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The Hidden Dagger

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  • The Hidden Dagger

    Caesar marched into the Senate, fashionably late as usual.

    The four Governors of Rome were there, two of whom were also his General of the Army and his Admiral of the Fleet.

    Maximus, Governor of Gaul and General of the Army bowed to the Consul and Governor of Rome as he entered. Octavius, Admiral of the Fleet and Governor of Britannia also bowed. Marc Anthony, known for his hatred of Caesar due to them both loving Cleopatra of Egypt, the colony he was Governor of, remained seated and ignored him.

    Pompey, Governor of Iberia and according to Caesar's agents plotting against the Consul, just nodded in his direction.

    Why can't I have sole power? Caesar asked himself. As Consul, he was the ruler of Rome, but he had to have the backing of his Senate in most things.

    Because they have enough men between them to unseat me, he answered his own question. Each Governor, including Caesar had a legion made up of men solely loyal to him, and in Octavius's case, he had made sure the Fleet was as well to prevent the other Governors trying to use it against Caesar. He had done that with the blessing of the Consul.

    Those five legions made up Rome's army. It was 1900, and Rome had had a much larger army at one time, but then it defeated the barbarians which threatened the nation. The Germanic tribes were still a problem; Rome had tried to occupy Germany but had been forced out by resistance.

    Each legion stayed with their leader, and for Octavius's they were lucky it was so, or they would have been butchered by the Britannic rebels.

    "I say we lead the entire army over there and destroy them!" Maximus spoke first.

    "I agree." an angry Octavius growled.

    "But what about the Germans?" as usual, Marc Anthony was chickening out.

    "They are still reeling from Maximus's victory over them last year. If they try anything, then on our way back to Rome Maximus can raze every single one of their villages to the ground." Caesar stated.

    Pompey just nodded, his mind considering the possibilities.


    "They are sending the entire army to destroy you." the traitor spoke by phone to Britannia's leader, Prince Harold.

    "Hmm, but we will have some surprises for them, father." Harold spoke quietly to the Governor on the other end.


    Just a quick opening! This story won't be as long as my others, but I hope it will be good! Comments appreciated!

    Oh, and just shows how backstabbing Romans can be!

    Chris AKA Nemesis
    Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."

  • #2
    great start! maybe add a few more details please.


    • #3
      You'll get more details in later ones , this one's just to introduce the characters.

      And if you mean more detail on the traitor, then you'll have to wait for a while!

      Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."


      • #4
        ok thanks.


        • #5
          niice teaser!


          • #6
            BUMP!! Due to the fact that I will post the next bit tonight or tomorrow(got GCSE revision to do tonight, so might not have time).

            Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."


            • #7
              bump. cause i want you to write soon


              • #8
                Maximus, Octavius and Marc Anthony led their legions towards Calais, the Gaul port from which they were to board the ships to cross the Caesar's Channel, as the vain Consul had named it.

                Caesar had stayed behind for a little while longer, to let Pompey reach his legion and send them north, so Caesar could be behind him, and stop Pompey leading his legion south behind all of the others to Rome and declaring himself Consul.

                It may have sounded ridiculous, but Caesar knew that was how he had come to power himself - leading his legion into Rome, and then defeating those that came to remove him.

                Now Pompey was clear of Iberia, but not heading north. He was heading towards Rome, despite Caesar and his legion still being there.

                Caesar had realised that Pompey meant to kill him in battle and grab his title, so he sent a message to Maximus and the others.

                But they would be too late. Caesar prepared for yet another battle against Romans. He seemed to fight those more than foreigners.


                Shells pounded the city, and finally Pompey gave the order to attack once more. His infantry rushed towards the city, firing their rifles, then stopping to reload behind debris.

                Finally the breakthrough was coming. Caesar's troops were giving way.

                Pompey rushed in behind his troops, until he could see the Palace of Rome, with Caesar himself at the top of the steps.

                Pompey and Caesar saw each other through the smoke and fog of battle, and rushed towards each other.

                Pompey drew his sword, and the Consul drew his.

                Pompey's troops were beginning to defeat Caesar's parade-ground legion, and now he could sense the victory that would make him the ruler.

                Caesar drew his own sword, and blocked Pompey's thrust. The two struggled for ten minutes, before Caesar tripped on a step.

                He fell backwards, his sword dropping from his hand.

                Pompey moved forwards to kill the Consul. He could already taste the power.


                Maximus charged into the city at the head of the three legions. Octavius and Marc Anthony flanked him.

                He and Octavius knew to keep an eye on Marc, incase he make his own bid for power. They knew he wasn't to be trusted.

                But now they ran into the back of Pompey's troops, at the Palace of Rome.

                Pompey, about to kill Caesar, was distracted by the noise and commotion. He turned slightly to see what it was.

                It was his downfall. Caesar swept out his leg, sending Pompey tumbling down the steps.

