australia, Italy, Sweden (unless they attack the UK)
    Wars: Inca

    Pluto, Saturn, any other earth colonizations
    Genetic cure for radiation sickness

    Rebuild economy (1 yr)
    Rebuild Panama (3 yrs)
    Rebuild Labrynth (2 yrs)
    New NAF HQ in Toronto - a vast complex that is architecturally advanced and militarily impregnable. (2-6 yrs)
    Continental Missile Alert System (1 yr)
    Automated Interceptor System (3 yrs)
    Geosynchronous Orbital Construction Platform for accelerated Spaceship construction (2 yrs)
    Union of Canadian and American Space Stations to provide maintenance for existing HUGE fleet. (1 yr)


    OOC: Skilord, that was a cool section you wrote. I wasn't sure whether you'd drop the bomb or not but I guess that's why NES's are fun! Gotta adapt!
    Last edited by Captain; June 8, 2002, 23:53.
    Proud Citizen of the Civ 3 Demo Game
    Retired Justice of the Court, Staff member of the War Academy, Staff member of the Machiavelli Institute
    Join the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game! ~ Play the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game!
    Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.


    • The ULS calls for a complete end to Incan cloning and their other atrocities.
      Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


      • Originally posted by Crazy Bill
        Actually i found those minerals in the mountains (The Incans had all sorts weird minerals in their mountains there was a particular mineral from asteroids that they used in leiu of iron)

        so there :P
        OOC: It doesn't seem very realistic to me , but i'll take it, I have lots of idea in order to crush Sweden

        Raffaello enter the throne room after being called by Emperor Giovanni Del Vino. He didn't like the tone the Emperor spoke to him, and he was afraid that something bad was going to happen.

        "Did you call me sire?"

        "Yes, dear Raffaello"

        The Emperor paused for a few seconds, took a big breathe and continue: "I'm an old and sick man Raffaello, I can not keep up with all the diplomacy, wars and problemes of politic, being a world leader is like being a mouse surrounded by thousands of hungry cats, I think I'm gonna retire"

        "But Emperor" replied Raffaello "You cannot retire now, we are in the middle of a big war against Sweden, plus, you are only 130 years old, I do not understand why you want to leave your position"

        "Raffaello, you are my best advisor, and my best friend too, but you never met me when I was young and free: At that time I was a really simple boy, I loved nature, I loved the arts and most of all i loved girls, all I wanted to do was to marry a nice girl, find a nice job and have lots of children... and now... look at me! None of my desire became true, I married a woman only because of 'state reason', I have two children, but i see them once a year... for Christmas, and most of all, Raffaello, I'm not happy"

        "But... but Emperor... who will lead this country? Who will bring prosperity and wealth for the Italian people? Who will be able to achieve what you achieved?"

        "You will Raffaello, you are a very bright man, and you are the only one I know that could possibly bring to our glorious Empire peace and prosperity"

        "Me?... Oh No sire... not me, I will never accept this... what your son will ever think of this"

        "My son is a stupid megalomaniac man... Do you know the ancient Roman empire? Well the Emperor was generally a man chosen by the old emperor for their merit... the few times that the son of an emperor took the leadership of the country, thousands of civilians suffered and the emperor was later assasinated"

        "But sire...."

        "There is no but.... I, Emperor Giovanni Del Vino, abdicate from my position of Emperor of the New Italian Empire and its colonies, and proclaim as my heird Raffaello Fantini Count of Urbino... good luck my friend"

        Raffaello couldn't say a world, as the old emperor gave him the crown, went down on his knee and wolked away from the room. He would have never thought that he, a count son of a decadent family from Urbino, would have ever managed to be Emperor of the New Italian Empire.

        As Giovanni Del Vino walked away from the palace, the guards saluted him, he took his and went home, for the first time in 10 years he went home, with the purpouse of never leaving it again.
        The next day he died, but he died as an happy man.

        In short
        Emperor Giovanni Del Vino abicate
        Raffaello is proclaimed new Emperor
        Donatello is elected new Domestic Advisor in place of Raffaello

        New Venezia -Italian Venus-
        The colonization of Venus by Italy is now completed, many cities have been founded and the Italian capital of Venus is centered on New Venezia.
        A giant International Spaceport is started to be built in New Livorno: the project will be done in 4 years

        "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
        The trick is the doing something else."
        — Leonardo da Vinci
        "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
        "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


        • Mimo refuses the outrageous demands.

