zip file is corrupted...that happens when you try to upload a zip containing nothing but jpegs. Make it a gif and try putting it up again
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Never Ending STORY
The Canadian gov. has elected Mr.Judson as there new priminister and has annouced that Canada is setting up posts to help keep peace in the on going war between Russia=R and Russia=C.I'm Super Crazy
My song
I Love Nukes You hate Nukes well thats your problem because I like Nukes!!! and for no good reason I will NUKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you guys wanna play, go ahead. but im not starting if no one else shows interest. If metaliturtle is starting a nes (which he said he will do), this one will most likley die quickly. (i might not be able to post for a while cause the damn spyware shut down my iternet.