                Pompey's troops were running, and now Caesar's men fell with vengeance upon the fallen rebel, tearing Pompey apart.

                Julius Caesar tasted the blood on his lip. That one had been too close.


                Another quick bit! This one won't be long at all, probably only two or three more additions!

                Comments appreciated!

                Chris AKA Nemesis
                Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."


                • #9
                  good! Goes a bit fast, but nice!


                  • #10
                    Octavius kept his legion on board his ships as marines. Caesar led his rebuilt legion ashore, supported by Marc Anthony, and Maximus.

                    The rebel army was a few miles inshore, ready to meet them. They had not contested the beach landing, knowing the power of Octavius's dreadnoughts.

                    The landing was spread out to prevent the Britannic rebels using hidden machine gun posts to massacre the Romans.

                    But there was none.

                    Caesar glanced around nervously. He had become increasingly paranoid since Pompey's betrayal.

                    ************************************************** *

                    The traitor aimed towards the Romans, then gave the order to fire. He knew his troops were completely loyal to him.

                    ************************************************** *

                    Caesar saw Marc Anthony running towards him.

                    The traitor! he thought quickly. Caesar drew his pistol, and fired once.

                    Marc Anthony fell to the ground, his brains splattered across the beach.

                    ************************************************** *

                    The dreadnoughts opened fire. The shells landed among Caesar's troops on the beach, who began to dive for cover.

                    Another traitor! They're all against me! thought Caesar. Then he realised that with Octavius controlling the seas, he had no way of getting back to Rome.

                    He tricked me! the Consul cursed.

                    Then the battleships ceased fire, and Caesar poked his head up out of his hole, his weapons laying forgotten near him.

                    He rushed out from his foxhole as he saw the rebels running towards the beach, overwhelming his legion.

                    He ran towards Maximus's command post, which was situated in a gorge, protected from the shelling. Maximus had always been wise enough to consider all possibilities, he reflected.

                    He found Maximus's legion under attack from Marc Anthony's. Caesar skirted Marc's rogue legion, then rushed towards Maximus.

                    Maximus didn't need telling, he already knew what had happened at the beach by the look in Caesar's eyes. For once the Consul didn't have control, and it was driving him to the edge.

                    Marc Antony's legion began to crumble, and the two leaders soon saw why. The rebels were attacking their rear.

                    Maximus took off his shirt, and put it on a stick, and began to wave it as he and Caesar walked towards the rebels.

                    Caesar understood what Maximus was doing. The rebels could be granted independence by the Consul, and then he and Maximus could plan how to get back to Rome.

                    "Good day." the well-educated rebel leader spoke.

                    Caesar thought he recognised him, but shrugged it off, realising it was probably from the secret service pictures.

                    "Good day, son." Maximus smiled.

                    Son?! Caesar's mind whirled.

                    "Yes, son." Maximus repeated, aiming his pistol at the Consul. "You see, Marc Anthony managed to catch me sending the signal to Octavius to open fire. He got his legion to attack me while he went to warn you so you could escape with your legion. Luckily for us, you were too paranoid to listen to him."

                    Caesar looked at the ground, realising his stupidity. "So who will get Rome?" he asked, knowing it was useless to continue fighting while surrounded by thousands of enemy troops.

                    "Octavius gets Rome, I get Britannia. My homeland." Maximus sighed with happiness at finally being home.

                    Caesar reflected that the throne of Rome would claim many more lives in the next millennium, as it had for the last as his thoughts were ended by a bullet.

                    ************************************************** *

                    Octavius climbed the steps to the Palace, his coronation cloak dragging behind him. He was now the Consul, sole ruler of Rome.

                    By sharing power, him and Maximus had outfoxed the others, even goading Pompey into rebellion by saying that they would help him.

                    Now Maximus had his own kingdom, his homeland, and Octavius ruled the Roman Empire.

                    The people cheered. They always did for a new leader, knowing that an angry leader might turn on the people, resulting in a massacre.

                    Octavius briefly waved to the crowd, then went inside. He had an invasion of Britannia to plan.

                    After all, friends were friends.

                    But power was power.


                    Sorry guys, I know this one was crap and short, but it wasn't supposed to be another big story, just a little tale.

                    Comments appreciated!

                    Oh, and I will be back to writing big stories soon, my GCSEs should be finished soon(I've been writing this one when I'm supposed to be revising!).

                    Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."


                    • #11
                      very good. dont give this one up


                      • #12
                        reverse psycology

                        very bad, definitely give this one up
                        First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
                        Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


                        • #13
                          That's the end? Well, once you finish the GCSEs write a sequel


                          • #14
                            I might after my next story, but it's not likely. I will post tonight the first chapter of my new story, but progress on it will be slow due to my GCSEs still going on.

                            Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."


                            • #15
                              I personally like it. Some paranoid bloke to stupid to listento his salvation Plus all the evil plots.