          Project Freakshow (secret): ETA: 1 Year

          Project Metallic Freakshow (secret): ETA: 3 Years

          "When we are done you will wish that you had never attacked us" The PM reportedly said about the growing amounts of Biological weapons in Incan stores.

          Current Incan Stats:

          Army: HUGE
          Navy: HUGE
          Air Force: Small
          Space Fleet: HUGE
          Nukes and Biological weapons: Many
          Interplanetary Nukes: 3

          All of continental South America
          Neo Incaland Space Station: Mars Orbit


          • No-One has ever attacked Incaland. maybe the PM is confused.
            Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


            • Several Comet fighters patrolled the air over the huge jungle. suddenly a smoke trail came from the ground.
              "Fox, this is Albatross it seems that we have company, rocket on your tail." came over the pilot's radio.
              "Roger that, evading."with that he turned on his scrambler and pulled his highly manuverable ship into a corkscrew, effectively sending the rocket on it's way. It was so easy he thought, turning his scrambler off, how could these Incans survive with such simplistic AA defences, only one rocket?

              he was wrong there were three

              But he never saw the second or third, he would have seen the stealth rockets if it weren't for the first, highly conspicuous one. He managed to eject as the charred remains of his beloved vessel fell to the canopy, where Incan engineers lay waiting, watching, anticipating the ships fall. an upgrade to the Jaguar was due.

              "We the people, and their elected officials of the United Lunar States demand our Pilot and AeroSpace Fighter returned."
              Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


              • To: Incaland
                From: Sweden-Jupiter
                As we are in a war we are loosing we will gladly agree on a mpp. Please help us against Italy and Australia.

                [ooc: I thought skilord decided outcomes of battles! If you read my posts you see I have a medium space navy as I am a big space navy arms developer!]


                • Incaland

                  Clone Armies have landed in Italy! they consist of 3 divisions:

                  Clone Infantry: 2 Million, live off the land.
                  Clone Produced/Driven Tanks: 5 thousand, rations.
                  Abominations: 500 (Appear to be rancor (Star Wars) creatures only man sized, Genetically engineered + obedient) live off land.

                  they will destroy everything they get their hands on. they are moving towords Naples.

                  A huge EMP bomb was detonated in Sydney, destroying it's electronics capability.

                  An IPBM hit Mars, the American Colonies as our remaining 3 million clones and 1 million Abominations push up central america, although of them 1 million clones landed in Florida.

                  We are attacking the ULS again! we have destroyed two domes and toxified another with Biological warfare.

                  Poison Gas is being used in central america.

                  A new, bioengineered virus, is breaking out in LA.


                  • The ULS has ended it's neutrality (big surprise) and declared war on sweden. Surgical strikes are being performed in Incaland and Swedish Antarctica.The ULS is sending as many Comets as it can muster to strafe the Incans and their advances against the NAF.
                    The Achilles i Space Station is also opening fire and a trio of InterPlanetary Missiles (non Nuclear) have been sent to visit the incan space station. A ULS BattleShip is escorting them.

                    ULS Battle Ships are also backing up Russia against the swedes.

                    To NAF
                    How will we deal with the genetic horrors that the incans are releasing?
                    Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                    • The SpiderBots are landing in Italy to help the defenders
                      Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                      • [SIZE=1]
                        To NAF
                        How will we deal with the genetic horrors that the incans are releasing?
                        Well, you and the NAF can do as you please, but Australia will NOT sit idly by as Italians and Aussies die.

                        Italy -- Secret: Welcome Emperor Rafello! We have decided to use Nuclear weapons against our enemies!We urge all Italian soldiers to leave the vicinities of [i]La Paz[/] and Santiago as well as all of Sweden. Project "sparkler" has begun, and these are our first targets. We are also building up our nuclear arsenal.


                        Australia pulls out of Sweden and leaves for the Aussie coast. The Swedes are surely cautious of this maneuver, but they have been given information that the troops are being used to fight in Incaland.

                        Part of the Australian space navy pulls out of the attack on Io, in order to defend Phobos.

                        President Hetkins urges all other nations to get involved in this war. "Together we can end this war with few casualties and very quickly, please help us destroy these threats to our sovereignty and our peoples both here and abroad."


                        • If we use nuclear weapns we are no better than the Incans
                          Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                          • Originally posted by SKILORD
                            If we use nuclear weapns we are no better than the Incans
                            ooc: that was secret btw


                            • OOC: Sorry folks, but i'm gonna have to call it quits. I'm going on a trip fairly soon and I can't stand this whole un-modded stuff anymore. Was fun while it lasted.
                              "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung

