Caesar marched into the Senate, fashionably late as usual.
The four Governors of Rome were there, two of whom were also his General of the Army and his Admiral of the Fleet.
Maximus, Governor of Gaul and General of the Army bowed to the Consul and Governor of Rome as he entered. Octavius, Admiral of the Fleet and Governor of Britannia also bowed. Marc Anthony, known for his hatred of Caesar due to them both loving Cleopatra of Egypt, the colony he was Governor of, remained seated and ignored him.
Pompey, Governor of Iberia and according to Caesar's agents plotting against the Consul, just nodded in his direction.
Why can't I have sole power? Caesar asked himself. As Consul, he was the ruler of Rome, but he had to have the backing of his Senate in most things.
Because they have enough men between them to unseat me, he answered his own question. Each Governor, including Caesar had a legion made up of men solely loyal to him, and in Octavius's case, he had made sure the Fleet was as well to prevent the other Governors trying to use it against Caesar. He had done that with the blessing of the Consul.
Those five legions made up Rome's army. It was 1900, and Rome had had a much larger army at one time, but then it defeated the barbarians which threatened the nation. The Germanic tribes were still a problem; Rome had tried to occupy Germany but had been forced out by resistance.
Each legion stayed with their leader, and for Octavius's they were lucky it was so, or they would have been butchered by the Britannic rebels.
"I say we lead the entire army over there and destroy them!" Maximus spoke first.
"I agree." an angry Octavius growled.
"But what about the Germans?" as usual, Marc Anthony was chickening out.
"They are still reeling from Maximus's victory over them last year. If they try anything, then on our way back to Rome Maximus can raze every single one of their villages to the ground." Caesar stated.
Pompey just nodded, his mind considering the possibilities.
"They are sending the entire army to destroy you." the traitor spoke by phone to Britannia's leader, Prince Harold.
"Hmm, but we will have some surprises for them, father." Harold spoke quietly to the Governor on the other end.
Just a quick opening! This story won't be as long as my others, but I hope it will be good! Comments appreciated!
Oh, and just shows how backstabbing Romans can be!
Chris AKA Nemesis
The four Governors of Rome were there, two of whom were also his General of the Army and his Admiral of the Fleet.
Maximus, Governor of Gaul and General of the Army bowed to the Consul and Governor of Rome as he entered. Octavius, Admiral of the Fleet and Governor of Britannia also bowed. Marc Anthony, known for his hatred of Caesar due to them both loving Cleopatra of Egypt, the colony he was Governor of, remained seated and ignored him.
Pompey, Governor of Iberia and according to Caesar's agents plotting against the Consul, just nodded in his direction.
Why can't I have sole power? Caesar asked himself. As Consul, he was the ruler of Rome, but he had to have the backing of his Senate in most things.
Because they have enough men between them to unseat me, he answered his own question. Each Governor, including Caesar had a legion made up of men solely loyal to him, and in Octavius's case, he had made sure the Fleet was as well to prevent the other Governors trying to use it against Caesar. He had done that with the blessing of the Consul.
Those five legions made up Rome's army. It was 1900, and Rome had had a much larger army at one time, but then it defeated the barbarians which threatened the nation. The Germanic tribes were still a problem; Rome had tried to occupy Germany but had been forced out by resistance.
Each legion stayed with their leader, and for Octavius's they were lucky it was so, or they would have been butchered by the Britannic rebels.
"I say we lead the entire army over there and destroy them!" Maximus spoke first.
"I agree." an angry Octavius growled.
"But what about the Germans?" as usual, Marc Anthony was chickening out.
"They are still reeling from Maximus's victory over them last year. If they try anything, then on our way back to Rome Maximus can raze every single one of their villages to the ground." Caesar stated.
Pompey just nodded, his mind considering the possibilities.
"They are sending the entire army to destroy you." the traitor spoke by phone to Britannia's leader, Prince Harold.
"Hmm, but we will have some surprises for them, father." Harold spoke quietly to the Governor on the other end.
Just a quick opening! This story won't be as long as my others, but I hope it will be good! Comments appreciated!
Oh, and just shows how backstabbing Romans can be!
Chris AKA Nemesis